The management of the 21st Wear Company consists of individuals with abundant skills, knowledge and experience in the long-term production of sportswear. The main concentration of this company is on customers and its labor force. As a result, the company endeavors to provide high quality products to all market segments. Also, the company puts more effort in the creation of a conducive working environment to its workforce to enable them utilize their full potentials in increasing the overall productivity of the company.

The company comprises of the president who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. Additionally, the company comprises of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and three directors who report directly to the President/CEO of the organization. The company has employed 5 regional sales managers who report directly to the Director of Business Development. Additionally, the company has employed 2 employees staffing in the Customer support desk, one the Human resources manager, and one the Procurement manager. These employees report to the Director of operations.

Functional Organization Structure

Management Team

The management team of the 21st Wear Company comprises of the President who is also the CEO (Chief executive officer), CFO (Chief finance officer), and four directors:

President and Chief Executive Officer

He holds an MBA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Strategic management from the Oxford University. He has been in the Sportswear industry for over 10 years. His main expertise ranges from the Product design, Product development and Strategic management. Previously, he was a national wide manager with Roca sportswear Ltd, which is a multinational business organization that provides the sportswear and designs the latest sportswear that fits different individuals in all sports.

At Roca sportswear Ltd, he was instrumental in incorporating modern technology in improving the performance of Roca sportswear Ltd. Introduction of the new technology in the company, such as creation of the Roca sportswear Ltd Website, led to the increase in the company productivity, improved the customer care and efficiency in the execution of tasks by its employees. Also, it helped the company to increase its market share and remain competitive, both in domestic and international market.

Moreover, he held the position of the regional sales manager of AllSport, Inc., a leading provider of sportswear and sport tools. During his time in this company, he introduced the use of the social networks such as Facebook and Twitter in marketing its product. This initiative enabled AllSport, Inc., to increase its sales volume, making it highly profitable and competitive in both local and international markets.

Chief Financial Officer

The Chief Financial Officer Holds a Master’s Degree in Financial Management from the Michigan University and has been in the financial and sportswear businesses for over five years.

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He is currently a regional finance officer of the Fashion wear Inc., which is the 3rd largest provider of clothes and footwear. Furthermore, he serves as an accountant with other firms in the textile industry.

Director of Product Development

The Director of Product Development is a holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design from the Massachusetts College and has worked in the textile industry for over 10 years. In all the textile companies he has worked with, his key responsibilities included designing and development of different clothes and footwear. He has worked in companies like Intex textiles Ltd, Rocket Wear Ltd, among others.

Director of Business Development

The Director of Business Development holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Chicago University. He has been working as a national manager in Deacons Sportswear Company for more than 5 years. He is recognized for expansion of the Deacons sportswear company from a small firm to the national wide company.

Limitations of Functional Structure

The organization structure adopted by the 21st company is functional organization structure (J. Murphy, 2010). The limitations of this structure include:

  1. Poor communication and coordination across the various functions in the organization.
  2. Many decisions get referred upward in the hierarchy.
  3. There is failure to communicate and extend the support across various departments in the organization. This results in slow decision making, since the problems must be referred to the hierarchy of the organization structure for resolution (Michael A. Hitt, 2010).
  4. Major disadvantages may occur, if functional departments’ members become overspecialized, have narrow view points, become self-centered and loose the entire system perspective.

Functional organization structure enables the organization to attain economies of the scale, if all resources get used efficiently (Charles Hill, 2009). The 21st wear company can realize an outstanding growth due to economies of the scale. This is because economies of scale result in  an increase in production, as the cost of production fall, if all resources are used adequately. This can enable the company realize a substantial growth.

This organization structure promotes specialization and makes individuals gain more expertise in their jobs. This leads to the efficiency and effectiveness in the operations of the organizations. Eventually, this enables the company to enhance its performance, increase productivity and profit margins. In the long-run, the companies grow and expand. Additionally, functional organization structure creates room for the developing functional skills and competencies. This enables employees to be more effective in the execution of tasks. This translates to the overall productivity of the organization, which in turn facilitates the growth of the organization.

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