MBA Application Essay

I chose MBA program at UC Irvine not by chance. I decided to apply to this particular institution because I am persuaded that I will be able to contribute my experience, knowledge, and the proficiency in the field of Business Management and Administration to the MBA Community at UC Irvine.

Below are the reasons that explain why I am going to become an integral and valuable part of this community. First, I know how to set very high targets and, what is more important I know how to achieve them. I am not a dreamer, I am a person who concentrates on real matters and builds a concrete and definite plan on how to reach the desired goals.

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Constant progress evaluation is one of my strongest individual characteristics. Second, although I live, study, and work keeping reality in my mind, I choose those objectives that are extremely difficult to accomplish.

It helps me to be always on my alert (both physical and metal). Moreover, such targets serve as the constant reminder that I have to constantly exceed my own expectations in order to achieve the set goals and targets.

MBA Application Essay Summary

Third, I do not believe in the omnipotence of money or career. Instead, I believe in people, relationships, and trust. I am strongly persuaded that only a cleverly formed combination of academic knowledge, business skills, and positive (trustworthy) attitude towards people will result in the success for me.

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