Doctor and nurse profession is guided by professional ethics which should be strictly followed. There are legal implications that can lead to jail terms or disqualified from practicing the same profession. Prescribing medicine to patients for example should be correct and there should be no abuse whatsoever. Doctors and are responsible for their employer as well as the patients therefore they have double role that can cause ethical conflict.

Some circumstances deter a doctor to give out some medicines while others allow. It is not quiet well that the boundary is drawn. The result is risk to the medical professionals and sometimes they fear giving drugs that can implicate them in a court of law. A patient may be given a certain drug for a long time, which is wrong as the law states that it is an abuse of a drug. On the other hand, clinician may be in dilemma in giving heterogeneous drugs. Heterogeneous drugs are given to avoid addiction the body from developing an immune. One can be prosecuted for misuse of drugs on giving different drugs to one person. Long term use of drugs like benzodiazepines is experienced from people with chronic illness. It would be unethical to deny them these drugs on the medical legal implication ground since it is inhuman. Most of these treatments bring into consensus the legal implication and the ethics.

Another major ethical value in the eyes of the clinicians is the internal conflicts between the professionals. One supporting giving out drugs while others denying. The conflict results from misunderstanding of the use of drug may result in work crisis. The term addiction has brought unnecessary difference between these professionals. Legal and Ethical implication begin when one is on crisis in management patients. In the management in patients for example nursing is a tough job that can temp someone to forego his or her professional ethics. Pressure of work increases with limited time to have social activities to operate a family becomes a matter of concern. On the professional field, one can face prosecution for negligence of duties.

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Some circumstances like prescribing sanctioned drugs may convince a doctor to otherwise compromise their profession by defending a move that could incriminate them. For example prescribing addictive drugs to a patient for a long time, a patient might die leading the matter to court. Careful consideration is required in order to make correct and non incriminating decisions. A prescription that can tamper with the performance of driver or any other person is working in a place that might be risk to other people or his health should be done in a week before the person resumes his duties. Failure to do so will be considered ignorance at work.

Nurses should be guided by ethics while performing their duties and while supervising patients by making sure no one takes advantage of patients or patients collapsing in their absence. Any violation of these ethics can lead to prosecution depending on the type of mistakes that arose. Most problems are taken to administrative professional bodies like drug abuse board. They have set rules that govern the profession, Doctors and nurses are not allowed to prescribe drugs to their families. Professional duties should be handled with great care and almost truth. Decision making should come from medical ethics and no violation of prescribed laws whatsoever. A good medical doctor or nurse will practice work ethics all the time.

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