Identifying the need for the project

Public relations

  • Create a budget for public relations costs.
  • Create awareness of the project among the people to make sure that it is well received.
  • Research into the key stakeholders of the project.
  • Look into the key reasons why that specific area is prone to cholera infections.


Financial area 

Approach various stakeholders for funding such as the CDC, senator for Miami and governor of California.


Fixed costs-


Salaries for the project team

Recurrent costs

Wages &overheads


Awareness campaigns on the local media.

Marketing costs


put out tenders for supply of raw materials.

Go  through the applicants and select the cheapest available with the best quality.

Reply and make the orders



Administration –will be done by Project executive manager

Design a proper governance structure

Project structure

  1. organizational level-conflict resolution.
  • listening to different points of view
  • discussing the best decision.
  • choosing the best decision under the project manager’s control.


  1. procedure level
  • accounting
  • purchasing and supplying
  • editing
  • publishing
  1. final/editing level.

ü  Project designing-project designer

ü  Developing project-Project developer

ü  Editing project-Project editor

Field work

Identifying the worst hit areas of the Miami slum population. In these areas conduct door to door campaigns.

Circulating published works on the need of washing hands after visiting the toilet.

Working hand in hand with the local administration in eliminating causes of cholera such as poor drainage systems inadequate waste disposal.


materials that are likely to run out in the course of the project should be replenished


ensure proper storage facilities are available for the products

Monitoring and evaluation

Conduct reviews as outlined in the project to monitor the progress of the project and make corrections where needed.

Evaluate the usefulness of the project in achieving the outlined objectives






Working with raw materials-research on the available suppliers of the raw materials.

Approach various sponsors to assist financially.

Finalise on the paperwork such as contracts opening bank accounts       

Purchasing and procurement

contact the relevant suppliers on the purchase of raw materials.



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                                                           CLOSING OUT PHASE

Ensure the sustainability of the activities and ideas that were as a result of the project, that is the intended population that stood to benefit from the project continues to do so post project.

Conduct a review to ensure that the objectives outlined were achieved through the data analysis and use of statistical tools such as the z-score.

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