Job satisfaction by definition is a description of the level of the level of contentment an individual has relating to his or her own job. The so called happier people are those believed to be satisfied with their jobs. There is a direct relationship between motivation and job satisfaction though they do not have a direct linkage .the way the job is designed is supposed to have a direct influence on the level of employee satisfaction which is in turn related to the level of employee performance (Fried& Ferris, 2007).There are several methods used in job design for employees. The major ones include: proper and fair job rotation, planned job expansion and enrichment as well as empowering the employees in all aspects of their duties and responsibilities. The level of job satisfaction among employees is one of the most aspects that have to be gauged and well understood by a good manager as a reflection of his or her commitment in understanding the interests and the general welfare of the employee which in turn has a great influence on employee’s performance. One of the most common and reliable methods is by use of the scales where the employees are rated on a scale and scored as well as a method of ascertaining this. In this rating or scaling method of measurement, the employees are expected to report or record their views pertaining their feeling on the job.    Questions are administered in the form of questionnaires where the employees are assessed on issues pertaining to the nature of their pay, other responsibilities related to work, any available promotional advantages as well as their relationship with fellow co- workers. The questions may be in the form of “yes” “no” format or the scoring may be done on varied scale which may range from 1 to 6 where 1 may mean dissatisfaction and 6 may refer to high level of job satisfaction.

According to a related research conducted in Malaysia by Chong Kwai and Edward Yong that related distributive justice and job satisfaction, it clearly pointed out that both procedural and distributive justice have a strong and direct influence on job satisfaction. It pointed out clearly that if employees’ level of perception of fairness to the approaches used to ascertain fairness in an organization as well as receipt of distributive justice will have a direct translation on the employee’s job satisfaction. It is believed that companies that emphasize fairness in job allocation and in employee job satisfaction are never faced with the challenges of high employee turn over. It is argued that the employees will feel they are part of the organization and in most cases will identify with it. The idea is that those organizations that adopt a better approach to understand their employee’s perception on distributive justice often provide a good and friendly working environment can eventually benefits the organization in its pursuit of goals and objectives (Fried& Ferris, 2007). Various managers and business organizations must therefore pay special and particular attention and take the interest of employees when formulating those policies that are related to all forms of justice as well as measures that ensure job satisfaction in an organization. It is through these policies that the barriers will be eliminated and the highly desired level of productivity achieved. This therefore calls for organizations to train their managers on the relevance of distributive justice and employee motivation in an organization as a way of maximizing employee productivity in their organizations for the benefit of that particular organization or company.

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With the evolving current trend in technology and competition globally, organizations have to adopt ways and means of maximizing profits to enable them survive in the business. One of the most common ways is by ensuring that their employees are well motivated and at the same time satisfied with their job. One of the ways of doing this is by rewarding the employees with what is known to directly motivate them an impact on their level of job performance. (Fried& Ferris, 2007).Employees who are committed in their job duties have higher chances of even working extra hours what is commonly referred to as overtime compared to those who are not totally committed. For those employees who are committed in their duties, “time moves so fast” whereas for those whop are bored with their work, “time drags”. One important thing to note is that high wages given to employees does not necessarily translate to job satisfaction but it has a direct influence on job satisfaction as well as motivation. Employees who are really committed in their jobs remained in that organization for longer hours that those not committed. They have the capacity to even resist better job opportunities from other companies who may at times be competitors to that particular company or organization. Non committed employees spent most of their time browsing for job opportunities and other vacancies on the internet rather than focus on his or her own duties. They are always full of excuses and constantly engage on idle talks (Weiss, 1999). Those companies that labor to retain their employees reduce their expenditures because the costs associated with training new recruits in the organization are minimized at all costs. More recent studies have indicated that the rate of employee turn over in companies lies in the hands of the managers simply because they are the ones trusted fully with the key of ensuring employee’s job satisfaction through their own personal incentives as well as those of the organization(Lee, 2000). The manager can do this in several ways depending on the nature of the job as well as that of his employees. Some of these ways may include: personal recognitions, ensuring fairness in allocation of incentives and work, ensuring a two way method of communication as a way of maintaining good interpersonal relations within the organization. Employees are regarded as major assets in organizations and their high turnovers therefore may have a negative influence on the realization of the company’s goal of maximizing profits (Fried& Ferris, 2007). It is important to note further that high employee turn over can dent the good image of the company that may eventually negatively influence the purchasing power of the consumers to those products and services related to that company hence the need for job satisfaction among employees. This is so to say that high employee retention is key in the achievement and the realization of the organization’s future or long term growth. Yet another point to note is that retention of best employees in the organization is one way of ensuring and luring the probable investors as they would reflect the employee retention rate and their investment rate more especially if such companies are doing well in the business. It can therefore be concluded without any doubts that poorly managed employee turn over can destabilize the company which eventually could lead to damage of the country’s national economy. The answer therefore to good economy given all other factors kept constant is employee job satisfaction (Weiss, 1999).

It is only in the recent years that employees have recognized and appreciated the link between distributive justice and the effectiveness of running companies and organizations. Tang found a direct relationship between distributive justice and job satisfaction through the rewards and the payments offered to the employees in the form of wages and salaries. According to Meyer and Smith, training of the managers is one way of ensuring that the employees receive fair and just treatment (Abraham, 2009).  According to a research that was conducted in several parts of Asia to determine if distributive justice could act as a predictor of employee job satisfaction, it was pointed out that distributive justice is one of the major indicators of the level of commitment of the employees to the organization. In the same study conducted by Tang, he pointed out the need for the managers to timely and effectively communicates relevant information to the employees as one major step in ensuring employee’s commitment to organizations. It is indicated that by applying the rule of fairness, employees will be rewarded according to their achievements and contributions to the organization void of bias and discrimination. This is regarded as yet another major step in ensuring employee’s satisfaction through justice. It is for this reason therefore that managers need to understand their employees very well so that they can appreciate their good intention to the organization and communicate the most reliable information in the most effective way possible so that they can win the employees on the side of the organization for its good productivity as well as economic establishment (Lee, 2000).

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