The article, Gender and Nation by Nira Yuval-Davis has different perspectives. However, the article focuses significantly on women, and that is where what is problematic, becomes known. The issue concerning women's rights in any state depicts several problems, as it becomes clear how they are denied several things. At times, although they have access to some of their rights, we realize that it is limited to some extent. This paper explicates what is problematic concerning women and their rights, in relation to the nation.
Women citizenship is problematic. The term seems deceptive in comparison to women, as the article depicts that individuals belonging to a minority group, like the women, end up not identified by the state. In this case, there is women's exclusion in the private domain and the state. Secondly, women's citizenship is an issue of concern. In most cases, they end losing their citizenship status when they get married to a foreign country. The termination of women's citizenship is problematic. The termination of their citizenship also occurs when they move to another country for work.
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Thirdly, the legislation also raises a significant problem for the women. It does so by conferring different retirement ages to them and men. In addition, the women are not allowed to participate in some activities such as voting or being elected to a certain public office. Group voice in relation to women also seems problematic. This is because some groups claiming to speak for the collective rights of women misinterpret the needs of individual women. This is evident in matters like the veiling of the Muslim women, and Christian Fundamentalists on the abortion issue.
In conclusion, matters concerning the women seem to appear more problematic in the article on Gender and Nation. Some of these issues include limitations by the legislation, exclusion of women in some issues and the matter of citizenship.