Marist College North Shore is a catholic Boy's secondary School in the Marist tradition. The mission of the school is to enhance complete, quality education in the Marist community that was established on the basis of catholic values that is responsible in nourishing boys for the adult life of commitment a and responsibility. The school's vision follows the words of Jesus "I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10), they are the college's mission foundation (Marist College North Shore, 2005). Despite the fact that the college provides education, creates culture and promotes values, it also hopes to develop comprehensive, richer life in each student.

The college considers an education that is complete, wide-ranging, cognizant of the specific needs of the boys, relevant and contemporary that is not exclusive or inclusive. The school considers the culture of the school that is caring for each student who are well known and faith-filled where they also promote the spiritual measurements of life. These spiritual dimensions are well valued, expressed and sheered in St. Mercellin Chamgnat spirit in order to be in a real heritage and tradition. The ultimate objective of the college is to promote the worth that reproduces its vision that in turn contributes it fulfill its mission. It also encourages, faith, family, respect, learning and endeavors (Budd, Gollan, & Wilkinson, 2010).

The values of the college are put into six categories; courage, endeavor, faith, family, learning and respect. The motto of the school is 'courage conquers all', it is the guiding principle for both students, and staff to enable them leave their lives with courage and conviction for now and in future. Endeavor has been highly recognized by the Marist education as an important and serious concept in studies. Hard work is the initial aspect of efficient learning and personal maturity as it enables the students to expand strong and determined character. The students cannot ignore the gifts and talents but they need to mindfully endeavor to build up their own strength and capabilities. The word 'faith' is found at the heart of the mission of the college. It explains life, giving meaning and motivating resilience. Note that the model of human life is Jesus Christ.

The Marist College needs to have the best family as suggested by St. Marcellin Champagnat. This will enable the students to be well known and asserted, motivated and challenged, as well as learning and developing (Marist College North Shore, 2005). It is no doubt that the main objective of designing colleges is to enhance learning chances one or more of the major areas: academic, emotional, physical, cultural and religious. The fundamental requirement for all connected with the community of the college is the respect for self, others and college. Respect strengthens the rules, lights up relationships encourages compassion, enhances the promotion of the family atmosphere and encourages social engagement. It is also crucial to note that the community expects the Marist graduates to be inspired by the life that was given out by Jesus Christ, to appreciate the values and education acquired at St. Marcellin Champagnat and Marist college. They should as well confirm their personal identity, worth and dignity. They should also respect other people without considering their individual differences.

HR Implications and Policy Statements for Each

Note that the college launched its new strategic plan for the 2005 to 2010 period and it was as well published. The title for the management strategic plan was "Moving Forward together in Faith". It presents the future of the college that is based on the massive achievements of the past and the proud traditions of the community. It also presents the liabilities, opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.  Therefore, the five priority areas that are nominated by the strategic plan include the faith formation, the pastoral care, teaching and learning, human and physical resources and administration, communication and partnerships.

Faith Formation

The vision for the formation of faith among the students and staff is more enriched by the college community and it is faithful to the traditions of Marist (Banaji, Bazerman & Chugh, 2003). The key objectives of the formation of faith are to motivate the staff and students to get the facts, experience and be grateful to the massive catholic faith traditions. Besides, it comes up with opportunities for the students and staff where they articulate their faith by means of sacramental, prayer life and liturgical of the college.  Moreover, it also develops a thankful note across the community where the college is based and it recognizes the values and traditions of Marist. Another goal for the faith formation is to create opportunities for students and staff to mirror, experience and learn about the establishment of their own faith. It also enhances a nurturing faith community that helps the students and staff to come to know Christ. Finally yet importantly, the college forms faith through establishing specific chances for the students to serve the community and other places. Lastly, college also offers high quality religious education that is build on new textbooks and revised curriculum to 'know, worship and love'.

Pastoral Care

As mentioned, it is a college centered on a nurturing culture where each boy is identified individually and given the appropriate care as well as supporting and encouraging the staff members. The goals for the college's pastoral care strategy are as follows. To begin with, they enhance precise chances for students to establish leadership skills within the framework of Marist. Secondly, they create a conducive environment for the students especially the new students in order for them to adjust efficiently to the college system. Third, they strengthens the connection between home and Marist for the student's pastoral care. Besides, they tackles precise needs of the boys both collectively and individually (Marist College North Shore, 2005).

 They also guarantees the structure of pastoral care to meet the students needs efficiently in the college. They goes ahead to enhances support structures to fulfill the pastoral care needs for the staff. Precisely, they helps the staff to develop their confidence and competence in pastoral care activities and practices. It also develops the management of students and behavior processes. Lastly, it has the access specialist support services and personnel for the students at risk therefore making sure that they are all protected and taken good care.

Teaching and Learning

This is the main aim of establishing the college where it displays high quality and relevant teaching and learning patterns which produce massive student outcomes. The ultimate goals for developing teaching and learning systems in the college are as follows. First, the college intends to enhance wide and relevant curriculum which fulfills the student's demands. It also ensures that the Marist North Shore mirrors the best boy's education practices.  It also goes on to provide relevant teaching and learning approaches. Besides, it also implements and resources effectively the new Year 7-10 syllabuses.  It upholds and reinforces the excellence and achievement cultures in the college. There is a fully integrated technology into all the main areas of the learning in the college.

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It also identifies the students who have basic learning needs whereby it comes up with specific  programs to outfit the diverse range of learners. The college also goes on to discover the students with specific gifts and talents where it can effectively challenge and support them. It also makes literacy and numeracy the key factors.  Above all, it provides precise information to the parents of the students about the progress of the boys and their behaviors. Lastly, it makes available a range of co-curriculum activities that meets the interests and needs of the students as well as promoting excellence.

Hman and Physical Resources

The environment of the school is well resourced and of high quality that is able to respond the all the academic needs as well as pastoral needs. Under the human resources, the college intended to appeal to the competent and maintain enthusiastic collge staff.  It intended to put appropriate and absolute processes of induction in order to support the staff. Besides, it was to challenge and motivate the staff to establish qality professionalism. It was also to maintain smooth college management practices (Ashton, & Sung, 2006). Lastly, it was to make sure that the senior and the middle managers realize their roles and responsibilities thus work effectively towards fulfilling them.

Under the physical resources, the college had the following objectives. Make sure all the needed new facilities are available especially for the specific fields like science laboratories, hospitality classrooms, food technology and an en-larged laboratory cener. Make sure all the college facilities are effectively managed. Ensure all the areas of the college have adequate resources to satisfy the changing college community needs. Besides, it also went forward to improve the attractiveness of the learning environment in the school. Moreover, it looks at the feasibility of hiking the students and staff access to ICT. Lastly, the college obeys the occupational, safety and health legistlation to maintain a secure and safe environment.

Administration, communication and Partnership

The vision of the college was to be a place of highest administration, organisation, communication and corporation. It had specific goals for each of the concepts. For the administration, it had the following objectives. To begin with, it was to make sure that the college's administration and organisation are effective and established on the principles of contemporary management. It was to come up with, implement and check the five year strategic plan as well as ensuring smooth and responsbile management of the financial resources of the college. Besides, it had to go on to assess the structure of the college and to make sure there is a high level of operational efficiency (Dulebohn, Molloy, Pichler & Murray, 2009). Lastly, it had to appraise the enrolment policy to be sure which enrolment mix is suitable for providing the college's continuity vitality.

The goals under communication included ensuring the community and families means of communication are effective and relevant. It was also to look at the means of promoting the marketing strategy and go ahead to publicise and promote the staff and students' achievements. Lastly, it had to go on publishing the yearly report on college life and administration. The strategic management goals under partnership were as follows (Banaji, Bazerman & Chugh, 2003). First, the college was to maintain a strong link between the ex students and the school through the Marist Ex students Association (MEA). It was to create a strong connection with the local business community. The college also established the relationship of the pastors and parish communities in the life of students and staff in the college.  It was to go on establishing the constructive involvement of parents in the education of their sons. The school was also to promote the contributions and advises of the interested, enthusiastic and experienced community members as the needs come by. Lastly, the school implanted the College Advisory Council role into the college's life as a means of promoting parents participation in college community. 

Developing a Strategic Plan

In order for the Marist college to advance its profession all the members need to contribute including the community, St. Marcellin Champagnat, students and staff in order to enhance the importance of human resource in the workplace. The school's administration should to extent of their opportunity and ability, lead others through mock-up competent and ethical behavior. They also promote an ethical work environment through meeting their professional roles. Ethics should be much considered in all implementations of the college. Honesty is the key factor for all leaders of the college as well as objectives and truthfulness in their words, representations and actions. They should never mislead their colleagues as well as the students.

All the students and leaders in the society as well as the staff members need to act with integrity and trustworthiness and should never have the desire to foster their own self interests. They should never allow their personal interests to supress their  accuracy, objectives, behavior and independence. All the staff members and students should not unlawfully or advise in any way c that can intentionally encourage, countenance or assist unlawful conduct by the parents and society who monitiors their performances.  Confidence is also a key factor that should be seen in all the students of Marist. They should respect the proprietor's information nature that is capable of shaping their future lives if they take it into consideration. Note that the propritor at this point are theteachers,  parents and the entire community members.

Through justice, both the students and staff members are able to  promote non-discrimination and equal opportunity as well as seek to establish reasonable standards of the school performance. Through justice, the staff can be well motivated by awarding them when they enhance excellent performance while the students can acquire the best results and be contented by their lives in the college by getting everything they require through justice. Therefore as much as justice can be important in law enforcement, it can be much important in institutions and organizations because it enables every person to give his or her best.

Competence is also a very important strategic plan that should never be ignored when it comes to education matters. The teachers need to work hard in order to fill the students with knowledge that can make them compete well in internal exams as well as the external exams. The external exams is when they compete with other schools I the society and show their abilities by being one of the top schools. Competition can also be seen in sports where the schools compete against each other and the school that emerges the best is a warded a trophy. Lastly, the school must show its capabilities through being one of the best in performance, sports, cleanliness, discipline and other activities. The organizational capabilities shows that it is growing and expanding and this enables it to attract more customers and students.


Strategic management plan is an essential entity of all organizations because it ehances performance in all departments. For example in our case, the strategic plan for the 2005 to 2010 enabled the Marist college North Shore to be a wonderful and attractive place for all Christian students. All the departments ended up performing marvelously from the staff members to the students as well as receiving massive support from the sorounding community and parents. The facilities and the school environment was also able to change due to the five year management strategic plan. Human resources such as education and spiritual needs were the first priorities and indeed the fruits of the strategy were felt.

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