Sage Fund Accounting is a free ware software platform suited for not-for-profit organizations. These are unique settings, whose focus is on achieving specific program objectives; hence, the need for reliable solutions that can be upgraded and maintained at the lowest cost. Safe Fund accounting software addresses the critical gaps associated with grant reporting and auditing in small organizations (K2 Enterprises, 2011). Moreover, the application addresses pay roll processing needs, which are important for accurate human resource management. In a small organization setting it is common for payments to be made on a random basis such that accounting for certain expenditures becomes a challenge. In as much as Sage Fund Accounting provides its users with reliable solutions, there is a limited extent to which are allowed to customize the functions.

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However, users are able to utilize the self learning tools available to tailor some functions to meet organization needs. In addition, Safe Fund Accounting provides its users with a unique web-based platform through which web integration can be achieved, for example, this can be seen in the web services intended to integrate employee payroll processing functions (K2 Enterprises, 2011).  For the system to perform such important organization functions there is an opportunity cost that must be incurred. The pricing is determined by an organization’s needs by specifically focusing on the number of users. This is determined by the specific installers who are assigned by the developers. Estimates from Blytheco and Jacobson Jarvis show that a full license can surpass $40,000 (K2 Enterprises, 2011). Additional users for a particular system are charged approximately $850, but the cost can go as low as $2,495 for general ledgers (K2 Enterprises, 2011). Finally, Sage Fund Accounting provides its users with a multi-currency framework, which is a consideration of the fact that not-for-profit organizations operate on a global scale.

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