
The social process of joining an organisation is rather complex to most stakeholders. Ideally, some of the common social processes of joining an organisation include assimilation, civilisation, marginalisation, and professionalisation. The application of these processes varies, depending on the organisation and policies it adopts. Therefore, this essay integrates the theories of organisational processes and analyses them by justifying the importance of this theme.   


Theory Application

Two theories explain how people are compelled to join organisation, and reasons that have led to continuation of the concept in various companies. They include psychological and socialisation theories. For instance, psychological theory bases its argument on the experiences of different gender groups, including males and females (Robbins & Judge 2009, p. 45). On the other hand, socialisation theory is inclined to the cultural expectations of different groups in the organisation. These theories are crucial in analysing this concept of social processes of joining an organisation. For example, gender inequality is generally present in the places of work, such as the one witnessed in the case of Wal-Mart Company where women constituted minimal number (Boxall & Purcell 2011, p. 14). This necessitated an affirmative action to make sure that the female gender joined the company.

Cultural processes are also some of the social aspects, which stimulate a particular group to join an organisation. In cases where the organisational culture does not conflict with the prospective professional and workers, most of them will be willing to join such companies (Boselie 2010, p. 108). Alternatively, cultural conflicts between the organisation and prospected workforce could threaten the assimilation of workers into the company.   

Social Processes

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Understanding the social processes of joining an organisation is important because it presents an aspect of human psychology and the way such processes interplay in promoting the development of the entity. For instance, assimilation is the social process of absorbing different groups of people from different background to an organisation (Legge 2005, p. 61).

Civilisation is a social process whereby the organisation realise its optimal level of development and management of affairs. During civilisation, the workers are introduced and integrated in to the latest organisational systems, which promote efficiency (Legge 2005 p. 77). Noting that each development level is unique in the organisation, the degree of civilisation at each stage is very crucial.

Marginalisation is a social process of making a given group remains servants, thus integrating with other organisation. A marginalised group will always be ready to join more stable one, hence the realisation of mergers (Blyton & Fiorito 2008, p. 45). As a social process, marginalisation makes a group inferior, thus necessitating a combined force for sustainability.

Professionalisation is also another social process whereby different categories of people come together under an entity to achieve a given end. As a social process of joining an organisation, various professionals from different background representing diversity join an organisation to utilise their skills in improving the production. They also acquire new skills in the process of articulating their duties.       


In summary, social processes of joining an organisation such as assimilation, civilisation, marginalisation, and professionalisation have profound impact in the company. Moreover, two approaches, which describe the reasons that compel people to join organisation, and justification, have led to continuation of the concept in various companies, including psychological and socialisation theories

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