Substance related disorders are problems that arise as a result of taking drugs and alcohol. Mostly, these disorders are in teenagers. To qualify as a disorder, the abuse has to leave a lasting and negative impact on the teenager’s life. Substance abuse can lead to school failure, accidents, homicides, suicides, exposure to STDs, and mental health conditions.

 There are many causes of substance related disorders. Genetics plays a vital role. There is a high chance of drug abuse for a child in a family with a long lasting history of substance abuse. Such a behavior runs in the blood of the family. Pregnant mothers who abuse drugs also increase the chance of their new babies being drug addicts. The chance of becoming an alcoholic is also high, if a close family member is an alcoholic. Role models in the family are another factor to consider. Children raised by parents who oppose alcoholism and drug abuse have a low chance of developing these disorders. Parents and other family members who openly discuss these norms with their children also help in reducing the chance of their children getting sick. Parents should always make sure that there are no supplies of unused drugs in their homes. (Comer 2011).

  Peer and social pressure are probably the number one cause of substance related disorders. Friends always influence their friends to try alcohol, bhang and other harmful substances. In order to fit in a certain social set up, children end up becoming addicts. The media also plays a significant role in spreading this vice. Psychological stress is yet another cause of substance related disorders. These are principally the main causes of the wide spread engagement in drugs and substance abuse.

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 The major aim of alcohol treatment is total abstinence. However, only about 9% of alcohol addicts totally abstain. In contrast about 57% of those who practice controlled drinking end up entirely abstaining. It is, therefore, safe to assume that controlled drinking.  Those who oppose controlled drinking argue that a person drinking on a controlled scale can be tempted to go back to heavy drinking (Young 1996).

Cocaine smokers have a far more serious problem in dealing with addiction than other drug smokers. Continued use of cocaine leads to the creation of a protein in the brain. This protein further increases the craving for the cocaine. The addiction is high, when the craving is more. The process spirals making it hard to stop cocaine addiction. The hearts of past cocaine smokers race, when they see the drug, and in dire circumstances may lead to heart failure. The use of glutamate can be used to reverse the effects of this drug.  Researchers have discovered that glutamine can also be used to reduce the addiction effects of other drugs such as nicotine and heroin.

Thus, is addiction a disease? Over the course of my life, I have rubbed shoulders with many drug addicts. It is positive to note that most of them fully recovered from their addiction only after realizing how harmful it is to their health. Some of them also realize that they might lose someone they love. A disease is a condition beyond the control of a sick person, but these people were able to control their addiction by themselves. The proposition that addiction is a disease is, therefore, a fallacy. It is impossible for a person with a substance related disorder to engage in controlled abuse. Such a person might find himself abusing the drug he or she is avoiding. It is advisable for such a person to try total abstinence (Young 1996).

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