Check Out Our Medicine Essays Examples
Abbreviations in the Health Sectors
Common sources of errors that have led to the compromising of patients’ health and recovery have been blamed on the lack of understanding of the original message which in general can be classified as communication breach. In depth analysis has ...
Abortion and Pro-Choice
Abortion is a process that has several definitions. Some groups of people views abortion as termination of the growth of the fetus in the mother’s womb. Others view it as the expulsion of the fetus from the womb. However, these processes happen ...
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia forms in the bone marrow cells. The immature and abnormal white blood cells, also called blasts, occupy the bone marrow and get into the bloodstream. The bone marrow synthesizes a large amount of these immature ...
Attention-deficit Disorder The symptoms of ADD/ADH. are often triggered by environmental factors, dietary regimes and malnutrition. Children are being labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyperactivity and Learning Disabilities in ever ...
Addictions and Mental Health Division
Assessing the outcomes of a treatment is essential to develop a better understanding of psychological treatment options for substance abuse. Therapists need to create a welcoming and supportive environment, however, before changing methods, they ...
ADHD Diagnosis
This was a study conducted to determine the factors that increased the probability of elementary learners being diagnosed with ADHD in the USA. The study applied logistic regression to evaluate and estimate the risk ...
Age of Onset
Sensory impairment is a form of bodily disability; its effects can be either minor or devastating. Hearing and sight complications, in particular, are the examples of such disabilities. The main problem for those suffering from partial or total ...
AIDA Process
Most process models of how advertising works are linear and posit that receivers of advertising messages move through several hierarchical stages traditionally described as Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA); Awareness, ...
AIDA Marketing on the Web
An example of collaboration is the development of the Web commerce is the on-line brokerage E-Trade and the retailer Target, of E-Trade Zones, which offer in-store customers access to trading and banking on the World Wide ...
The last few decades has seen researchers break new grounds in the genetic field. Among the fields that have benefited immensely from the new genetic technologies include, disease management and reproduction sciences. These new ...
AIDS Africa
Stopping AIDS in Africa Africa accounts for 70% of all HIV/AIDS cases in the world although it represents only 10% of the global population. More than 25 million Africans live with HIV/AIDS, and 17 million have already died. The response of the ...
Alcoholism Counseling
Alcoholism Treatment The disease concept of treatment (DCT) has been the dominant treatment model for alcoholism in the United States for the last 30 years, however, remarkably little has been written about its nature. Writings have focused on its ...
All About Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition, caused by deletion of all the second sex chromosomes or part of them. It is approximated that one in two thousand five hundred live female births is a turner syndrome patient. In pediatric ...
Ambulatory Care
Ambulatory care is a medical care which is given on an outpatient case. Some medical illnesses do not require the patient to be admitted to the hospital. They can be cured while one is at home. These may include; when one want to have a blood ...
Ambulatory Services
William Bee Ririe Hospital is located on Ely in the county of White Pine, Nevada. The hospital has total bed capacity of 25. It has 10 physicians and more than 100 support staff including nurses, dieticians, respiratory therapist, and subordinate ...
An Abortion
Abortion is the expulsion of the contents of the womb before the actual term of birth which is usually nine months. The subject of abortion has received vast attention from all corners of the world. The subject presents two sides of argument that ...
Analysis of Feminism in The Decameron
Analysis of Feminism in The Decameron Completed by University of Outline 1. Introduction 2. Feminists’ ways in Decameron 3. Degree of women’s Freedom in Decameron 4. Gender relations in Decameron 5. Conclusion 6. Works Cited ...
Anatomy of the Skeletal System
According to Hudson (2006), all animals have a skeleton that enables them to stand upright as well as to protect their internal organs. He notes that the anatomy of skeletal system is essential in determining the structural and ...
Animal Rights
Animal Rights The nervous systems in most animals, especially mammals, are almost identical to those in human beings, suggesting that animals can feel pain just as acutely as people. Therefore, if people have no right to cause pain in other people, ...
Anorexia Nervosa: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
If there is one aspect of life over which the media has great influence, it is the conception of beauty, especially among women. The media’s presentation of feminine beauty is modeled around tall, slim, and lean female bodies. The ...
Antisocial Personality Disorder
It is beyond doubt that numerous negotiations in criminal set ups are of psychological manner. Such crises surround individuals with soundly known and excellently developed psychological conditions. Evidently, these are individuals ...
Area of Interest Related to Paramedicine
In the field of paramedic research, paramedicine has tremendously grown over the years due to the innovations in the medical world. It is defined as a life-saving mechanism that paramedics use to improve the health conditions of ...
Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment
Asthma is a well known inflammatory disorder affecting the airways. It causes shortness of breath, tightening of the chest and usually coughing. Like any other disease diagnosis is a key factor before treatment takes place. The easiest way to ...
Attention Def Dis and Malnutrition
Depression in Children/ Malnutrition in Early Stage and ADD Children with Attention Deficit Disorder have been known by many different diagnostic names. Most of these emphasize either different aspects of the children’s behavior or different ...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
I propose to carry out a research on the attention deficit hyperactive disorder/ADHD. Both the diagnosis and the management of this disorder has remained elusive (Barcley, 2006). Additionally, because of the various biases accompanying most of the ...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adult
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or (ADD) is commonly known as a complex medical condition that is mostly prevalent in young children. This leads to a misconception that it is a condition faced by only young children, but the truth of ...
Bell's palsy
Bell’s palsy is a condition of the eye and a facial paralysis which is caused by failure of the facial nerve to function properly. Consequently, a person is unable to shut or control the muscles of the face which are in charge of the motion of the ...
Billing and Coding
Billing and coding in other words health insurance Billing and Reimbursement is a coverage or medical benefits that are provided either by individual employers to their employees or the government to her citizens , but it is unfortunate that not all ...
Billing Process
A medical coder is someone who translates the patient's information from clinical consultations into number codes that enable processing of the related documents. Coding professional should be equipped with skills in computer literacy which involve ...
Biomedical Ethics: Telling the Truth
Running head: BIOMEDICAL ETHICS Biomedical Ethics: Telling the Truth Completed by: YOUR NAME University of Outline 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Conflict in Biomedical ethics a. Difference between tragic and epic conflict ...
Borderline Personality Disorder
This is a serious mental illness that is characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self image and behavior. This instability often disrupts family and work life, long term planning and individuals ...
Botulism Infection
What is Botulism?
Botulism is a bacterial infection that results from intoxication of the body. In the recent past, type and sources of food that human beings consume, type of duties people engage in, and analysis of the historical background of ...
Brain Based Learning
Autism is a disease which elicits disorder of the neural functionality of individual patients. It is mostly prevalent in children and it affects their social disposition in terms of character development not to mention communication. Because of this ...
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder which is characterized by consumption of food in large quantity. In most cases the affected persons end up using laxative abuse or vomiting in order to regulate weight gain. This paper analyses the symptoms and ...
Buprenorphine Maintenance Therapy
The use of illegal opiate in this country has been on the increase especially among the women of childbearing age. While working as an investigator in the Department of Children of Families, I noticed more and more pregnant women who were opiate ...
The scientific advancements over the past few centuries have enabled the human race to avoid certain fatal and dreaded diseases. However, diseases seem to have their own minds and are ever evolving, presenting the necessity to stay up-to-date with ...
Cancer Development
Basically cancer is a terminology which is used to describe several forms of malignant diseases. There are many forms of cancers that affect humans in various body parts. Cancer makes cells to grow uncontrollably in that; cells begin to divide ...
Cancerous Cells
Mutations may cause a cancer to spread to the nearby surrounding cells. Cells can become neoplastic; the ability of cancerous cells to migrate to other health cells due to mutation. Cells are able to become immortal or be able to disrupt healthy ...
Cardiac Cycle
Introduction Cardiac cycle is a series of events which take place when human heart beats. The cycle involves two phases, the diastole phase and systole phase. During the diastole phase, the heart's ventricles are relaxed and the heart is ...
Caring for the Mentally Ill Client
Dual diagnosis is a state of an individual that has two or more concurring conditions. It is common in most psychiatric patients. These conditions are, thus, termed to be co morbid. Most psychiatric patients are also victims of drug and substance ...
CAT and MRI Scan
Computed tomography or CAT scans are specialized medical X-ay tests that produce cross-sectional images of the body by passing radiation into the body, which is in turn detected by a detector and then integrated into a computer ...
Cause of Death in Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative disease which usually attacks the human brain and ends up impairing an individual’s reasoning, memory, thinking and general behaviors. It is a common form of dementia which was named after ...
Child Abuse Primes the Brain
A child’s brain is in its formative stages. This implies that it is unable to absorb the shocks caused by factors like abuse or neglect. From the simplest level of analysis, if a child is neglected, his or her brain will respond in a manner that ...
Childhood Disorders and their Treatment
There are various childhood disorders which affect children as they grow, some of which continue even into adulthood. One of these most common childhood disorders is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In most cases ADHD symptoms will ...
Chlamydia trachomatis is a pathogenic microorganism that causes the Chlamydia infection in humans. The pathogen is a small bacterium capable of thriving in the human cell. Bacteria cells infect a single human cell and develop in stages into a ...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined and characterized by the limitation of expiratory airflow. There are several factors that contribute to the limitation of airflow. Historically, COPD was thought to result primarily from ...
Chronic Wound Nursing
Chronic wounds are those wounds that do not heal in predictable stages. They appear to be detained in one or a few stages of healing, a situation which make them to take extra-ordinarily long to heal. These wounds cause a great deal of physical and ...
Clinical Practices Paper
Clinical education encompasses numerous elements. As a result, assessment of student practices in clinical settings must be complex and multidimensional. The goal of this paper is to review the current state of research into clinical assessments and ...
Cognitive and Behavioral Status
Cognitive Behavioral
Data collection was mainly done by the use four instruments. The instruments measured were directed to measure patient cognitive and behavioral status, and the burden level on the part of the caregiver. The methods were also ...
The first time I met him when, tired of lying sleeplessly in my bed, had decided to start my everyday jogging session a little earlier. He was sitting on the waterline, near the rock which used to be my marathon destination point. An old man with a ...
Community Diagnoses and Interventional Plan
The health status of a community with regard to any health parameter is well described by community nursing diagnoses. North American Nursing Diagnosis Organization-International (NANDA-I) describes nursing diagnoses as clinical judgments on actual ...
Community Health Partners
The provision of quality and affordable health care programs has been the dream and ambitions for most players in the industry. It is worth noting that achieving that noble objective will take more than just the work of medical professionals. Such ...
Community Health Scorecards
A scorecard is a set of desired outcomes and indicators that form the basis for provision of specified services against outlined timeframes. They are necessary to enable the community to monitor progress and performance of service delivery against ...
Company's MIS and Recommended Changes
Company’s MIS and recommended changes Beach Cities Health District is an active public health agency providing services to the 115,000 residents of Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach, California. The services are delivered through a ...
Comprehensive Revenue Analysis
Medicare vs Medicaid Running head: MEDICARE VS MEDICAID Comprehensive revenue analysis: Medicare vs. Medicaid Completed by: YOUR NAME University of Outline Medicare vs Medicaid 1. Abstract 2. Introduction ...
Computer Axial Tomography
A computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanner or a computed tomography is an imaging tool used in the medical practice to provide clear pictures of the body's internal structures. It uses a beam of x-rays together with a radiation detector to ...
A medical office is entitled to various responsibilities that it has to carry out for the benefit of its clients. There are exemplary critical issues and responsibilities that have to be at the forefront in every plan that a hospital management ...
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Currently, COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is considered as the fourth cause of death among people in the United States, it is also the main cause of morbidity. This disease is within the group of diseases that mostly cause airflow ...
Core Data Sets for the Physician Practice
There are quite a number of data sets, which are core to the physician practice HER. HER stands for Electronic Health Record, has a system that allows the capture of particular sets of information, which are critical in the physician's practice. ...
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary Heart Disease Definition
Coronary heart disease can be defined as a condition that is characterized by the development of a plaque in the rumen of coronary arteries. The coronary arteries supply oxygen and other nutrients to the heart ...
Cultural Competence
In reality, all health care professionals should enhance cultural competence in their practice. As some patients possibly will come from a sidelined group, the medical practitioner should always handle them with due care and avoid discrimination ...
Culturally Competent Care
Define culturally competent care appropriate for your own workplace, based on your perusal of the assigned readings
Cultural competence care is defined as the ability of a health care provider to deliver care services using a framework that is ...
Cystic Fibrosis
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease, which affects the secreetory glands of a human being (What is Cystic Fibrosis?). Secretory glands, affected by cystic fibrosis, are those that secrete sweat and mucus. The disease is ...
Degree Program Rationale
DEGREE PROGRAM RATIONALE Mentor: Degree: Bachelor of Arts Registered Area of Study: Community and Human Services Concentration: Healthcare Services Management I. Introduction to the Degree Program Health care services provide a systematic, ...
Depression and European Women
Depression is a state of low mood leading to individuals’ evading popular activities and some serious psychological disorders. It affects the person’s behavior and reactions to any stimuli. Victims feel week, sad, emaciated, and ...
Describe Myself and My Ideal Match
Both children and adolescence living HIV-1 that has been acquired perinatally faces a number of risks to their mental wellbeing, possibly beginning with the exposure of the in utero to the ARV medication that is administered at the time by ...
The Questions and/or Hypotheses
QUESTION 1: Describe the question(s) and/or hypotheses that the authors are investigating in the article. The first article reviewed is “Faithful Ancestors” by Bruce Bower published in Science News Magazine. The author analyzes the hypothesis ...
Descriptive Epidemiology
In description of the unknown pathogen, using data provided will be described mainly using three main pillars of descriptive epidemiology, such as, person, place and time which will be in relation to the ages of the population, place of affected ...
Development of Drug and its Clinical Trial
As competition in the pharmaceutical industry gets intense, pharmaceutical companies are racing for innovating new products/medicine that would change people’s life. Two issues become key attractions in the business. First, the industry is ...
Diabetes Management Programs
Describe Diabetes Management Programs and whether They are Efficacious
Diabetes is an illness affecting people with high ranges of sugar in their blood as a result of inadequate production of insulin or reduced response of body cells to insulin. ...
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is one of the two categories of diabetes that are common in man. This type of diabetes is characterized by frequent urge to urinate and an unusual insatiable thirst. Destruction of the beta cells that produce insulin has ...
Diabetes Types 1 and 2
Diabetes is one of the chronic metabolic diseases. There are two types of diabetes; type 1 and type 2. Both are characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia). The blood sugar level in the body is controlled by a hormone ...
Diabetes within the Mexican Culture
The problem in Mexico is well known across the world the fast spread and the high rate of deaths in Mexico resulting from diabetes are so serious. The health status of Mexican children is at stake. With over 70% of the Mexicans being ...
This plan has vegetables like green beans, fruits (dates, raisins, apple, and strawberry), and cereals full of healthy proteins (kidney beans). Asparagus spears have many calories and serves as a carbohydrate.
2). I chose plan G because a snack ...
Disaster Plan in Pennsylvania
Hurricanes and tropical storms are the most common disasters in Pennsylvania, and there are a number of disaster management strategies that the healthcare division adopts and applies in order to manage the situation, when it happens. However, in ...
Throughout the history of man, epidemics and plagues have been in the group of the many selective forces that act on the human species. It has often been said that the course of history has been greatly determined by battles, not just in war but ...
Disseminating Evidence
American Nurses Association has designed several approaches to review some medical mysteries. These mysteries are unraveled and solutions to them are found through intensive research by using available evidence. This has been possible through ...
DNA Methylation and Histones Inhibitors
In the development and progression of cancer epigenetic events play various essential roles. Loss or inactivation of negative regulators as a result of mutations or deletions related to tumor suppressor genes makes mutation taking place in ...
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder that results from an individual having an extra copy of chromosome 21. Human cells have 46 chromosomes which are arranged in 23 pairs. A person inherits 23 pairs of chromosomes from the ...
Drug Abuse and Teens' Sexual Health Issues
In my previous research, I underlined the fact that there is a close and dangerous relationship between drug abuse and sexual behaviors among teenagers (Rees, Argys, & Averett, 2001) despite the issue being constantly under looked. Most of the ...
Drug Test Debate
The debate of whether or not employees should be terminated if testing positive for THC with a medical marijuana card continues to rage on. Whereas there is support for accommodation of medical users of marijuana in the workplace, the reasons for ...
The management of patients with LQTS or BS or their relatives very often requires acquisition of continuous ECG recordings (ideally in 12-leads) under ambulatory conditions. This project seek to comprehensively assess static and dynamic features of ...
Economics of Point of Care Testing
The point of care testing is an old exercise in the medical circles. It is always wise to take the patient through thorough and satisfactory testing before putting him or her under any medical treatment. This helps in that it reduces the chances of ...
Edema and Shock
Fluid balance is responsible for the circulatory (heart, blood, blood vessels and lymphatic), respiratory, and renal systems. This organ forms essential part of the day-to-day activities of various body parts. However, interactions of these systems ...
Effect of Altitude in Oxygenation in Patients
In this research, I want to discuss the effect of altitude in oxygenation in patients transported in air ambulance. Having the air ambulance as a frequently used mode of transport for transporting patients for treatment, it only wise to understand ...
Effect of Morphine on Receptor Cells of the Lungs
For a long time, the cancer patients have been subjected to severe pains at some stages of their illness and especially during the last days of their life. This has resulted to the search of a solution to the ...
Effects of Diet
According to Thompson et al (1996), more than one billion people in the world’s population are overweight with close to three hundred million of them being obese. Weight has widely been an issue of concern across the globe with ...
Effects of Low Staffing on Patients
The various companies which have carried out the necessary researches indicated that quality care and patient safety can only be ensured when there is proper staffing which covers the two major issues. Quality of care can be determined when there is ...
Effects of Radiations on Public Health
The current world is characterized by various technological advancements. With these advancements, radiations come which are harmful to the health of people. Electromagnetic radiations and those from mobile phones are only a few. This ...
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
According to statistics available at Walter reed Army Institute, every stage of human development requires good sleep for a healthy mind and body. Sleep offers a human body the vital relief necessary in ensuring rest and rejuvenation ...
Efficacy of Treatment Approaches
Outpatient therapy gets outlined as a therapeutic treatment that is available to patients who live away from a hospital or medical facility. The approach to treatment is significant in aiding patients to take part in the treatment, alter how they ...
Electronic Medical Record
An electronic medical record (EMRs) is a computer-based system for recording, managing, and delivering data concerning a patient. These computer-based records include any information taken by the doctor at the fist visit of the patient, which can be ...
Just like other hormones, steroid hormones are produced by an endocrine gland. They are fat-soluble and can diffuse through the cell membrane. Once they are in the reach of the nucleus of a cell, they bind onto a particular receptor in the substance ...
Erectile Dysfunction
The central and peripheral nervous system get involved in the process of erection. Other local factors such as the endocrine and vascular systems also contribute to erection. The erectile tissue within the penis receives the efferent ...
Eukaryote and Prokaryote Bacterial Cells
A cell is the smallest unit in all living organisms that replicates autonomously. Life is classified in the following kingdoms: bacteria, plants, fungi, animals and protoctista. The difference between the eukaryotic organisms and the ...
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
According to Humphrey, cases of euthanasia have persisted in the world, and this is a major challenge facing many countries (Boss, 2009). Those who believe in the patients’ autonomy and sympathize with them, actually find it hard to accept that ...
Euthanasia as an Act of Love
In the article “Offering Euthanasia can be an Act of Love”, Humphrey puts up an argument in support of euthanasia. Euthanasia refers to mercy killing, which is the painless killing of a terminally ill person in order to spare him/her from pain ...
Family Medical History
1. The main issue that I need to know about Esmeralda is her family background; this includes the family's social and medical history. The social background history of Esmeralda family will help identifying the living condition of her childhood ...
Feature Selection Method for Medical Dataset
Feature selection methods for medical data can be defined as various features that are considered when selecting data storage method with an aim of ensuring that the method is reliable and data can be retrieved fast when needed for ...
Fitness Healthcare Marketing
The marketing plan will be prepared for the project of the Weber State University - Employee wellness program. This healthcare program would cater to the employees of Weber State University. The employees can highly benefit from its healthcare ...
Focus on Assessment on ADHD Victim
Client's Description
Hernandez who happens to my client is a young boy aged 13 years old. Though his age dictates that he ought to be either completing his middle school or even starting his high school, Hernandez is still in the 7th grade. The ...
Foods to Promote Better Health
History and Statistics
Obesity dates back to about 8000 years ago, when men started owning property, living in houses and owing animals. People considered obesity as a sign of wealth, beauty and health. People ate well back then, and obesity did ...
Forensic Psychology
The acceptable meaning of forensic psychology in general is the professional field that deals with the matters of the law, which require expertise in psychology as a key instrument. It is the branch of psychology that involves psychoanalysis and ...
Functions of the Circulatory System
The circulatory system is one of the many systems in the bodies of various organisms. The blood, the heart, and the blood vessels all define the circulatory system. Circulatory system is an essential feature of large, multi-cellular organisms, ...
Gender and Depression
Depression can simply be defined as a state of mind that affects feelings, behavior, and thoughts of a person. In other words, it is a psychological disorder that disorients the way of thinking, and as a result, affects one’s concentration. Over ...
Genetic Diseases
This is a hereditary condition related to chromosomes in which the X chromosome is recessive. An example is fragile-X syndrome that causes mental retardation in boys. Color blindness is one of the symptoms experienced by victims. It can be ...
Ghanaian Eating Habits
A human being is considered to be in excellent health, if he mentally, spiritually, socially and physically nourished. This state of health is attained through study, socializing, taking physical exercises and health eating. All these aspects of a ...
Gutta Percha Plant in Dentistry
This essay seeks to outline and research detailed information on the usage of Gutta Percha Plant in Dentistry. It also seeks to discuss the role of Gutta Percha in Endondomics. The essay seeks to outline the uses and properties of this ...
In a hospital setup, handoffs are instances in which the responsibility of a patient is handed over from one personnel to another (Bayley, 2005). During this process, important information regarding the patient is swapped. To improve on handoff ...
HCO's Clinical Quality Improvement
Clinical quality is a sensitive issue thus the responsible stakeholders should approach it with deep insight and focus. Leaders and physicians play significant roles in ensuring that clinical quality is maintained at formidable levels. These ...
Health and Wellness
Physical activity and good nutrition are crucial aspects concerning an individual’s health and wellness. A nutritious diet plays the key role of promoting growth and the repair of body cells. In this regard, a diet rich in minerals such as ...
Health Care in Australia
In Australia, provision of healthcare is done by government and private institutions. The ministry of Health in Australia has the responsibility to administer policies relevant to national policies. The current system used in regulating ...
Health Care Industry
Information security is a crucial aspect in most organizations. The loss of sensitive information poses considerable threats to the concerned parties. In this regard, various organizations in conjunction with the government have established ...
Health Care Insurance
The privilege of having a health care insurance has remained a pipe dream to me and my family. This situation has resulted from a number of interrelated factors. Just like several other average American families, our family income is insufficient. ...
Health Care System in the US
The United States healthcare system is in no doubt in a crisis. Many citizens are currently not enjoying health insurance as it is expected. The health costs are extremely high compared to the salaries and wages most Americans are getting. In ...
Health Care Systems in the UK
Health Care Systems in the UK
The National Health Service (NHS) offers the majority of health care in the United Kingdom. In several ways, the National Health Service signifies a command answer to the issue of apportioning health care. The state ...
Health Disparities in the Transgender Population
Transgender is a term that is used when refering to a variety of groups, behaviors and individuals. This entire phenomenon covered by this term share one common characteristic of a variation from the culturally convectional gender ...
Health Informatics
The following are the capabilities of the following decision support systems that are used in the electronic health record.
Computerized Physician Order Entry
CPOE can be defined as the process by which medical providers tend to enter various ...
Health Information Exchange
According to Melvin (25), health information exchange refers to the process of electrically transmitting healthcare related data among health facilities and organizations. She points out that this process of sharing healthcare information is devised ...
Health Perspective
The medical fraternity is dependent on society’s will to accept its advancement. Playing a ‘God figure’ in the society causes scruples as it invades the personal circles of people’s social life, beliefs, and mostly, their health. Therefore, ...
Health Policy
Effect of External Environment on Policymaking Process
Stakeholders, regulations and accrediting healthcare agencies determine how to be efficient and exercise ethical standards in recruitment programs. As a result, the healthcare personnel ...
Health Problems
This section will present an overview of work done previously that provides the required background for this research purposes. It will concentrates on various issues associated with lower extremity peripheral neuropathy including psychosocial, ...
Health Program Plan and Assessment
Project Definition
Chronic kidney disease is a condition that damages kidneys and reduces their ability to function. Chronic kidney disease causes waste build up in the blood resulting in high blood pressure and other implications. It is important ...
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) refer to a scheme for patient classification that seeks to establish a relationship between the type of patients treated within the hospital and the costs incurred by the hospital. DRGs enable hospitals to group ...
Healthcare Administration
The last 80 years have witnessed numerous changes in the US population. The population almost tripled from an estimated 80 million in the early 1900s to about 320 million by the year 2005. Another aspect of the population demographics is the ...
Healthcare Benefits for Veterans
Veterans receive a number of health benefits that improve on their health in a great way. However, the number of patients under the Department of Veterans Affairs medical system has increased tremendously in recent years with more than two wars ...
Healthcare Organizations
Most Healthcare Organizations have changed their conceptual approach to their structure and methods in order to be in placement with the Process Centered Concept. This is due to an extensive concern on high and increasing expenses joined with rising ...
Healthcare Policy Implementation
There has been heated debate on policy implementation in health sector in the U.S.A concerning healthcare policy. The debate s have been over the ways and procedures the Federal Government of the USA will use to make healthcare policy ...
Healthcare Reform
The basics of any healthcare reform should be geared towards enhancing three elements: access, quality, and cost. Healthcare reform occupies an important place in the domestic policy of any country. A nation’s healthcare reform ...
Healthcare Utilization of Immigrant Women
To understand health care needs of immigrants is a very important task because they are still increasing in numbers. In fact, the number of immigrants is increasing so rapidly that by the year 2005, immigrants had made up 12% of the US population ...
Hepatic Stellate Cells
Friedman (1) defines hepatic stellate cells as non-parenchymal quiescent cells which majorly function to store vitamin A. He notes that the cell also helps in maintaining the normal basement membrane-type matrix. After a long research ...
Hepatitis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation of the liver and the presence of inflammatory cells in the organ tissues. Hepatitis as a medical condition can heal on its own or it can progress to fibrosis and liver cirrhosis. ...
Patient’s information is utmost private. However, in the past there has been abuse and wrong use of this information. To curb the spread of the unethical behavior, Federal Law was enacted to be the voice of the people through establishment of ...
Hospital Advancement in Western Society
For quite a long time, hospitals have continued to play a major role in the health care systems of various communities around the world. More emphasis was put on the development of health care during the world war when the military medical staff ...
Hospitality, Catering and Food Service
Hospitality is the art of giving accommodations and food to people. Catering is the art of making food for guests in events, which at some times requires it to be taken to the events. Hospitality and catering covers work in hotels, restaurants and ...
Hospitality Industries
Advancements in technology brought significant changes into the modern world. In every sphere of life we encounter a myriad of changes that were nowhere to be seen a few years ago. From internet communication to global mobile phone usage, the world ...
Human Digestive System
The human body is a complex unit of organs and organ systems whose functions are coordinated and related to realize an efficient, fully functional body. These systems include the circulatory system, which transports nutrients and oxygen to the rest ...
Human Stem Cell
Cell is the simplest unit that has life. A study of all living organisms has revealed that they all are composed of cell(s). The simplest organisms were found to have only one cell, while the complex ones can have millions and millions ...
Hypertension: Types, Causes, Treatment
Blood pressure can be described as the force with which the blood pushes through the artery walls through the body. Blood in the arteries fills the arteries up to a certain extent implying that too much blood pressure can cause damages ...
Ideal Death
People with terminal illness have a short life to live. Patients with such illnesses should be told about the disease so that they can prepare psychologically. These illnesses affect them physically whereby they feel pain and they opt for death. In ...
Immunization Program
The following report and recommendation are directed to The World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO through its agents, associates and field officers, have the capacity and ability to help reduce the rate of infant mortality rate at the Horn of ...
Impact of Indigent and Illegal Aliens
3.1 Introduction
The inflow of the illegal alien in America has escalated to a level that is threatening not only to the security, economic and political aspect, but, also to health of the nation. Escalating population of aliens seeking care in the ...
In Healing Hospital
“So God created man is his image, in the image of God he created him.”(Genesis 1:26). Like God, humans are also composed of 3 separate entities (but lower level), namely the body, mind, and spirit. When the body is sick, so too is the mind and ...
Indian Rivers Mental Health Center
a. Introduction
The principal objective of this piece of work is to examine an array of Indian Rivers Mental Health Center organizational issues which have an impact on its performance. The Indian Rivers Mental ...
Infection Control
Infection control has become a major issue for almost all health professionals. It has grown considerably also in dental hygiene with the hygienist aiming at reducing the susceptibility to infection on the patients. The principles and concepts of ...
Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine involves much more that the routine medical check ups and operations. Patients undergoing an integrative medical procedure may be engaged in such activities as fitness, nutrition classes, yoga, meditation, tai chi and many other ...
Intermountain Health Care
Dr. James introduced total quality management concept by convening a meeting in his conference room to explain to the IHC’s clinical leaders about it. He insisted on high standard services and encouraged nurses and physicians to put the interest ...
Interpersonal Relationships
How assertive are you? Do you feel confident and able to develop positive interpersonal relationships with colleagues and patients? Every physician and nurse asked similar questions at least once in their professional career. The fact is that ...
Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) describes a wide range of lung diseases. About 200 disorders, most of which causes progressive scarring of the lung tissues exists. The scarring brought about by the interstitial lung disease affects an individual’s ...
IPEX (immune dysfunction, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked) syndrome is a very unique syndrome which was described first by Powel and colleagues in 1982 [1]. It is inherited and thus the child acquires the disease from his ...
Is DNA Credible Evidence
According to Murphy (2005), DNA typing is one of the new forensic technologies that have widely been used in prosecution processes. He notes that other technologies that have been used alongside of the DNA test include biometric ...
Issues and Trends in Health Care
The contemporary world has witnessed changes and transformations, especially in the health care system. As the economy experiences transformation, cost of living increases and several economic crises in the world occurred, the health ...
Kidney Removal
Kidney transplant is a process of surgery used in placing a healthy kidney into a patient with kidney failure (Barry, Jordan and Conlin, 2007). Surgical operations of kidney transplant are among the most common transplants in America. One donated ...
Language Disorder
Language disorders involve the inability to process the linguistic in sequence. The problem may include incorrect grammar, meaning, or sounds of words in the sentence. The examples that have been discussed in this essay include aphasia, ...
Cancer is disease whereby cells multiply without control. Therefore, Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and leads to the excess production of the leukocytes (white blood cells) in the human body. In general leukemia can ...
Lupus Anticoagulant Testing
"Lupus anticoagulants (LA) are a heterogeneous class of immunoglobulins that may develop spontaneously or as a consequence of autoimmune diseases" (Tripodi 2007:1629). In the laboratories, a lupus anticoagulant testing is done to ...
M.O.P. 3
In the present society, human relationships have been governed by various issues that have necessitated formulation and implementation of laws. It is almost at every human setting that laws and regulations are the order of every day activities. In ...
Malaria is transmitted to human beings by a female mosquito known as anopheles mosquito. Studies reveal that not all anopheles mosquitoes have the virus that causes malaria. For an individual to be infected with malaria, he/she must be bitten by an ...
Marburg Virus
Marburg Virus (MARV) is a fatal virus that causes viral Marburg viral disease (MDV) in human beings and primates. Although not as deadly as filoviruses, a virus which shares the same family with MARV, it is highly contagious and can lead to death. ...
Measuring Quality of Health Care
There are several reasons why it is important to measure the quality of healthcare in a healthcare organization. These reasons include giving the strengths and weaknesses of the current system so that areas that need further ...
Medical Alert Devices and Systems
According to Schottke (2010), medical alert devices and systems allow quicker response to any accidental situation at homes and work places which aids in faster recovery and survival. These systems have been found to be reliable and ...
Medical Illness
The general public has limited understanding of what mental illnesses are and what might cause them as well as the predispositions which may lead to such ailments. It is also true that most people usually associate mental illnesses with hereditary ...
Medical Imaging in Germany
Medical Imaging is the creating of images of the human body or its parts in their respective functions with an aim of examining and diagnosing diseases and conditions. The discipline integrates radiology, medical thermographs, endoscopy, medical ...
Medical IT
To enable IT implementation in medical institutions, the best way to deal with resistance would be by use of facilitation plus support. This approach can be used in cases where the users are resisting the change due to perceived adjustment ...
Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is where cannabis and its product cannabinoid by the recommendation of a doctor or a health expert are used as for herbal therapy or as a medicine. Cannabis has for many year been used as a drug, in the history of humankind ...
Medical Office Procedures
The basic process of effective communication
Communication is a crucial tool in the health care field mostly for ensuring cooperation among the medical professionals delivering the services and the patients. It is a vital component in establishing ...
Medical Professionalism
I believe that being a doctor in a multicultural society is a good thing. There have been debates on the rapid growing of the multicultural population in the world and its trends for the public health. Culture is a fundamental source of diversity in ...
Medical School
My primary interest in medical industry started when I was about 12 years of age. During this time, I had encountered many experiences with health care providers especially those who were working in a nearby health center. Of great significance to ...
Medical Technologies in Neurosurgery
The study of ethics in medical technology plays an important role for people to understand and examine our moral life in relation to this field. There should be careful balance between promoting medical technology innovation while at the same time ...
Medical Terminology
The diabetic patient claims that she occasionally passes urine without her will when she sneezes. This patient doesn't experience pain or difficulties while urinating. She experiences excessive ...
Medical Terminology 2
Respiratory system can be defined simply as a system of organs that are involved in the acquisition of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide by an organism. Respiratory system thus ...
Medical Terminology 3
Your arteries that supply blood to the muscles of the heart have been blocked and this has resulted in an injury of the muscles of the heart due to insufficient blood in them. ...
Medical Terminology Words
This paper seeks to answer a few questions in relation to medical terminologies. It also seeks to define medical terminologies that are commonly used in the medical fraternity.
What is the Difference between Dyspnea and Apnea?
Dyspnea ...
Medications for Treatment
Type 2 diabetes mellitus refers to metabolic disorder whereby the human body has high levels of blood glucose due to insulin resistance and insulin deficiency in the body. There are a number of complications associated with type 2 ...
Mental Health
According to Avison, McLeod and Pescosolido (2007, p. 5), mental health has evolved from a model of strong custodial care which was dominated by a biomedical approach to treatment and management. Modern mental health support embraces an ...
Mental Health/Healthe Care
Taking into consideration that the brain of the human is the central organ that helps in coordinating the whole body, any condition that interferes with the function of the brain causes an abrupt change in person’s mood and energy, ...
Mental Health Interview
The essay below discuses an interview carried out on mental health workers. This essay critically investigates the environment in which mental health workers operate. A complex combination of interview techniques such as questionnaire, ...
Metabolic Syndrome
Heart attacks are known for their diverse risk factors, the Metabolic Syndrome is an example of one of the risky complications that is usually associated with heart attacks. Other common risk factors due heart attacks include diabetes ...
Mitosis, Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics Theory
The term ‘cell division’ refers to the process where two daughter cells are formed from the separation of a single cell. It involves nuclear division, which is referred to as mitosis, and cytokinesis, which is also referred to as cytoplasmic ...
Molecular Imaging of Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a condition of inadequate O2 to support metabolic processes, which occurs when there is interruption in the vascular supply, or when tissues lose their O2 supply acutely. When healthy cells are extremely deprived of O2, they always die. ...
Monopolar Vs. Bipolar
Monopolar and bipolar depressions refer to mental illnesses characterized by disturbances in a one's mood, thought and behavior. They are what are referred to as affective disorders. Affective disorders are categorized into: depression, which ...
Montel Williams Life with Multiple Sclerosis
The Individual and the Disease
A disease is any deviation from or interruption of the structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and ...
Moral Medicine
Question 1
Control over one's body begins when an individual has the ability to believe that he or she has the ability to take control. For instance, one is able to gain control of his body before being administered with anesthesia prior to a major ...
MS Contin as Medication
MS contin is a medication, which belongs to the class narcotic analgesics (pain relievers). Another name for this class of pain relievers is opioid analgesics. The medication is used in the treatment of severe chronic pain. It can ...
Multiple Sclerosis Analysis
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disorder which damages fatty myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord. It is mostly common to the young female adults although it also seen in other individuals at any age. The study below is ...
Muscular Dystrophy
The muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of over thirty genetic diseases differentiated by progressive degeneration and weakness of the skeletal muscles which control movement. It is a collection of inherited disorders which involve muscle weakness ...
A Career in Medicine
My desire for a career in medicine started way back in primary school when I was a small kid of 9 years. My childhood friend, Kenneth, and I were playing hide and seek game one Friday after school. Kenneth had sought refuge at the top of a tall ...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is among a long list of personality disorders that make the patients feel and behave in ways that are socially upsetting. The disorder is marked with a sense of self-centeredness, an inflated vanity, a profound need ...
Neurological Disorders
This paper discus various aspects of epilepsy such as the various deficits due to the disorder, its effects on the child's learning and the available treatments for epilepsy.
This is a brain disorder in which the clusters of ...
New Hepatitis Viruses
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis E is an enterically transmitted infection that is self-limiting. It is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV). It is mainly spread through fecally contaminated water and has many similarities to hepatitis A. Hepatitis E has been ...
Non-Human Primates for Medical Research
There have been concerns and uncertainty on the suitability of making use of non-human primates for the medical research, majorly because of the evolutionary closeness to the human beings. Debate around this topic has become polarized, Proponents ...
Normal and Cancer Cells
Over the past few years, diseases with cancer case have escalated by an alarming rate. Cancer is a collective term, used to mean condition, in which abnormal cells divide continuously without restriction. The cell may invade the neighboring ...
Nurse Bullying
The article, “The Bullying Aspect of Workplace Violence in Nursing” by Michelle Johnston, BSN, RN, Phylavanh Pahnhtharath, BSN, RN, and Brenda S. Jackson, PhD, RN discusses a kind of workplace violence, nurse bullying, that is considered to be ...
Nurses and Patients
In the 1996 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) raised there concern about the need of ensuring an appropriate patient nurse ratio as well as the need for skill distribution among the staff in order for quality health care to be ensured. Research that ...
Nursing Class
The essay below discusses the fast spread of HIV/AIDS as reflected in the two research articles. With regard to the prevailing circumstances in today’s society, the essay has tried to explain the main causes behind the fast spread of ...
Nursing Research Utilization
Nowadays it has become apparent that health care is a commodity purchased competitively. In any competitive market, the goal is to make profit. In order to increase the proportion of his\her customers, a health provider must create customer loyalty. ...
Nursing Theory Paper
Nursing is inseparable from caring. Compassion, cultural diversity, autonomy and integrity are the foundational ingredients of professional nursing. This paper provides reflections on the nursing profession and professional expectations in nursing. ...
In current times, the number of obese people has been increasing at alarming levels. Emerging lifestyle trends for most people nowadays, put little focus on carrying out a frequent exercise routine and maintaining personal fitness. Poor eating ...
Obesity and the Time to Pregnancy
Obesity prevails as a significant cause of many diseases and abnormalities in humans. Unfortunately, obesity is rapidly increasing now more than ever before. In the past decade, the records of obesity increase especially in the United ...
Obesity Treatment
Obesity is a chronic disease that is affecting masses of individuals. It is often associated with morbidity and early mortality. Like any other chronic disease, it often requires long term treatment. The causes of obesity vary. It could be a genetic ...
Obsessive Compulsion Personality Disorder
Obsessive compulsion personality disorder (OCPO) is a personality disorder, depicted by the persistent nature of fixation to neatness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of convenient service delivery. Under this condition, the ...
Occupational Health and Safety Program
Occupational health and safety policy is widely concerned with improving the industrial safety of workers and their health. The program is entitled to ensure that the environment is safe and free of any hazards. The program is entitled to protect ...
Omeprazole Drug
Omeprazole is a drug that belongs to proton pump inhibitors. This drug decreases the acidic levels in a patient's stomach. It is used to treat the signs of GERD; The Gastro esophageal reflux disease. In addition, it is practical to contain the ...
Osteoporosis and its Prevention from Childhood
According to World Health Organization (2004), osteoporosis is a disease that affects the victim’s bones causing them to reduce in their density and be more vulnerable to fracture. It has been proved to be directly related to the ...
Oxidative DNA Damage Repair
DNA is a nucleic acid that has the genetic instructions which all living organisms use to function except for RNA viruses. Oxidative stress on the other hand is a discrepancy between the production of reactive oxygen species and an organism’s ...
OxyContin Addiction
As a result of various illnesses, as well as fatigue, people undergo many forms of pain every day. These pains range from mild pains to severe pains. As a result of this, many drugs have been invented for the purpose of relieving the ...
Patient Safety
Everybody makes mistakes, since we are human beings. Nurses and medical staff in general are not an exception. However, there is a great difference between just receiving an «E» for a poor grammar and confusing prescribed drugs. That is ...
Paying for Physician Services
According to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (2010), physicians are known to provide a wide range of services to both in- and outpatients. These services include consultation visits, services which require surgical procedures as well as ...
The research questions address how parents present their children’s problems to their pediatricians. The research shows that there are two ways on how the parents present the problems their kids are suffering from to their pediatricians. The ...
Performance Enhancing Drugs
History of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports
Performance Enhancing Drug (PEDs) have been understood in many cases to mean any drug which is taken to improve one’s performance in sports even though is not a part of pharmacologic doses. ...
Periodontal Bone Grafting
Periodontology means tooth genitive, and refers to the specialty of dentistry that studies organization of teeth, illnesses, and conditions affecting them. A bone graft also known as regenerative surgery done to create bone and soft tissues lost ...
Peripheral Artery Disease
Seldom, the decreased flow of the blood in the case of peripheral artery disease provoke appearance of sores that cannot be healed, gangrene, ulcers and various injuries of the extremities. The area of extremity do not receive enough blood and ...
Pernicious Anemia
Pernicious anemia which doctors have also referred to as Biermer’s anemia or Addison’s anemia is generally a decrease in red blood cells. It occurs as a result of small intestines not properly absorbing vitamin B12. This deficiency is one of the ...
Personal Protection of Information
This paper mainly talks about personal protection of information about the patient. It also give reasons as to why some of the patient's information should be protected especially those that need privacy. Control measures are also mention ...
Physical and Pharmacological Effects
People usually abuse various substances such as tobacco, alcohol and other forms of drugs, because of varied and rather complicated reasons. These complications are evident in the hospitals and emergency rooms through the direct damage of these ...
Physicians Code of Conduct
The question to be covered in this fold is basically meant to determine the validity of reports as provided by physicians as they undergo their daily routine of treating patients. The question to be answered is, therefore, whether the ...
Piney Woods Hospital Emergency Department
Company Overview
An emergency refers to a situation which causes an immediate danger to life or health of an individual. Emergencies require earnest intervention to protect the situation from worsening. Piney Woods Hospital is non-profit making ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Defining abnormality as well as mental disorder is sometimes difficult. It normally depends on the tools you use to define abnormality since what you consider to be abnormal might be normal to someone else. Therefore, psychologist should try to deal ...
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder is a condition that is caused by experiencing of a traumatic event that involves the threat of injury or death. It usually develops as a result of a terrible or frightening experience. It may also be caused by a highly ...
Preventative and Therapeutic Medicine
Physical therapy (PT) is used to provide, develop, maintain and restore movement in an individual throughout his or her lifespan by treating them (patients or clients). They provide services to the aging people and the injured patients (Russon, ...
Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability
The current health care sector in the US has regulatory policies concerning healthcare professionals. They are based on the key assumption that the healthcare services fail, because there is a lack of proper and readily available ...
Professionalism in Medicine
This paper would be dedicated to the discussing of the three cases of unprofessional behaviour of future physicians: case with the relative of the dying patient, case in cafeteria and case when student sat down in a room while rounding.
As to the ...
Professionalism in Medicine Creative Work
First of all it is important to emphasise on the fact that being employed in the healthcare establishment is a responsible and stressful work and that is why, a set ...
Sickle cell anemia
A genetic blood disease resulting from the presence of an abnormal form of hemoglobin, namely hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin is the molecule in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the farthest areas of the body. ...
Psychoanalytic and Behaviorist View of Hydrophobia
Hydrophobia is the morbid fear of water. It can also refer rabies which is a disease characterized by fear of drinking water due to pain when swallowing. Behaviorism deals with attributes that can be observed and proven while psychoanalysis seeks ...
PTSD as a Defense
Post-traumatic stress disorder commonly referred to as PTSD is an anxiety disorder referring to the psychological trauma faced by an individual. It is a very common condition among veterans and the military previously referred to it as war neurosis ...
Qualitative Research in Medicine
The evidence based medical practice is a way of integrating personal clinical knowledge with the most appropriate peripheral clinical facts from methodical research. Increased skill is reflected in diagnosis and identification and ...
Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals
Health care quality can be precisely measured with degrees of scientific exactness. Many a times, there has been a problem with the quality of medicine in America. These problems of medicinal misappropriations do occur in all American ...
Quality of Healthcare in the USA
The international measurement of the quality of health care between countries involves the analysis of the population health status, patient safety, and experience with healthcare services and other factors. In this regard, the comparison indicates ...
Quality Policy
Aspirus Wausau Hospital is a community-managed healthcare system driven with compassion for people and passion to excel in all their services. It works collaboratively with partners who share their mission. To ensure this, the hospital ...
Racial Trauma in the Lives of Black Children
There is inadequate concern regarding racial trauma even with continued efforts in psychology, as well as social sciences. As a result, there is no acknowledgement of racial trauma in the lives of both black children, together with adolescents by ...
Reducing Complications of Central Catheters
A central venous catheter is a thin flexible tube used to give fluids, blood and nutrients to patients and inserted through the neck or arm until it reaches a vein near the heart. Although the CVCs do enable administration of a life supporting ...
Removing Bottlenecks in Patient Discharge Process
The focus of this discussion is a large local multispecialty hospital. The hospital in question has a bed capacity of three hundred patients. In this institution, there are several bottlenecks that makes the process of discharging patients lengthy ...
Renal Failure
Indeed, the number of medical disorders that are present in this world is astonishingly big, notwithstanding the fact that more and more of the disorders come up as we continue. Among them, there are disorders which elicit interest in each of us, ...
Rene Laennec's Invention of the Stethoscope
René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec was a French physician who invented the stethoscope in 1816. When he was thirty five years old walking in the fields, he saw two boys sending signals to each other by using long solid wood and a pin. The boys ...
Response to Stress
Stress refers to the condition when a particular situation, phenomenon or perception triggers the intimidation of homeostasis and causes imbalance in a person. In this regard, a victim responds to behavioral stress with reactions that emanate from ...
Right or Left Side of the Brain
According to the Free Online Dictionary, the brain refers to “…the central nervous system of the vertebrate which is enclosed in the cranium and continues with the spinal cord that is composed of white matter and gray matter”. The brain is ...
Rise in Obesity in America
With the authors mentioning the economy, they imply that it has contributed to rise in obesity. As we all know, fast-foods are cheaper and due to financial constrains caused by the economy, people are running for the fast-foods without thinking of ...
Risk and Benefits of Amniocentesis
Amniocentesis refers to a procedure performed to remove the amniotic fluid after the 15th week of pregnancy and is one of the methods of fetal examination. Amniocentesis is done by drawing the amniotic fluid using a needle with ultrasound ...
Robotics in Medical Surgeries
The last twenty years was a time of revolutionary changes in technologies surgery. There became a new category of surgery - minimally invasive surgery, which gave an oppotunity to minimize surgical trauma and likelihood of complications, shorten ...
S-P-O Model of Healthcare Quality
Application of S-P-O model to an episode of health care observed as a consumer of health care services
The S-P-O model is important in assessing the kind of services provided in health institutions and in modeling the relationship between structure, ...
Schizophrenia is a chronic, debilitating and severe mental illness that affects about 2 million people in the United States; it is also called split personality disorder. It makes it difficult for one to tell the difference between real ...
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder is an uncommon occurrence that is characterized by a clique of strange behaviors. People with this condition usually are antisocial and seem not to value relationships or the sense of belonging. Their emotions are ...
Sexual Response Cycle
Greenberg, Bruess, & Conklin (2011) define sexual response cycle as the sequence of emotional and physical changes that take place when a person is aroused sexually thus participating in activities that lead to sexual stimulation, for instance ...
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
This research paper has been written to discuss the rise of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in teenagers. The topic is of much significance because of two primary reasons. First and foremost, the discussion of the causes ...
Sickle Cell Anemia
The results for this research have been presented in a one primary division. In this division is the group of the pregnant females with sickle cell disease; this category describes the relevant population characteristics of the females informants ...
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is also known as sickle cell anemia and is defined as a disease in which an individual's body produces sickle or crescent shaped red blood cells (Buchanan et al. 2004). The shapes of sickle-shaped red ...
Skin Conditions
The society requires attaining, maintaining and recovering from disease, ailments accidents. This calls for specialized care from a trained professional. In most case, care givers at home may lack this expertise. This calls for people ...
Smoking in Public Places
Public smoking imposes significant health costs on the individual smokers and the secondhand smokers in general. Public smoking is a significant factor in creating mortality disparities for the public who do not smoke. There are arguments to ...
Speech Recognition in the EHR
The slow adoption rate of the EHR is as a result of several factors. The complication related to human computer interface and the competence (or lack of it) to input data and navigate the system is one of these factors. Speed recognition maybe ...
Sperm Banks Rising Issues
The scope of the speech is to analyze the rising issues regarding sperm banks. It is focused on different articles by different authors who use different techniques to emphasize on the need to regulate sperm ...
Sports First Aid: Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is one of the most common sports injuries. It occurs on the outer part of the elbow making it to be tender and sore. As the name suggests, the condition mostly affects tennis players and other players of racquet sports. Actually, it is ...
Stages of Language Development in Children
Stages of language development in children In this paper we are gong to trace the stages of language development through birth to the age of six as depicted and outlined by Jean Piaget in his Theory of Cognitive Development. To begin with, most ...
Stem Cell Bioethical Dilemmas
Ethical dilemma is a conflict that arises between two possible actions where one is considered to be sufficiently favorable, and another unfavorable; it can also be defined as a conflict between two ethical principles that tend to ...
Strategies for the Physiome
A mathematical model aids in describing the physical processes and behavior of a system using mathematical equations; often in a simplified manner. A number of experiments implement simple mathematical models in an attempt to catalogue and explain ...
Stress and Diseases
Stress is often associated with negative health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, insomnia, obesity, poor memory, headaches, anxiety, ulcers, coronary heart diseases (CHD), and myocardial infarctions (MI). It also lowers the body’s ...
Stress in Nursing
For a long time stress in the nursing profession has raised concerns due to its negative effects on the personal lives of nurses. In many hospitals and care centre nurses are the most susceptible to stress in their workplace due to ...
Stress Responses
Stress can be put as any type of change that affects one's physical and mental well-being. Not all types of stress are negative. Several definitions are unclear as to whether or not stress is an effect, a cause or a thought connecting the two. This ...
Substance Abuse Program: Philadelphia
Philadelphia is one of the cities where drug and substance abuse has been quite rampant throughout the second half of the twentieth century and the current twenty first century. As a result, various organizations, both governmental and ...
Telemedicine is a system in healthcare provision for practitioners employing telecommunication and information technologies during the provision of healthcare to patients. It is a recent development where telemedical devices are utilized in ...
Test a Theory
A headache is a symptom which is often associated with many illnesses. Headaches can also come as a result of over-working and general fatigue. This illness has various treatments including herbal medications and prescription drugs. Tea is one of ...
The Alcoholism
Alcoholism, like many addictions, has long been considered a “social disease” caused by weakness of will, poor self-control or lack of faith. Today, alcoholism is seen as a biological disease, one that has had great effects on ...
The Ambulatory Care
Ambulatory care is a medical care which is given on an outpatient case. Some medical illnesses do not require the patient to be admitted to the hospital. They can be cured while one is at home. These may include; when one want to have a blood ...
The Article Review
This study is designed to focus on the VAP development and oral health status event. It is important to note that many oral changes appear during the first 48 hours in the ICU. This has resulted to organism growth, abnormalities, and ...
The Blood Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia is a blood hereditary disorder which is characterized by some periodic pains as well as constant anemia. The main issue that causes this disorder involves a transformation in blood protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin forms part ...
The Cause, Effect and Treatment of Alzheimer
This disease is categorized among the dementia diseases and it is the progressive and continuous decrease in someone's intellect. The ancient Greeks and physicians stated that as age increases, then chances of getting dementia become high. In 1901, ...
The Challenges to the Health Insurance Companies
It is with dire need and serious concern that I have decided to notify your board of the subject above. The insurance company is faced with lots of challenges in the market following the recent events and issues surrounding the operations of the ...
The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition that affects the respiratory system. Two common forms of COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The two conditions may occur together or separately. The condition takes long to cure and is ...
The Cultural Diversity
Human beings associate and interact with one another in different ways. Therefore, there are aspects of life that are common to a group of people in an area or age group. The beliefs, values, norms, practices, and the total traits that ...
The Depression
Impacts of improvement on evidence-based quality on depression in the primary case are a randomized experiment study, which is done to evaluate the evidence-based quality improvement impacts on depression care of practice-wide and the outcomes. The ...
The Drug Abuse
In my analysis, I would like to pick on drug abuse as the major issue of health concern affecting children in many parts of the world today. A lot of steps should be taken to liberate children from the effects of alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, opium, ...
The Effects of Counseling Services
Methadone is a drug that is used medically to suppress the withdrawal syndrome of opioids. The class of the drug is known to be seriously addictive for users. Surprisingly, even the medical health care workers are prone to abused of options drugs ...
The Mad Cow Disease
When viruses were discovered, scientists believed they had found the smallest infectious particles. However, in recent years, that perception has changed. Scientists have discovered an apparently new class of disease agents, virus like ...
The Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology is composed of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Five (5) suffixes and five (5) prefixes and define them.
anti – antiflu- prevent development of the flu and the emergence of possible complications: Scientists have ...
The Medicare
Health care support programs are programs that give support to the chief health programs in a nation. These programs are vital, since they deal with the things that do not get consideration from the major programs. Every health care ...
The Monoclonal Antibodies
By definition, monoclonal antibodies are mono specific antibodies (antibodies with an affinity for a similar antigen.) which are alike, specifically because their production is by identical immune cells which all happen to be clones of a ...
The Obesity
Today, it is easy to notice in America that many people have a problem with their weight. It is not just in America but in the world, because obesity is a serious social issue. Obesity is widespread, and can cause many different health ...
The Pathophysiology of Cancer
Cancer describes a group of over 150 disease procedures typified by unrestrained development and spread of cells. Cancer does not refer to a one, certain disease but a group of changeable tissue responses that lead to unrestrained development of ...
The Role of Radiographers in Healthcare Delivery
Radiography is defined as the use of X-rays in viewing cross sections of non-uniformly composed material, for example, the human body. It involves the utilization of the physical properties of the ray so that an image can be developed. The X-rays ...
The Rules of Good Sleep Hygiene
Good sleep is being able to control all behavior and environmental factors that may interfere with good sleep. This involve following guidelines so that one achieves a more restful, effective sleep that will make one to alert and productive ...
The Spinal Cord
The spinal cord refers to a long, thin and tube like bundles of nervous tissue and support cells, which extend from the medulla oblongata. The spinal cord and the brain together make up the central nervous system. It starts at the Occipital bone and ...
The Stem Cell Research
Embryonic stem-cell research is a very controversial subject of debate. It has been viewed by the church, especially the Roman Catholic one, as an immoral act and commercialization of human life. It is a major concern to many churches ...
Tina's Story
Major depressive disorder is a disorder involving moods, in which feelings of loss, anger, frustration or sadness interfere with daily life for either a week or longer. The disorder is diagnosed in axis I of the multi-axial system. The disorder is ...
Transitional Care of Heart Failure Patients
Heart failure has been described as the inability of the heart to pump adequate blood to meet body requirements. Heart failure causes a variety of symptoms including leg swelling, shortness of breath and intolerance to exercise. ...
Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
Aversion therapy is applied from time to time. It uses classical conditioning. Conditioned stimulus might be images, smells or taste of alcohol. The unconditioned stimulus are pharmacological emetics. There have also been attempts of hidden impact ...
Treatment in the Hospital
The number of patients being served by one nurse contributes greatly to the patient’s outcome. For these reason there is significant awareness of the relationship between patient outcome and nurse stuffing. For these reason the ministry of public ...
TruEarth Healthy Foods
TrueEarth Healthy Foods is faced with some serious management decisions regarding refregerated pizza with some complications originating from the company previous operations. Chief dillema in the management decisions regards the neagtive campaign ...
Tumor Suppressors Block
Prove exists that CD4+ T cells are capable of holding back the life cycle of a HIV virus an ability that is connected with an ascent of P21 protein. P21 was formerly known as a tumor suppressor and it has a strong gene regulation in CD4+ T cells but ...
Turner Syndrome
American Pregnancy Association (2007) defines Turner syndrome as therapeutic disarray that impinges on at least one out of two thousands five hundred females. Even though researchers are yet to establish the causes of Turner syndrome, they ...
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes also known as the non-insulin dependent diabetes is the most commonly found type of diabetes. Unlike in type 1 which is caused by low production of insulin levels, type 2 is mainly associated by high levels of sugar found in blood. ...
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
Diabetes is a disorder that is characterized by excessive excretion of urine. There are different forms of diabetes, but the most common one is diabetes mellitus. This is a disorder in which one's body function is unable to oxide carbohydrates due ...
Validity of Stem Cells Research
Stem cells are cells that have the ability to divide in order to produce either the cells that are identical to them- through a process of cell renewal or cells of one or several specific differentiated types. Since they are not fully distinguished ...
Vegetarian Diet
Health is a sensitive topic in today’s world in which new strains of diseases are discovered day in day out. Experts suggest, and indeed food consumed by a subject has a lot to say about the subject’s health status. Diet change and watching the ...
Veterans Healthcare Benefits
What is good and what needs to be fixed with veteran's healthcare benefits? The number of patients being served by the Department of Veterans Affairs medical system has been increasing in recent years. The quality of care and ...
Vibrio Cholerae
Vibrio cholerae is a known cholera causing agent. Cholera is one of the lives threatening diarrheal infection which occurs in many countries especially the developing countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Cholera disease spreads ...
Water Fasting Versus Juice Fasting
Water Fasting Versus Juice Fasting The human body is a complex machine that requires energy every minute of the life span, from the moment of conception to death. It uses energy constantly, not only for work or movement but also for all the subtle ...
Wechsler Memory Scale
According to Wechsler (2009), the Wechsler Memory Scale is a neuropsychological test that helps to evaluate how effective the functioning of the memory of an individual perceived to have memory disorders is. He points out that the test ...
Western Medicine
Western medicine; a term used in describing treatment of any medical condition with medications, by doctors, nurses and using conventional healthcare institutions that would thus employ methods that were/are developed according to Western medical ...
Why it is so Important to Test Children
A transesophageal echocardiogram is an echocardiogram that utilizes ultrasound waves that “bounces” off the heart in order to generate pictures that show the sate of the heart on a TV screen (Belham, 2010). It provides health care practitioners ...
Women with Dementia Receiving Care from Daughters
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) refers to the menacing, persistent and debilitating type of disorder which impairs the ability of the affected person to self-care. The article continues to argue that the disorder does not only affect the helpless person ...
Workflow within a Medical Field
A workflow is a process of how tasks are performed in a certain organization. In general it is the process in which tasks and duties are done following a certain order which facilitate a smooth flow of the operations for efficiency. The workflow ...