Check Out Our Literature Essays Examples

1984 Love

Introduction The write up presents a book report essay on the novel 1984 Love authored by George Orwell.  The leadership offered by the Oceana Party in the society of 1984 makes the practice of real love impossible. According to Orwell, people in ...

A Book "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe was brought up in the village of Ogidi, Nigeria. His interest in studying the Nigerian local cultures grew while he was attending a college. His father was a missionary school teacher. While growing up, Achebe personally experienced ...

A Christian Holistic Approach to the Study of Literature

Literature contributes immensely to the growth and development of Christian inspiration and Godly live. Reading literature materials develop biblically clear set of mind from which individual can evaluate his experiences. However, secular ...

A Fairly Tale

Once upon a time in a faraway village in the African hinterland, there lived two children a boy named Jose and a girl named Mary. They grew together and continued to love each other as their parents promised them that they would get married when ...

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Being one of William Shakespeare’s masterpieces, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a comical play which was written in 1593. The play tells a story of three different lovers and takes place in Athens. In the beginning, we are introduced to Duke ...

A Raisin in the Sun

A Raisin in theSsun is an American play by Lorraine Hansberry. Its title comes from the poem that goes by the name “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. In the play, there is a black family that lives in Chicago. The play is about their experiences. ...

A Review and Analysis of Emily Dickinson

Introduction Emily Dickinson is among the most recognized and greatest poets in America. For the past fifty years or more, a number of study resources such as books and essays have explained her life and poetry. For instance, some critics have made ...

A Story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This is a story by Gabriel García Márquez, who is a renowned author of short stories. In this particular story, the author presents one of the best examples of magical realism. Magical realism refers to the artistic use of fictional elements such ...

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Introduction This essay seeks to analyze and discuss the novel ‘’ the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’’. It also seeks to discuss the many aspects and attributes that lead to the growth and development of Huckleberry Finn. Plot Overview This ...

Albert Camus' Myth of Sisyphus

The Myth of Sisyphus is an existentialist interpretation of what Camus terms as the absurdity of life. Camus narrates the story of a Sisyphus, a legend in Greek mythology who was sentenced for eternity to push a boulder up a hill, only for the ...

Ali and Nino

The love tale of Ali and Nino has been very popular in Baku, Azerbaijan. The outline of the tale is influenced by the turmoil that was witnessed in Baku during the early years of the 20th century. It actually ends with Ali’s death at a time when ...

American Ethnic Literature

Introduction American literature refers to the literary work produced in the area within the Geographic boundaries of the United States of America. The poetry and theatre of the US form a fundamental part of the American Literature which should not ...

American Literature prior to Civil War

American public opinion has developed almost exclusively in the form of religious teachings for nearly a century. According to the ideas of American Puritans who followed the tenets of the harsh Calvinism, art and literature did not make any sense. ...

American Middle Class in John Updike Fiction

John Hoyer Updike an American poet, short story writer and a novelist, is said to be one of the most respected, popular and prominent American author of his times. The reason for all that credit is because of his keenness in observing social ...

Analysis of "The Tempest"

William Shakespeare is considered to be the most influential writer in all English literature. “The Tempest” is thought to have been written between 1610 and 1611 and was first performed by the King’s men in 1611. Many scholars believe that ...

Angels of Mercy Hospital

Introduction Angels of Mercy is history dates back to 1829 from a colonial hospital. In 1833, the colonial hospital grew from a tent to a room rented in a house. By 1946, its location was changed to its current address and its name was changed. The ...

Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra has been the greatest story of love in the history of the world. Written by William Shakespeare between the fiscal years 1603 and 1607, the text is a play that is characterized with war, struggles in power and political ...

Aristophanes Lysistrata

The Lysistrata play which was written by Aristophanes is a comical account of a mission which a woman embarked on in order to bring to an end the Peloponnesian war. Lysistrata is able to convince all women to deny their husbands the sexual ...

Atticus Speech

According to the novel 'mocking bird' written by Harper Lee, he uses ethos, logos and pathos to describe his speech in persuading jurors that 'Tom Robinson is innocent from raping Mayella by using his identity as a believer of a god'. In his ...


After the First World War, America got on the fast lane. The 1920's were a golden era for America as industries flourished. The economy was in a boom and more and more money was flowing down to the people. Alcohol that had been prohibited under the ...

Bartley, the Scrivener

Major characters in "Bartley, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street" are the narrator and Bartleby. The narrator (lawyer) is a major character because he plays a big role in the whole story as it all revolves around his minds working and constantly ...

Battle Royal

The short story ‘’Battle Royal’’ by Ralph Ellison is based on the scenes of life of old setting where the African Americans were generally under the oppression and influence of the whites. The story starts with the main character being in a ...

Big Two-Hearted River

The setting is in Michigan in the northern forests about a year or two after the World War I ended. The main and only character is Nick Adams, who we are already familiar with from the previous tales in the Nick Adams series. He has just recently ...

Biography of Thomas Paine

Introduction Born to poor parents, Joseph Paine and Frances Cocke Paine, in 1737, Thomas Paine is today regarded as one of the intellectual revolutionaries and one of the founding fathers of America. He was an author, pamphleteer and a radical ...

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut’s fiction occupies a peculiar place in postmodernist literature because it combines neo-romantic and neo-modernist elements. These themes in Breakfast of Champions (1973) are typically romantic ones especially his attacks on ...

Gender Equality in the Poem written by Jennifer Perrine

Poem Analysis Essay Introduction The poem Gender Question #2 was written by Jennifer Perrine and published on the 13th day of January 2009. The poem won the winner of the Goodreads Poetry Contest in January 2009. The poem has three key words on its ...


Satire as an Instrument for Community Correction Beyond its usual amusement, it is clear that satire is designed to make vices repulsive so that they can easily be expunged from individuals as well as the society that is being criticized, regardless ...

Cathedral by Raymond Carver

Cathedral This paper seeks to discuss and analyze the characters, characters’ changes, conflicts, style, foreshadowing, theme, climax, plot, and historic context in Cathedral by Raymond Carver. The essay develops the story setting, and provides ...


The poem Kubla Khan was composed by Samuel Taylor Coleridge after his opium-influenced dream. He studied a work depicting a summer castle of Mongol swayer and a kingdom of Chinese Kubla Khan. The poem has a different style and form from other poems ...

Cervantes Don Quixote

In the first Sally, part one of Miguel de Cervantes’s Cervantes Don Quixote, we learn about the violent relationship between Alonso Quijano, his niece, house maid and other people he interacts with during his adventures. The retired country ...

Chapters 6-9 in Tracks

Abstract The story is set in the North Dakota when the Indian tribe has a struggle to keep the little land that they have since they have lost a lot. The Indian people keep losing their land and they now get to the brink of their patience. The ...

Character Determines Destiny

In many works of art such as Shakespearian and Greek tragedies, character has been many a time been blamed for the destiny that is ultimate for a character. These characters usually have a fatal flaw or a great heart that inevitably lead them to ...


Central to any story is the use of characters which enables its author to interact with the audience. The first involvement between the audiences with a named story often develops when they read of different characters that are able to take ...

Characters of Medea

Medea is mostly noted to be a very interesting and captivating woman character in history. This is because she was able to hold diverse characters traits that made the viewers and readers of the story have divided / changing opinions about her role ...

Children Literature

Maurice Sendak is an artistic genius in children literature illustrations and imagery. One of his great works is where wild things are, this book is a work highly criticized both in the positive and in the negative perspectives.  It is a world of ...

China's Fertility Policy

The primary objective of the article ‘Options for Fertility Policy Transition in China’ by Zeng Yi is the consequences of strict fertility policy employed in China, which necessitates for the fertility policy transition. The article has ...

Chinese Literature

The Journey to the west by Wu Cheng'en can be considered as literary myth and legend that explores the Eastern part of Asia wit much attention paid to China and then expanding to the entire world. The story explores the life of Xuan Zang's, also ...

Chinese Society

Daughter of Han is a story about Ning Lao known as “old mistress Ning” or “granny Ning” who lives a completely difficult life in the China during the 19th century. We learn a lot about the Chinese society and gender system through her life ...

Comedy of Errors and Platus

Introduction The Roman culture embraced comedy and plays as they were part of the entertainment that most of the citizens looked forward to. Plautus was a well known Roman comedy writer as his talent in the area was evident through the plays that he ...

"Coming Through Slaughter"

"Coming Through Slaughter” by Michael Ondaatje talks about the life of New Orleans jazz pioneer Charles (Buddy) Bolden. The story is rich and tragic as based on the life of the main character that had multiple roles; he was a famous jazz ...

Conflicts of Willy Loman

Introduction The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller has a non-linear narrative structure, which interweaves Willy Loman’s happy past with the stressful present. Because of his old age, he does not know if he is living in the past in the present. ...

Cowardice and Courage in "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien was born in 1946 in Worthington, Minnesota. He was born at a time when Vietnam and Civil Rights Movements were dominating the American culture (Bloom). In simple terms, he may be described as having been an anti-war personality. This was ...

Death and Environment

Connection between environment and death There is aspect of death in The Stranger and The Metamorphosis by Albert Camus and Franz Kafka respectively. Both authors show us that death will always relate o the environment in which they occur. There are ...

Deeper Insight into the Epic

 “The Epic of Gilgamesh” is a story that came about two thousand years ago. Since the story was considered as a classic, its content had therefore been recorded in a very extensive form of clay tablets which were strategically discovered in ...

Der Atlas from Franz Schubert's Schwanengesang

Introduction This essay seeks to evaluate in-depth the content and the form of the poem by Franz Schubert. It also will try to discern how the composer portrays the main protagonist in the song. This paper also seeks to look into the many attributes ...

Discuss Nick as Protagonist of the Novel

The Great Gatsby is an American novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The book has a setting of spring to autumn in 1922. This time in the history of USA is the Roaring Twenties, because of the high rates of prosperity within this time. The setting ...

Dostoevskys Notes from Underground

What are the heroic qualities which make difference from other characters in a society? A dissonant cord is strike by the Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground. The sound of this heroic figure must be recognized very earlier. It is an important ...

Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is the application of the words and actions of the characters for making different sense for the audience, than they make for characters of the work. So, the result of it, the greater knowledge, that is given to the audience and that ...

Dream Variations

Langston Hughes’ Dream Variations aims primarily at the oppressed people dreaming for freedom of their own kind. Hughes had lived and experienced life of the African-Americans in the society of the Americans. He had a musical passion and had a ...

Dylan Thomas' Poetry

Dylan Thomas was a great and famous writer and poet, who not only wrote poems and plays but also performed them himself. Thomas poetry was unique in that it was played in a verbal style as compared to other strict and common verse forms. This paper ...

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was fascinated with death. All his major works were about death. He was not only fascinated, but obsessed with it. It is, therefore, interesting that a writer who, wrote about death in the early part of the 19th century, commands the ...

Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven

The Raven is a narrative poem that was written by an American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The poem was published for the first time in January 1845. The poem contains eighteen stanzas and each stanza is six lines long. Its meter is trochaic octameter. ...

Queen Elizabethan Drama

Introduction The Elizabethan drama refers to different plays that were produced from 1558 to 1603 while Queen Elizabeth reigned in England (Berber 165). Elizabethan drama did not concentrate only religious themes. It also concentrated on secular ...

Emily Dickinson's Life and Literature Works

In America of the 19th, century there were only a few poets that could be considered as brilliant and as prolific as Emily Dickinson. Her output, as well as the quality of her work, makes her worthy of recognition as one of the greatest American ...

Emily's Life in the Past

The short story A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner demonstrates a woman's reluctance towards the changes. The author’s usage of imagery determines a tone of the general topic of the story, death. The main character’s isolation causes her ...

Eudora Welty's Story why I Live at the P.O.

In Eudora Welty’s story Why I Live at the P.O., the reader can only see one point of view of the main heroine, and she is not able to realize the reality of the events which are happening around her, therefore an author makes her an unreliable ...

Evelina's Name

Published in the fiscal year 1778, Evelina is a novel that depicts an orphan girl’s desire to develop her writing career. The girl desperately looks for someone who can give her a name and launch her to a great position in the world. Since the ...

Evolution of Crime Fictions

Early crime fictions involved the hunting and the seizing of the fictional criminals where they would be punished after being seized. Life would then be back to normal since this process was known to restore law and order in the fictional society. ...


The title of the poem 'Back When All Was Continuous Chuckles' creates a flashback scenario in the poem. This immediately makes the reader to have a reflective mindset of an event taking place in some medieval era or past time.  This element is ...

Father Figure

The purpose of this essay is to take a deeper analysis of the two characters found in the novel 'Adventure of Huckleberry Finn" as written by Mark Twain. This work will look at the characters differences and similarities as outlined in this novel. ...

Fiction: Drama

The setting of A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen takes place during the timethe Helmers celebrate Christmas and New Year.  Christmas is a time when Christ was born while New Year is associated with renewal and rebirth. A good number of the ...

Food and Drinks in Hunger Games

The tale of The Hunger Games starts off on the day of the reaping in District 12. The book is of fiction in the young adult genre, but the content captures readers of all ages. While reading through the book, one realizes the nerve-racking tension ...

Gatsby Essay

Nick serves the purpose of literary device that has been employed to tell the themes of the story. In the novel, Nick Carraway tells us a story about Gatsby in which the latter tries to use wealth to attain happiness (Curnutt, 2004). Unlike all ...

Gender in Huckleberry Finn

Focusing on Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain explored the roles of gender, because he did not only reinforce, but he also undermined some traditional definitions. By doing this, he managed to leave out contradictions and ambiguities that could inspire ...

Girl and A Rose for Family

The two stories, Girl by Jamaican Kincaid and A rose for Family by William Faulkner depicts mixed emotional reaction to the reader. Girl shows responsive, caring and concerned motherhood of the persona, creating satisfactory feelings to the reader. ...

Greek Gods in the Iliad

In the ancient Greek, gods were seen as divine beings, for instance the Trojan War was viewed by many Greeks not just as a dispute among men but as a desire of the gods. In fact after reading the Iliad, one is made to believe that had the gods not ...


A university scholar whose studies are interrupted by his father's demise, Hamlet is exceptionally thoughtful and reflective. He is predominantly drawn to complicated issues or questions that cannot be answered with any conviction. He is enigmatic. ...

Hamlet Play

Hamlet History Hamlet is one of the William Shakespear stories  based on a real events This is a revenge story (Shakespeare, 2011). The major interest in this work is to evaluate whether Hamlet was insane or not for having executed the vengeful ...

Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass

MacKethan   (1) observes that African American writers perfected what is today seen as one of America’s original native genres of written literature.  This happened for the duration of the past three decades of permissible slavery in the United ...

Heroes in Earnest Hemingways Conception

Earnest Hemingway's heroes are achieved through the triumph over major challenges in placed before a character. His conception of a hero is not defined so differently from that of Joseph Campbell's in the Hero with a Thousand Faces. Characters are ...

Hochberg Ilene: Who Stole My Cheese?

Ilene Hochberg is a well known and bestselling author in the genre of parody. Her story Who Stole My Cheese? is a parody of the classical book by Spencer Johnson. Both writers reflect in the books the issues of changes in people’s lives and their ...

Huckleberry Fin Debate

The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin is surrounded by controversy from various individuals, each claiming their piece. There are those who claim that the book is aimed at propagating racial prejudice with other refuting these claims strongly. ...

I Am a Dog, I Like It

In the cold outside is my home, Security I am they say, alone I don’t get much in return, They always go out to have fun, And leave me behind, around to run.   But to be obedient always I learn, Even if I mean anything to none, It hurts to the ...

Income Inequality and Poverty

This news story generally analyses the ever increasing inequality in income while no change is observed in the poverty levels. While states have widely declared the fight against poverty, the effect has hardly been felt. This has been a great blow ...

Inferno Response

Introduction In various societies, heroes are viewed differently according to their character and abilities, and according to the time period peculiarities and norms. Authors chant the praises of numerous personality traits in their characters, ...

Influence of Negative Perception

Introduction “Just walk on by,” an essay by Brent staples informs of the people’s reaction toward a young black man. The story begins with a description of a woman’s negative reaction towards the black man who has arrived in Chicago to study ...

Is Lenehan Dependent on Corley

In this life we all choose the life that we want to live. In the story ‘Two Gallants’ Lenehan and Corley choose a life of luring women and making them believe that they love them in the intention of acquiring money from them. This is ...

Is Macbeth's Destiny Controlled by Fate?

The line between destiny and free will is a thin one. More often than not, it is confused and misread. Destiny and freewill go hand in hand. However, the former is commonly considered as fate and is beyond human influence. On the other hand, human ...

Jane Eyre

The sole purpose of this essay is to critically analyze the book “Jane Eyre”. This is a story about a young damsel who begins very humbly. Jane is an orphan and with no one in the world to help her, she is forced to craft her own way to succeed. ...

Jewish Self-Hatred in Malamud's "The Jewbird"

“The Jewbird” is written by Bernard Malamud. The setting of this short story is an apartment in New York City. The story features four characters, which are Cohen, Edie, Maurie, and Schwartz, a crow (Josh & Joshua 111). The ...

Julius Caesar

The Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar reflects the power struggles in the times of civil strife. The subject matter of the play is about the concerns of the people and their ancient history. Shakespeare took an upheaval and examined the role of a ...

Kafkas The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a story about a young man named Gregor Samsa who is transformed from a human being into a gigantic insect. He works so hard as a travelling salesman so as to provide for his parents, but finds himself in a ...

Kate Chopin

How the role of the female protagonist in “The Story of an Hour” are empowering both for men and women in those respective communities. Written in 1894 by Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour” is a story on the one hour that lapses between the ...

Kate Chopin's "The Awakening"

Even though women’s rights were not highly regarded in the past American society, women characters in this novel such as Mademoiselle Reisz, Edna Pontellier, and Madame Ratignolle shaped America to be a society where women’s equality and ...


There are many messages that are conveyed through the Tale of KIEU. The actions and decisions of the characters in the Tale bring the messages to the reader.  Among the characters who dictate the significance of the story is a man named Thuc Ky ...

Langston Hughes' "Mother to Son"

"Mother to son” is a monologue that states the relationship between a mother and her son. The mother in the poem warns her son about the challenges of racial discrimination and many critics believe that the mother emphasizes that negative ...

Lawrenceville Fresh

I have read different pieces of literature in the past year, but one clearly stands out. Lawrenceville, Georgia Psychic reading by Victoria Love is a literally piece that I really enjoyed reading,  partly due to its content and the interesting way ...

Life at a Glance

Life is not a smooth path, we learn from our mistakes and experiences. The difference between those who prosper in life and those who are failures is the desire to keep on living. It is based on this realization that the poem entitled 'poem at ...

Literary Analysis Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men is a short novel written by a renowned Nobel price winner Steinbeck John. The novella was published back in 1937 and talks of Milton George and Small Lennie. These are the two workers in the migrant ranch during the time of the Great ...

Literary Essay Conflicts

Literary conflicts are built upon the plot of the work of an author. They are brought out clearly through the characters that are used by the author. These conflicts could either be person versus person, person versus society, person versus nature ...

Literature Essay

Metamorphosis is a biological process that involves a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism. Metamorphosis aims to create a stability which frees a person from past negative experiences that may be ...

Literature Review

1. Theme "Hills Like White Elephants" by Hemingway The term theme in a piece of art infers to the main or controlling idea that can easily be identified, message or moral that it is intended to be passed to the audience, introduced, explored or ...

Literature Vocabulary

A. Anti-hero. It is a protagonist of the story whom you can perceive both as a villain and a hero. C. Climax. It is point of the most tension or drama in the narration. Complication. These are the difficulties which protagonists must deal with. They ...


Literature works span over such a broad platform with their themes taking parallel antagonistic contexts. Every author has his own style of presenting his work. Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov first written in English and published in the ...

"Lost Hearts"

 “Lost Hearts” is a chilling tale in which M.R. James successfully establishes horror and fear. The writer of this story productively uses literature stylistic devices to come up with a superb piece of work. The devices and styles of writing ...

Loyalty Is Always Rewarded

This is a story of the homecoming of Odysseus who is one of the reputed Greek heroes of the time. His homecoming had been subjected to some delays due to the displeasure of the gods. Finally after ten years he was left to go after choosing to go ...

Mending Wall

The poem by Robert Frost has a largely significant meaning. The main quote that seems to summarize the whole poem is, good fences make excellent neighbors’. This is a quote in the poem which is rich in content. There are a number of ways in ...

Mistakes in Parenthood

In the urge to give the 'best' to their children, parents sometimes go wrong in the things that they do. In the short story 'Two Kinds' by Amy Tan, the narrator's mother had the perception that her daughter could become anything that she set her ...

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" presents guilt versus innocence as the major theme running in the story. After witnessing members of his town and his own wife take part in a Black Mass, the Puritan man gives up with human kind and subjects ...

Nature as Portrayed in the American Literature

Introduction Over the years, the American authors have used nature as a form of symbolism in literature. The symbolism has been a useful tool in literature and has facilitated the representation of main characters and their prominent attributes. In ...

Oedipus and Hamlet

Oedipus Rex and Hamlet are stories that describe the tragic lives of the protagonists as they fight with both people and spirits in determining their fates. Oedipus Rex describes the story of Oedipus the king from the time he is asked by the people ...

Oedipus the King

"Sophocles (495 BC-405 BC) was a famous and successful Athenian writer of tragedies in his own lifetime. Of his 120 plays, only 7 have survived. Oedipus the King, also called Oedipus Tyrannos or Oedipus Rex, written around 420 BC, has long been ...

Okonkwo as a Hero in Things Fall Apart

In Things Fall Apart, a novel by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo is described as a negative person; however, he does posses other admirable characteristics that make him a village hero. Throughout the book he has proved to be a strong leader. Okonkwo is a ...

Old School

Old School is a fascinating novel by Tobias Wolff which has gained many positive reviews during a relatively short period of time. The book depicts an elite boarding school, which is famous for its ambitious students who attempt to be ...

On the Road

Sal, the main character in the novel arrives at his old friend Remi Boncoeur's place in Mill City and moves in with his friend Remi and his girlfriend Lee Ann. Remi is delighted to see Sal and has a lot of things for him. Sal starts to work where ...

"One Intoxicating Evening of Spring Breeze"

First thing, which must be admitted, is that the piece of fiction under analysis is something rather remarkable with respect to literal traditions of China. A novel by Yü Ta-fu, One Intoxicating Evening of Spring Breeze (July 15, 1923), ...

Othello by William Shakespeare (Review)

'Othello' is one of William Shakespeare's major works that revolves around tragedy and love. Various themes are brought out in this play. They are analyzed differently by various scholars in the literary world. The major theme is love. In this ...

"Othello": the Play

It is possibly right to stipulate that Othello is rather a mere character in nature but is later maneuvered by the character Iago and falls into his own defeat. The play identifies him as “one who is not easily jealous, but being wrought, ...

Paradise Lost

The "PARADISE LOST" by John Milton is an epic poem that tells the biblical story of the fall from grace of Adam and Eve (and, by extension, all humanity) with the main characters being God, Lucifer (Satan), Adam, and Eve. The story is an explanation ...


Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and unique qualities in addition to its apparent meaning. It may be written independently or may be presented in conjunction with others. It usually uses specific terms to ...

Poetry: Compare-and-Contrast Analysis

Italy is considered to be the homeland of sonnet. The first sonnet was written by Sicilian poet Giacomo da Lentini. The term was derived from the Italian word “sonetto”, i.e. ‘a little song’. Petrarch and Dante, Chaucer and Shakespeare made ...

Poets Writing about Death

Intoduction This essay seeks to analyze, compare, and contrast the main poetic techniques, such as metaphors and dictions, in the poems of different poets. This essay also seeks to analyze the background of the poets, who originate from different ...

Porpyrias Lover

The poem Porphria's Lover revolves around two lovers and the events that are unfolding in their affair. From the onset of the poem, it's very evident that the speaker is obsessed with Porphiria. He shows the effect love has on people and how love ...

Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

Introduction Applegate (2004) notes that the invisible man is college educated black man who is undergoing a lot of struggles in his attempt to succeed in a society marked with high level of racism. The society has refused to notice his presence. ...

Raymond Carver Recurring Themes

Introduction Literature represents the culture, language and traditions of people. Literature embraces historic and cultural artifacts that can be found all over the world. It does not only introduce new world of experience, but also takes the ...

Realism in American Art and Literature

Realism represents a period in American literature which spanned from1865 to 1900. This period was characteristic by great turmoil in the American history. The civil war had just ended and the aftermath which was inevitable and very devastating. The ...

Relationship between Gods and Law

Summary Laws are enforceable rules and regulations set to govern the social behavior of people in the society. In the society, every person had to do what the rules states or face punishments. In the book of exodus in the Old Testament, God saved ...

Rhetoric and Meaning in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

The diction that Shakespeare has employed in most of his writings is poetic. The lines of the plays are organized in the manner of synonymous with poetic structures. His consistent use of archaic language depicts the period in which he lived. In the ...

Riders to the Sea

Introduction The relation between social environment and individual psychology is a kind of response that Malinowski represented in his introductory chapter of Argonauts  when he stated that "what concerns man most intimately holds life has on ...

Romanticism and Modernism in Literature

England and Germany are considered to be the strongholds of Romanticism. (, p.2) The period clashed with the American (1776) and French (1789) Revolution. Though, it was for the first time that intellectual elite of ...

Rose's Story

An example of the foster home that Rose stayed in was her stepmother’s house. The services she received there were not agreeable. Her stepsister expected her to clean the whole house and take care of the children. Rose’s stepsister only thought ...


A twelve year old boy named Langston had been exposed to an environment sated with pious individuals. They have subliminally attempted to instigate a paradigm shift of his perception of religion by coercing him to dogmatically subscribe to the ...

Satire of American Societies

Introduction Satire is a literary genre that society's vices, abuses, follies and shortcomings are ridiculed with the basic intention of shaming the individuals as well as the society itself to foster their improvement. Use of satire is often ...

Save Me the Waltz & Tender Is the Night

The two novels provide the portrayal of the couple's failing marriage. In tender is night Scott, starts by introducing a two youngster who encroaches into the marriage of a couple the Divers, Rosemary Hoyt, is a very beautiful 18-year-old ...

Selecting Sources of Literature

Bormann, J. et al. (2006). "Relationship of frequent mantram repetition to emotional and spiritual well-being in healthcare workers". The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 37(5): 218-224. In this article, it is clearly brought out that ...

Setting of the Things they Tarried

The Things They Carried is a novel written by Tim O'Brien in the late 1980's in Massachusetts. It is a collection of interrelated short stories, mainly about the Vietnam War. The story took place in Vietnam in the late 1960's and in Massachusetts ...

Shakespeare's Hamlet

Introduction The conflict and confusion surrounding Hamlet leaves most contemporary readers of Shakespeare’s entertained. Is Hamlet a revengeful genius or merely an insane madman? This paper critically analyses Hamlet’s confusing acts in a bid ...

Shakespeares Views on War on Complex

Introduction Through his writings, Shakespeare expressed his views and ideologies regarding wars and human responsibilities for going to war and conducting wars. This comes out in his works, which include Henry V, Richard II and Troilus and ...

Short Essay Answer about Hamlet

1. Horatio is character in the play Hamlet and also the closet friend to prince Hamlet. He is a rational man who offers advice to the prince on how to revenge his father's murder. Horatio is a true friend to Prince Hamlet who supports him through ...

Short Story, Olalla

Robert Louis Stevenson is a renowned author. Born in the year 1850 on November 13th, he was raised up in Edinburgh. When he was a little boy, Stevenson's life was full of fear and often, he would experience nightmares.  During the night, he would ...

Short Story Questions

1. Who wrote this story? Sarah Orne Jewet 2. When? 1886 3. Where is the story set? In New England countryside 4. In what city, state, or nation? New England 5. In what environment? In a poor countryside environment. 6. Describe the settings of ...

Song of Myself

“Song of Myself” is one of the most famous of the twelve original pieces from Whitman’s works in the edition of Leaves of Grass. It is a combination of poetic meditation, sermon, and biography. To get at critical issues, Whitman uses sly ...

Spiritual Food

Had God been your biological Dad, All caring and protecting you, Could you trust him with your financial distress? Knowing the abundance of His richness and love, That He owns the whole wide world.   Had God been your Mother, Could you trust him ...

Super Sad True Love Story

Super Sad True Love Story is a novel that was written by Gary Shteyngart that describes the American dystopia.  It is a satire of the modern American values and trends including the erosion of American political values. It focuses on youth ...


Introduction Determination and will-power play a major role in relation to people, who seek to achieve their goals and accomplish the tasks they are given. A person possessing these two qualities is very motivated and focused; he/ she will not ...

Symbolism and Irony in The Lottery

This story of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson begins with a description of a relatively serene and tranquil environment. It is set in an unnamed village. The story begins on a fresh, warm summer day. The people of this village gather in the ...

Symbolism in Short Story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Symbolism in The Yellow Wallpaper In literature, symbolism plays the role of portraying abstract ideas and concepts. The author uses concrete objects to create images that convey meaning. For instance, a river often represents life and continuity. ...

The Basis of Faith in Art

William Carlos Williams was less popular compared to his colleagues Robert Frost and T.S. Eliot in the globe of poetry. However, he was influential in poetry and also in the lives of his patients .He had minute contribution in poetry compared to his ...

The Cathedral

Introduction Cathedral is a short story that written by an American poet, Raymond Carver. This story is about a blind man who goes to visit her long lost friend. The story has been used to criticize certain vices in society such as underrating the ...

The centaur: Pans Shout

Pan is the Greek nature god who is believed to be the only Greek god who has died according to Plutarch. He is the protector of shepherds and animals such as sheep, and goats. The name Pan originates from the Greek word, paein, which stands for "to ...

The Characterization of Women in the Great Gatsby

Introduction In the Great Gatsby, the author acknowledges that the female characters are subordinates. There is no woman among the main characters. In the novel, the author portrays the sexual and social freedom experienced by women through the role ...

The Crucible

The crucible is a play authored by Arthur Miller in 1953 and it ran on expansive way rate the Beck’s work.  The play was accorded the second best works from his previous work “Death of Salesman”. The activities of the play are founded on the ...

The Decameron

Introduction Boccaccio’s Decameron is a fascinating 14th century literature, and most readers of the text find it to be complex. This notion of complexity has led to wide misunderstanding of the literature works. The Decameron’s setting is ...

The Decameron as a Satire of 14th Century Society

 The decameron is a satirical novel by Baccaccio comprising a collection of over one hundred short stories. The title, “Decameron,” literally simply means, “The ten day’s work.” In his story, Baccaccio brought to us the achievement of the ...

The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist

The development of Shakespeare as a dramatist is associated with various things. One of these things is the public of his time and his inheritance of a dramatic technique. According to George B. (1907), Shakespeare inherited his dramatic techniques ...

The Element of Existentialism in Hemingway's Works

 Existentialism, as a literature technique, was introduced in to the short fiction world of stories to portray the real aspects about life as a whole. This element is believed to be an occurrence which was emphasized by writers to depict the ...

The End

This paper will attempt  to present a strong hypothesis upon which the basis of the topic under study will be developed. In the short story “Popular Mechanics”, Carver introduces the reader to different sets of endings to matters which of them ...

The Great Gatsby

Romance is described as a pleasurable feeling of excitement and the mystery that is often associated with love and it is used to imply an expression love or ones deep emotional desires in connecting with another person. Gatsby is considered ...

The Guy de Maupassant "The Necklace"

Ideology of Maupassant cannot be understood without considering historical conditions. Maupassant works in the days of revelation of contradictions of the capitalistic structure in the process of regeneration into its higher and last phase – ...

The Hamlet

The plot being borrowed from the ancient legends, its adaptation according to the public requests, determined the topics and the ideas of the tragedy. The play has a lot of counterpoints, so each generation can find the truth in keeping with ...

The Intersection of Love and Brutality

Abstract In the contemporary world, love has turned out to be such a controversial issue. Marriages and relationships in as much as they are meant to be a happy union, have turned out to be a place of hurting, vengeance and ultimately leading to ...

The Male Speaker is in the Power of Beloved

Introduction Through the use of ambiguous terms, i will attempt to convey the complexes of love in shakespear’s sonnet 57 and sidney’s sonnet 47. Through the words used by the writers in these two sonnets, we will be able to identify two ...

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka occupies the central place among the writer’s works.  It impresses the reader from the first paragraph: “One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been ...

The Mistress of the Inn

Introduction ‘The Mistress of the Inn’, is a play originally written under the title, La Locandiera, by Carlo Goldoni. The play is also translated as Mirandolinaafter the play’s main character or the innkeeper woman. The play was ...

The Novel "Sargasso Sea"

The novel “Sargasso Sea” by Jean Rhys is based on the period when it was written, the time when America was just coming out of ethnic and racial prejudice directed mostly towards the black population. Because of the period it was written in, ...

The Novel "The Call of the Wild"

Naturalism was introduced into the literature world to assist with the reflection of the new and harsher realism aspects about life. It was a phenomenon introduced to put much emphasis on the already established scientific analysis of life which ...

The Piano Tuner: Alternative Ending

The piano tuner is a classic novel, professionally written by Daniel Mason, when he was still a student at Harvard University. The book has a setting of the year eighteen hundred, when colonialism was still widespread, and all powerful countries ...

The Poetry

Unlike other literary forms, poems do not convey direct messages. They always have hidden meanings, which require the readers to use their wits in order to crack them. These meanings of a poem are made clearer by the use of poetic devices. Poetic ...

The Postmodernism

Introduction As various arguments are being posed towards postmodernism, what forms the primary basis of such arguments is an illustrative definition of the postmodernism and its impact on the social, economic, and cultural diversity in the society. ...

The Razor's Edge Up to Part

The Razor’s Edge describes Elliottt Templeton as man who had class, elegance and good features. He was attractive at every aspect from dressing to his house and the meals that were served there. He was a man of high rank with good taste and ...

The Role of Religion in Literature

Throughout ages, religion has been an important role in literature works. Brown (1976) describes Oedipus a mythical Greek king of ancient time and puts to light how the matter in question influenced literature. In his plot he gives an allusion of ...

The Secret of the Old Clock

The Secret of the Old Clock is a mystery novel written in 1930. The main character in the story is a female named Nancy Drew. She is looking for the will, in which the destitute family had promised money to her. She is described as a strong-willed, ...

The Slave Trade

It can be argued that the underdeveloped conditions of the New World led to higher demand for slaves, especially in the European countries. For instance, in order to meet this increasing demand for slaves, Africans were captured and sold. The reason ...

The Novel 'Song of the Lark'

Thea Kronborg, a daughter to the Methodist minister of Moonstone, Mr. Peter Kronborg, is the heroine of this novel. She is a Swedish girl. We are introduced to her at the onset of the novel when she is only eleven-years old.  This was at a time ...

The Story "Bride Comes from a Yellow Sky"

The story “The Bride Comes to the Yellow Sky” by Stephen Crane is an ironic evidence of the unavoidability of the American progress around the end of the 20th century. Set in the Texas’s rugged plains, the story gives an account of the ironic ...

The Story of an Hour

Literature is any written or spoken creative material, always read aesthetically, and which meets certain features and stated criteria to distinguish it from other forms of writing. The criteria and features include use of metaphors, similes, ...

The Street

The Street by Ann Petry is a very unique and interesting novel that entails circumstances and experiences that limit financial achievement by black women. The author uses literary precedents and street techniques to protest against protagonist ...

The Street by Ann Petry

Personification is a literary technique that gives human qualities to inanimate objects. Through personification, the author makes nonliving or inanimate objects to perform the roles of human beings. Personification not only gives life to nonliving ...

The Taming of the Shrew

This play is one of the many of William Shakespeare’s comedies. In general, the play contains a total of five acts, which in turn comprise of twelve or so scenes. In the first scene, first act, the play takes to introducing the audience to ...

The Theme of Ultimate Independence

The theme of ultimate independence depicts the sufferings that main characters in the three books underwent, but eventually realized independence and happiness by their own means. Novice to Master Novice to Master is written into three sections: ...

The Theory of the Novel

Introduction There are various ways in which information and messages can be conveyed to different people. One of these methods is through literature. Literature in itself contains several ways to pass information from one person to another. In the ...

'The Things They Carried' by Tim O'Brien

The Things they Carried by Tim O’Brien is a narrative account of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The author recounts the experiences of a platoon of soldiers who were deployed to fight in Vietnam. He draws from the soldiers’ ...

The Tragedy of Hamlet through the Eyes of Polonius

            Once upon a time in Denmark there was a king named Hamlet, who had a son, also named Hamlet. The king died a mysterious death and his wife, Queen Gertrude married Hamlet’s brother Claudius, who became the new king. I, Polonius, ...

The Trojan War in the Odyssey

The Trojan War is one of the most legendary events in the history of mankind. The Trojan War is a war of the Achaeans against Troy at the end of the XIII century BC. The first source is The Iliad and The Odyssey, in which Homer tells of the Trojan ...

The Use of Symbolism in Dracula

Introduction This essay dissects the literature in Dracula by Bram Stoker. Bram Stoker’s Dracula remains one of the most immortal novels in the world history that managed to depict the vampire as it is. Indeed, the fact that the name has Dracula ...

The Winters Tale

The winter's Tale is classified as one of William Shakespeare's comedies given that it has a happy ending despite the sad plot. However some harsh critics have labeled it as one of his failed plays. This is rendered by the fact that in the play ...

Their Eyes were Watching God

Janie Crawford had already spent quite some time in her two previous relationships when she met Mr. Wood alias, Tea Cake; at that time she was in her late forties. However, it was not until this time that she experienced real love. She tests him ...

Things Fall Apart

1. Who is Chinua Achebe? Chinua Achebe is one Africa's most prolific writers. He is largely and widely considered as one of the early pioneers of African literature. Achebe has had an illustrious writing career in writing. His novels are mostly ...

"To His Coy Mistress"

Marvell’s poem “To His Coy Mistress” from a historicist point of view has a deep political as well as social meaning that was rooted in the seventeenth century. This essay seeks to explain the political and social happenings at the time ...

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and So Forth

John Upidike as a writer underwent several transformations that defined his works as a renowned writer. He mainly sough t to give the world his idea of the world as he saw it and that was a basic theses in most of its work. Although his earlier ...

Tracks Written by Tomas Transtromer

Tracks; written by Tomas Transtromer is a poem with a lot of imaginary and foresight themes. The poem portrays a strong visual image, then nearly pan-out speedily from it. It interrelates when someone has gone into a daydream or hallucination; so ...

Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night is a play by William Shakespeare that is believed to have been written and performed between 1601 and 1602. The performance was on the twelfth night after Christmas to close the festive season. Initially, the play was titled What You ...

Two Stories

"The Yellow Wallpaper" The point of view of the first person is when the narrator gives a detailed description of her own experiences when she was diagnosed with mental problems. She has a little child who was taken care of by John during the ...


In the film “Ugetsu” and the story “Hoichi the Earless” there are appearances of ghosts and spirits to the living on several occasions. These are further examined below. ThefilmUgetsu is set during the period of civil wars in Japan in the ...

Urban Legends

Legends are the elements of folklore that provide meanings about culture from which they emerge. Legends have existed for many years, but they develop and incorporate new themes as cultures that create them evolve. Urban legends are a variation of ...

Views of Marriage in Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour"

Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles”andKate Chopin`s short story “The story of an Hour” have clearly exposed the theme of marriage using symbolism, characterization and irony. The two authors expose marriage in a similar way in several instances. ...

"We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks

The poem “We Real Cool”, written by Gwendolyn Brooks, is about a group of seven young boys who abandoned school to live the street life. All they care about is themselves and satisfying their wants. The only thing they think is that of going out ...

What a Wilde Theory

Wilde's weird theory of art .Oscar Wilde was born at Westland Row in Dublin in 16th October 1854 as a second child of Sir William Wilde and Jane Francesca Wilde. Wilde lived during the Victorian era as writer and poet and who was able to achieve ...

Why am I Albino

‘Why am I albino’ is a poem that has been inspired by the suffering of albinos in Africa, especially East Africa, where a significant number of them have been sold and murdered for witchcraft. Why am I Albino? Why am I albino? I don’t hate ...

Why Race is an Issue

Published in the fiscal year 1960, the novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird, was written by Harper Lee. The author employs her vast knowledge of the Southern part of America in the fiscal year 1930 to illustrate the theme of racism in America. In addition, ...

William Shakespeare

Baptized on the 26th April 1564, William Shakespeare died on the 23rd April 1616. He was an English playwright and poet, he is extensively observed as the supreme writer in English and the world's eminent dramatist. In England, he is considered the ...

Women Subordination in Society

Epstein states that the world is made of great divides with different polarities and among these is the divide on gender (Epstein 2). These conceptualized divides are formed by human agencies and they define both social and physical boundaries among ...

Woolf's Essays

Feminism is a concept which entails defining, establishing, and fighting for gender equality in political, economic, and social platforms. Feminism believes that men are “an integral part of the movement” for gender equality. They believe that ...

Yeats's When You Are Old

An anonymous narrator of Yeats’s poem “When You Are Old” tells a woman and a former lover to remember her past love life and her youth. The woman “full of sleep” is advised by the narrator to read a book about the memories from her youth. ...

Youthful Life

This paper gives an in-depth discussion on the youthful life portrayed in (François-Marie Arouet) Voltaire’s Candide, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Confessions and Marcel Proust’s Swann's Way. Though written at different times in history, these are ...
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