Check Out Our Personal Experience Essays Examples

A Hard Lesson Learned

People always say that what does not kill you makes you stronger. This is a cliché that is not taken serious most of the time, but it is true. However, when a person is in a very dangerous situation, the last thing that occurs him is the fact ...

A Time to Reflect

My first eight weeks at the University of London has been very great, despite many challenges that came my way. All the same, I feel that I need to constantly reflect and remind myself concerning my class group and every other group I encounter, ...

Achieving my Goal in Purdue University

Purdue University is a public college of Science, Technology and Agriculture located in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S. It was founded on May 6, 1869. It offers undergraduate and graduate programms in over 210 major areas of study. I would personally ...

An Extra Curricular Activity

Introduction Extracurricular activities are any activities which one can do and which are not included in the course study or paid for. Extracurricular activities can be volunteer works, family activities or hobbies. Thus these activities fall ...

Arguing a Position

The short story Clarisa by Isabel Allende describes the life story of a woman, Clarisa, who is said to have been born before the electricity came to the city, lived to see TV coverage of the first astronaut landing on the moon and died of ...

At the Meeting

My goals during this initial meeting are to merge the current organization with the new competitor. Topics on social process of joining organization would be the focus. Moreover, topics on common social processes of joining an organization, which ...

Bulosan's Words

This paper begins with stating the author’s argument and standpoint, together with his thesis statement. This is then followed by the plot summary of the book America is In the Heart. The different elements that are to be discussed in literary ...

Business and Society Reflection Journal

Business is among the earliest phenomena on earth that was, is, and will remain relevant as long as mankind exists. It holds a core part of our existence. For any product that we use in this life, it has to go through a number of processes namely ...

Childhood Memories

People use different strengths in their lives to realize their talents and prosper in career. Self-building is an aspect that most people use in order to achieve their dreams. In my life, I have accomplished countless astonishing tasks that I will ...

College Experience

Introduction Through the years, I have continued to gain insights about myself because of the activities that I undertake. The college experience has particularly been quite involving. As a result, it has helped me to learn more about myself. It has ...

Crime Scene Photography

In the crime scenes, all examination search and analysis ought to be done in a cautious and systematic way (Staggs, 2005). This is achievable through forensic imaging. With an accurate and methodological approach, a precise reproduction of a crime ...

Daily Life and Roles in the Decade House

My life and roles in the decade house were much promising. As a father in the decade house, it was my moral role to bring fundamental change in house. During the 1870s, a father was the head of the house. Moreover, I carried out proper coordination ...

Do not Judge a Book by its Cover

I woke up to a lovely morning. The birds of the air were singing their sweet memories to welcome the new day. The day seemed promising, and I could not think not would turn out the way it did. The sun rays shone on the flower petals making them look ...

Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is highly prohibited to youths under the age of 25 years in our country. Thus, I was surprised when I went to the US and realized that alcohol can be sold to youths at 21 years. In my country, people who are underage are not supposed to take ...

Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drug abuse and drug addiction are two terms that people usually use interchangeably. However, there exists a point of departure between these terms. In simpler terms, drug abuse refers to the use of a drug for another purpose, rather than the ...

"I Just Wanna Be Average"

Going through high school is not quite an easy ordeal especially for the students who are underprivileged to start off their education from a vocational education platform just like professor Mike Rose did. But this does not mean that students who ...

Islamic Brotherhood

The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood instilled the principle of self-determination and striving for its actualization as a community of believers. The purpose was to bring a true picture and presentation of Sunni Islam to American society (Haley et al, ...

Language Discrimination

When I was a little kid, I used to admire the educated people especially in my community because most of them lived a good life and were able to provide their families as well as to enjoy their lives to the maximum level. They had many financial ...


Harris (2004) observes that cultural norms shape the ways in which every person conducts themselves in their daily life. The morality derived from these norms defines what the society perceives as right or wrong.  The cultural background of ...

My Childhood

1. – The first memory goes back to my childhood. It was in a shop, there were many people, and I saw for the first time a Muslim family. They were speaking the unknown language and acting differently as well (the woman was fully covered from head ...

My Dreams and Aspirations

In life people have different dreams and aspirations of the things they wish to accomplish during their life time; however not all people manage to achieve the goals they set due to different social, political and economical factors that prevent ...

My Internship Semester

My internship semester is one of the most memorable ones I have ever had during my studies at school. After a long period of harrowing theoretical class work it was very refreshing finally to practice and experience what does it mean to be a graphic ...

My Life

According to my perception, good parental care is the most precious thing that any parent can do for his/her children (Sheila B Kamerman, 1991). This is because the future life of a child depends on the parents’ contribution to the upbringing ...

My Personal Ethics

One of the greatest challenges in healthcare that I have come to realize is the way to integrate personal beliefs and values into professional practice (Silva and Ludwick, 2001). The strong connection between the nurse and the patient is a great ...

My Personal Relationship to Reading

Could you imagine of someone reading countless number of books, one book after the other, with each book heightening the craving for one more books to read? From the first time I walked into the school library and picked up a book titled the ...

My Thoughts on Wounded Knee

As I watched the episode at Wounded Knee unfold, my thoughts turned to the turbulent times in America of the early 1970‘s.  I am reminded of the historic Vietnam War and the heavy protests by students and civil rights leaders.  It ...

Nissan Skyline GT-R

My passion for cars dates back to my childhood. In fact, my key drive for working extremely hard in my academic work was in order to get a decent job so that I could purchase one. Nevertheless, I had not settled on my dream car because every time I ...

Osama's Accomplice

The book introduction is based on the letter written by Osama’s accomplice and mentor dr. Zawahiri claiming responsibility for the September 11 attacks in the united states whereby dr. Zawahiri claims that the success of the twin booming will ...

Own Impression of Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a city in the state of California which was founded on September 4, 1781 by a Spanish governor. It is the city with the highest population in California and it emerges the second most populous city in the United States after New York. ...

Parent-Child Relationship

For several years, studies about the role of the parent-child relationship in influencing various aspects of child development remained restricted to parenting practices. However, inconsistency in the findings from these studies led to the expansion ...

Personal Experiences in Live Music Performances

The primary query I asked myself at the start of the quarter was how much do I in point of fact know about music and live performances? I have always exemplified any musical performances as a combination of  rhythmic and instrumental variety of ...

Personal Reflection

This essay seeks to report on personal reflection concerning the experience encountered after reading selected novels. The thoughtful reflection is in reference to insight provided by the views and perceptions of the writer, which transform ...

Personal Statement of Discovery Channel

All my life I was interested in the different fields of science.  The most interesting channel for me is Discovery Channels. I always enjoy watching various episodes about some scientific works and developments such as: «Prototype this», «How ...

Pigeons at Daybreak

The story begins with Otima preparing to read a newspaper for Basu as she had always done. Basu is annoyed at his wife's carelessness when she cannot trace her spectacles and finally misplaces the newspaper. They are at the balcony and Otima ...

Plot of "America Is in the Heart"

America is in the Heart is a biographical book by Carlos Bulosan as Filipino poet.   Bulosan begins by giving a description of the life he had in Philippines during his nascent stages in life. At this juncture, Bulosan describes the life he lived ...

"Public Grooming" and "Pet peeves"

Are you ready to show?.. Long train or bus trips are dull spending of time, aren’t it? Five years ago sitting in the train you can’t see someone reading the book or comics, does a Sudoku or crossword puzzle. Instead of them, there was ...

Quiting Alcoholism

A Situation in which I Altered my Decision       Quitting alcoholism has been the greatest decision I have ever made in my life. The predicament that I depicted as an alcoholic prompted me into thinking and contemplating about my future and ...


I have learnt that in life everything has its appointed time, this is what life has taught me which I appreciate because unlike most of the people who attempt suicide, I am armed with a fundamental truth in life, that of not giving up on anything ...

Residency Personal Statement

My decision to specialize in Anesthesiology was clear from the very beginning when I undertook to study Medicine. During my white coat ceremony, a well respected faculty member shared a few pearls of wisdom.  He regarded selecting his specialty to ...

Respected Listeners

Dear listeners, you know, that life sends challenges to every person and these challenges could be related to family, studying, job or other spheres. Apart from the mental and physical distress that might happen to a person, there is always a ...


Research and projects I have carried out inspired me to pursue a second bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, and once I successfully graduate, I will make an application to join a graduate school. Five years ago, at the University of ...

Self - Presentation

Self Presentation Essay Introduction I come from the countryside, where we live with my family. My father teaches at a neighboring, local school while my mother is a housewife. I attended the same schools that my other sibling attend, since our ...

Simple Death Rituals

Though my family practices normal and simple death rituals, there is some values attached and emphasis is put on the practice as compared to other passage rites. This is because my family views death as the greatest and mysterious aspect among the ...

Special Circumstances

Executive Summary The personal easy highlights cultural issues on Hindu marriage, religion and occupation. These cultural issues are directed to people who are in charge of admission. It is evident that my love for biology will shape my career path ...

Strengths and Weaknesses

In my administrative roles, my first strength is leadership. In this situation, I managed 30 Cancer Center Research professionals, which included research nurse coordinators and data coordinators. In the institution, my leadership style is intended ...

Symbol of Islam

Malcolm is a true symbol of struggle and establishment of Islam among the African-Americans. In august 1959 when civil rights organizations started to speak evil of the Nation of Islam, he does not give up the fight. When Roy Wilkins, the head of ...

Teenage Boys and Girls

Growth refers to an increase in either physical or insubstantial aspects of an organism. Thus teenage stages of growth involve the changes that occur in individuals between childhood and adulthood.  These changes can either be physical or mental. ...

Test Results-INFJ

I - Introverted – it means that I would change myself rather than the world and other people. And I prefer deep relationships with few persons rather than have surface relationships with many people. N – Intuitive – it is the ...

Thank You Letter

Dear Mr. Berman, The purpose of this letter is to thank you for the time that you spent interviewing me for the position of an office manager. I consider it an honor and privileged to have a great company consider me as one of their candidates for ...

The Color

The first time I met him when, tired of lying sleeplessly in my bed, had decided to start my everyday jogging session a little earlier. He was sitting on the waterline, near the rock which used to be my marathon destination point. An old man with a ...

The Discrimination

Explain what you have done to make your community a better place to live. Give examples of specific projects in which you have been involved over time. In many countries today, community development will involve changing the relationship between the ...

The Evaluation of the Website

My career is going to be a Medical Assistant (MA). I am currently a student who soon will be entering the job market. Thus, there are several things that will be of interest in my job hunting period. I will need convenient means through which I can ...

The Influence of Napoleon on my Life

When growing up, we tend to admire different achievers as our role models. This occurs in everyone’s life since there is a goal that different individuals wish to achieve at the end of the day. My role model has quite for some time been Napoleon. ...

The Juvenile Delinquency

I arrive home to find my son’s friend rummaging through my property. According to the setting of the scene, it appears that he is stealing. He smells of cannabis sativa, an indication that he is doing this under duress of the powerful illicit ...

The Leadership Experience

Describe examples of your leadership experience in which you significantly influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. Consider responsibilities to initiatives taken in or out of school. The first time ...

The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

A congruence model is basically an approach which was developed to abridge the different dynamics deployed by an organization with the purpose of managing responsibilities and also to helping the senior most management to forecast the actual ...

The Story of Mexican Americans in LA

Background Information A visit to the La Plaza de Cultura y Artes Museum allowed me a golden opportunity to experience visually Chicano history through visitation of a local historical-cultural site in southern California. La Plaza de Cultura y ...

The Treasure in the Trash

Most of us don’t think that anything can come out of the trash. What we regard as trash may be useful in revealing to us information about people (Tollefrsrud, 2011). In the past, archeologists studied the tombs of kings and tools that they were ...

Was Your First Semester of College well Spent?

My early collage days were very enjoyable. Then after  some time  everything got  so difficult and there was no one to help me out. My grades began to fall, and my teachers started to complain. This continued untill  near the end ...

Personal Narrative Writing about Wedding Day

Seven o’clock in the morning. As usual, my alarm clock makes some disgusting sounds. On the one hand, it provokes me to take it and throw it against the wall, so it stops waking me up. On the other hand,I do not do it. Instead of this, I carry out ...


The condition of body wellness influences people’s perception and behavior towards things or other people. In this case, a majority of factors such as the current diet, sleep, and exercise routine affect one’s wellness. My current diet ...

What I Learnt Through Playing Sports

Involvement in sports is increasing. It is estimated that about one-fourth of girls and half of boys participate in sports, in the United States. A large drop-off in participation in middle class is seen, especially for girls. With increased ...

Why I Failed Physics Class

Physics is considered to be difficult to undertake as a course. Most people fear this subject as much as they fear mathematics. Despite the fact that I failed physics class, I do not share the sentiment. I do not see or view physics as a complicated ...

Why I Want to Become a Teacher

Ever since I joined the school ministry as an instructor at my local church, a desire for me to one day become a teacher developed in me. From then, this desire has grown more intense day after day. This comes after my realization at the church ...
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