Check Out Our Research Essays Examples

A Deeper Insight into Racism

In this assignment, it will be required that I present an informative form of essay for the topic under study: racism. It will be required of me to present relevant facts about Racism so that the reader interested with the topic can comprehend to ...

A Feminist Approach

1.0  Background to the Study Gender issues in the media have created a climate of controversy among scholars in the manner in which males and females are represented, (Broude & Garrard, 1995). Feminists have take upon themselves to challenge ...

A New Approach to Retirement Planning

Introduction According to Isaacs (2011), Roth Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) 2012 which is based on the TSP Enhancement Act 2009 plays a pivotal role in helping federal workers achieve adequate retirement income. He points out that unlike the past where ...

A Victim of Downs Syndrome

The story of My research On his day of birth, the midwife and the Doctor informed his mother that he was suffering from Down's syndrome "your baby has Down's syndrome" and the hell broke loose on her; she stated weeping despite the sustained pain ...

A White Hat Hacker

A white hat hacker is a phrase used to refer to ethical hackers. The main application of ethical hacking is the security evaluation of sites. Responsible disclosure of vulnerability entails disclosing the details of the vulnerability. The ...

Action Research

Introduction Action research is initiated for the purpose of solving problems. Therefore, this paper is a comparison research on the effects and conditions of different social actions. This interactive inquiry process provides a unique and ...

Action Research Project

There are no simplistic solutions that can be used in the construction of grade 7th and 8th reading programs. However, if it is believed that it is much significant to initiate such like programs, then it will be good to address the following ...

Administrative Issues

Introduction Caulkins & Chandler (2006) define incarceration as the act of detaining or confining a person in a prison for a long duration of time. It could be a life sentence or a house arrest, as long as it keeps the person away from society. ...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization in Britain

Introduction Globalization is described as the process through which the regional societies, economics and cultures are becoming integrated by a global network of ideas of politics via, transportation, communication and trade. It is mostly assumed ...

Advertising the I-Pod

Aims of the research In today`s society the advertisement system plays a crucial role in selling the product. The researcher will conduct a survey on the efficiency of the advertisements for the Apple Company in selling the IPods. In this research, ...

Affordable Care Act of 2010

Abstract This research looks into the Affordable Care Act of 2010 signed into law by President Obama. It is also commonly known as the healthcare reform act of 2010. This study identifies and discusses the major components that comprise the health ...

Alice Kessler-Harris

1.) According to the author, why were women thought to be difficult to organize? According to Alice-Kessler -Harris, women do not join trade unions because of their family responsibilities. Statistics show that fewer women join trade unions than ...

Alloy Wheels

Alloy wheels are mostly made from the alloys of magnesium and aluminum. Alloy wheels are common used in vehicle wheels and are far much lighter compared to the other commonly used wheels. Alloy wheels are stronger and have a significant more ...

American Red Cross

This paper seeks to establish information regarding Michigan Branches of the Red Cross that includes the Big Rapids regions. In understanding the subject further, the paper will explore the objectives of the organization, its funding, and the ...

Ancient City States: Sparta and Athens

Slavery reached its highest level of development in Ancient Greece and Rome. Many historians name the period of the “slave society” as an antique one.  Ancient Greece was formed from the city states which represented the special form of a ...

Anthology 101 - American Poetry

American Literature and Poetry are some of the finest and most deep, passionate and compassionate works available for educational, vocational and understanding purposes. It might be a touch under-rated as per the prevailing standards but the depth ...


Theoretical framework When people comes into contact with the anthrax agents, the get infected and the infections may lead to death. The infected people suffer from inhaled and skin infections.   These weapons have a potential of causing more ...

Anthropology and Race

Argument about Race Anthropologists claim that race does not create a valid biological distinction because people believe only in “the human race”. In this regard, since the human population originated from one being, the biological ...

Applied Research in Legal Studies

Research is an enquiry to a problem to understand or provide solution. People experience myriads of problems which must be constantly addressed to provide a conducive environment. Therefore, the role of research cannot be underestimated and there ...

Approach to Discipline

The handling of cases of indiscipline within the workplace setting has been an issue of concern to most organizations. This is made more complex by the increasing levels of organizational diversity and the demand to develop more cohesive and unitary ...

Are Genetically Modified Foods Good for Humans or Not?

Lately genetically modified foods have been hitting the headlines of news across the globe.  With public and private interest, as well as groups protesting against genetically modified foods production and consumption, the issue has become one of ...


The difference between the private and the public realm, according to the writer, the Greek life was divided into two main realms: the private and the public. The public realm was a situation where true freedom could be obtained, this kind of ...

Argentine Culture

High Context vs. Low Context Culture Argentina is a high-context culture, which emphasizes on being relational, contemplative, collective and intuitive. Argentines use more contexts in communication and rely a lot on implicit cultural references ...

Armageddon 2012

Abstract This research seeks to investigate on the various speculations about a possible Armageddon in the year 2012. What are the truths behind all these speculations? Are they sustainable, or baseless? 2012 is just around the corner, so what will ...

Armed Intervention Criteria

Dunlap (2009) observes that although armed intervention can be very efficient in resolving conflicts, history has demonstrated that the success of such operation is sometimes very unpredictable.  It was successful during the world war II when the ...

Aspects of Bio-Warfare

Biological warfare can be described as the biological agents employment with the aim of producing casualties in animals and man or even damage the plants (Bahgat, 2007).  What are the various types of biological materials used to make these types ...

Assessing the Knowledge of RNs Regarding Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Statement and Significance of the Problem The increased prevalence of patients with more complicated and debilitating conditions is ever increasing. The reason for this are many folds that are causing a new aspect of challenge for the nursing staff ...

Assessment Plan

What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered (ADHD) affects between 3 and 5 percent of the school- age population. Children with ADHD face substantial social difficulties at school, but in the face of their learning challenges, these ...

Automotive Air Condition System

Summary The passenger partition of an up to date automobile puts forward very dissimilar components to that of an automobile from sixty years ago. In addition to the ergonomically premeditated spaces and device outline, the all encircling visibility ...

Availability of Psychological and Psychiatric Care

Introduction With psychological distress being increasingly common in those who are terminally ill, there is an increasing need to ensure the availability of psychological and psychiatric care in the UK hospices. Without the appropriate care, these ...

Avoiding Cross Contamination

When handling or preserving food, it is necessary to avoid traditional methods, which encourage cross contamination at home. Traditional methods of food preservation are sometimes dangerous since some of them do not consider hygiene of the storage ...

Baileys TV Advert in India

Executive summary The research is all about Bailey's advert that is set to be presented in Indian media. The advert contains the video of a pretty woman who kisses a man to get a test of Bailey.  The advert is expected to spark some resistance from ...

Ball Attached to the Ears Reduce Hunger

A very common question that many people ask is how can tiny balls placed behind ones ears actually help a person lose 10%-20% of his/her  body weight. As strange as this might sound, this weight lose program has enabled many people to obtain ...

Bally Total Fitness

In 2004, Bally Total Fitness club was a leading firm in the U.S, Health Club industry. From a single modest club in 1962, the company had grown to the largest and only national wide commercial operator of fitness center in the United States. The ...

Barriers to US' Development and Maintenance of Human Intelligence

Human intelligence is the intelligence collection by interpersonal contacts as opposed to the technical intelligence disciplines like the MASINT, IMINT and SIGNT. NATO refers to human intelligence as to a division of intelligence that emerges from ...

Beauty is Soul Deep

There has been a change in the characteristics of beauty amongst people in the society, from the internal and physical characteristics combined, to the physical looks of the people. The research looks into the reasons for the change and such ...

Behaviour of Expansive Soil

There are various methods of determining the behaviour of the expansive soil. They are based on the results of the test that are obtained under fully lateral restraint conditions of the odometer. It is a challenging endeavour to study the swelling ...

Biological and Psychological Theories

Juvenile delinquency is also known as youth crime. The term “juvenile delinquency” is mostly referred to crimes committed by youths under the age of 18. It is categorized into three groups: delinquency, crimes and status offenses. There are ...

Biological Approaches to Personality

The study of personality has been successfully done through various avenues. These avenues include genetics, chemicals, evolution, and the study of the brain structure. Biologically, the personality of every individual is generally the net effect of ...

Biological Aspect

After this study, I took a positive position on two controversial issues: euthanasia and assisted suicide. Indeed, I was partially aware of the topics and issues regarding dying, death and grief covered in this module before taking this course. It ...

Biological Sex and Gender

Biological sex is a distinctive characteristic of living organisms of flora and fauna. It is determined by reproductive cells produced by reproductive system, which are spermatozoa in males and ova in females. Biological sex mainly predetermines ...


Almost each and every human being, at a certain point in their lifetime, they do express themselves as being sexual beings by having erotic experiences.  They are able to recognize themselves as either being females or males. Above this, they ...

Blood Diamonds

Introduction: De Beers is a chain of companies with branches in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Canada, founded by Cecil Rhodes in 1888. It is currently managed by a German, Jewish Oppenheimer. It is a private held company with its headquarters ...


Abstract This research is based on the topic of brainwashing. It describes what brainstorming is and consequently the different aspects of brainwashing .different theories that have been put forward regarding to brainwashing have been explored with ...

Business Wrongdoing

The relationship between a consumer and a business is something that is highly regarded by society and by the legal system.  This relationship is further complicated by the exchange of money between two parties, thereby enhancing the amount of ...

Carbon Nanotubes for Drug Delivery

Introduction According to Mishra, Patel & Pharm (2009), enhancing effective drug delivery system that enables the safe relocation of drugs in appropriate and efficient time lag is essential in initiating therapeutically medical effects that ...

Case Incident

The results of the case incident are surprising. The reason being most of these rated countries are working fewer hours as compared to the United States. According to the ILO, the Americans work more than 45 hours per week. There are various ...

Case Study

This is a research paper on a case study. The research paper will evaluate the eating habits of an old arthritic woman who has been diagnosed with cognitive impairment. She is being taken care of by her husband who is equally old. Arthritis is a ...

Causes of Conflict Over Land and Forests in Developing Countries

The prevailing view that conflict over land and forests in developing countries can be explained in simplistic terms of demographic pressures coupled with resource scarcity, denies the complex relationships of ethnicity, identity, migration, local ...

Chapter Learning Journal

Interesting points in the chapter: Under "Practical considerations relating to participant observations" Access approach involves intense involvement of the researcher in the field thus it is interesting that time commitment to the research is ...

Chemical Addiction and Dependency

Introduction Chemical dependency and drug abuse are common phenomena in most countries all over the world. Governments and agencies try as hard as possible to either prevent or stop the behavior among the young people as well as the old to enable ...

Chemically Engineered Food

Despite environmental organization and public interest groups’ effort against the chemically engineered food, the food has become famous and introduced into the market since 1996. The term is commonly used to refer to the food that is created ...

Chinese Culture

Chinese Culture Essay Introduction Although many differences in social, economic, and political dimensions exist among mainland China and others locations where the culture dominates, it is still possible to identify particular key cultural values ...

Community Corrections

This paper evaluates two cases and the corrective measures that were taken in each of the case. During the evaluation of the measures, critical analyses of the juries’ verdict is made in a view to air what are believed to have been the most ...

Complex Social Morality

From my stand point, I feel the author is trying to explain how complex social morality is and how various people have taken a simplistic approach in trying to understand it. This simplistic approach has led various people nowhere; hence the author ...


Conflict refers to the struggling of between or at least two or more people that are interdependent from each other due to perceiving achievements that are not compatible and ends up to interference, from both of them in attaining their goals. The ...

Conflict Situation

Thesis Statement Even though conflict situation is sometimes healthy for the parties involved, it can as well lead to chaotic and destructive effects that demand for the application of the most appropriate conflict models to analyze the best course ...

Conflicts Arising when Families Move in Together

There are many reasons why more families move in together. They do this during house crisis, for love or money, to save money, to weather recession, to plan retirement or to blend a family amongst many other reasons. The current economic situation ...

Consumer Behavior and Culture

Introduction This paper seeks to analyze the actions of a student upon purchasing and using products and services. The analysis will include the mental and social processes that are deemed to precede the actions of the students. Consumer Behavior A ...

Contact Styles

In a recent group discussion, the varied contact styles and the strategies to manage them played a key role in maintaining focus and achieving our target objectives and desired level of study. With no formal work to deal with and the organization ...

Contingency Approach in Ladership

Different leaders in different areas and regions across the world have used and still continue to use different methods of leadership. The method of leadership that these leaders used is normally derived from the type of subjects under leadership, ...

Corporate Barber and Hair Shop

 Job analysis refers to an extensive methodology which is used to gather information about the various duties, responsibilities, required skills and the surrounding environment to a particular job to find out, if it is suitable for the instigated ...

Corporate Vision

Corporate vision and mission is an important statement that drives entrepreneurs to set up a business unit and operate it going forward working with various internal and external stakeholders. Corporate vision and mission are like religious oaths ...

Country Study

An in Depth Study of Finland, Australia, Luxembourg, Canada and Japan This research is aimed to compare the economies of Finland, Australia, Luxembourg, Canada and Japan. The study is broken down into a number of areas Purchasing Power Parity ...

Creative Accounting

INTRODUCTION The Gaap are a set of regulations which set standards that properly lead the professional accountants. They place standards on the manner in which records of financial transactions should be made and also the correct financial ...

Critical Review of Case Study

The case study focuses on a small group of single mothers who represent the disadvantaged communities of East of London whose children were accessing higher educational courses through the Labour Government Sure Start programme. The case study ...

Critical Thinking about the Vietnam Conflict

Introduction The timeline of events for the Vietnam conflict is 1961 through 1964. In 1961, the President Kennedy sent a total of 400 military advisors to Vietnam, and by December 1964, 23,000 advisors were stationed in Vietnam. Many beginning ...

Critical Tradition

Introduction Critical theorists have always wanted to change society by working from the critical perspective to improve the state of society and the human condition than to define rules. Critical theory encompasses power differences, their harm to ...

Cultural Diversity

Native Americans are believed to have come from Siberia during the ice age and settled to the place now referred to as Alaska. They gradually migrated across the land all the way to Mexico and beyond. They have been referred to as Indians, American ...

Culture and Race

Culture and Race The rural agricultural communities made up of Latino migrant workers face many challenges when it comes to the provision of healthcare. The kind of healthcare provided in these regions is not comparable to that given in other parts ...

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), on the other hand, is a business concept that enables firms to manage their interactions with their consumers. Customer Relationship Management can enable an organization identify relationships issues that may ...

Cybercrime Prevention Guide

Introduction Cybercrime is used to refer to any kind of crimes involving the computer and the Network system as the main tools of perpetration. The issues which surround cyber crime have become highly sophisticated, in particular those which ...

Data Collection

A combination of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research is adopted in this study.  According to Keith (2003), an exploratory research is carried out when a problem is not clearly defined or when its real scope is uncertain. It provides ...

Database Security

Abstract This research paper is about the importance of Database Security. What security models are available? How are they essential in preventing unwanted or unintended activities? This research answers these questions. This study is very ...

Dealing with Conflict of Interest in Engineering

Defining conflict of interest is difficult although most people think that they know it all.  Conflict of interest is a broad area, and most of them fall into an area where public and ethical perceptions are more relevant than precedents or ...


“Independence! Rebellion!” These were the cries of the American people about two hundred and forty-three years ago. This was at a time when the founding fathers of America signed the independence declaration to gain their own power from the ...


Introduction Demographics refer to the current characteristics of a population based on statistics. These statistics keep changing from time to time. This essay mainly deals with the statistics of Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. This capital ...


Abstract Dendrochronology also known as tree ring dating is the science of studying climatic change in a region by use of tree rings. It is efficient because tree rings are formed yearly caused by seasonal changes like moisture or temperature ...

Depression: Causes, Outlooks, Treatments

This research seeks to investigate how depression affects humans. The research also explores causes, outlooks, treatments and the organs affected when an individual becomes depressed. This study is very important because depression affects many ...

Depression and its Effects on Job Performance

The purpose of conducting this research study is to get to know the issues affecting workers at their workplaces especially stock brokers. Brooking of stocks is known to be one of the stressful professions in the business world. The purpose of ...


Deregulation occurs when the government moves to reduce its control of various industries to allow players in the industries more autonomy and freedom. Deregulation comes with a number of benefits to the companies affected and, in most cases, such ...

Descartes' Premise for Doubt and Faith Rebukes

Introduction This paper is about the discourse on the method of conducting one’s reasoning as well as seeking the truth in science in relation to the reasoning. René Descente’s attributes many different aspects in doubt and faith rebukes and ...

Description of Nikola Tesla

A Nikola Tesla was lived between 10th July 1856 and 7th January 1942. Tesla was born to Serbian parents in the village of Smiljan; in the Austrian empire (modern day Croatia) and hence he was subject of Austrian empire by birth. He was born ...

Designing Distribution Channels

When designing a distribution channel, the considerations include identifying the consumers. In a distribution channel targeting homogeneous consumers, the consumers have similar requirements. The distribution channels should, therefore, have ...

Designing Form to Fit Function

Introduction According to the California Institute of Technology/CIT (2012), material science entails the fundamental study of solid matter with an aim of coming up with new materials with improved properties. The institute notes that it has, from ...

Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of innovation theory tries to make clear how, why and the rate at which news or fresh idea spread through many channels to people. The diffusion of innovation helped the citizens of America in New York and Washington to understand the ...

Discovery of Ancient Stone Tools in Texas

Introduction Focusing on the Debra L. Friedkin site situated in Texas, it is clear that the chronological events indicate the presence of human figures in the continent of North America. This has been proved through evidence collected which include ...

Discussion Forum: Television Series

There are plenty of television series to fill your evenings when you feel like a couch potato. The one really worth seeing and the one I would like to recommend you is Switched at Birth. The plot of this series revolves around two girls, Bay and ...


Introduction According to statistics available at Walter reed Army Institute, every stage of human development requires proper relaxation for a healthy mind and body. Relaxing offers a human body a vital relief that is necessary in ensuring rest and ...

Distribution in Marketing

Distribution in marketing is the fundamental task of ensuring that products that are produced reach the consumers. In marketing product distribution process may be carried out through the distribution channels. Distribution channels can, therefore, ...

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Organizations provide employment to a wide variety of employees. In such an organization, there are great differences between people. The differences are due to varying race, gender, ethnic group, personality, age, tenure, education, functions ...

Cityside Company: Diversity in the Work Place

The issue of diversity is crucial in any organization since it has various positive effects in its performance. It influences the management of the human resources and the development of the company. Following the case study of the Cityside ...

Do Grandparents Have to Raise their Grandchildren?

Introduction This research majorly focuses on the reasons why grandparents have to take up the role of raising up their grandchildren. The issue of concern has been the observation that the number of grandparents who have to take care of their ...

DPE and Goal Instruction

Introduction Intellectual disability refers to the developmental disability which affects an individual’s ability to learn and make use of information. This disability may occur during childhood and continue throughout an individual’s life. An ...


Addictions are a product of social dislocation and family stress. Drug addiction has become rampant in our society. This has forced authority to come up with a number of ways to deal with this problem. However, in trying to stamp out this problem, ... Sales Projections

People are shifting to the modern technological trends in doing almost everything in life. In this regard, the management of the DressForFabuLESS has decided to launch a new online marketing company for the latest designs of clothes, shoes and ...

Marijuana Legalization in USA

Over the years there has been much debate over whether illegal drugs for example marijuana, which has been proven to have some medicinal value especially to patients who are suffering from cancer and AIDS because it helps in relieving nausea and ...

Dubai Hilton Hotel

The issue of diversity at the workplace has gained significant attention in the recent past. Continued changes in workforce demographic composition whereby minority groups are continually becoming more and more represented due to changes in various ...

E-business and E-commerce Managament

Introduction Transportation sale is one of the most important factors in determining the success of the commercial airline operation. Distributive channel or the method of transportation is the way the product is delivered to the airline customer. ...

E-commerce Barriers and Gender

Summary of Main Gender Roles Research and its Significance The association between gender and e-commerce barriers has not been researched in-depth, even if it has implications for the adoption of this technology. In this research, modern financial ...

East Africa Terrorists

Abstract In the 20th century, U.S. defense efforts were mainly directed towards the threats posed by the Soviet Union. Currently, U.S. has a more diverse national security challenges including those from East Africa (Somalia). To ensure national ...

Easy Access to Condoms to Prevent Teenage Pregnancies

This paper posits to educate the general public and especially the young generation on the dangers and the potential risks that are associated with teenage pregnancies. The major emphasis dwells on the provision of easy access to condoms as a ...

Eating Disorders and Obesity

Obesity is more often than not associated with eating disorders though these are two different health issues. However, there are similarities in the two issues such as causes and effects, symptoms and complications. Eating disorders. Eating disorder ...

Economic and Community Impact

Introduction The 2008 Mumbai attack happened when a group of ten militants suspected to be from theLashkar-e-Taiba, LeT, (extreme Muslims originating from Pakistani) attacked and killed both the local and the international foreigners living in ...

Effect of Low Self-Esteem

Introduction Self-esteem is a psychological term that refers to the general appraisal and evaluation of his/her worth. Having a high self-esteem has advantages, especially when dealing with other people. The direct opposite of this is low ...

Effects of Computers on Teenager Interaction

Research carried out by Sears & Jacko (2009) shows that too much computer interaction on teenagers can bring about development of anti-social behavior among the teenagers. Anti-social behavior can be defined as the behavior lacking ...

Effects of Cross-cultural Communication, Case of African-Americans and Asians

The global interaction of humankind continues to open up and as such, a deeper understanding of different cultures and values is vital in enhancing communication between any interacting groups. Cultural interaction involves understanding of ...

Effects of Dietary Caffeine on Mood

The article "The Effects of dietary caffeine on mood when rested and sleep restricted" by Jack E. James and M. Elizabeth Gregg, reveals some interesting insights regarding the role the drug caffeine on the human behaviour termed as 'mood'. The ...

Effects of Racism

Most schools in Los Angeles have not attained expected academic performances due to effects of racism. Harmful racial isolation is profound in both kindergarten and secondary schools. Consequently, this has resulted in interracial hostilities and ...

Effects of Smoking Cocaine

Cocaine is a purified extract from Erythroxylum coca bush leaves, which mostly grows in South America at the Andes region. These extract go through chemical processes that result into two different forms of cocaine, the powdered cocaine and crack ...

Electrolux AB Stock Movement

The purpose of this study is to discover and convey the key factors that affect the movement of stock of the Electrolux AB Stock Movement venture. Electrolux AB Stock Movement, originally, gentlemen’s quarterly is a men’s magazine that ...

Electrostatic Discharge

The release of built-up static electricity, especially solid state electronics, like integrated circuits, when two objects, which are at different potentials come into contact, is called an electrostatic discharge. Insulating materials and ...

Emotional Reactions

Abstract Romantic relationships are one of the topics revolving around human behavior, which has received manifold research analysis and coverage. There exists a myriad of documented books and articles, which deeply define and explain human ...

Empathizing with a Terrorist

The first response of an American citizen reading V for Vendetta by Alan Moore may not really be “hmm…their fascist regime appears immeasurably the same as our own regime.” Why is this so? Is it as a result of the American government directive ...

Energy Efficiency Paper

The following essay briefly discusses transport systems and how the two conserve energy. It further discusses several research outcomes done by several researches based on energy efficiency and the impact that poor energy conservation leads to ...

Engaging Gangland Visual Culture

The visual culture is a subject that studies art education. It not only focuses on the cultural meaning of art but also focuses on the philosophy and critical theory of the same. The meaning of the memorial in this context is that it is the ...

Equal Pay for Equal Work

The long-term earnings gap between women and man has not been standard, as the women have been underpaid in the past to a large extent. Due to the inequality in the society, the payment women received was less than the one for men, even though both ...

Erik Erikson's Theory of Human Development

Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June, 15th 1902. His Jewish mother raised him by herself until she married a Pediatrician. Experience about truth helped spark his interest in formation of identity. He was a teacher and an artist in ...

Establishing the Identity of Murder Victims

There are various methods of identifying murder victims. Scientists continue to carry out research with an aim of coming up with more complex and accurate of identifying victims of crime such as murder especially in cases where the remains of the ...


Introduction The doctrine of ethos is the notion that describes how music affects the brain. Ethos or music psychology is a branch of musicology and psychology. These branches help to understand and explain musical experience in relation to musical ...

Etiology of Bullying

According to Strauss (2011), bullying is an act aimed at tormenting, frustrating or wearing down to provoke, intimidate or cause discomfort. He observes that bullying is normally frequent in places such as schools, hospitals, prisons and even homes. ...


Evaluation of Case study is among the series of papers that the program evaluation and methodology division issue.  Its main purpose is to evaluators with a guideline on various aspects of audit and methods of evaluation. It also helps in ...

Evidence-Based Community Interventions

Introduction Florida is a state found in the Southeastern side of the United States. This research paper is a study with a setting of Hillsborough County, which is a Florida Metropolitan.  Hillsborough County had a population of 1229226 by the year ...

Exploration of the Arctic Region

Since the time in memorial, various parties have been in the pursuit of exploring the arctic. In fact, the sea exploration began long before Columbus’s discovery, but intensified soon after several voyages to the arctic in the consequent hundred ...

Factors that Impact Turnover Intentions

Introduction: Top managers are realizing that a key driver of success for a company is the way in which the company manages its employees. In today’s volatile economy it is imperative for companies to proactively engage with the turbulent ...

Family Functioning

Child development refers to the changes that take place between birth and adolescence as the individual grows towards adulthood. These changes are both physical and psychological. Apparently, of profound influence to these changes are the parents' ...

Fast Food

The major goal of this assignment will be to present relevant facts about the various effects of fast food in the food industry. Fast foods or rather inorganic foods have been known to take the center stage in the lives of most people ranging from ...

Feta Cheese in Germany and Marketing Mix

Introduction The purpose of this study is to research on the production and exportation flow of Germany feta cheese internationally and to provide a clearly and illustrated review of the positive and negatives effects for these trade are: The ...

Final Research paper

Literary, the word tragedy means "a goat song". This might be in reference to the act of providing a goat as a prize or sacrifice during Greek religious festivals in appreciation to the god Dionysos. Regardless of how the term might have come into ...

Fire Prevention

According to Robertson, (2008), fire prevention includes any fire service activity that lessens the incidence and severity of uncontrolled fire. Typically, fire prevention method employed by fire service focus on inspection, which includes ...

Food Preservation

Introduction According to Platt (2011), food science and technology entails the understanding and application of the science disciplines to device methods that can sustain quality food. He notes that a number of disciplines such as biology, physical ...


History, just like the lives of individual people has some of its shining times. The summer of the year 1816 had so many contradictions between the Romanticism thinkers and the Enlightenment thinkers which had a greater effect on the evolutionists, ...

Fredrick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln

Introduction  The names Lincoln and Douglass are synonymous with abolition and emancipation. These two great Americans statesmen led remarkably similar lives in the early years and they held a great respect for one another even in the point of ...

Free Will and the Problem of Evil

Introduction In most instances, evil results into catastrophic outcomes where a significant number of people suffer. This paper is mainly concerned on the issue of the existence of a Deity as well as the significance of such an existence. To ...

Friendship Guide for Dummies

Interpersonal communication is an important part of the society. Notably, the society is made of groups and subgroups which interact on a daily basis with each in a coherent and mutual way through interpersonal communication. Without interpersonal ...

Gender Differences in Pre-Career Expectations

Women entering the career pipeline in fields dominated by males have lower pay and promotion expectations than their male counterparts. This puts women at a compromising situation when negotiating for their initial salaries and their expected ...

Gender Identity

Introduction Judith Butler is a well-known theorist on sexuality, gender, identity and power. Her contributions to contemporary criticism are noteworthy for its perceptive provocations across a wide range of fields. This ability to engage many ...

The Role of Women in the Surrealist Movement

In my research project I intent to look at gender issues and the role of women in the surrealist movement. The surrealist movement is an artistic movement that dealt with visual artworks and writings of the members of that group. Artistic works in ...

Genetic History/Genogram

A Genogram can be referred to as; a genetic representation which has annotated references normally a family history. This Genogram may contain medical histories, with the medical conditions, other subjective information, and other specific cases. ...

Grass-Roots Social Movements

Social grassroots movements are vital drivers for widening scope of opportunities (Defilippis, 2001) and public participation in debates and influence in shaping legislative process for instance civil rights, feminists and labor movements. ...

Guided Dialogue

For this task, I chose to reflect on an episode that occurred during my clinical placement and helped me develop a new understanding in relation to trans-cultural nursing in terms of communication and engagement. I chose this scenario because it ...

Gun Subculture

Introduction Gun violence is one of the most contentious issues and most intensity debated not only in the US but also in other countries. According to recent research, gun subculture has been on the increase specifically in the US which records ...

Gun Violence

Introduction Gun violence unfortunately has become timeless and is at an all time high in America. The government, parents, and educators have now combined forces and are struggling to find a way forward towards dealing with the matter adequately. ...

Hall's Theoretical Framework

Hall's Idea of a True Intellectual Hall believes that a true intellectual is someone who manages to engage two fronts at the same time. He borrowed the framework from Gramsci who said that a true intellectual is an organic intellectual, and the ...

Health Information System

The scope of the management & health information system will incorporate planning, monitoring, adjusting, as well as organizing the project duration. Statistics shows that inadequate planning leads to immense wastage of resources, which in ...

Hedonic Calculus

Bentham’s Hedonic Calculus Definition Bentham’s Hedonic calculus has a utilitarianism approach towards evaluation of actions at their optima level. The concept is based on estimation of pain and pleasure caused by an action. Consequently, the ...

Henry James Story Daisy Miller

The story of Daisy Miller is a feminist story because it brings out the challenges that Daisy Miller; a 'pretty American flirt' had to go through in her quest to win the love of his heart Winterbourne.  The story brings out Daisy as flouting roles, ...

History of Design

The designer of this bow-arm Morris chair, Gustav Stickley (American, 1858-1942), was influenced by the English Arts and Crafts movement. He used these ideas to create an American version of the English recliner. He is also the creator of this ...

History of Homosexuality

Abstract Homosexuality is the sexual attraction or romantic behavior between members of the same gender. Belonging to either of the known categories of sexual orientation, can be referred to as an individual's sense of personal and social identity, ...

Hochwender's Persuasive Argument

Woody Hochswender’s article “Did My Car Join Al Qaeda?” is based on the on-going debate about the usage of S.U.V’s (Sport Utility Vehicles) in the USA. Some people are of the opinion that the continued use of these types of vehicles is ...


Homeostasis refers to a process that involves maintaining the body environment in a steady position particularly when the external environment is altered. The hypothalamus coordinates the actions of most of the hormones and automatic nervous ...

Hotel Rwanda

Introduction The movie Hotel Rwanda highlights the breath-taking violence of the 1994 genocide by narrating the story of a Rwandese, an ordinary or common person who survived in the tough and extraordinary circumstances. Don Cheadle plays the role ...

How Do Motivate Children to Do Well in School?

Introduction According to Pai (2006), multiculturalism is an act of appreciating ethnic diversity of different people within a society which primarily encourages them to know and learn more from their involvement with other people from diverse ...

How Internet Affects the Way Students Think

Introduction and Background information Internet has been in use since the invention of modern computers. Military departments and scientists in the United States and the USSR are said to have been the very first users of the internet. Today, ...

How Literacy and Power Are Connected

Malcolm X, whose real name is Malcolm little was an African American minister of the Muslims, a public speaker and a human rights activist. He is considered one of the greatest and most influential Americans of his time .there is undeniable proof ...

How The Internet Affects the Way We Think

Internet has been with us for more than two decades now. It came with the invention of computers. Today almost every aspect of our daily lives involves use of the internet either directly or indirectly. Everything from shopping to paying bills to ...

How the Oceans Made Life on Earth Possible

The origin of life on earth begun in the sea as it has been established by natural history of marine biology more than five billion years down the line. The discipline of aqua-genesis has offered fascinating research work that astonishes readers ...

HR Generalists and Specialists

The success of any organization today is largely dependent on employees; this is due to the vital role they play in meeting organization’s goals. The above discovery has shifted many firms’ objectives toward treating the employees as their ...

Human Agression

Recently, incidences of extreme violence involving young children have been on the rise. These occurrences have been linked to watching violent video games thus stimulating interest in studying the effect of video games on kids’ behavior. Studies ...

ICT Assignment

The main objective of the research is to establish whether there are more people living in urban areas than in rural areas. Hypothesized claims will be supported by calculations so as arrive at the correct conclusion. The null hypothesis is accepted ...


Over the past few years, the matter of immigration has grabbed numerous headlines across the United States. Sampson observes that the issue has raised some controversial debates among both the private and political partitions of the nation. This is ...

Immigration and Labor

It is no doubt that immigration to any country on the planet has got its pros and cons. America has not been left behind, too as it has benefited on one hand, and on the other was ramified negatively. On a positive note, many immigrants have played ...

Impact of Child Disability on the Family

Living with children with a disability usually has a considerable effect on the parents, siblings and the family members of the child living with the disability. The disability of a child has the potential to affect all aspects of the functioning of ...

Impact of External Influences on Child's Behavior

Introduction There is a number of factors that are responsible for shaping child’s behavior. This write up will specifically look at those factors that are external. Socially, children, just like is the case with every human being, need acceptance ...

Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans

Introduction Launching of businesses and organizations in different environments or rather industries has proved to be a challenging task, both in the past and presently. As a result, businesses and organizations across the globe have developed ...

Indentured Servitude

To begin with, Indentured Servitude when used in any context is made to bring the meaning of a laborer who is not free. This is to suggest that it is laborer who works under a contract which is specified for a certain amount of time. Such an ...

Inert Gas Narcosis

Introduction Inert gas narcosis refers to the mental and physical discomfort both objective and subjective, which results from inhaling gas mixtures containing particular types of inert gases (argon, helium, krypton, xenon and atmospheric nitrogen) ...

Information Security

Introduction Information is an input that transmits a message and involves a sequence of symbols while security is a form of protection against criminal activities, damage or even loss. Information security means protection of information systems ...

Information systems Allstate

Today's business environment is characterized by increased competition as large number of service providers compete for the market share. This phenomenon is manifested in all areas of business including the insurance industry. However, what has ...

Institutional Culture

Question one In the world today, the media plays a critical role in relaying of information to the public. Besides this, the media serves as a source of entertainment and information, helping to relay both important and other information to the ...

Integrated Marketing in France

Marketing is a highly crucial concept in any business since it influences the chances of survival for a business. Much effort is required to ensure that business maximizes on advertisements, in order to increase sales and raise profits. In this ...

Integrating Sources

A research paper is an expanded essay that presents one's own interpretation, evaluation or argument. When writing a research paper, it is necessary to present an original discussion of the ideas that are supported using research. When carrying ...

Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

The “Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and Models of Integration” is a book written by David N. Entwistle and published by Wipf and Stock Publishers in August ...

Integrative Biology

Name of your Genetic Disorder: Sickle cell anemia Gene locus on which chromosome:  11p15.5 - The Hemoglobin (HBB) gene is located in region 15.5 at the short (p) arm of the human chromosome number 11(Brown, R.T., 2006). Type of ...

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy

If Kudler Fine foods virtual organization goes public through the sale of IPO, there will be more cash to finance operations. This is because people will come and buy shares so that they can be stakeholders in company. The money contributed by ...

Interfared Waves

Introduction Infrared waves are useful and critical in fields of communication, science, military and business. The infrared radiation is versatile and cannot be seen by the human eye. The infrared light waves have longer wavelengths than the ...

Criminals Hacking Into Government Websites

Abstract This research seeks to investigate incidences of Internet crime. That is, criminals hacking into government websites. The study also seeks answers to questions, such as, what was the status of the website and computers during the incident? ...

Interpersonal Theory

Introduction Cornett (2008) noted that even though Sullivan’s early life was characterized by loneliness and isolation, his innovativeness and hard work enabled him to develop his interpersonal theory. In this theory, Sullivan emphasized the role ...

Interpersonal Working Values of Leaders

1. The purpose of this study was to examine the interpersonal working values of leaders in work settings and to determine the influence of such variables on their consequential behavior. Further, this was conducted to better understand the role of ...

Iraq and the US War Research Paper Example

Introduction Today the questions on the completion of the prolonged years of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq and the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from this country are among the most fundamental and discussed military-political issues in both ...

Is Algae Right Biofuel Of The Future

Every day we are bombarded by evidence that incriminates leaders of oil producing countries with terrorism (and the human right issues which have become synonymous with these countries and their respective leaders), it is from this evidence that the ...

Is Mind Distinct from Brain?

Throughout history, and even up to present day, few topics have generated scholarly debate as the topic of mind versus brain. The topic goes back to the days of Aristotle, one of the first people to think through it and explain a theory. Aristotle ...

Is Racism still in the South?

While some educators and historians refuse the presence of racism in the South, its evidence can still be felt, because its effect on education is often experienced. As a serious ongoing issue that needs to be solved, racism in education’s ...

Isenheim Altarpiece

Description The object of discussion and analysis of this research paper is the Isenheim masterpiece. This piece of art was created as an altarpiece for the monastery in Isenheim, Alsace, which is situated along France’s eastern border. It was ...

Ishikawa Research Paper

Introduction This is a research aimed at reviewing the quality management strategies developed by Professor Ishikawa. Most of these management strategies are aimed at improving the management process in modern world. This is with regards to emerging ...

Islamic Societies

The topic of democratization and its implications for Islamic societies have received increased scholarly attention. Much has been written and said about the controversy surrounding the relationship between Islam and democracy. Whether or not Islam ...

Jamaica: Sociology Art and Dress

1. Introduction and background Although, not so very long ago, a sociology of art, embracing the various forms of art, was unknown and indeed almost inconceivable as an independent branch of the social sciences, ever larger numbers of sociologists ...

Job Performance of Elderly Workers

Many employers have perceptions that older adults are less mentally and physically competent, that their productivity is lower, and their accident potential higher than that of younger workers. They also find them less suitable ...

Johannes Vermeer

Introduction Johannes Vermeer is a renowned Dutch painter who lived between 1632 and 1675. The exact date of his birth is not well known. Some historians claim that Johannes was born in earlier than 1632. Johannes Vermeer was specialized in ...


Content This research seeks to investigate the concept of Judaism such as the Jewish practices and contemporary Judaism. In addition, it establishes the definition of Judaism and how it came into been. The research establishes how contemporary ...

Kakamega Forest

Destruction of forests for agriculture, logging, and charcoal burning and pasturing of animals has contributed to deterioration of Kenya's river systems. Being the source of water for wild animals as Kenya's tourism economic booster, some private ...

Killer Angels

The Killer Angels novel (written by Michael Sharra) is a story of the Gettysburg Battle. On 1st July, 1863 confederate army and the union army fought the greatest battle in the American Civil War. This book is written based on real people who were ...

Kudler Fine Foods and Toyota Company

Each and every firm is engaged in business because it has services, products and in some cases a combination of a product and service which it offers to its clients as a solution to a particular want or need that they have. This therefore means that ...

Law and Order

A man is found in garage with a stab wound in his groin. Jerry Bullard is his name, and no one can figure out a reason as to why he got stabbed. Jerry is happily married man with no hidden secrets. At first the polic suspect the "neighborhood ...

Leadership Concepts and Practice

Literature and depth of leadership as a discipline in Northouse’s book, “leadership concepts and practice”, are highlighted as the main concepts of this book. There are various difficult decisions about concepts that can be excluded while ...

Leadership Skills for Healthcare Practise

The study focuses it scope into investigating the relations that exist between leadership and Management skills of First Line Managers (FLMs) working in elderly care and their work environment. Findings of the study will contribute greatly to ...

Legislative Assemblies in USA, UK and France

Introduction This  research  paper  aims  at  answering  the  questions that  are  posed  in regard to  the  judicial  review  taking  into  consideration  the  differences  on  how  the  judicial review takes place  in  ...

Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance can be defined as an agreement between the insurer and the insured. In this contract two things are important; firstly, is the insured must pay specified sum of money to the insurer at regular intervals. Secondly, the insured on the ...

Limitless Understanding

If constrained to express thought without the use of spoken language, one would find it difficult to communicate.  Certainly, written language and sign language are two solutions to the absence of audible communication.  So, what would happen if ...

Linden Lab and Second Life Case Study

Linden Lab founded Second Life in the year 2003 and the social network that had targeted reaching millions of online users who would connect in a virtual world faced a huge challenge ahead of it. Most of the users had claimed the demand for a ...

Malcolm X

The approach taken by Malcolm X to fight racial injustice in America can be described as radical and extreme in some quarters while, in others, it may sound as heroic and the best. Malcolm X in his quest for justice to the black population advocated ...


Personality A personality is as a relatively lasting pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting that characterises a person’s response to his or her environment. It is thusunderlying causes within the person’s or individual’s behavior and ...

Managerial Accountability

Abstract Managerial accountability as a drive for quality in health care has been a topic of great concern in the recent times. As such, the proposed research is meant to examine whether managerial accountability contributes to quality of health ...

Market Research

Introduction to Market Research The national Committee for Quality Assurance is a nonprofit organization devoted to fostering health care quality. The mission is to transform health care worth through accountability, measurement, and transparency. ...

Mass Media

Introduction This research paper highlights on the ways that the mass media has encouraged the copycat murders. The copycat effect is used in reference to the situation for which a sensational publicity about the violent acts of murders or ...

Material Science (Electric Car)

Material science is the scientific study of material and its property for improving engineer design. It is an applied science, which studies the relationship between the structure and properties of materials. Material can be categorized in different ...

Mbuti of Zaire

Culture is how the people shares, learn, deal with symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences their perception towards the contemporary world. This research paper concerns the culture of the Mbuti of Zaire. Mbuti ...

Media Effect

This research study aims at investigating or ascertaining whether the concept of soft power creates a new approach towards analyzing a rising power. The research study seeks to explain why the term soft power has got great attention among the media, ...


Trawick-Smith argues that children change in many ways as they grow older, and this change occurs in both quantitative and qualitative ways (Trawick-Smith, 2010, p.4). He also disputes that children in their primary school years are able to remember ...

Mencius and Xun Zi

In my carried out research, two ideologists' perspectives have been compared and their view on human nature. The two ideologists, Mencius and Xun Zi, who were both Chinese philosophers, held different perspectives about human nature. Mencius, ( ...


Getting noteworthy results from research involves maximum attentiveness and adherences to a sound process that will allow the researcher to attain the intended goal. For the sake of efficiency, it requires the researcher to embrace research methods ...

Middle Passage of Slave Trade

Abstract This research paper briefly discusses the happenings of the slave trade in the middle passage. This trade entailed the shipping of Africans from their native African homes to America to provide labor in the sugarcane plantations. This ...

Midwives in the Changing Health

For the first two and half centuries of colonial rule in America, midwives were practically the single providers of women maternal health care as few educated physicians had immigrated to America. According to puritan ideals until the end of 18th ...

Minimize Discretion

Introduction Discretion can be determined as one’s ability to make decisions which do represent a responsible choice. This requires one to understand what is right, wise and lawful. Discretion can be mostly applied in the crime justice system. ...

Minimum Wage Maximum Hours

Introduction Employment is generally meant for two objectives namely, productivity as well as provision of livelihood to workers. However, there has been debate on issues surrounding the employment environment regarding the conditions that workers ...

Mixed Races in China

Introduction This research paper looks deeply into the issue of race in modern China. It seeks to identify how many races live there, what is the dominant race, and how they get along with each other. This study is very important because it takes an ...

Muslim women

This research seeks to investigate how the perception of Muslim women in the western societies is more often than not misinterpreted. How are Muslim women viewed in the eyes of women in the western societies? How do the Muslim women react to the ...

Natalie Warne

The main idea being presented in the above talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event was organized independently, is a talk which aims at reminding viewers that no one is too young to change the world. Another main idea in Natalie Warne’s talk is ...

NHL Marketing Report

Introduction The National Hockey League, NHL, is an unincorporated organization operating professional Ice Hockey in Canada. NHL is currently operating about thirty franchised member teams with six located in Canada and the rest in the United States ...


1.0 Management problem in brief There has been a fallacy that about organizations in the sense that non-profit organizations are warm but not competent, and that on the other hand, for-profit organizations are competent and not warm. It is believed ...

Notorious Serial Killers

This paper analyses and expounds  on serial killers. It identifies a serial killer as an individual who is involved in  killings of a number of persons for a period of time, with some cooling off period in between the murders. Generally, the ...

Nuclear Weapons

Abstract This paper looks into the issue surrounding Nuclear weapons. How are they created? What are the dangers involved with their use? These are among the questions answered in this paper. It also looks into the Nuclear Weapon Programs that ...

Obesity in America

Obesity refers to the condition when there is excess body fat in the body of an individual. This fat leads to increased health problems, as well as reduced life expectancy. The body mass index is a measure of an individual’s health with regard to ...

Social Stratification

Social inequality is a term used to describe a condition where members of the society have different capacities in terms of power prestige or wealth.  In my case, social stratification should be done a way with and people treated equally whethr ...

Off-the-Job Behavior

In my position, Oilers employee rights were immensely violated. The bases of his termination were baseless due to his clean record. For the matter of fact, Oiler was to be promoted for his commitment and loyalty to Winn-Dixie for all those years, ...

Oil Rich Nations

Introduction Evidently, countries that boast of large oil deposits suffer from a phenomenon known as “poverty of policy.” Oil rich nations show some of the utmost inequalities one may ever imagine. More often than not, the countries are ...

Essay on Online Dating

Online Dating Essay Introduction Paragraph Online dating is when people meet and decide to date over the internet. With the coming of the internet, people could chat online and keep in touch and with time chatting online led to people dating ...

Operations Research

The field of operational research entails the use of advanced analytical methods by practitioners, educators, researchers, other professionals and students to facilitate better decision-making. Analytical techniques include the mathematical modeling ...

Opportunity in Education

An evaluation is as a statement of value, usually spoken or written. It also refers to the assessment of value of something or the act of considering or examining something in order to judge its value, importance, quality, extent, or condition. It ...

Organizational Structure in Public Administration

Statement of Purpose Past and recent surveys and studies have revealed organizational structure as among the critical dimensions of public administration. Consequently organizational structure within any public administration is of great importance ...


The terms osmolality and osmolarity are easily confused by scholars. They have different meanings, and hence it is advisable for the scholars to take keen interest in understanding these two terms. It is evident that the two terms are derived from a ...

Parenting Styles

Introduction Parents are often left in a dilemma when it comes to the parenting styles they ought to embrace in raising up their children. They are torn between applying the researches that they have carried out on the subject and approaching ...

Participant-observation Methodology

A researcher needs accurate and reliable data. The participant-observation methodology is suitable highly practical and relevant in cultural anthropology research, sociology, communication studies, and social psychology. All these aspects involve ...

Pension and Post-Employment Benefits

Introduction Pensions and post employment benefits comprise significant source of income for retirees. Employers as well as the government invest a lot of money into pension plans over the course of the people’s employment to fund their future ...

People with Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure Essay The following is an article critique of the Journal of Advanced Nursing in quality of life in partners of people with congestive heart failure: gender and involvement in care. This is a research that was done by the ...

Perceptions on Virtual Teams

Background information The study of virtual team and their technology involve situation where people use video conferencing and other telecommunication techniques to perform their duties in a different geographical area. This kind of work reduces ...

Perrys Departmental Store

The chosen consumer segment for the purpose of this research is that of women, specifically those who are working professionals. The scope of working professional women segment for jeans is quite large in United States. Most of the working ...

Persuasion Diffusion Theory

Introduction Persuasion diffusion theory, “also known as the diffusion of innovations theory is one concerning the spread of innovation, ideas, and technology through a culture or cultures. The theory has been extensively studied by ...


Photosynthesis refers to the process through which plants harness the energy from the sun to produce their own food through their leaves. The leaves absorb photons to produce energy that is necessary for photosynthesis. Water is also very essential ...

Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician-Assisted Suicide can be described as medical assistance that is provided to a patient to enable him or her to perform an action with the intension of taking his or her own life. A good example of physician-assisted suicide is a situation ...


Plagiarism the unlawful misuse, close duplication, or production, of a different writer's words, opinions, views, or terminologies, and the illustration of such work as one's own creative work. It's completely unethical and remains a problem ...

Poem Research Paper

Richard Lovelace, the poet behind this amazing works, puts down this poem while in prison in Westminster, London. At the time, he was confined there for seven weeks during the period of power struggle in England (Judson). In the poem, he writes that ...

Policy Development

In every game or any kind of organized sport, match-fixing in games, a race, or other sports occurs when matches are played to pre-determined outcomes. Match-fixing refers to a fixation of match or game results so as to favour a specific group or ...

Prediction of Interior Trim Absorption

Introduction Lighter vehicles are more fuel efficient than heavy ones but they transmit more low frequency noise compared to heavier vehicles. To make lighter vehicles acceptable to passengers and at the same time fuel efficient, the low frequency ...

Premature Death

Life, just like any other thing, has both its positive and negative sides. People who happen to be on the positive side of life enjoy it to the fullest while those who fall on its negative side feel oppressed and bound by sorrows. Life also depends ...

Present Situation of Chinese Supply Chain Management

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The dissertation research is dedicated to the exploration of the Dell (China) Company Limited supply chain management. First of all, it is important to rely to the background of the company - it is the Chinese leader in the ...

Prison Life and Strategies to Reduce Recidivism

Prisons have for long played a primary responsibility of addressing issues of misconduct amongst individuals in the society. They are part of the fundamental institutions in the community endowed with noteworthy relationships to public and social ...

Problem of Aging Population in Europe

For a long time until recently, aging had not been a recognizable issue in the world. This is because the world population had not aged: it was still young, with the number of children who were below 15 years being a lot higher than the aged. ...

Problem of Binge Drinking among College Students

My proposed research topic focuses on the relationship between the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) and problem of binge drinking among college students. My own experiences as a college student in America have not only piqued my interest in this ...

Procedure of Preparing a Progress Claim

Two formats of preparing a progress claim are Full Trade Brake up and pre-determined staged payments. The Full Trade Break-ups are prepared while stating each and every trade’s value involved in the tender. The example is as given in the Full ...


Individual Research Strategy Paper A problem in my day to day life that I would really want to solve is procrastination. Procrastination is used to refer to the counterproductive postponement of tasks or actions to a later time. For a behavior to ...

Professional Responsibilities in Reporting Abuse

One essential thing to note, concerning reporting abuse, violence and neglect in Pennsylvania, is the fact that a professional responsibility protocol should be followed. At the same time, the protocol followed should adhere with the national law, ...

Profiling of Angel

Geography Angel is just some minutes from the central business district of London, making it one of the best locations in the busy city in terms of tranquility. This picture points the location of Angel. It started as a hamlet on the wayside, ...

Protocol Results Evaluation

Upon the comparison of two groups of nurses, it became clear that training on chronic wound care management enhances confidence and preciseness amongst the nurses. For instance, the study indicated that prior to their training, nurses felt unsecured ...

Provincial Offences Act

The interview conducted for the purpose of this project is sherrif Rob Ford, who has been appointed the new sheriff as recognition of his services for the city of Toronto. He is the law enforcer and my focus has been with regard to the ...


Psychoanalysis is the study of human perception and behavior in relation to their environmental stimuli. In psychoanalysis, human psychology sometimes conflict with the needs and environmental condition, a situation that could lead to minor or ...

Psychological Effects of Social Networking

With rapid growth of modern technologies people are entitled to exploit and experience numerous opportunities and benefits of such. However, when the youth and adolescence are in sight, there should be very attentive and precise analysis made to ...

Psychological State of Consumer Behavior

The first article tries to establish the elements in the advertisements that affect the interests and attention to the advert through their effects on emotions.  Teixeira starts with the hypothesis that the commercial breaks in the TV are annoying ...

Psychology and how it Affects Website Development

This is episode 172 0f the psych files. In this interview, Michael Britt, a psychology teacher hosts Nathalie Nahai a psychologist. Natalie holds a BSc degree in psychology from Birmingham University in the United Kingdom. Michael first interacted ...

Psychology Research Paper

Abstract The first impression created in the minds of people who hear about aggression and bullying in learning institutions are images of direct physical infliction upon some else. Nevertheless, there are countless ways that young people especially ...

Public Opinion Poll Paper

A questionnaire is a research instrument that should consist of questions, which will enable one in gathering information about the desired subjects (Rea & Parke 2005). In this particular questionnaire, we are interested in analyzing the ...

Purchasing for Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a multibillion income generating industry for many nations around the world especially for those nations that have incorporated tourism as one of the nation's income generating earners. This is because due to the diverse ...

Puvlo's Dog

Classical condition refers to the process or technique of behavior modification whereby a particular stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was formerly evoked by another stimulus. Therefore, a learning process guided by the ...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Introduction One of the most important business philosophies in the world is customer satisfaction. This philosophy together with the qualities of service happens to be critical factors for the success of any business. It involves the anticipating ...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Correlational, experimental and quasi-experimental research Correlation research represents an analysis where a researcher correlates a variable with other variables for the purpose of determining whether relationships exist between them. ...

Quantitative Research

Research Methods: In the article by Janosz, archambault, Morizot and pagani (2008), the method use in the research is qualitative research method. In the research carried out by Sample and colleagues, (2008), the research method was a qualitative ...

Racial Stereotype

Racial stereotyping is the representation of a group of a certain race or ethnicity in a general manner by portraying all members of that group to display certain typical characteristics. Despite the fact that racial stereotype is more often than ...


Introduction There is an increasing notion that is being spread through out the world today indicating that there are reduced cases of racism and racial discrimination in the world today. But according to the thorough research and observations that ...

Reaction paper

Imports of fashion Liz Claiborne, an apparel firm in the United States has emerged as an icon of success in the clothing industry with it being ranked fifth in the United States apparel market as well as positing 509 in the fortune 1000 companies ...

Real or True

According to Babbie, the word true, means “agreeing with reality,” or being “Consistent with fact.” Likewise, he defines truth as “being in agreement with reality,” or “Conformity with fact.” On the other hand, he defines real as ...

Realist and Marxist Perspectives

International relations perspectives are conditional and they can be considered as natural hypotheses that are assumed but need to be checked against the reality as the facts of life unfold. A rational perspective should be adjustable to the dynamic ...

Repeal of Prohibition

Abstract This research seeks to investigate the historical repeal of prohibition in the United States. The National prohibition of alcohol happened between 1920 and 1933. It was an experiment aimed at reducing corruption, crime, the tax burden (as a ...

Research Analysis and Writing

How to Manage Poor Performance and deviant work place Behavior?   The main purpose of this research question is to try to understand the main causes of poor performances and deviance in the work place and the solutions or concepts to employ to ...

Research Approaches

Qualitative and quantitative research approaches are used to collect, analyze and interpret data so that more meaningful information is obtained. Qualitative research attempts to establish a largely narrative, and holistic description to enable the ...

Research in Motion Company

Background information Research in motion limited (RIM) (TSX: RIM, NASDAQ: RIMM) is company in Canada that deals with telecommunication and wireless devices and has been known for the outstanding developing of blackberry Smartphone (Sweeny, ...

Research Methods and Design

Two sources of data will be involved in collecting data; these are primary and secondary data. Primary data will be obtained from the field by gathering information from the students, teachers and education officers. Interview schedules, ...

Research Paper Concept Proposal

The purpose of this concept project is to identify the relationship between a lack of social, emotional and literary skills and student achievement in poor economic neighborhoods, and to develop a strategy for fostering these skills in the classroom ...

Research Proposal

Investigation on the Shakespeare's Tragedy 'Othello' This program of study gives an insightful investigation on the Shakespeare's tragedy, 'Othello' that is popularized as a tragic love story. The researcher is fascinated with the theme of the play ...

Researching Media Audience Essays

1.      Strengths and Weaknesses of Media Ethnography as Media Audience Research Media ethnography as media audience research has its strengths and weaknesses. The mostly, the weaknesses tend to outshine the strengths and this is the reason ...

Santa Claus Effect

Introduction The topic is based on the Santa Claus effect which often occurs yearly in the month of December. The Santa Claus has both positive and negative effects. The major positive effect of Santa Claus is the market profitability. Some negative ...

Second Language Acquisition

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study People are social beings and language barriers do not limit their interactions. Various technologies have been developed to facilitate communication among people all over the world. Globalization ...

Self Study

Introduction Interest and personality tests are very unique and important tests that help to integrate career assessment. In this way, an individual can be assessed by the use of a personality test and an interest test. These tests are based on ...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In 1994, the Merit Systems Protection Board performed a third study. In this study, 13,200 randomly selected federal employees were surveyed. To the seven categories of behavior used to ascertain the frequency of sexual harassment in the 1980 and ...

Sexual Preferences among the Chinese Male

The oriental culture is still prominently evident in China, while the western liberal culture is still in the process of adoption. Culture significantly influences the average probable mate preferences in any societal set up. The majority of Chinese ...

Sexualisation of Girls and Young Women

Introduction Exposure of sexual images to children has become the order of the day in the modern society. The most surprising thing is that this exposure continues to increase every day, as the young girls enhance their contact with mass media ...

Sexuality on Network Radio

Introduction Sexuality in radio in America brought issues due to the effects this was having on the population and people of America. Other than being thought to be a propellant of immorality, it was also associated with racist ideas, which were ...

Shaping of Modern World

The war over religion in the seventeenth century not only left bitter memories in most of the European countries, but it also ruined and weakened the economies of governments. In response to this, many people sought to impose order on the turbulent ...

Shell Livelink

Executive Summary In the year 1996 the software product which was originally referred to as "Livelink." was branded "Open Text's flagship product." Initially, Livelink was one of the earliest Web-based collaboration and the document management ...

Short Run

A wheat farm: ANSWER: For a wheat farm, there is a need of labour, planting crops, a building for storing and planting equipment. Perhaps, around 1 week would do. Gathering of planting materials, especially on variable inputs, would take time around ...

Situational Approach in Leadership

One of the most outstanding factors and features concerning situational approach to leadership is that it is one of the most applied forms of leadership, especially, in countries, states and organizations that seek to achieve growth and development ...

Slave Trade

Introduction In this paper I am mainly going to talk about the challenges that were faced by the Latin Americans families as a result of slave trade which in this case I will focus on the ways the slave's families in Brazil faced in the 19th ...

Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking is an adaptive behavior which in most cases acquired when an individual is aware of the effects the associated with the habit. A large number of smokers know both the long and short term effects of this habit which include respiratory ...

Smoking Progression and Physical Activity

Smoking of cigarette is the principal avoidable cause of ailments and mortality in the United States. Regardless of the widespread advertisement, campaigns, and knowledge of the harmful health effects of smoking, many youth try out smoking, and a ...

Social Media

The article, 'Social Media Can't Provide What Social Change Has Always Required' from the New Yorker describes a small change in the world. It is described by a case study whereby some four college students in North Carolina were able to organize a ...

Social Support Network

A report from the Los Angeles Times paper indicates that researchers from the Brigham Young University in conjunction with University of North Carolina were involved in a study and carried out a data analysis from 148 studies. The people involved ...

Solar-Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery

Project Definition Solar thermal enhanced oil recovery is a method used by oil producers to mine oil from budding oil fields. This technique concentrates the sun’s energy, which heats the water, and generates steam. This steam is instilled into an ...

Source of Data

The data for the study shall be gathered from both secondary and primary sources. Questionnaires and interviews used to collect data from the filed for the purpose of this study. The respondents will be senior managers, subordinates, students, ...

South Sudan

Just recently becoming a new nation, South Sudan or now officially can be called as the Republic of South Sudan is a country situated in the northeastern Africa. North and South Sudan have battled for over five decades that finally led to a ...

Stabilization of Commodities

There have been endless efforts made by various pressure groups for the purpose of keeping the price of different commodities at a position higher than the authenticated market price. However, these groups have failed terribly. These refined groups ...

Standardized Testing

Introduction Policy makers in institutions of higher learning  have been faced with a lot of challenges  in  trying to come up with policies which will see drastic and sound policies being put in place  and eventually bring a new meaning and ...

Starbuck Cooperation

The research paper is a critical overview of Starbuck Cooperation which is a leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the entire globe. It had seventeen coffee shops back in 1978 and seventeen years down the line, the stores grew ...

Statistically Significant Relationship

The analysis of the data in the study show that a “statistically significant relationship” prevails between “transformational leadership and project success in virtual projects”. In fact “transformational” style of leadership has emerged ...


Game of Roulette In statistics, probability and odds are two different concepts. The difference between the two can be derived from the way the two are calculated. probability =  Number of desirable ...

Stem Cell Research

Majority of the cells in animals or human beings can only fulfill a single function in the body. Stem cells in contrast are unique cells in that they retain the ability to become some or all of the more than 200 different cells in the body and ...

Stereotype Threat Widens Achievement Gap

A study suggests that there is a myth about the fact that genetics and cultural differences cause students to demonstrate poor academic performances and lead to their bad results in other standardized tests. Racial and gender peculiarities are said ...

Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management

Human Resource management is important to the growth of an organization or company. Human resource management is of strategic importance to small and growing companies. The staffing and maintenance of performing employees forms an integral and ...


Thesis statement: Stress does occur as a result of normal body reaction to the stressors within the environment which may be beyond our control. However, the study of what stress is, how environmental stress occur, prevalence of stress in American ...

Stress Management

Thesis statement: Because of the need to improve our daily functioning through the mitigation of stress, there is need to understand what stress is, causes of stress, and ways of recognizing stress and how to apply effective stress management ...

Students Taking Prescription Neurostimulant Drugs

It has been reported that certain students in universities take neurostimulants (Kruse et al., 2006). For those who have heard about the drug for the first time it may seem that it is something akin to a performance enhancing drug. Thus, they will ...

Summary of "Dangling Particles" by Lisa Randal

Science plays a substantial role in the existence of mankind. It gives birth to many things that have become indispensable objects for surviving. On the other hand, there is a lack of terms used for describing special events or processes which are ...

Summary Social Work Assessment

The term paper sought to establish the significance of assessment of social work services taking Jewish Family Services, Bergen County as a case study. The organization was founded back in 1849, JFS having established itself as an outstanding ...

Supporting the Green Iguana Society

Animal cruelty is a sad aspect of our society. Every year, countless animals are neglected, abused or abandoned, killed or left to die by their thoughtless, selfish owners. According to a statistic published by the American Society for the ...

Sustainability of Knowledge and Creative Minds

Many people think of sustainability in terms of environment sustainability first. In the real sense, sustainability for a television station like the ABC should not based on such definition only. It must define it broadly including all aspects of ...

Team Work

Thesis statement for the research paper - Team work is essential for the overall development of an organization and achieving functional efficiency. Introduction: Teamwork is the co-ordination of the activities of an organization with a view to ...

Teenagers and Car Accidents

Empirical data establishes that teenagers are at a bigger risk of being involved in car accidents than any other age group. In fact, the number of accidents grows because of the adults. The rising number of accidents has been attributed to alcohol ...

Television verses Gender

1.0.Background And Introduction Gender is a societal construct of the roles of men and women in the society. According to Asher and Lloyd in a book by Norman Chance (2002), gender stereotype refers to the beliefs people hold about members of ...

Temperature Dependent Properties for Solids

Introduction Presently, numerous disciplines concentrate their efforts on the study of certain specialized aspects of solids. Over the past century emergent disciplines like solid-state chemistry and physics as well as motive studies like mass flow ...

Terrorism and the Media

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror or unpredictable violence against governments, publics, or individuals, to attain a political objective. It is the cruelty of killing mass number of people for illogical reasons. It evolved from numerous ...

Text Messaging Behind the Wheel

It has been widely agreed that most of the drivers in US do texting while they are behind the wheels; statistics show that the phenomenon is on the rise, increasing to110.4 billion as at December 2008 from 9.8 billion in December 2005 (Austin, ...

The Abortion

Today, most of the campaigns try to capture the thoughts of the audience to the abortion debate. In the Webster dictionary, abortion is referred to as something unnatural or a misshapen. In medical terms, abortion means to terminate the development ...

The Affirmative Action

Introduction The term “affirmative action” has its roots from the various public policies and initiatives that were executed to eliminate discrimination. Kowalski (2010) points out that, in the early 1960s, discrimination based on race, ...

The American Indian Quarterly

Wilkins and Lightfoot (2008) provide a detailed analysis of various governmental and kinship systems in Indigenous populations and groups. The researchers sought to investigate the relevance and implications of the IRA for the development of oaths ...

The Applications of Psychology Concepts

Behaviorism Behaviorism is a school of thought that was established in the 20th century. It depicts the effects of the immediate environment of someone’s behavior. It has been noted that the immediate association of a person with definite forms of ...

The Aristocratic Portrait

The basic characteristics of the aristocratic portraits are about the outward appearance of the object.  An example of this genre is Louis XIV that was painted in 1701 by Hyacinth Rigaurd. In the picture, the artist shows the royal with coronary ...

The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization

Peter Senge's work was enhanced several researchers to encompass the broad perspective of the learning organization. Hämäläinen and Saarinen enhanced Senge's system thinking to system intelligence in which a hidden competence in human action and ...

The Beveridge Model

Introduction At the present age, there are quite a number of Universal Health Care (UHC) models used by countries which are very efficient in terms of costs and service delivery. Germany, Britain, Japan and Taiwan among others are examples which ...

The Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be described as a mental illness that results to extreme shifts in mood, thinking, energy and individuals behaviors. Since 16th century, this illness has been a mystery. This disease can be highly intimidating to individuals who ...

The Brain and Learning

A research that involved connecting individuals to a machine that records the brain activity separately for each hemisphere showed that activities that involve numbers, word puzzles and logic struck more activity in the left hemisphere of the brain. ...

The Brain-Based Learning

Introduction According to Herson (2006), brain-based learning is the learning process of identifying a primary educational environmental impact on the human brain. He points out that there is a relationship between the learning process and the ...

The Broward Experiment

Dependent variable Dependent variable in this experiment refers to the reoccurence of violence that is measured by the respondent's standing in each study presented in table four of the pre-experimental design in the Broward experiement. Note that ...

The Cognitive Development

Introduction Cognitive development in children has been a subject of study for many years. Many developmental theories have been advanced to explain how a child develops from infancy to adulthood in areas such as language development, spatial ...

The Concept of Soul Mates

Introduction According to Thibodeau (5), the concept of soul mate is an old subject that captures imagination as it touches at the very core of people’s existence. He describes a soul mate as one who pushes another person away from the ...

The Counseling Relationship

Introduction This paper seeks to look into the many different aspects and attributes of a counselling relationship from person-centered approach. It also seeks to look into the self actualization from Roger’s point of view. The paper will adopt a ...

The Democratic Peace Theory

The Democratic peace theory stipulates that a democratic country should not engage in war with another democratic country. Democratic Peace theory can also be referred to as liberal democratic theory or the democratic peace. The concept of ...

The Deontological Approach

Introduction The question of whether direct-to-consumer advertising should be allowed or restricted is hotly debated. Supporters of this mode of drug advertising term it as beneficial to the consumers since it educates them on a variety of illnesses ...

The Determinants of Under Development

Development is a word with diverse definations.It refers to process and intention, means and goals. Development is either a process or an intension Heinz Arndt (1987), Explains "development as an immanent process, which creates the new by ...

The Disappearance of the Mayan People

Introduction The Mayan people are an ancient group of people believed to have disappeared due to some reasons that have been explained by the use of theories. The theories are forwarded by different people from different parts of the world. The ...

The Discourse of Civilization and Decolonization

The term ‘civilization’ has been used for a long time, especially in the history of modern society. All the scholars and many other users of this term seemed to agree on its meaning up to some point where it was thought to be having several ...

The Discussion Questions

The research question under study is ‘What is the effect of alcohol and drug abuse among university students?’ Design of an experiment will be based on a classical design (Sridhar, 2012). In the experiment, a group of 30 students who are alcohol ...

The Effect of Social Housing on Children Living in the UK

IntroductionAs housing issues in the UK and statistics reveal the lack of quality accommodation and the inconsistency of housing policies in different boroughs, it is important to review the related studies. The relationship between social status, ...

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on a Teen

Introduction In the recent years, studies have shown that many teens do deprive themselves of sleep. Sleep is very important to any living creature, and not only to human beings but also other animals. Sleep is, therefore, crucial to our body. This ...

The Exploration of the Latest Trends in On-line Advertising

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The present dissertation research is dedicated to the exploration of the latest trends in on-line advertising and its role for an effective business development. The investigation of the latest trends in advertising,  and ...

The Family from Symbolism Interaction Perspective

In relation to Boss et al (2008) symbolic interactionism has been a vital theoretical perspective in family related studies since its initial development in the 1990s. Symbolic interactionism involves the processes of self-concept, socialization, ...

The Four Forces of Evolution and Variation

Introduction According to Radolf and Samuels (2010), evolution is a change of a population’s gene pool within a given period of time. The two scholars noted that this change is majorly driven by four different forces. These include; natural ...

The Friendship

Introduction The term friendship has been defined differently by different scholars. According to Aristotle (2003), friendship is a virtue. Meilaender (1981) on the other hand defines friendship as the deep attachment that one have to another and ...

The Future of Globalization

The big question in the faced by every economist in the world is whether globalization has a future. Not until recently, the response to this was an obvious yes but today, many doubts are being cast upon its future. Proponents of globalization are ...

The Hidden Side of Same-sex Marriage

Same sex marriage is a phrase that is commonly used as the phrase suggests, referring to a marital union between two people of the same sex that is a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The same sex marriage is a relatively new concept, but the ...

The Impact of Credit Rating Agencies

Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to determine the effect of credit rating agencies (CRA) on the assessment of a countries' risk. CRAs have an important part in financial markets since they help reduce the misinformation between investors ...

The Importance of Maintaining Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty can be defined as a key feature that degrades the full essence of learning. A habit covers the true image of a person in terms of academic achievement. Honesty is one of the aspects that have seriously been neglected in schools, ...

The Importance of Music in Sales & Advertising

Advertising refers to a process by which a separate and distinct party takes to entice another party into the processing of buying a product or service (Klein, 123). Advertising is different from a one-on-one mode of selling whereby the buyer gets ...

The Innovative Script of State Development

BACKGROUND In the innovative script of state development, a special role is assigned to the educational system which is the motive power of changes within society and economy. In the Concept of Long-Term Social and Economic Development, education is ...

The Issue of "Globalization"

Today, the issue of “globalization” is influencing many companies and has noticeable affect on the work nature. Organizations are developing certain “trans-national teams” to perform in an effective manner. It will help to overcome certain ...

The Issue of Regional Currency Unification

Introduction This is a research paper that will examine the potentialities and pitfalls of currency unification. Special attention will be that of Europe. Currency unification Economic integration is a major component of change that has swept across ...

The Knights Templar

It has been said that the Knights Templar were ‘a bit more enthusiastic than the average Crusader!’ and while that might be true, the only real way to verify it is to take a look at the Crusades and see what it was really like. The Templars, ...

The Leadership Capabilities of Richard II and Aeneas

Introduction This is a research paper on the leadership characteristic of two leaders Richard II and Aeneas. Both leaders depicts clearly  how the power for leadership can corrupt someone mind if one does not work according to the rule of law ...

The Learning and Cognition Critique

Introduction Cognitive behavior is a psychological conditioning that arises from the environmental stimuli. This means that a stimulus from the environment will cause a unique and particular behavior or response. As a result, the affected person ...

The Mistreatment of Women in Somalia

Introduction Women in Somali, most of them who are "prisoners" and some to the extent of being "slaves", have no control of their lives. Their live revolves around the decision of their male counterparts. This restriction is based on the culture of ...

The Modern Era

Introduction Modern era is a timeline that is characterized by higher economical, political and social expectations from various sectors based on limited time framework as demand for services and products continues to grow. Complexities of the ...

The Modern Fixed Base Operator

Introduction A Fixed Based Operator (FBO) is a type of business which is given authority by an airport or any relevant aviation authority to render aeronautical services to flight companies. It may also refer to a service center for aero-planes and ...

The Modern Perspective of Civilization

This research draws a broad perspective on the modernity in relation to civilization. It also focuses on how the traditional discontent to civilization affects the civilization in the modern world. The study focuses on the Holocaust origin in ...

The Organizational Theory

Introduction In the study of organizational networks and influence of a firm, it is vital to use different organizational theory perspectives. This is because the characteristics of large firms can be extensive and with a wide coverage. Therefore, ...

The Popularity of Facebook

This research is representing the view of Facebook users in developing world. About a decade ago, social network media has become the order of the day; among the leading sites is MySpace, Facebook and a more recent twitter. They have become the ...

The Post Modern Belief of Science

 The main goal of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the four idols as stipulated by Bacon and, using its content, to pass personal judgments upon the truthfulness of the “urban myths” which exist within the society. With these urban myths ...

The Problem and Its Setting

The Statement of the Problem What are the immediate reasons for the particular levels of the current debt levels given by individuals whose monthly debt payments are in excess of 35% of disposable income? There are actually many reasons that have ...

The Problem of Evil in Job

Although the book of Job addresses a couple of issues, the predominant theme is that of evil and suffering. The book provides an important insight with regard to these issues. It expounds on evil and suffering in a manner that informs the readers of ...

The Raising of Children

This research proposal seeks to study and come up with facts and recommendations on the rising challenge of the grandparents having to take on the task of raising children in today’s society. These are children who have lost their parents ...

The Research of Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a hero for many. He was probably the most influential person in the twentieth century. He was born in the year 1869 and he died in the year1948 He was a British trained lawyer of Indian origin from South Africa. He ...

The Research Process

Research process is the guidelines used by the researcher in understanding the research topic. It provides a step by step identification of an area to research on and ways of collecting information as well as analyzing the collected data. The first ...

The Resistance in the Client-Centered Approach

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss the resistance in the client-centered approach that involves a dependency relationship. This paper considers the client resistance from a client-centered view of psychotherapy. It also seeks to explain why ...

The Role of Appearance Based Factors

The research is a quantitative study because it has used the systematic empirical investigation of phenomena, quantitative properties and their relationships. The study has also developed and   employed theories, mathematical models and ...

The Russian Government

Thesis statement This research paper is based on a writing "Rebuilding Russia" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; It is written to support the argument that is with clarity brought out in article that was done by the author. The author advocated for the ...

The Tempest

The Tempest  is a play written by Sir William Shakespeare believed to have been written around the year 1610.  The story begins as a play about justice, but develops into a play about art and an author, Prospero, building a story around him. Power ...

The Tuskegee Experiment

Introduction The Tuskegee experiment scandal can be described as gruesome, inhumane and highly abusive. It is still seen as one of the neo-colonial acts of barbarism. Therefore, it should be condemned by all terms and means and never should be it ...

The Ukrainian Community in Canada

Introduction The first Ukrainians to come to the city of Toronto were mercenary soldiers who came to fight in the war of 1812. As a reward for their service in the de Meuron and de Watteville battalions , these soldiers were given land near the ...

The Water Problem in Middle East

Background The Middle East, which also referred to as the Mideast, is the region made up of countries in the Western Asia and Northern Africa. This region includes the states of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar, ...

Theoretical Discussions

Through time, scholars have analyzed cinema from a national perspective. They try to examine the film text and cinematic genres while establishing the basis of the film, particularly from a national viewpoint. What has more focus in this ...

Theories of Cognitive Mapping

Introduction According to Hiraga (2009), cognitive mapping basically refers to the formation of a conceptual matrix for understanding. He notes that it represents people’s mental image of the environment. Some scholars have proposed that cognitive ...

Theories of Personality

Introduction There have been different definitions of personality. Personality can be generally defined as a characteristic that a person possesses, that affects the behavior, cognitions, interpersonal orientations, motivations and emotions in ...

Thesis & Purpose in Research

In any research, a thesis is the main idea that is written as the guideline that directs the discussion on a specific topic aimed at reaching to a certain conclusion. A thesis has to be presented in the best way that captures the actual argument ...

Three Stories

The objective of this study is to extract the deepest meanings inside every story selected. This is to develop a more inquisitive and sensitive minds towards literary artworks. There are three stories selected for this particular study namely ...

Tomorrow is Today's Nightmare

“Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” Said by Bradley, Omar Nelson, forces in Normandy invasion in World War II; ...

Toxic Chemicals

Polyacrylonitrile Polyacrylonitrile also known as Acrylic fiber is a synthetic material that consists of about 80 percent of acrylonitrile.  This aspect makes Polyacrylonitrile a rigid thermoplastic material that is slow to burn and has low ...


Introduction Many people do not understand the concept of transsexuals well. In fact, only a few people understand the meaning of the term transsexuals. However, the concept of transsexuals has existed for a long time. A transsexual person ...


IntroductionThe Third STD has accelerated the countries` involvement in the international division of labor, exchange of the products and information, which formed the basis for the emergence of the phenomenon of "open economy" in the second half of ...

TV and Film Violence

Gone are the days when all people could watch from their television films, movies and shows that the whole family could watch. The shows that parents generally thought as safe enough for their young children are now filled with violent content. ...

Unemployment in the US

The paper will examine what unemployment is and the different types of unemployment. It will also look into details of the unemployment in United States, the different views of various researchers on causes of unemployment in United States. The ...


Upwelling refers to an oceanographic phenomenon characterized by wind-induced movement of ocean water so that the deep and cooler water moves to the ocean surface and replaces the less dense and warmer ocean water. The dense and cold water ...

Urbanization in Rural America

Introduction The continuous desire to live in decent residential houses in rural setup resulted to the emergence of urbanization in such areas. Even though there were challenges of urban development in rural America during the early period, ...


Introduction According to Singh (2009), utopia may be defined as an ideal society or a heaven-like place on earth. He noted that in a utopian society, everyone should be living a happy and peaceful life and in possession of all they need. Kelly ...


The very first “VCH” activity of regionalizing themselves was the creation. IMIS. It is necessary for the virtual leaders to maintain good communication with their staff as it is really a challenge for them to maintain an effective communication ...

Verification of Domestic Violence Reduction

Introduction Domestic violence is a descriptive term for violence that occurs between two people. It includes sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. It has been a social issue in the US where people have been hurt physically or emotionally ...

Video Game Addiction

Addiction of video games or what may commonly be referred to as the over use of video games is described as the compulsive or excessive use of video and computer games that affects normal daily life (Cindy, 2008). There have been moments where the ...

Views on Interaction levels And Class Sizes in Online Courses

The purpose for this research was to determine whether small classes are more conducive for learning than the larger ones used mostly in online courses. It was to look the views on the size of the classes for the online courses where students ...

Violence and Security

Introduction This essay seeks to discuss the practices that have effects and are related to gender. It also seeks to explain why the practice is relevant and who gains and losses in the practice. Violence and Security Violence and security are post ...

Violent Teens

Teenage age is the most crucial, yet fragile stage in the life. It is a stage characterized with uncertainty and a profound desire to impress. The desire to impress peers prompts triggering teens to engage in activities they would not otherwise get ...

Violent Video Game

Majority of adolescents in the US and around the world love and play video games. For instance, the research, carried out in 2008, documented that 97% of American youth between the ages of 12and 17 play video games. This fuels the 11.7 billion ...

Virtual Leadership

There are different “leadership styles” that cause high degree of “job satisfaction” in the participants of “virtual teams”. Virtual teams are a way to obtain, blend and apply “knowledge” to attain the want of “high quality, low ...


Abstract Wal-mart is a company that has achieved greatly since its introduction in 1962. This has been made possible by its mission statement which gives out guidelines on the operation of the company at large. The company has also set objectives ...

We are One Species

During the last several centuries, Darwin’s theory of evolution has been considered as one that has scientific logic and may be scientifically confirmed. According to this theory, various plants, animals, fish, and humans probably have the common ...

What is Happiness?

Introduction According to Gulla, happiness is the inner state of mind that people emotionally inhibit when they feel confident with their surroundings (1). He points out that people feel that they are in a state of happiness in ways that correspond ...

What Is the Point

Introduction This paper will examine the tsunami earthquake and its effects on Japan's Honda automobile industry. The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan recently has had drastic economic effects on the production of Honda automobiles. The top ...

What "Virtual Teams" Are

It was tried to find out “’how leadership carried out linguistically through email interaction”. The communication style of the “agenda leader was informal, personal and emotional” with her team members. This showed that the author used ...

White Supremacy

Introduction The paper is going to reflect on some of the major acts that were passed by the United States of America congress with the aim of preserving White Supremacy in the country and this denying the other ethnic or racial groups in the ...

Why Virgil Wasn't the Only Bad Guy

Fraudulent is the state of one cheating other people, in order to have some personal gain. In the case of a dental school in central New York, we find two main characters who are Kyle Devlin and Janet Jamison who worked in the office of business ...

Wiki Leaks

Introduction Wiki Leaks functions as nonprofit making organization whose operations are worldwide. It seeks to expose information deemed classified, private and secret. However, the credibility of its source of information leaves a lot to be ...

Wikileaks: Beneficial or Detrimental

Wikileaks is an international community that careers in providing the truths of the matters that normally rock the world. Truth is an entity that is very essential in life. Every activity and aspect that an individual involves in always has some ...


Introduction Poverty and inequality are two major societal phenomenon with great impacts on women and children. Women have remained under the heels of men and sometimes find it very hard to achieve success or get appropriate employment due to such ...

Women in the Sex Industry and Drug Use

Introduction There is much evidence that women are abusing substances and drugs. However, there is also considerable evidence that supports women prevention, treatment and reduction of harm and development of the research policies on substance ...

Working Mothers

A mother is an immensely valuable member of the family given that she has many roles to undertake for the stability and welfare of the family. The mother has to keep a healthy relationship with the children, husband, and her working environment. ...

Wrapper Selection Method with Medical Data

The wrapper strategy for feature selection basically uses an induction algorithm to approximate the element of a division. The underlying principle for these approaches is that the induction method will eventually use the aspect of division. This ...

Your Wellness and the Wellness of Young Children

According to Julie (2002) Wellness is an active process of multidimensional different states which describes the existence of positive health within one's self .This includes the quality of life and self actualization of well being. To be specific ...
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