Check Out Our Argumentative Essays Examples

Action Learning Set and Personal Development

Abstract Personal development is the process of enhancing ones productivity, improving self awareness and developing individual talents with a view of achieving a given set of personal goals and objectives (Irving & Williams 1999, p.517). Over ...

All Men Were Created Equal

Abstract Contemporary world can be characterized as the age of information.  This gives the majority a great opportunity to learn, evaluate, reflect and make own decisions. At the same time, easy information access has made a dramatic impact on ...

All That You Think But Cannot Say

The Power of Knowledge and its Facets and Connotations Most of us students think that Knowledge is fundamentally based on the concept of agreeing or disagreeing of two ideas. It is an agreed fact among students that Knowledge is built as a result ...

Pregnant, and No Civil Rights

The article under discussion and analysis titled „Pregnant, and No Civil Rights” was published in The New York Times. The newspaper article analyzes civil rights of pregnant women all around the United States of America. Owing to the success of ...

Assisted Suicide

The physician-assisted suicide is a controversial issue in the current world. Different opinions with regard to this issue emanate from different cultural beliefs, modernity and people’s religious belief. It has equally offered a hard time to ...

Banning of Pit Bulldogs

Several jurisdictions have passed breed-specific legislation (BSL) as a reaction to several publicized incidents that involve the pit bull breed of dogs. The legal actions in these legislations vary from total bans on the ownership of pit bull ...

Big City Life

Contemporary life offers vast opportunities for seeking one’s dream place of habitation. Some people prefer to escape from loud and crowded cities and enjoy quite loneliness and calm being in a village, while others tend to settle down in ...

Can it be Argued that Poverty is the Root of Crime

It can be argued that poverty is the root of crime; however, this theory is often contented. The root of crime cannot be entirely as a result of poverty although poverty plays a significant role in crime. In countries or regions with high levels of ...

Child Adoption

The article looks at the issue of adoption of children. The main focus of the article is the reasons as to why many couples who adopt children are taking them to the state. There are various reasons the article gives with example of such cases. ...


Over many years, there has been a debate among different scholars on the benefits of cycling. Most scholars have agreed that cycling is physically, socially and environmentally sound. However, another group though agreeing to these facts has ...

Do Mothers Really Need to Lie

Currently, the communication between the boys and girls becomes so much easier than 200 years ago since people didn’t have the technology at that time. Basically, the internet is one of the methods that most teens use to ask a girl for dating. ...

Does the Constitution Still Matter?

The implementation process of the US constitution has raised many questions into the minds of the citizens. Some feel that the constitution matters to some extent while others feel that the constitution is actually beneficial, and truly matters. ...

Five Values Television Has for You

James Berardinelli is a renowned and revered film critic. Born in 1967, he began to write at a tender age and gradually made his way in the world of movie review. James is recognized for neither mincing nor sugarcoating his words in his analysis ...

Fuel Efficiency

Introduction The humanity stands in need of fuels and energy services for lighting, cooling, and heating of houses, powering information devices, and domestic appliances. Furthermore, fuel is needed for ensuring the wanted services, connected with ...

Gangs: Youth Subculture

Criminal subculture is a way of life of minors and young people united in a criminal group (a gang). They are alien to a society and human values as well as to the requirements of the rules of conduct, traditions and values. Criminal subculture does ...

Gays in the Military

Abstract This essay sets out to explore the reasons that support the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which allowed for lesbians, gays and bisexuals to enter and serve openly in US Armed Forces. The paper will look at reasons, ...


Man has always been baffled by the existence of homosexuality. To many, the issue of homosexuality is and remains a mystery. Several attempts have been made to discover the cause of homosexuality. There is a wider section of the society that ...

Hospitality Provision in the Travel and Tourism Sector

Introduction Nowadays, hospitality is related to public, industrial and commercial services. Hospitality has such attributes as relationships between hosts and guests, efficiency and success of hospitality, arrival, departure, fulfilment of guests' ...

Human Nature of Giving

The act of giving is a considerably vital part of human nature that contributes to the change of the world in a positive dimension. In this regard, the society expects the rich to give more than exactly what they give as they consider them to have ...

Importance of Writing Skills

Writing skills are an integral and important component of proper communication. The skills are valuable to both students and non-students. Irrespective of the position an individual holds in an organization or in the society writing provide a ...

Incidence of Suicide among Aboriginal People

Introduction The quality of life, especially among aboriginal people, remains a topical issue on all continents. Suicide is one of the main problems faced by aboriginal people. The diversity of reasons that lead to suicide needs to be understood. ...

Information System Briefing

Information System Selection The health care industry has undergone a great revolution as concerns acquisition of ICTs and our organisation is no exemption. This is in line with our duty to provide faster and efficient health services to our ...

Interplay between Democracy and Journalism

In a collection of essays, “Why Democracy Need an Unlovable Press” by Michael Schudson, he emphatically explores the interplay between the western-democracies and journalism. He self admittedly declares that in the past there has been criticism ...

Israeli Continues to Oppose Peace

Section A The article major expresses the doubts by the editorial on the possibility of President Obama’s administration succeeding in the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to Safty the success will not depend on the ...

Lululemon Clothing

Research Proposal Example The aim of this research proposal is to ascertain whether Lululemon Clothing’s brand could successfully enter the Chinese market. In order to effectively conduct this analysis, both the Chinese cultural background and ...

Managing the Environment in a Prison Setting

Prison life is based on deprivation of one’s liberty. The sudden change in lifestyle has a great impact on a prisoner’s mental, physical and emotional well-being. In case of the prison, an officer’s morale depends on his relationship with his ...

Mandatory Military Service of 18-21 Year Olds

Mandatory Military Service of 18-21 Year Olds It is amazing that all civil service jobs, only the military department has mandatory youth services targeting the youth aged between 18 and 21 years. In the view of McCormick, “it is almost always ...


In order for an organization to remain productive, its workers should be properly motivated.  This is because lack of motivation will affect the morale of the workers, and this can lower their enthusiasm at work. Extensive research on motivation ...

Mutes Existence

According to Hillary Clinton (2004), there are posibilities of mutes existence. Clinton writes about witnesses of people who had expereiences with the mutes. He claims that the mutes were not interested in anything on the earth but on the ...

Negative Effects of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa

Introduction Trans-Atlantic slave trade was the most largest and famous slave trade, which occurred in Africa during the early period of 15th century. During its occurrence, slaves were transported to the new world colonies of Europe, from various ...

Obesity in Humans

Obesity is a serious condition that is affects many people today. People who are obese are unfit and thus are vulnerable to diseases that are associated by being unfit. Majority of these diseases affect the respiratory and nervous systems. Examples ...

Police Discretion

Introduction The law does not effectively solve every possible scenario in cases of Domestic violence. Therefore, the law gives the flexibility to decide on their courses of action depending on the situation on the ground.  The situations ...


Procreation is a choice and no one can stand ground and justify the illegality of gay marriages on its basis. If the couple, which cannot procreate survives and probably adopts children to compensate for their inability to procreate, gay couples can ...

Psychological Factors Persuasion

Reciprocity Reciprocity is a psychological factor that describes the exchange of good for good and bad for bad. It is a way of appreciating whatever one has been given or showing discontent about an issue. For example, if one is given a free ...

Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement

Racial profiling has become a noteworthy and controversial issue nowadays. Even giving its’ definition causes plethora of debates. In general, racial profiling refers to discriminatory actions of law enforcement officials when the main reason to ...

Reasons why New Products Fail on the Market

Introduction According to Coopers’ research of 2001, there are many reasons that lead to failure of new product in the market. Insufficient market research and analysis are the leading causes, why many new products fail since developers over look ...

Recommendations for Research

Overview It is only through adopting the strategic recommendations which the researcher came up with, the industry and the organization could achieve success. The strategic recommendations could vary depending on the prevailing and anticipated ...

Respond to Position Paper

The goal of this argumentative essay was to persuade us (your classmates) that your ideas are valid, or more valid than other ideas that have been presented before. In my opinion, Mendez’s essay is not only insightful, but also informative because ...

Second Life in Real Life

Introduction Second life or virtual world is a three dimensional electronic enhanced environment where participants are able to socialize, conduct business transactions, or hold virtual meetings. Using the virtual environment, like Second Life, ...

Segment Marketing

Generally, Germans like travelling. However, Germans generally travel for leisure. This can be derived from the fact that despite the economic crises experienced, Germans ‘spending on leisure travels did not change much. The figures show that old ...

Should English Be the Official Language?

Currently, the United States has no designated official language. Although it is perceived as an English speaking nation, there has been a ranging debate among the voting public as to whether English should be the official language. Whereas the most ...

Should English be the Official Language of the USA?

If English be the official language, immigrants would have better lives. Many people in the world consider English as one of the most important languages in the world with Mandarin, Spanish and French. English has become one of the Universal ...

Should English Become the World Language

Language is the most prominent feature that distinguishes human beings from the animals. Indeed, language is a vital tool for human interaction. Without language, there will be no coordination in the society (Pei, 1986, p.3). However, it is a ...

Should Illegal Immigrants be Made Legal Citizens?

There are approximately 12 million immigrants currently residing in the U.S., which had been unaccounted. Their future depends on Congress. This is because it considers whether the immigrants should be able to obtain U.S. citizenship. Illegal ...

Should Serious Sex Offenders Be Castrated?

Introduction Serous sex offenders are criminals who force people into sex. Such criminals can be found in every society. Male sex offenders are also referred to as rapists. There are many reasons as to why sex offenders conduct this unethical and ...

Suicide is Unlawful and Morally Wrong

It may be difficult to know what justification anybody may have to take away his or her life in an undignified way other than waiting for that life to be ended in a humane way. When a human being decides to take away his or her life, it makes that ...

Support or Against Death Penalty

Introduction The death penalty is when the government takes one’s life as a punishment for wrong doing. The death penalty is the most extreme punishment a government can use on its citizens. It has been used at different times in many societies ...

Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Introduction Marriage has been regarded as one of the most important social institutions in the society. This is because it forms the basis of the organization in any given society. “Marriage refers to an institution in which interpersonal ...

The Imagery Debate

The debate on whether the propositional representation theory or the spatial representation theory best describes how images are formed is still ongoing. The issues underlying the debate prevail on whether imagery is solely propositional or both ...

The Issue of Poverty on the American Youths

Poverty can be defined as the lack of basic needs such as food, clothing shelter, education, and health. Recent studies have shown that child poverty among children in the U.S. is rising steadily. In 2009, the rate of child poverty was at 20.7%, ...

The Kingdom of Ends

The Kingdom of Ends formulation has gained popularity among Kantians, but has been criticized for only considering rational beings in its application. This formulation uses the moral autonomy where everyone is expected to do good things and not use ...

The Marriages

Communities would still be opposing change including cars, planes, paved roads, electricity, interracial marriages, heliocentricity belief, civil rights, and many other countless positive things coming about in the new century, can you imagine a ...

The Parking Areas

The parking areas in this institution were designed and made to provide security of vehicles and most importantly, to facilitate easier movement of motor vehicles within the institution’s compound. This is according to the designers who worked to ...

The Topic of Identity

Introduction The topic of identity is a controversial and problematic topic everywhere across the globe. Identity can be viewed from several angles and no one definition is particular enough to be considered the right definition since time ...

What is an Argument?

Introduction According to Armstrong & Fogelin (2005), an argument is a premise that may or may not be true. The writers noted that there is always a minimum of one premise in every statement. According to them, premises help qualify the ...

Why Circumcision is Best

For many centuries, circumcision has been an integral part of different cultures; nowadays, however, the world has alternative views on the issue. While most of the European continent is against the surgery, the USA has adopted and promoted it ...

Why English should be the Official Language of U.S.

Introduction Mythically, English is the official language of the United States. It has never been officially declared as the official language. Every year, proposals in congress to make it official fail due to little support. Making English the ...

Why Haiti Matters

Haiti is a country which has suffered tragedy and economic hardships. The people of Haiti have over the years preserved in hard living conditions mostly living in abject poverty. In my endeavor to make my contributions to Haitians I joined a group ...

Why We Should not Extend the Amount of Time Spent in School

Abstract For a couple of decades, there has been a hot debate regarding whether to extend the amount of time that students spend in school. These contentions started as early as in 1959. For instance, a survey that was carried out in the US in 1959 ...
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