The production of clean, safe and environmental friendly food is very vital for every individual. Organic food is more often considered being the best option with regard to safety and its environmental friendly nature. The organic food basically refers to food that is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, ionizing radiation, bioengineering, and fertilizers made from sewage sludge or synthetic ingredients. The organic foods are gaining popularity with time in grocery stores with an attempt to ensure that every individual gains access to this valuable and healthy kind of foods (Brandt). The production of organic food should be welcomed and supported by all to ensure the upkeep of a healthy population. The contemporary attempts of developed countries to advocate for the production of environment friendly food are very justifiable. Based on the common diseases suffered by the population and the environmental hazards associated with the production of non-organic food, organic foods are, thus, considered the most valuable option.

Organic food is perceived safer and healthier than the genetically modified food based on various aspects, which include ethics, the risks involved with their consumption, and the environmental hazards that follow. Regardless of the fact that modern technology leads to increase in food production to ease the commonly experienced shortages, organic foods should be given much consideration. This is because they are safer, cleaner and more environmental friendly (Saba). Additionally, genetic modification can yield to unfriendly effects both to the environment and the society. The increased availability of organic food to the society is, thus, a relief to proponents of the environmental friendly foods and evidence to the realization of the benefits accrued from their production.

The use of food additives on organic food is banned by organic regulations particularly on organic produce. Despite the fact that these additives are only used during processing and are not added to the food directly, they are restricted in order to ensure the complete production of clean and safe organic food. Since the use of pesticides may leave pesticides residue on agricultural produce, organic foods are considered safer due to the fact that they do not use pesticides (Brandt). Thus, there is a less likelihood that organic foods may contain pesticide residue. Moreover, the practices of organic farming are aimed at conserving the quality of water and soil, reducing pollution and, thus, benefiting the environment.

Due to the high cost, associated with the production of organic food, their cost in the market is consequently high as well. Although some of the organic food, particularly the fruits and vegetables, may seem to be in rather odd shapes, small sizes and odd colors, they involve expensive farming practices. The organic foods also comfortably meet the safety and quality standards as the conventional foods, despite these common irregularities.

The road towards achieving a healthy life is virtually dependent on making a commitment to healthy eating. This can only be achieved by bringing into consideration various aspects, such as nutrition, safety, and sustainability of the food produce. Organic foods offer more nutrition. An attempt to make their production sustainable calls for dedication and support both from the farmers who grow them and the consumers. The farmers should relentlessly produce the organic foods, while the consumers should purchase these foods readily to facilitate their sustainable production (Saba). A complete separation from conventional foods ensures that organic foods are easily identified and picked in grocery stores. The incorporation of more organic foods in the diet of any individual will be easier and will ensure a healthier society.

The increased consumer awareness of the link between health and diet has publicized cases of food safety to a high extent. As a result, there has been an increased demand for organic food products particularly in the developed countries. There has been a gradual increase in the number of consumers, who are willing to pay premium prices to purchase foods that are grown organically. This is due to the perception that organic foods are more nutritious, clean, healthy, safe, environmentally friendlier, and better-tasting when compared to the conventionally grown foods.

The world has had various instances of food problems. Cases of starvation have been very rampant, especially in the developing countries. Families have been forced to migrate in the past in search of food to escape the horror of hunger. Malnutrition and emaciation, especially in children, has led to numerous deaths. In other instances, economic sanctions against certain countries have led to food shortages. The bodies of starvation victims’ burn up their own stored fats, tissues and muscles to provide energy, thus leading to the rapid deterioration in their health as vital body organs such as the liver, kidney and endocrine systems cease to function appropriately. Starvation victims are unaware of their plight in most instances since the mind is affected due to lack of carbohydrates, leading to confusion and lassitude (Leathers, 1). The body has fewer defenses on diseases, which at numerous occasions claim the lives of the victims before they starve to death. Starvation is mainly experienced when one loses about a third of their normal body weight. When the body weight loss exceeds a limit of 40 percent, death is barely unavoidable.

It is, however, essential to note that famine is not the major cause of hunger-related deaths. Daily deaths in relation to hunger are basically more than the famine cases. This cases are, however, not accounted for and, thus, the continuity in their adverse effects as they quietly claim the lives of more and more individuals, particularly children. The annual death rate count on children, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is very alarming. Malnutrition should, thus, stir up an outrage and determination, as it is a tragedy that requires firm strategies to be eliminated.  There is a great need to fight the pervasive hunger problem and malnutrition in the society.

Famine can claim the lives of anyone including adult males. However, most of the huger related deaths from chronic malnutrition or famine are among preschoolers. Although lactating and pregnant women are at risk of the hunger related deaths, children are the most affected. There are basically various forms of malnutrition among children. The deficiency of vitamin D, for instance, may lead children being crippled; vitamin A deficiency may lead to blindness; and deficiency in proteins may cause stunted growth and under-development. Diseases and deaths among children are also greatly influenced by lack of sufficient calories (Leathers, 2).

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The world food supply should basically grow faster than the food demand, if there is a hope of fighting malnutrition or starvation. A rapid growth in food supply, when compared to food demand, will lead to an overall improvement in the society at large. There would be a general fall in food prices; the poor will be able to afford a balanced diet, while the rich will be able to spare part of their income to purchase other commodities. The main factors that require a close analysis in food supply and demand are the “four P’s”, which basically refer to prosperity, pollution, population and productivity in the agricultural sector.

Population growth leads to an increase in food demand. The government is, thus, supposed to increase the economic prosperity of its citizens through taking adequate economic measures. With the economic prosperity, more people will be able to access sanitary water supply, healthcare, adequate food and proper education. If these economic measures implemented by various governments lead to an increase in income levels, individuals attain purchasing power of acquiring a wider variety of food and an adequate diet.

Eliminating pollution improves the quality of the environment and in turn leads to improved agriculture production. This is because land and clean water are made available to facilitate agriculture and irrigation respectively. Thus, the amount of food produced on a given area of agricultural land increases. A rapid increase in productivity ensures a steady increase in food supply regardless of water and land resources and the quality of the environment. An interaction of population, pollution, agriculture productivity, and prosperity can be analyzed in various ways. A growth in population for instance, the scarce water is continuously competed for by agriculture and the urban and industrial water users. An increase in prosperity consequently leads to a decrease in population growth, and an increase in agricultural productivity leads to improvement in economic prosperity and in turn an improvement in the whole economy. Although an increased use of agriculture chemicals may lead to an increase in food productivity, it leads to several inadequacies, such as harming the environment and affecting the health of the society. Therefore, this will require much consideration and, if possible, a campaign in support of an increase in the growth of organic foods would be more appropriate.

The government is, thus, required to initiate some nutrition policies to fight the pandemic. These policy interventions will greatly alleviate the world hunger problem. An increase of food access to the hungry people will lead to a reduction in malnutrition. If the government promotes agricultural research and economic growth, it will alleviate malnutrition significantly. The government can also ensure that it improves the quality of natural resources and reduces population growth.

The history of vegetables used as a food of human beings has been described to be as eventful as the history of men. Parsnips for instance were believed to increase milk production of cows and, in turn, lead to increased food availability to humans. Close attention should, thus, be directed to the history of foods and in more particular the vegetables on takes to their kitchen. Every vegetable does not only offer nutrition, but to a wide extend represents a strong link to tradition farming, as well as breeding, nurturing and gardening. Evelyne explores the world of vegetables and clearly analyses the biographies of eleven different vegetables. The author mentions beans, artichokes, cardoons, chard, carrots, cabbage, peas, chili peppers, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichokes, and tomatoes. Vegetables are considered to have an amazing array. Pumpkin is reflected as the avatar of all respects, cabbage has a splendid cultural cachet, while cardoon makes an explicit sweet stew (Evelyne).

The magnificent array of vegetables should gain much consideration not only from the famers, but also from the consumers. Vegetables can make splendid and considerably sumptuous meals. This should greatly attract the interest of mere gardeners, chefs and diners. Vendors and shoppers should also not be left behind, since vegetables can prove to be very beneficial to both parties. An increase in consumption of vegetables will, thus, lead to a clean and safe environment, as well as ensure a healthy and well sustained population. Vegetables are also environmental friendly, and the support of organically growing the vegetables will further lead to the maintenance of a welcoming environment.

The science of food and cooking is very significant. The introduction of molecular gastronomy is aimed at improving the possibilities in the kitchen despite the fact that eating is basically a multisensory experience. Scientists, chefs and cooks have technologically put into practice the molecular gastronomy innovation. Based on the chemical properties of the foods, they have advanced a cooking hypothesis and have skillfully used the available ingredients and techniques in an attempt to solve many kitchen problems (Cesar). Several desires have been met as various dishes have been successfully put on the dinner table through gastronomic practices.

The most reliable cooks of the present day are basically science-assisted. The art of cooking is increasingly explored and improved to perfect the present day cooks. The history and culture of preparing various meals has greatly advanced with time. This has resulted in the preparation of meals in completely new ways to a certain extent that some meals seem quite different from what they are basically (Cesar). Each individual thought on food preparation and the advanced science has offered a rare insight in to the untold passion of playing with food in the kitchen and bringing out a perfect meal on the table.

Milk is undoubtedly one of the animal products that have become almost universally accepted as a symbol of modern nutrition. Despite the fact it spoils easily and cause digestive problems to its consumer, milk has some very valuable rituals and beliefs, which governed its consumption since time immemorial by the earliest societies. Milk is undoubtedly a product of nature and additionally has always been a valuable artifact of human culture. Milk reveals the essence of a healthy and Godly given life, as breastfeeding gives tight competition to the marketing planning of the contemporary formula firms (Valenze). The gains drawn from milk are many including purification, restoration, negation and transcending. This proves to be more than just valuable in feeding of the infants up-to-date.

It is, thus, justified to conclude that new perspectives to economics should not designate issues pertaining to human health. An attempt to eradicate hunger and starvation should not blind the government into selecting mechanisms that eventually adversely affect the environment. Every single option of adequately feeding the society should be clean, safe and environmental friendly. Additionally, every society should promote the use of organically raised agricultural products, such as fruits and vegetables, to facilitate the maintenance of healthy community that can produce reliable and sustainable workforce for economic development. 

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