The production of fossil fuels has gone down considerably in the resent years, and it is likely to be depleted in the near future.  In light of these challenge, alternative energy sources like nuclear energy should be considered. In this case, nuclear energy has been adopted by some countries like Japan, which find it effective for generating adequate energy for its heavy industries. On the other hand, some nations such as Korea and Iran are applying nuclear resources in producing extremely lethal weapons. In my view, nuclear energy is a potential energy resource due its advantages, but nuclear weapons should be discouraged.

Some scientists contend that nuclear plants can obliterate our environment in case of an accident. In my view, fossil fuels can also pose a similar risk if they are not well managed. For example, the oil leakage that was experienced in the Gulf region was difficult to manage just like the recent Japan nuclear accident that occurred during the Tsunami tragedy. Besides this, nations that rely on nuclear energy have adopted proper measures to enhance its effectiveness. 

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Although nuclear weapons might make some nations more aggressive, it has also encouraged dialogue among world powers. This is because they do not want to resort to its use in warfare. Consequently, it has reduced chances of another world war. For instance, the USA has been negotiating with, rather than fighting against countries like Korea, which are alleged to be producing nuclear weapons. This is because it does not want them to apply such weapons in warfare due to their devastating effects.  Nuclear weapons should never be recommended because they can lead to serious challenges especially to humans and the environment at large.

From the above discussion it is evident that nuclear energy can act as a viable means of energy source that will be friendly to both our economy and environment. However, more research and measures are needed to enhance better management nuclear related disasters. In my view, nuclear disarmament might not be easy to achieve owing to the weakening position of the USA in international affairs. Moreover, the countries that have embarked on nuclear production aim at gaining a dominant position; hence they will not easily abandon their nuclear related activities.

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