The two protagonists of Avatar and Stargate are almost alike because they have been in both forms; that is, they were in a normal human form and an alien form. In particular, Sully was in a position to change from one state to another. Jackson changed his human state when he was attacked by an alien and killed, and later regenerated in a sarcophagus-like device. This means that they both existed in two forms. Their ability to exist in two forms helped them to act as mediators between the humans and the aliens. One of their differences is that Sully as an alien managed to save other aliens (Na'vi) from the invading humans, while Jackson as an alien managed to save the humans from an alien (Ra) who had enslaved them. Both characters joined the alien families in the end since they finally ended up in an alien form.

The two characters are faced with the same situations, whereby they are engaged to the ladies of the races which they later joined. For instance, Sully was engaged to Neytiri, who was an alien, while Jackson was engaged to Sha'uri. The two daughters they were engaged to belonged to the leaders of the teams. That is Neytiri was a daughter to Navi leader, while Sha’uri was a daughter to the leader of humans who were enslaved by Ra. Sully and Jackson both saved the two daughters from death. Avatar Jake intervened on time before the Colonel kills Neytiri, while Jackson saved Sha’uri from death when he resurrects her in Ra’s sarcophagus.

Another similar situation is whereby the enslaved human beings in Stargate are rebelling against the alien (Ra), while the aliens (Navi) in Avatar are rebelling against the human beings. Ra wanted to control the human beings in Stargate, while the humans want to take control of the aliens in Avatar.

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Both characters had a chance to return from where they were to Earth, but they decided to stay where they had found their loves for good. Sully decided to transfer his conscious to avatar for good and stay with his lover, while Jackson decided to stay in his sarcophagus form and remain on the planet in this form while others were returning to Earth. He also remained with his lover Sha’uri, whom he had also converted into the same form. The two characters were also vital to the activities which were taking place in both missions. For instance, in Avatar, Sully was the only one who was to be used in the lab, while Jackson was the only one who understood the symbols in the pyramid and he was to discover that a seventh symbol was missing, which could have helped them to open the Stargate.

Jackson and Sully were depicted as individuals who are able to handle different situations easily. When Jackson and his counterparts discovered that there was a mining village which was inhabited by humans, he was quick to realize that there were human beings who were enslaved by Ra, while others thought these people were gods sent by Ra. On the other hand, Sully was able to realize that being in Avatar form meant he was a Navi and he was ready to defend other Navis’ from human invasion. He always supported them; despite the fact that the human referred to him as a traitor, he stood by his position.

Thus, the two characters seem to be faced with similar challenges and their reactions are also similar. The only difference between them is that Sully was in a position to exist in both forms at any time, but Jackson was only converted to a different form when he was attacked and killed by Ra.

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