The main purpose of this assignment is to examine the use of I/O research in the workplace of different organizations. I will take time to expound on the importance of the scientific way of viewing organizations’ performance as well as identify important science based knowledge shortcomings concerning the need for team implementation. Moving forward with the discussion I will critically analyze the specific theoretical and methodological improvements in research as way of addressing the shortcomings associated with specific need for knowledge. The last part will include a broader explanation that will address the various practical implications related or rather associated with the shortcomings that I will be coming across. Also in this section of the assignment I will indicate whether I feel there is need for applying this modern methodology.
In recent years, the need for team work development has been increased steadily as firms or rather organizations have been able to shift their attention from individual based kind of working to the former. This need has in turn accelerated the demand for both theoretical and intensive research on these aforementioned teams. Despite the fact that organizations have completely focused on team research, there are reportedly small groups of traditionalists who in their own reasons have failed to embrace change thus denying research its essential position in the study of Human Resource Management. Moving forward, it’s arguably right to indicate that the need for empirical research has been well perceived in the scientific world than in practical domains. The basic reason for analyzing the importance of scientific research is for the mere reason that it works towards improving organization’s performance through teams. However there are shortcomings attributed to wrong matching concepts for teams as they will diminish an organization performance in the sense that a combination of teamwork skills and abilities may definitely mean improper use of scientific knowledge. Scientific research always has been on the forefront advocating for inclusion of personal unique traits into a team for effective performances. These technical skills act as measure for determining either the success or failure of the organization. The need for teamwork skills lead to the development of team work skills dimensions which include: cooperation, provision of feedback, communication, team spirit and self-esteem, adaptability, coordination and accepting feedback and these skills were subjected to measurement using Multi-trait, Multi-method (MTMM) and behavioral adaptation techniques (Hollenbeck, Derue & Guzzo, 2004).
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In order to curb inefficacies, KSAs predetermined on the need for selection procedures that would assist in measuring individual’s level of technical competencies, team’s recruits were to have teamwork abilities and lastly, arrangements of individuals into teams was to consider the existing differences in employee preferences, that is, if they were comfortable working in groups. The best criterion used for mixing individual traits in a group was dependent upon individualistic traits, existence of specific tasks as well as on the level of the preferred result. The study between general cognitive capabilities and personality deployed average, minimum, maximum and variability as the most sought after operability tools in any given organization. It’s important to note that during the recent years, workforce compositions have evidently changed due to the inclusion of age, gender and cultural diversities in workplaces on the other hand psychological diversity has always been desired for its ability to influence teamwork performance positively. Time was considered as a factor that determine between psychological and demographical diversity’s since the passage of time was considered to greatly minimize the effects of demographic diversity on team performances. Unlike traditional mode of personal trainings, modern team training is focused upon improving on team interactions that curb the problem of unfamiliarity as well as invoking team leadership amongst members of a particular team in an organization. This in turn aids in recalls that enhance performance through teams. Usually a team is meant for the purpose of accomplishing needs or rather tasks that cannot be executed by sole individuals and therefore individualistic traits were supposed to be reconciled if high performances are to be recorded. In cases where there were difficulties for members to portray desired abilities, research offered the solutions to this challenge by depicting the different methodologies that were to be followed which involved the inter-training of teams to different tasks as a result enhancing the overall performance of organization.
Team designing is a further concept deployed by scientific research to expound on the need for having teams. It facilitates allocation of tasks through the incorporation of task interdependence and also on the use of factors that take into account the resultant type of structures as well as the level of internal and eternal fit. In order to record higher levels of performances, organization are advised to incorporate teamwork designs for the purpose of moderating subsequent levels of interdependence as well as use existent team structures for the purpose of selecting competent personnel especially when labor markets are experiencing tougher times. It’s evidently possible for team leaders to measure competent and skilful individuals through the use of teams. This has been made possible through deploying factors such as present feedback mechanisms and experiences exhibited by the same team leader. Teams that have revealed their capabilities to perform greater have been linked to factors such as self-efficiency, their respective commitment to assigned tasks as well as their higher level of ability to receive and return feedbacks. It has been noted that rewarding individuals as parts of specific teams in workplace enhance team performance and therefore factors such as environment under which a task is performed and team compositions have been greatly recognized for facilitating this kind of organization performance. This concept has been widely used in organizational work places for the purpose of matching individuals to teams that are in consistent with their personalities and according to the reward structures they see best fit for them. As a reminder, its wise to figure out that for effective performance, an organization has to consider factors such as staffing teams, facilitation of these teams through consistent training, taking initiatives to structure and restructure tasks and lastly but not least taking into account individual’s uniqueness as factor to consider when merging them to the composition of the organization.
In conclusion, it’s wise to state that for organizations to effectively and efficiently perform well then they will need to look into selection, training and task designing as way of assisting teams to meet their already set objectives. These techniques are found in research establishments.