The United States Declaration of Independence is a July 4th 1776 statement ratified by the Continental Congress on  which announced  the independence of 13 American colonies  at war with Great Britain w and thus no longer a part of the British Empire. It had been voted by the Congress to declare independence from Great Britain and was a formal explanation to that effect after the American Revolution war that lasted for almost one year. We the Americans therefore celebrate independence day on July4th the day that the wording of the declaration was approved by congress which was a justification of denial of certain basic human rights by the then monarch King George IIIwhich inform any power except that which included unalienable rights i.e. life ,liberty and happiness

The 1st sentence describes the the capability of attaining political autonomy is matter entrenched in the natural law and is an unalienable right for every human being to be free in his own country without being under any oppression but must be under the rule of law from a democratically elected government.

The second section declares that under the rule of a democratically elected government where there are rules and ideals and principles that the government should use to govern the people and that failure to that the people have a right to revolt i.e. a right if revolution to abolish that government and also combines the reasons as to why they didn't recognize King GeorgeIII as their ruler since he violated certain human right that were fundamental to the basic existence of human life. The section further explains how they had tried to petition the King to relax his rules but were met with undue force and therefore we had to fight fire with fire and result to violence to uproot this tyranny. The means that had been used were to petition parliament to due to the cordial relationship that the Americans had with the Britain's but also this did not bear much fruit and therefore this conditions must be a benchmark for any country to overthrow any government and the monarch of great Britain had met this threshold thus the colonies were to throw off any political ties and become an independent state

It would be prudent therefore to note that the language used here was very assertive and did not beat around the bush .We the American people knew that what we were experiencing was not right  and we needed to be free and independent and we went for what we wanted. It also would be wise to note that the declaration was short and precise to the point and was easy to understand and grasp what the issues surrounding it were about.

The Declaration of Sentiments, also known as the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was a document ratified in 1848 at the  1st ever women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls in New York that had been attended 100 people  that ratified out of the300 attendees among them the drafter of the "Declaration of Independence". Elizabeth Cady Stanton which is credited to be the cornerstone of attaining the civil, social, political and religious rights of women world over. However the implementation of these rights was still an uphill task by the virtue of the fact that people did not accommodate women to be of equal strength and abilities but as an inferior being to the man

The first paragraph as borrowed much from the Declaration of Independence and it is not as clearly stated as it is in the Declaration of sentiments what the exact right for women that have necessitated the drafting of this  declaration .The sentiments are just opinions and not firm assertions as to the violation of these rights and the language used is more of a poetic language rather than straight forward English that characterizes the constitutional and legal documents such as the declaration of independence. Of which its sentiments identify the problem and the solution that is already on the ground which is the American Revolution

If I were given an opportunity to draft a declaration I would draft one that advocates for the rights of victims and survivors of war whereby the Governments and instigators of war should embrace the construction of that particular country right back to where it was before the war began. The declaration would advocate for compensation of victims of war to the value of their losses i.e. loss of their loved ones, lossof property and profits that would have been accrued if there had been no war, compensation of mental anguish and ill health due to the adverse effects of war and take care of all the costs that would be incurred in the restoration of peace to that particular region. This would in effect deter people from going to war since it would be extremely expensive to do that

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DECLARATION OF LASTING PEACE (under Declaration of Independence)

"In the Course of human events, it may becomes necessary for people to have political, religious racial and economical disputes which make them go against one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of God entitlement to decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare war once all mechanism of dispute resolution have failed

However it should be known fore hand that for every action there has to be a reaction and therefore any nation that engages in war should be in a position to foot all costs and expenses that will befall the innocent people of their states

This list of charges that must be the bare minimum to be met by these Governments to maintain their legitimacy should be

1) Re- construction of that particular country right back to where it was before the war began.

2) Compensation of victims of war to the value of their losses i.e. loss of their loved ones,lossof property and profits that would have been accrued if there had been no war, compensation of mental anguish and ill health due to the adverse effects of war

3) Take care of all the costs that would be incurred in the restoration of peace to that particular region.

We therefore as the Representatives of the world countries  , in General Congress, Assembled, of the United Nations consideration of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this world, solemnly publish and declare,  that incidences of war in our world will never happen and abide   and of Right t to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to t, , is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do as long they do bear the minimum conditions of their legitimacy after the war And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge and swear by the solemnity of our countries"

DECLARATION OF LASTING PEACE (under Declaration of Sentiments)

"In the Course of human events, it may becomes necessary for people to have political, religious racial and economical disputes which make them go against one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of God entitlement to a decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare war once all mechanism of dispute resolution have failed

1) Instigators of war should embrace the construction of that particular country right back to where it was before the war began.

2) Advocate for compensation of victims of war to the value of their losses i.e. loss of their loved ones, loss of property and profits that would have been accrued if there had been no war, compensation of mental anguish and ill health due to the adverse effects

3) Take care of all the costs that would be incurred in the restoration of peace to that particular region.

We therefore as the Representatives of the world countries, in General Congress, Assembled, of the United Nations consideration of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this world, solemnly publish and declare,  that incidences of war in our world will never happen and abide   and of Right t to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to t, , is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do as long they do bear the minimum conditions of their legitimacy after the war And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge and swear by the solemnity of our countries"

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