Since childhood, I have always known what I wanted to do in life—become the richest woman in the world. Because of this goal, business became a passion for me, and building a huge business empire, my interest. Dedicated to achieve this goal, I am well aware that earning an MBA will boost my chances of making this goal a reality. I am overwhelmed by the passion to become a successful independent business woman and an ardent entrepreneur carrying business and leadership skills, and joining the MBA is definitely the next step I want to take.

The business world has evolved, and this has created a demand for new skills in business function. Success in the current business world requires extensive business skills in areas of economics, marketing, and management. Because of this, taking an MBA will provide me with an opportunity to acquire these skills. In doing so, I believe that I will sharpen my skills in carrying business functions in today’s business world. The corporate world demands soft skills from graduates. With an MBA, I am confident that I will not only know how to manage various intricate relationships in business, but also stand out among other recruiters. In addition, these skills will contribute in my success, in various functions such as communication, leadership, and management. I am confident that I will advance in my career and soar to new heights in this area after building a concrete foundation of soft skills in business.
An MBA is an essential tool for personal branding. My desire to brand myself is one of the reasons that motivated me to pursue MBA. Because I need to establish myself well with an entrepreneurial mindset, enrolling for an MBA is certainly a unique land mark that will set me above the crowd. With a personal brand marked by success, I decidedly will have access to better opportunities that will reward me with money. Through elaborate investment strategies, I believe I will grow my worth exponentially and ultimately become the richest business woman.

Your reason for choosing to apply to Boston University and the specific program that you have chosen, i.e. International MBA

My formula for success in meeting the above objectives rests on my choice of an excellent university and as well as an outstanding program of choice. Boston University stands out as one of the best universities in the United States, with an MBA that is ranked among the top. Because of my enthusiasm and passion for success, I would like to associate myself with Boston University because I believe that I am destined for success. Indeed, this is possible considering the tremendous success of many alumni students from Boston University. Considerably, my success will translate to a better career after graduating with an MBA.

Boston University has an outstanding faculty, curricula, and community. With a diversified community, I believe that I will gain appropriate experience through dealing with people from diverse backgrounds. This will prove essential considering that my MBA will cut the international business domain. Moreover, the university rich curriculum is a necessary ingredient to my success because I am set to gain from the astute faculty members who have excelled in bridging practice and theory in business.

The benefits of international MBA reinforced my choice for this program. With an international MBA, I have a high chance of being accepted among the international business community. In addition, the multicultural training offered in this course will bolster my success in the international global market place. Given the innovative skills and expertise offered in this course, I am confident of branding myself as an outstanding corporate professional with zeal for success.


Your plan to leverage your professional and academic experiences to achieve your post-MBA career goals

After graduating with an MBA, I am confident that I will have earned significant professional and academic experiences necessary to turn my post MBA career goals into realities. Just after graduation, I intend to exploit the extensive network of alumni to seek for a competitive job. Hopefully, the rich network of alumni from Boston University and other contacts will allow me to earn myself a job in a business firm, where I can put my skills into developing business solutions. Through these solutions, I am certain that I will develop my entrepreneurial capacity that will contribute to my portfolio.

With outstanding interest in business analysis, I will then seek to work in an international firm where I can utilize various business skills and multicultural experiences. Notably, my experience in business analysis will prove essential in providing me with an upper hand over issues that cut across the international business domain. 

Ultimately, I plan to open my own international jewelry business and provide employment to many professionals. To do so, I will apply the expertise learned through my MBA program at your University and reinforce them with the experiences I earned in my job. In this process I will work to the best of my abilities to secure a top notch position the field of business. My reason to open a jewelry business is because of my dream, which I have acquired from my father. He always wanted to have his own jewelry firm and seeing his passion, I learnt that I would also like to have a jewelry shop, as well. The father’s inspiration has made me go after what I want in life and I figured out that opening an international jewelry business is a perfect match for me. With an MBA, I am confident that I will use my skills and expertise to help my father expand his business to the global market place.  

Tell the Admission Committee about a time when it cost you to maintain your integrity and what you learned from the experience. Would you make the same decision again if given the chance?

There are countless times when I have been forced to make a decision, but with a huge prize. However, one experience still lingers in my mind. While taking my undergraduate study at North Dakota State University, I was one of the best students in computer science. Because of my passion in information technology and business, I always outstood  in many classes taught under the program. With this ability, I found out that I had to help my friends who would often come and ask for help. Because of their request, we spend a lot of time holding discussion and brainstorming over challenging questions. One day, one of my closest friends asked me for my term report just because he had not done his work as expected. Whereas I was always helpful, I was not ready to help him out.

With myself at the crossroads, I was not ready to ‘hurt’ my friend, but most important compromise with my value of integrity. With high stakes at hand, I choose not to give him—I refused to give him the paper. Well, my friend was not happy with my decision and because of this; he chose not to speak to me for an entire semester. This was a great prize for me to pay. Nonetheless, I was proud that I did not compromise with my values. If I am faced with a similar situation today, I am positive that I will make the same decision—stand for integrity.

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My colleagues describe me as…

My colleagues describe me as great helping hand and an easy to get along. Because of my willingness to help my colleagues, I have been able to learn more about the problems that people go throw and how to resolve them. At time when other students come to consult with me, I often give them time, which has allowed me to develop bonds of trust not to mention widening my network of contacts. This has all being possible because I am interested in making quality connection, which creates lasting relationship in the community around me. I am very fun loving and easy to get along as I am always ready to serve people. I like looking at their situations from their perspective and always strive to get a positive outcome. I totally believe that this personality trait will give me an opportunity to have good relationships with my future colleagues and faculty members at your institutions. With some many people knowing that I am always ready and willing to help, I am positive that I will build more networks that will horn my ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds.


I am passionate about…

My passion is to achieve my dreams and exceed what others expect from me. My philosophy in life is centered on the mantra “Ask and you shall receive.” I have always dreamt about something I want before working towards making it a reality.  This trait has made me unique because my passion gives me the impetus to overcome challenges that come my way. Where other people find reasons to turn back and give up, my passion for success gives me not only hope, but also the strength to take every positive step. This fuel drives my actions.

The business or organizational leader I most admire is... because

My father, Amarnath Gupta is a successful business leader, I most admire. Indeed, his story gives me an opportunity to understand the value of creativity, hard work and determination. The admiration I have for my father rose from the inspiration I received from him while I watched him grow in his business. My father has excelled in business because he values making considerable investing and founding multiple firms. After seeing him create robust network of business interest, I was inspired to work towards being a renowned entrepreneur. Over time, I have envisioned creating a significant mark in business following the steps of my father or even make greater exploits. Notably, I am focused on building great business throughout the world and hopefully succeed like him.   

My greatest life experience

My greatest life experience is studying abroad in United States.  I came to the USA with dreams in my eyes and a determination to prove myself worth the challenge. Coming to the USA was a huge milestone for me because I made my parents proud when I earned a 50 percent scholarship. In addition, I flew thousands of miles away from a great country to another great country. I was packed with all good things and culture when I came to this total new world—the  largest and the best country in the world. Upon arriving in USA, I realized that I had accepted to be in a new lifestyle new culture, and a country with high level of independence. Surprises were also in store for me. I experienced a temperature change of 90 F to -30F and snow became a new form of amusement. Indeed, North Dakota snow was my first time to play with in my lifetime. In school, I was intrigued to learn with students from more than 30 different countries. As a result, I learnt the value of diversity and the need to understand people who come from Asia, Russia, Middle East North America, South America, and Africa.

Additional information

Every man or woman shapes their lifestyle and chances of success with the people they surround themselves with. Having grown with achievers, I developed a strong mindset that success is a product of SUCCCESS. Indeed, this has been a significant source of inspiration to me.I want to emerge as one of the richest women in the world. This can be perceived as a wild thought, but I am confident that I can achieve this goal. My interest in success rests on my belief that learning has no limits whatsoever. Certainly, age or other forms of timing cannot provide sufficient hindrance to someone who is committed to achieving a set goal in life. With success being my major motivation, I am convinced that I will one day become what I have visualized- World’s richest Business Woman.

Well, becoming a successful businessperson does not come that easily. However, I have the right mix of achieving this goal. Apart from having this goal, I am always positive in life. Being positive provides me with the right attitude and vision to hold on to my goal, even when challenges come on my way. I see myself fit to face any challenge as I have developed and learnt being tougher than the tough times from experiences. Having had hurdles along my personal and career, I have been able to pull through because of these attributes that contribute to my resiliency.

Another important aspect of my life is passion for life and all the opportunities it brings along our way.  Rather than wait and expect others to lead me, I have developed a “go getter attitude.” This has made me realize immense benefits in my areas of interest. For example, my passion for the success of my spouse allowed me to make a glimpse into the world of stocks. After learning what it takes to ‘watch’ the market and make price decisions, I realized that I could trade in stocks and earn something out of it. Indeed, trading in stocks is something which I will do it consistently throughout the career.


My success in the stock market has given me the glimpse of better things to come. Recently, I have been selling and buying stock like BAC and MacDonald after learning how to capitalize on their fluctuation in the stock market. Through the selling and buying of stocks, I have earned decent profits, not to mention gaining more understanding of how to make investment option despite being from a computer science background. With an MBA at hand, these goals will one day become a magnificent piece of a success story.   

Leadership is a trait that makes to stand out among my peers. At North Dakota State University, I played a critical role of a student airport supervisor always ready to help new international students. In this role, I helped about 20 students by welcoming them; coordinating rise and helping them get boarding facilities. This role made me help international students adapt to the new environment apart from enhancing my leadership skills. After serving with minimal supervision, I believe that I have become a better leader than I was.

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