This paper tries to explain what exactly Title VII is, and how it affects citizens. It also investigates the racial discrimination in the workplace in relation to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It will narrow in solely on the topic of diversity and what exactly it is. It will also dive into the issue of the protected class in question with in-depth definitions and analysis. The paper will also mention the variety or assortment of the protected class, who exactly are included in the protected class and what kind of situations they are protected from. How this discrimination affects the workplace will be broadly discussed along with the work policies. This paper shows the methods which can be employed, in order to reduce or stop the discrimination by the employment of the Title VII Act. The paper will also show the various situations, legislations and occurrences that led to the introduction of this bill to Congress.

Diversity is not just an aesthetic expression: it does not comprise solely of race theorem, background, sex, faith, bodily capability and age. As an alternative, diversity in the place of work is described as "the wide-ranging stand points and advances to work that fellow of dissimilar individuality collections present to the place of work.

What is discrimination? Racial discrimination can be defined as the uneven handling of individuals or clusters on the foundation of their race or background. In describing the racial percipience, many intellectuals and legitimate activists differentiate between discrepancy in treatment and disparate impact, fashioning a two-part definition of racial discrimination. Abundant surveys have questioned African Americans and other racial minority factions about their experiences with segregation in the office. One startling the conclusion from this line of research is the frequency with which discrimination is reported. A 2001 assessment, for instance, found that more than thirty percent of blacks and approximately twenty percent of Hispanics and Asians testified that they had individually been turned down for a job position or advancement because of their race or background.

Designs of apparent discrimination are significant discoveries in their own right, as investigation demonstrates that those who perceive great intensities of discrimination will more probably experience downheartedness, nervousness, and other undesirable health consequences. This has an undeviating negative influence on the capability of the labor force to accomplish work. Diminished performance in the workforce directly means that there will be a reduction in the company profits. The act of discrimination also affects the bosses who are directly involved in these acts of racism.

Possibly the most conjoint methodology to studying segregation is by inspecting disparity in outcomes between collections. Rather than concentrating at the outlooks or discernments of actors that may be interrelated with acts of discrimination, this method looks at the probable penalties of segregation in the imbalanced spreading of occupation, accommodation, or other societal and financial resources. Discrimination in statistical models is often measured as the residual race gap in any outcome that remains after controlling for all other race-related influences. Modifications may be recognized through the foremost consequence of race, signifying a direct result of race on a consequence of interest, or through dealings between race and one or more human capital physiognomies, signifying difference in returns to human capital reserves on the foundation of race.

The question remains if the discrimination is still a current problem in the workplace. Guileless as it may be, one rudimentary enquiry that concerns the modern literature on segregation focuses on its insistent implication. However, fifty years ago, acts of discrimination were obvious and prevalent, today it is stiffer to evaluate the grade to which everyday involvements and openings may be fashioned by fragmentary kinds of discrimination. Certainly, the preponderance of white Americans is certain that a black individual today has the equivalent chance of receiving employment as a similarly competent white individual, and only approximately thirty percent believe that discrimination is an imperative description for why blacks do shoddier than whites in salary and occupations.

Though there have been some extraordinary gains in the workforce position of racial minorities, noteworthy differences endure. African Americans are twice as likely to be unemployed, as their white counterparts. The salaries of the whites are likely to be more appealing than those of blacks.

Outside the range of interactive and intra-psychic influences that may affect segregation, a great body of exertion points our attention in the direction of the administrative circumstances, in which different actors function and work. An investigation of hard-wearing dissimilarity accentuates the standing of administrative subtleties in making and upholding collection restrictions. Tough dissimilarity ascends for the reason that the individuals who regulate admittance to value-generating possessions solve persistent administrative complications by means of categorical merits and dissimilarities.

Though players hardly ever set out to making dissimilarity as such, their determinations to secure the admittance to treasured possessions by differentiating amongst insiders and outsiders, safeguarding commonality and allegiance, and hogging important information time and again make use of recognized groupings in the service of smoothing administrative objectives.

This modification in the action of bias from the barefaced to the more restrained and multifaceted takes on meticulous consequence in light of transformations in both the character of the service connection and the organization of the place of work. A quantity of up-to-date studies documents a continuing restructuring of the American place of work.

It is necessary that conceptualizing prejudice in terms of the procedure of prejudiced preconceived notion made possible by group dynamics, managerial structure and establishment practices is essential, not only since such a conceptualization holds significant worth, but also because it authorizes the expansion of an advancement to legal directive that is particularly intended to battle intolerance in its contemporary outlines. Without a doubt, it is important that this sovereign conceptualization of unfairness in place of work dynamics ought to take lawful variety in a structural explanation of disparate treatment conjecture. Drawing from accessible theories of legal responsibility under the Title VII, an organizational disparate treatment hypothesis would center on the ways in which managerial choices can reduce the difference in treatment, and would place a confirmatory responsibility on managers to administer multiplicity within their organizations to reduce the procedure of prejudiced bias (Rothschild, 1979).

In this paper, there is an attempt to discuss a protected class that will be broadly talked about. This protected class is people who are discriminated against because of their race or color. This classification of protected characters is customarily related solely to African Americans. Nevertheless, the courts have encompassed Caucasians, Latinos, and Asians, along with Native Americans, Eskimos, Native Hawaiians and Native Americans. The courts have also held that this proscription on segregation based on color meaning that a light skinned black employee could follow up a racism and segregation case grounded on the activities of his or her darker skinned administrator. A good example of this case that happened in the year 1992: Walker v. Secretary of Treasury, 742 F. Supp. 670, 506 U.S. 853.

There are innumerable theories of discrimination that will be covered in this essay. One of them is disparate or incongruent treatment.  The Title VII forbids proprietors from handling employees contrarily, because of their grouping in a protected class –  in this case – race and color. In a disparate handling case, approving if a member of staff’s demeanor was prejudiced can be done in one of dualistic techniques, the Burden Shifting Method of McDonald Douglas or the direct method. Customarily, in the direct method, direct evidence of segregation is not accessible to a worker, as most managers do not acquiescently acknowledge that they victimize. A litigant may try to demonstrate his legal case by means of the direct method by submission of circumstantial substantiation. Circumstantial evidence can be considered so, if it includes: suspicious scheduling, vague proclamations, both verbal or transcribed, comportment toward or comments focused at other personnel in the protected class, and other morsels and shards from which an interpretation’s of prejudiced intent made might by drawn from (Rothschild, 1979).

The McDonald Douglas Burden Shifting Method involves the following: 

Initially, the complainant must institute a prima fascia case of segregation. This is completed, if the petitioner is a fellow of the protected class, which the complainant was competent for the place and/or was experienced for the occupation, the complainant’s job submission was precluded, or the complainant was dismissed, and finally, the post stayed open after the dismissal or was given to a fellow of the non-protected grouping. After the complainant founds a prima fascia case the proprietor may enunciate, a genuine, non-prejudiced intention for its activities. The proprietor does not have to substantiate through the permissible substantiation that it had a genuine, non-prejudiced intention for its actions, only that it had a genuine, non-prejudiced reason for its engagements. Then the complainant must verify that the company’s quantified purpose was pre-textural and that the manager’s actual intention for the antagonistic job action was an unauthorized segregation (Roger, 2011).

The Title VII proscribes a proprietor by means of a facially impartial engagement policy or training that has an unwarranted antagonistic impact on adherents of a protected class. These cases frequently encompass some form of testing for promotion or hire. The Supreme Court in the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 401 U.S. 424 (1971) first labeled the disparate impact theory in the Title VII case, when the law court held upright intent or nonexistence of prejudiced intent does not exchange the engagement dealings or testing contrivances that function as in-built head winds from marginalized crowds, and are unconnected to determining the job proficiency. Illustrations of occupation practices that may subject proprietors to the Title VII disparate impact court case comprise of transcribed tests, educational necessities, tallness and heaviness necessities, and idiosyncratic dealings during consultations for the advancements.

There is also an issue of harassment and sexual harassment. It has been well-defined as unwelcomed carnal advances, performances of gender-based acrimony, sexually stimulating workplace comportment, demeanor that is aggressive on the foundation of sexual category whether or not the individual is or is not an object of the harassment.

The most relevant to the topic, though, is racial discrimination that leads to hostile work environment. Personnel who are imperiled by racial witticisms, invectives, and graffiti may create a desecration of the Title VII, founded on hostile work surroundings by demonstrating that the happenings harassment unsympathetically affects the working setting. An ideal example is the case of Nelson v. Forester Wheeler Constructors Inc., 97 C. 4658, the court of law held that a construction worker quantified the Title VII reason of action, when he was imperiled by a racially antagonistic work setting when there was a racial scrawls on the walls and the moveable toilets, the worker was subjected to ethnic remarks from co-workers, endangered to disparate disparagement by his white foreman and a co-worker left a snare dangling from the construction location where the complainant would be forced to see it every day.

There are various remedies which can be put into play to ensure that the employee is well-compensated for the troubles that he or she is going through. One of the methods is the reinstatement. If the court of law discovers that a perpetrator has purposefully taken part in an illegitimate employment exercise, the court of law may instruct the defendant from taking part in such criminal employment practice, and command such confirmatory action, as may be fitting, including but not restricted to restoration or appointment of personnel, with or lacking back pay, or any additional reasonable relief the court of law believes suitable.

Back pay is another method of remedy. Back pay may be bestowed, as far back as two years erstwhile the filing of the litigation.  Compensatory and Punitive Damages is another way in which remedies can be ensured. The Title VII case is compensatory, and disciplinary reparations are capped founded on the sum of personnel the company had in the previous calendar year. Front pay and loss of future earnings are both remedies available to a successful litigant under Title VII. Front pay is a reasonable remedy and is a supernumerary for restoration, when reinstatement is not conceivable. The forfeiture of forthcoming incomes is damage to specialized standing or damage to character and standing. The court of law has held that reward for the front pay and vanished forthcoming incomes is in no way duplicative. Attorney’s fees are the final remedy. In the Title VII cases, the court of law may permit the predominant party, sensible attorney’s fees and judicious expert witness charges. The courts of law have held in a varied intention case when the complainant is not eligible to compensatory reimbursements, but the court of law may reward attorney’s fees (Rothschild, 1979).

Even though no one model of association orders these changes, and managerial theorists differ on the level to which institutes have been competent or enthusiastic to experience complete official reorganizing of their places of work, there is universal union that the employment affiliation in both white-collar and blue-collar segments of the American place of work is in totality becoming more deputation, supple, and individualized than in years in the past (Perrit, 2006). At least three interconnected managerial tendencies of meticulous consequence for the anti-prejudice project can be recognized: the flattening of chains of commanding and shadowing of job frontiers, the allotment of work on a team and group foundation, and the implementation of more ability-based, individualistic, and stretchy methods of assessment (Roger, 2011).

In the approximately forty years from the time when the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was endorsed to fight against discrimination in occupation, one has realized a change in the techniques in which discrimination functions in the place of work (Gold, 2001). As customary common standards allowing unconcealed racism and discrimination succumb to a contemporary standard of social equality, and as well-defined, categorized, administrative structures defining clear pathways for progression within the establishments succumb to a globalized place of work of bendable governance and movement between the establishments, segregation often functions in the place of work in the present day less than a blanket procedure or discrete, distinguishable resolution to discount than as a everlasting tug on prospects and progression (Gold, 2001). It often takes form in a fluid procedure of social communication, discernment, appraisal and distribution of prospects. It creeps into commonplace impressions of value and the consignment of excellence on the job, prowling continuously behind even the utmost candid belief in egalitarianism, propagating the very prejudice that we complain about.

There were various events that led to the rampant action and pushed for the passing of this act quite fast in Congress. Some of these events can even be credited for the fast implementation. Some of these events are: On June 11, 1963, all through the pinnacle of the civil rights remonstrations and protests, President John F. Kennedy went on television to speak to the nation. He gave a modest, but expressive dispatch that touched the hearts of many and showed the American people that he was indeed eager to change the employment system in America, so that it will be open to everybody, regardless of the color of their skin (Herbert, 1993).

In August 1963, roughly 250,000 Americans of all races paraded themselves in Washington, D.C. before the Lincoln Memorial. The happening, noticeable permanently into the essence of the nation by the prominent "I Have A Dream" discourse of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to represent the appealing persistence for evocative legislature to address the claim for racial fairness and impartiality. This necessity, together with the deployment of the civil rights and labour establishments and sturdy Presidential headship, amalgamated. This combination of events and emotions would then lead to a weakened heart in the part of the politicians, as they had absolutely no choice, but to give Americans what they needed, a country that is fair to everybody, where every individual has an equal opportunity to succeed.

The death of President Kennedy in November 1963 to an assassin's bullet threatened to disrupt the legislature he defended (Kent, 1994). Nevertheless, a new supporter, an improbable one in the thoughts of most civil rights establishments was found in being of the new President, Lyndon B. Johnson. Many people were shocked by his radical nature towards this act, but it came as good riddance as this act was a long time coming. The Act was then presented before Congress and was passed. It was then fully implemented the following year (Roger, 2011).

As hierarchies get squashed, members of the staff shift more regularly between the establishments, as well as within establishments. Examiners have put to paper a considerable augmentation in the incidence of work alterations ever since the 1970s. Though data on job term presents a multifaceted and often contradictory representation, there is a motivation to consider that the service affiliation is becoming more fluid and that upward movement is no longer the solitary measurement of the amount success.

This essay attempts to deliver such a conceptualization to lay the foundation for a lawful philosophy that accounts for racism in the modern workplace, how it can be conquered and who really is responsible and should be held accountable for it. It advocates that regulating some of the more multifaceted, understated kinds of segregation that are mutual in today’s place of work necessitates an emphasis on the procedure of prejudiced bias as predisposed, empowered, and even reinvigorated by the edifices, practices, and crescendos of the establishments and assemblages within which persons work (Kent, 1994). Minorities in the modern society have gained admittance into much of the labor force, disproportions in advancement and pays persevere (Herbert, 1993). For instance, in the year 1995, a smaller quantity than 1% of the most powerful executives in Fortune 1000 industrial and Fortune 500 service firms were black. Even though white men comprised of about 43% of the labor force, they occupied from 94 to 98% of the high-ranking manager, vice-president, and greater spots in these corporations.  Furthermore, female managers with the same humanoid resources as their male colleagues in terms of preparation, know-how and experience keep on getting inferior remunerations (Perrit, 2006).

These tendencies in outlooks towards the percipience and obstructions to progression are corresponding to a change in psychologists’ rationale about intra- and inter-crowd predisposition and an effort commonly in social science investigation in the direction of understanding how delicate forms of prejudice carry on operating to the disadvantage of minorities and womenfolk (Cecil, 1994).

These managerial changes have noteworthy insinuations for the tracking down of evenhandedness in the place of work (Kent, 1994). On the one hand, they put forward the pledge that managers will finally distinguish what females and minority races can achieve with a more stretchy description of character strong and weak points. On the other hand, these transformations front incredible threat of entrenchment of discrepancy as prejudiced bias, whether cognizant or cataleptic, functions to prohibit females and minority races from prospects and control (Gold, 2001).

The functioning of unaware prejudiced bias has broad-ranging insinuations for all characteristics of communal advancement and the potential of collection relations, but it takes on specific implication in the service circumstance, where influence degree of differences have generated universal stumbling blocks to specialized development (Cross, 2007).

Managerial organizations and establishment practices, though not themselves prejudiced, may make possible the subtle, often unaware, working of inequitable bias in persons. These lead to dissimilarities in admittance to prospect based on assembly status, instead of on personal merit (Herbert, 1993).

For a large figure of causes, as hierarchies get squashed, team-based exertion augments, and assessment and judgment-making procedures disperse, race minorities and females may discover themselves at a languish, so to speak, while their white male equivalents take complete advantage of the stretchy, cooperative, inter-institutional place of work (Gold, 2001).


There is my strong belief that it is very important that these racial discrimination issues are looked into with complete respect and detail that they deserve. The Title VII is one of the best things that ever happened to America due to the fact that everyone has an equal opportunity to get employment and be able to receive promotions. This is a very important aspect in relation to the freedom that the United States of America depict to the other countries of the world. The various adverse effects of racial discrimination are quite open, as they have been described in this paper. It could even lead to loads of losses in the part of the employer, due to the reduced motivation in the part of the workers in the company who are discriminated against. There has to be a complete change in work policies and in the job area, so as to ensure that the outlined racial discriminatory remarks or actions cannot be taken against the racial minorities. In a sense, it is quite racist even to refer to them as a faction, because they are just part of a whole with the same humanoid capabilities, as the next white counterpart.

Everybody can give credit to all the demonstrators for all the trouble they had to go through to ensure that this act was taken to Congress. Because of this major movement in history, one can hope for a more equal society. Despite the fact that there is still a lot of racism around, we cannot deny the fact that it has been adequately abated. We can give credit to the Title VII which has served well to protect those who are discriminated against because of their race, color and background.

One should support a motion to put more strained punishments for those who are offenders of this law, so that they can act as an example to the others who are yet to break this law. Putting up harsher laws will most definitely reduce racism even more in today’s society. The tougher question is, will a white-dominated Congress agree to this? One which is, or could be riddled and tainted with racial discrimination within its walls? Everyone, including you and your neighbors and the politicians, should realize that racism is like shooting one’s own foot. We should at all times endeavor to treat everybody around us with the utmost respect.

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