John Upidike as a writer underwent several transformations that defined his works as a renowned writer. He mainly sough t to give the world his idea of the world as he saw it and that was a basic theses in most of its work. Although his earlier stories were more or less miscellaneous and very loosely connected his latter work were sown in a fabric of a transforming knowledge of human nature and world perception. In understanding the career of Upidike it is integral to understand is later work especially drawn around Olinger his fictitious hometown and how these stories might be read within the context of Updike's then developing career as a writer. Among these is the much tantalizing work of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and So Forth.

Tomorrow and tomorrow depicts an episode between a young male schoolteacher who is earnest and unsuspecting. He assumes to be a female student with a crush on him however she is caught conspicuously passing a love note and it turns out that this girl has been buttering up all of her teachers. The protagonist who indeed winds up and is crushed. After discovering her stratagem, "Mr. Prosser took his coat from the locker and shrugged it on, and placed his hat upon his head. He quickly fits his rubbers over his shoes, pinching his fingers painfully. He goes ahead and opens it right there in the vacant hall and the girl had been almost crying and he was sure of that. Majority of Updike's stories end with such epiphany moments of truth. However this is a story in which that moment is particularly affecting.

The story is centered on a conviction expressed in the excerpt from Macbeth's soliloquy. The soliloquy is rooted on his assertion on the deluding poor of life and events including people ascertaining the treachery of mankind especially in the self delusion about the specific things we would love to get out of life. It concentrates not only on the ideal prescription of Macbeth's  lament but it goes ahead and demonstrates it on the most overt situation which is practically espoused on the interpretation of a lecture that focuses on the same thesis.

"She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."
- Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17-28)

The story is built on the ideal that the world is full of lies and fraudsters as the writer discovered and authorial intruded the story to bring his point out. He showed through his work how lies are perpetrated even at the very instance of castigating it.  The story is built around a lesson on then excerpt from Macbeth's soliloquy which is cries the effect of the delusion of life. It scours instances of fraud by focusing on the individuals in the class and their own fraud and how the perpetrate it even as the lesson meant to castigate it unfolds.

Fraud is the quality of being deliberatively deceptive, trickery, willfully deceptive and dishonesty or an act of willful deception and or dishonesty carried out in a view of securing some advantage, profit or benefit to which one is not entailed and at the expense of another Henry Cecil Wild and H Paridge Little and Yves Webster Dictionary. It is this central thesis that drives the story's theme which focuses on Mark Prosser and Gloria with the former being the Protagonist and the latter the antagonist who advances the writer's thesis.

The story pits Gloria, a student at Mr. Prosser's class as the character that advances the story's theme. She is a trick y girl who makes the teacher, Mr. Prosser get deluded at her advances.  She manages to make the teacher believe that she has fallen for her and through her devious devices manages to actually delude the teacher as she fronts as an innocent girl who can be taken advantage of through the gullibility she displays.

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Upidike is fond of transforming his characters apprehension by focusing on their interactions with other characters to build not only the themes of his stories but also t elicit the interactions of mankind and how deluding their nature can be like in the instance of  Tomorrow and Tomorrow and So Forth. It is the interaction between Prosser and his student that the author brings about his theme of deception.  This he manages by throwing the protagonist at the offing of the delusionary designs of the protagonist even to the perception of the reader. The story beginning on the excerpt of Macbeth on the lie s of the world and life as a whole pits the protagonist against the reader's judgment as at what despite especially fraud is. The teacher Mr. Mark Prosser is seen to use the advantage that avails to him to woo a student as he elicits the tendencies of fraud to attain his own false goals. He, like the theme of Macbeth's Soliloquy uses his advantage as a teacher to impress a certain student in order to gain her attention. He does this by negatively making fun of some students to appease Gloria.

This favor is however returned by Gloria who besides that sincerity that he evokes of the teacher takes him on a ride as she has done several times over. Gloria comes out as a leveler of the situation as she fools a lecturer who is fronted a basically as a fraud. Yet she epitomizes the greatest extent of fraud.  She uses the teacher in a subliminal delusion of what she intends to gain. She manages to appear as an innocent young girl delude by the gullible feeling that she s in love with her instructor and manages to capture the eye of the teacher. She however at the end of the story is not as innocent as the protagonist taught of her.ahe has fooled yet another and very successfully.

Gloria advances the main theme of the story and she significantly does this by her ability to elicit the writer's perception of the general ideals of most of men whose main aim is getting something out of each other even when they do not deserve it. It brings out the nature of people as the writer envisions it. It is a world where everyone wants to get the best out of each other by deceit which is seemingly the only way to get the best out of the world or the most lucrative. Gloria significantly contributes to the theme of the story as she demonstrates the extent of the rot

This is especially espoused by the scene in retrospect to the setting which is when the writer pits the status quo to the Soliloquy where the world is shown as a farce where life practically plays deceit on the lives of men. It seems to show the emptiness in man's quests and the fall of all men to the devices that renders all men vulnerable to all this lays as they aim at getting their own way in a world of self interest.

Gloria demonstrates not only the ideal of life as basically deluding but the effect it has on those who go out to use the device on others. She represents the check off balance of the world's vengeance on people and does very little to justify the cause from such repercussions save for the reinventing effect it has on people. Men eventually realize the futility of their actions but only in retrospect of the actions of others who outwit their own evil designs.

In conclusion, she writer continually tries to demonstrate the counteractive mea sure that the world continually instills a barbaric revulsion of ill will behind the subliminal insinuations of men's deeds.  It demonstrated through an allusion to Macbeths excerpt a world where the value of life and the means to achieve the self prescribed nature of it precede the need to be not only true and sincere to ourselves but get caught in the labyrinth of delusion and deceit that makes the world a terrible place.

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