Traditionally, the strategic development field treats to the management, and the main reason of the extremely sluggish healthcare establishment managerial personnel training are stable traditions of a rigid bureaucratic and functional regulation of healthcare activity. It is not surprising, that the strategic development subject matter has quickly attracted attention of researchers and managers.

Inasmuch the basic attention of the training program is dedicated to the future leaders programme, it is necessary to note, that before the present period of global uncertainty, the problems of social life management were solved according to the basic approaches, developed by management science founders like A. Fayol (universal process), F. Taylor (scientific management) and M. Veber (the theory of management and bureaucracy). (Bottery, 2006).

In a management science, beginning from 1930th, the submission about human factor necessity has been formed. For example, E. Mejo has developed the management theory called “the theory of human relations”, the core concept of which consists of a set of norms, values, beliefs, a network of internal communications in groups and between them (Bond, 1994).

In the early sixties of the twentieth century, there has been a systemic approach to the management. The origin of the managerial science has been related to the development of the systems theory and to the aspiration related to advantages of rationalistic and behavioral approaches.

The range of "strategic development” problems in its modern meaning, is introduced into the field of administrative and psychological research. The "strategy" concept begins its development in the 1960s; in some of English-speaking editions essence of strategy is represented by P.Alain, J. Berk, E.N.Berkovich, R.Cooper, P.Lopens, J. Lafman, etc.

In the healthcare establishment management scientific literature the term "strategy" virtually has not been applied, but the significant amount of researches has been dedicated to the planning problems, assuming (including strategic) image of healthcare establishment and its development.

It is important to pay additional attention to the fact, that there are no works in the analyzed scientific researches, in which approaches towards the directed changes strategy development in a healthcare field are taken into account.

At the same time, in researches concerning management information, aspects of linearly-remedial management, without taking into account strategic development logicians of education systems, are considered to inconsequential. For this reason, I would like to offer the pilot and practical approach to identification, teaching and preparing future talented leaders, “new managers” for our healthcare company.


During the last decade, the directions, related to innovative processes in the healthcare field, have been actively developed. Researches proved, that the most effective ways of the modern healthcare system problems solving can be found in the development of innovative, scientifically proved, effective leadership, considering world and domestic tendencies of social development and also the progressive practices and traditions.

Despite the considerable quantitative growth of researches concerning strategic management development, the questions of prerequisite and sources of strategic break formation at such micro-system level, as hospital, have not received wide illumination in the psychological science.

While taking into account the approaches of the managerial science and its steadfast attention, there are questions on how it is necessary to form methodological and technological bases for changes in fundamental healthcare system, in the conditions of domination pro-economic, instead of humanistic approach. How to involve natural personnel potential and the resource of leadership inherent in medical workers owing to objective requirements of professional work, with a view of maintenance of that break and qualitative changes, which are declared in fundamental international documents (Bottery, 2006).

Due to Earley, Peter, Weindling, Dick, Bubb, Sara and Glenn, Meli article, where the authors propose attraction of “new” people to the medical field, there are two possible outcomes: if the new manager is not an expert in healthcare, one can invent some new approach to the hospital management, because of not acting according to the standard rules, so he won’t be afraid of experimentation  - he would try to find and eventually succeed in developing new solutions and answers  (Schnur, 2007)

Explanation of New System

The new system of the leadership in the healthcare establishment would imply the active participation of all the members of the team in the organisational processes. All departments would be required to introduce their core requirements and suggestions concerning the system improvement. All the key processes of the management - planning, motivation, organisation and control would be corrected and improved by the employees of the hospital due to the maxim: “Moving in to the New Year with a purpose.”

The scientific concept of strategic leadership and competent development of hospital administrative commands is based on leading idea – usage and application of the natural competent resource of healthcare establishment leaders (Tulenko, 2007).

As basic components of strategic leadership development/strengthening are the following: resources of the hospital administrative commands; system of strategic leadership productivity estimation; technologies of hospital administrative commands competent developments, by means of which, application hospital administrative commands plunge into a problematic of technologies and methods of hospital strategic development in the conditions of interactive, reflective and dialogue training, in a format of mobile, modular vocational training under the guidance of advisers, who developed the tools for strategic development school; project is approved and duplicated at the local and larger-scale projects, providing the school with higher level of competition in the educational environment.

General Requirements

General requirements to the leadership improvement program imply the active participation of all the employees of the healthcare establishment in the process of the system improvement in the name of Moving in to the New Year with a well-defined purpose.


Nowadays, certain contradictions have occurred in the formation management field. Their comprehension will allow deducing a declared problematic on the proved methodological and technological levels and these contradictions can be represented in the following manner:

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•          the contradictions among the social needs for strategic and innovative break maintenance, theoretical and methodological interpretation of healthcare systems to the strategic development and strategic leadership problems realization;

•          the contradictions at various levels between the necessity of strategic system changes realization in healthcare field and lesser-developed technological bases of innovative development strategy realization of the healthcare system;

•          the contradictions between global problems of the healthcare system development in achievement of strategic leadership and weak theoretical and technological over-work methods of strategic leadership achievement at the level of a local healthcare institution;

•          the contradictions between growing requirements to the healthcare management and the lack of scientifically proved concept of competent development and professional support from healthcare managers and administrative commands in the conditions of changes.

The given contradictions have defined a research problem: authors have successfully identified with the help of evaluating the methodological bases and technologies, which are to be provided for the problems solving of healthcare establishment qualitative transformation and its strategic reconfiguration under the conditions of system changes.


In the process of evaluating and developing the leadership qualities among the personnel, it is important to rely on the fact that the key purpose of the leadership is the concept of serving to the organisation.

 The main emphasis in the training process would be based on this conception, and the key aim of the training is to eliminate the conception that the personnel should serve the leader. That issue would enable the participants of the training represent their ideas concerning the hospital organisational structure improvement, and the main outcome of such training would be evaluation of all existing pros and cons of the system, in order to correct the deviations and to create the friendly and participative environment in the team.

The training would be organized in the form of the working group, which would be formed from the leading experts from the each department of the healthcare establishment. The key advantage of such training is that the coach won’t be provided with the role of leader;  the communication between the departments or developing the theoretical tasks to be resolved,; real situations from the life of the work collective would be discussed and the possible variants for these situations improvements or solutions would be commonly developed, while taking into account the available monetary and labor resources.

 The novelty of this training is the fact that the key for the problems solution and deviations correction would be found by the participants of the working team.

Explanation of the Problem

The key problem to be solved, while applying the tools of training, is developing the new style of the leadership in the healthcare organisation. Also, the participative style training is aimed for the leadership improvement in the whole healthcare establishment system

Practical implementation of the training would be carried out in the following stages: the meeting of all the current supervisors from each department of the hospital; developing the core directions of the leadership system improvement; common discussion of all key factors of the improvement process and evaluating the key needs of the establishment. After that, each supervisor would organize an internal meeting of his department and discuss the urgent questions with all the rest staff; and the final stage of the training would imply the organization of the meeting, after all the key directions of the system improvement are chosen (Hopkins, 2011).

In the final stage of the training, all the key purposes would be evaluated and each department would be provided with an individual task for the system improvement. The new leaders would be assigned and the allocation of the work would be carried out.

After two months, it is vitally important to carry out the reporting meeting, where all the representatives of the working teams would inform about their achievements in the related areas, and all the rest employees of the hospital would be able to evaluate the effectiveness of their work and to make suggestions if some deviations occur.


One of the core advantages of the training is the low cost of the program, due to the fact that the only expenditures are the wages for the coaches, which are affordable for the healthcare organisation. All the rest expenditures are related to the training, because they would be directed at the system improvement, and that is why the healthcare establishment would be planning its budget in accordance with the newly-developed program in accordance with the maxim: “Moving in to the New Year with a purpose.” In addition, the psychological interrelation in the group would be changed; the planning of the budget or the financial flows would be discussed.


After evaluating the key achievements of the science in the area of human relations, leadership and it practical application in the scopes of the healthcare establishment, the leadership training has been developed with its key aim of the training -  providing the personnel of the healthcare organisation with the possibility of implementation the changes to their professional activity, while evaluating the common problem of the establishment, developing solutions and implementing the achieved consensus into the practice.

The main strong point of the developed leadership training is the formation of the team for the training from supervisors of the departments. That is supported by the fact, that these employees know all the strong and weak points of the organisation and are able to evaluate the effectiveness and actuality of the proposed solutions.

More than that, the fact of the minimising of expenditures of the organisation makes such approach towards practical implementation of the maxim: “Moving in to the New Year with a purpose” would be the best possible solution for implementing changes into the healthcare establishment.

Finally, the fact that the new leaders can be evaluated after the training is the last advantage of the training, which is developed for the system improvement while applying the available resources of the organisation.

In order to achieve the maximum efficiency of the training, all the participants should be informed beforehand, and their task in preparation to the training is the evaluation of the weak points in their departments, which they want to correct. 

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