
This paper seeks to answer a few questions in relation to medical terminologies. It also seeks to define medical terminologies that are commonly used in the medical fraternity.

What is the Difference between Dyspnea and Apnea?

Dyspnea is a translation from the medical term which means difficulty in breathing. It is caused by underlying diseases, reactions and other stimulants which obstruct or cause difficulty in breathing. Apnea on the other hand is used to refer to breathing that has stopped. This could mean that breathing has paused for a certain period or is abnormal due to other underlying reasons. (Takishima, 1989).

What is the Term used for something that Induces or Causes Vomiting?

The term used for something that induces and causes vomiting is nausea. Nausea is caused by uneasiness in the stomach, early pregnancy symptoms, emotional stress, overeating, and food poisoning among many other causes.

What is a URL?

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a term that is used to describe an address in the medical virtual library.

Myocardial infarction is caused by coronary occlusion. What does this mean?

It is important to note that Myocardial infarction is commonly known as a heart attack. It occurs if the supply of blood to the heart is severely cut or restricted. Coronary occlusion occurs when there is blockage of the heart vessels. This statement therefore means that coronary occlusion causes heart attacks.

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a very serious and severe illness. It occurs when the blood stream is overwhelmed with bacteria. This condition has many symptoms which include; dropping of the blood pressure which results to shock, decreased urine output, hyperventilation, rapid heartbeat, skin rash, warm skin among many other symptoms. The treatment of this condition requires the patient to be admitted at a hospital and receive antibiotic intravenously.

For what procedure does one use Laryngoscope?

Laryngoscope is a medical instrument that is used to allow visualization of pharynx and Larynx in a patient. Laryngoscopy is the procedure used by a doctor to examine the back of the throat or voice box. This procedure helps the doctor to find out the causes of voice problems or may be used as a surgical procedure to remove foreign objects form the patient’s throat.

What is the difference between ILLIUM and ILEUM?

Ilium is used to describe the upper part of the bony pelvis at the hip joint. While ileum is a term used to describe the lowest part of the small intestines.

What is the Literal Definition of the Term Disease?

The literal meaning behind the term ‘dis ease’ which means when one has a healthy state of mind one will definitely have a healthy body. Disease also means the interruption or disruption of the performance of vital functions in the body.

What is Spectrum of COPD?

COPD (Chronically Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a chronic infection of bronchitis and emphysema in the lungs. Spectrum of COPD is the treatment of the infection. It involves bone marrow collection, Laboratory processing and stem cell implantation. (Lindsley, 2005)

It is important to note that a patient should immediately see a doctor if they are experiencing acute dehydration, cyanosis, pradomol, sepsis, malaise, dyspenia or any other chronic disease or infection. This will enable the doctor or physician to make an early diagnosis on the causes of the symptoms. However, sometimes the symptoms come about due to euphoria. After the doctor makes the diagnosis, the patients can be put on antibiotics, analgesics or anaerobic exercises .In in other conditions such as cyanosis, the patient will need to be put on oxygen. While other conditions may require theracocentesis. It is important to avoid using substances that contain carcinogenic. This is because this substance can cause cancer. In case a patient has a tumor, they should not panic. This is because it could be malignant. However, a biopsy needs to be carried out by a specialist to find out the prognosis. A patient should always seek the doctor’s advice before taking narcotics.

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Term Definitions

  • Dx; is a medical symbol that is used in the DNA nanotechnology
  • Splenomegaly; this is the enlargement of the spleen
  • Lymphoma; is a cancer of the Lymphatic cells that are found in the immune system
  • Bronchitis; is the inflammation of the air passage to the lungs
  • Nodules; are abnormal structures that usually develop in the throat .they may be cancerous
  • Epstein Barr; is a virus that causes most of the infections in humans.
  • Hepatitis; is a medical condition that involves the inflammation of the liver
  • Ultrasound; is a procedure that is unused to diagnose diseases and tumors. It is also used in pregnancies.
  • Lymph Angiogram; is an x ray of the lymph nodules and vessels
  • Tumor; is a lesion that is formed by an abnormal growth
  • MRI; is a test that is used to detect structural abnormalities in the body.
  • Metastases; is the spread of a disease from one organ to another
  • Congenital; is a neonatal disease or condition
  • Metabolism; are the chemical and physical processes of the body that use energy
  • Retina; is the light sensitive layer at the back of the inner eye.
  • Convulsions; is a conditions where muscles convulse and relax rapidly
  • Paralysis; is the loss of muscle functioning in parts of the body
  • Infectious; is communicable disease or infections
  • Parotisis; is the inflammation of the parotid glands
  • Viral; is a small infectious agent that replicates inside living cells.
  • Incubation; is a period of time in which an infection develops
  • Communicability; is a transmittable disease between persons
  • Impetigo; is a highly infectious bacterial skin infection
  • Contagious; is the transmission of diseases or infections by direct or indirect contact
  • Serous; is a body fluid that is yellow in color and transparent
  • Vesicles; is the super molecular assembly of lipid molecules
  • Pustules; is the inflammation or elevation of the skin
  • Staphylococci; is a skin infection
  • Streptococci; is a bacterium found in the throat and in the skin
  • Streptococci; is the excision of the cone shaped part of the cervix
  • Cervix; is the lower portion of the uterus.
  • Diagnosis; is the identification or nature of diseases
  • Endo cervix; is a laboratory test that helps to identify infections in the cells
  • Carcinoma; is an abnormal growth of cells in the body
  • Lesion; is the abnormalities of the tissues
  • Peritoneal; is a serous membrane that forms in the lining of the cavity
  • Renal failure; is the failure of the kidney
  • Hemodialysis; is a method that is used to remove waste products
  • Pancreas; is a flattened gland which is located in the deep in the abdomen
  • Upper left quadrant; is a portion of the abdomen.
  • Duodenum; is the first section of the small intestine
  • Islet of langerhans; are irregular shaped tissues located in the pancreas
  • Glucagon; is a hormone secreted by the pancreas
  • Insulin; is a hormone that helps in the regulation of carbohydrates and fats
  • Gastric; are cells that are found in the stomach
  • Lavage; is the irrigation of an organ
  • Toxic; are substances that contain poisonous material
  • Endoscopy; means looking inside the body for medical reasons
  • Gastroscophy; is the examination of the inside of the gullet

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