In the past, Crisis intervention was not taken as seriously as it is taken in modern times. It moved from being something taken seriously when a crisis emerges to something that has become a subspecialty. Many bodies and organizations train corporations and individuals how to manage crisis. Such organizations as Red Cross/Red Crescent, governmental organizations and other organizations concerned with crisis management play crucial roles in these trainings. Health oriented organizations specialize in offering first aid services during these events. The Military continues to receive training in managing security when there is a crisis (Lindemann & Lindemann, 1995). In addition, many research firms continue to research on products/plants that can do well during the dry seasons or in any other harsh climate conditions. Majority of the organizations, whether national or multinational have departments that deal with crisis management issues such as fire outbreak or other disasters that may occur. Fire stations/departments continue to dedicate their time and other resources in training the public about crisis management. In other regions, schools offer courses pertaining to crisis management. While some schools Self-sponsor themselves in order to offer these courses, other schools outsource the resources.  

Crisis intervention is a responsibility taken by the government, organizations, authorities/bodies and individuals. Individuals play crucial roles when it comes to volunteer services. Organizations such as Red Cross/Red Crescent, amongst other non-governmental organizations and movements highly require the services of volunteers since they offer crisis managerial services free. Red Cross specializes in teaching volunteers to offer first aid. Since crisis occurs unexpectedly, the funds allocated may not be enough. Volunteers aid in cutting the crisis budget. Volunteers are also willingly and readily available. This makes them both efficient and effective during these times (Jackson-Cherry & Jackson, 2010).

Paid employees also handle crisis. Examples of such people include the fire fighters, police officers, doctors/counselors amongst other experts in this field. Although these professionals manage crisis at a pay, most of them risk their lives when intervening a crisis. For example, fire fighters risk their lives when they try to put off a fire. Police officers also risk their lives when they try to rescue people from situations that also place then in danger. Some doctors, especially those dealing with posttraumatic disorders, deal with people who are a risk to their security. Their willingness to risk their lives is irreplaceable.  

In order to prevent some forms of crisis from taking place, the concerned parties continue to implement a number of preventive proactive models. One proactive model includes initiating public awareness on how to prevent some forms of crisis from taking place. These vary from home-based crisis to workplace-based crisis (Lindemann & Lindemann, 1995). Companies/businesses and other diverse institutions train their organizations to prevent work-based crisis. County fire departments and a number of non-governmental organizations continue to train individuals through the media on how to prevent fires and other forms of accidents that end up being a crisis. Agricultural research firms encourage farmers to adopt their practices in accordance to the predicted time/seasons. In the future, organizations can introduce these models at lower levels such as elementary schools.

Other than bringing awareness, the government and other concerned parties try to invest in putting up good structures, crisis preventive equipment and implementing laws, rules and policies that prevent these crises from taking place (Myer, 2001). If they do not prevent, they lower their chances of happening or causing more damage than expected. Foe example, states have put laws that govern the organizations on how they should handle facilities/equipment referred to as health hazards. Enough funds are set aside to supplement the training of individuals. The concerned bodies ensure that such departments as the fire departments have enough resources to prevent or handle these crises.  

Managed Care systems specialize in healthcare. However, they can effectively impact crisis intervention. As indicated, most crises affect people’s health directly. Managed healthcare can initiate a countrywide training in offering first aid. This can take place in any place starting from elementary schools to work places. In addition, managed health care can offer proactive preventive measures or sponsor interested parties on the same in issues concerning the health (Jackson-Cherry & Jackson, 2010). This can take place both nationally and internationally. For example, this institution can bring awareness to schoolchildren on the significance of washing ones hands with soap and running water. This is applicable internationally.

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From another perspective, healthcare can offer free care for crisis victims or it can offer subsidies to the same (Jackson-Cherry & Jackson, 2010). As mentioned, crisis happens unexpectedly. Even when one is expecting a crisis to happen such as water storms or a drought, the damages in questions are usually too many to handle. Such free or subsidized care plays a significant role in ensuring that the victims are healthy before tackling their other damages. In many cases, a victim’s treatment/care is not a one-time incident. Some people take months or even years before they go back to their original state. The healthcare’s intervention would play a significant role during these times.   

As earlier mentioned, crisis occurs unexpectedly. Some forms of crisis are immensely overwhelming. One example is the terrorism attack in 2001 and another is the hurricane crisis in 2005. Any one organization or body cannot handle such major crises. In order to make the needed impact, networking and collaboration plays a crucial role. In African countries, RED Cross/Crescent collaborates with African Medical and research Foundation (AMREF) and the United Nations in order to make the needed change (Lindemann & Lindemann, 1995). Globally, United Nations networks and collaborates with the local concerned organizations and institutions in making the needed impact. This same case applies to Red Cross/Crescent. Such collaborations/networking aids these organizations to raise the needed funds and resources including human and machine/technology resources.

Some of these collaborations are occur within the crisis location. For example, a government can collaborate with a private organization in an attempt to solve a prevailing crisis. From a local angle, schools in a county or state can collaborate in order to prevent or prepare for a crisis. Such collaborations mean that the collaborators will share resources, skills or any other things agreed upon in order to tackle or handle a crisis. Privatized organizations or other institutions can form collaborations in order to make work easier than trying to handle everything alone.  

In order to effectively transform crisis intervention, organizations are preferring technology over human resource. The weather stations use technology to predict approaching hurricanes and tornados. Managed healthcare is substituting human labor with computers especially in matters concerning data storage. In the future, organizations will need less of human labor and more of technology (Jackson-Cherry & Jackson, 2010). Although this will improve efficacy and effectiveness, it will deteriorate employment levels and self-actualization, as there are people who find joy in volunteer work. From another perspective, more people will be aware of crisis intervention in the future as compared to the current times. Increased awareness continues to play a crucial role in this rising trend. This rising trend will encourage more people to take part in volunteer work and crisis intervention training sessions. This will increase the needed human resource when the actual crisis takes place. When people become aware of something, they become ready to give. It will also increase the needed funds. 

From a positive angle, there might be fewer crises than there are currently and more people who are competent in handling crises than there are today. This is because more people are learning about how to stop crises from happening as compared to the past years. If it happens, people are learning how to handle it from all angles of life. There is a lot of investment put in crisis prevention and the management skills of individual members of the society. This makes these members more confident about their lives than they were previously (Myer, 2001).

The community is as involved in crisis prevention and management as these organizations and institutions. In the future, communities will be more involved as compared to the current situation. Following the 2005 hurricane crisis, communities continue to take imitative in trying to cope sorting out their issues and property if such a crisis was to happen again. This includes saving money due to such occurrences. In the future, communities will engage the children and the teenagers in managing such events (Jackson-Cherry & Jackson, 2010). This will be contrary to the current perspective of shielding them from these types of crisis. Engaging them in managing such crisis in these intervention programs will prepare them both physically and psychologically. In matters pertaining to agriculture, it will allow them to take care of themselves in times of plenty and in times of scarce. A community influences another community. The future is not only bright for one community, but it is also bright for the global community as a whole. When one community succeeds in overcoming a crisis it usually assists other communities through skills or resources such as funds, equipment/facilities, foods, health supplies, amongst other forms of help. This was done in the past and it continues to take place.

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