
The names Lincoln and Douglass are synonymous with abolition and emancipation. These two great Americans statesmen led remarkably similar lives in the early years and they held a great respect for one another even in the point of being held as characters. In august 10, 1863 would be the pinnacle of the relationship between Douglass and Lincoln. On this day Douglass went to Washington to meet Lincoln for the first time. While Douglass was there, Lincoln behavior towards Douglass revealed much about how he felt about him and views towards black had changed completely. As the first Black man ever personally invited into white house by the president, Douglass was treated with outmost respect and he was impressed with the president eye to eye contact. As for the growth of Lincoln towards slavery issues on the occasion, Douglass felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral conviction towards slavery that had ever seen before Douglass appreciated Lincoln for treating has equal.

For many years political enigma has grounded in stance and views of the cocoon of history, diversity in human era and mayhems in leadership are vigorously changing as people understand their own rights.

Specific objective

The relationship and impact of Lincoln and Richard to the political society today

a) Difference in leadership policies and tenuous relationship.

b) How slavery impacted the political magnitude of the Americans.

c) The Impact of slavery as a source of conflicts rendered the union apart.

What was the impact Douglass and Lincoln to American politics?

Why did Douglass and Lincoln wish to end slavery?

What characteristics did Douglass and Lincoln had in common?

Douglass and Lincoln' How did they solve differences to provide leadership?

What was Lincoln influence to Douglass political career?

The impact between Fredrick and Douglass was based on slavery in USA which had caused both a self-taught fugitive slave. Douglass announced his work as a slave in United States of America and England was to fight against slavery that nothing would ever stop him from doing so. During elections of Abraham Lincoln for presidency there rose a chain of several events which would ultimately lead to civil war in the nation. Relationship between Douglass and Lincoln was actually announced by correspondence by use of newspaper, public meetings and letters. And later they only met during proclamation. Relationship between Douglass and Fredrick went down due to difference in policies and tenuous relationship. However, their relationship started to grow and they became profound when the realities of war ended in America. Slavery bounded the two towards respect for each other. Douglass' agenda was to establish political system which would abolish slavery. Douglass focused much to end slavery which he thought and says, political leaders in the government and abolishing the slavery should be within the constitution and this would be an option to end it. Douglass later realizes that if he gives a chance to the third party he would have no chance during the campaign because there politics are based on antislavery.

The formation of the republic party in 1854 was proved to be the best for the abolitionists. Within the republic party there were some elements like liberty party, free soil party and other antislavery forces; these forces were from democratic and Whig parties. With the combination of several parties, the political appeal to Douglass thought it was the best party with the best chance to enter the white house. Although he was politically conscious he presumed that republicans offered a better chance for victory. Douglass was in afraid that nobody knew how to end slavery which he thought was the only solution to preserve peace and union in the nation.

Mr. Lincoln admitted that, the only way to live is to hold men in slavery since it existed in the states. (Thompson 2010) This was the beginning of harsh criticism and Douglass militant's attitudes of Lincoln with the administration. Douglass believed so much that he would turn the republic party into abolitionist party and Lincoln would be abolitionist president. Lincoln was elected to the office, but Douglass remained while watching Lincoln to emancipate. Lincoln had always been opposed to slavery because he believed that slavery was the source of all conflict tearing the Union apart.  Lincoln believed ending slavery, or at least preventing the spread of it, would end sectional conflicts and prevent open warfare difference in parties which led to suffering from fatally ambiguous attitude towards Negro. (Finkleman 2006) 

Lincoln put his efforts into stopping slavery and this would leave the public mind rested in the belief of ultimate rested and extinction of slavery. He insisted there is no need for a world where Negro is not entitled to any enumerated in declaration of independence. Abraham took the office in 1861 and he knew the office needs reshuffle. Day by day there was a lot of debating concerning the slaves issues in the whole nation and at this moment Lincoln and Douglass had two different agendas. Lincoln needed president mission war to save union, while Douglass need to free slaves and either way to save the citizens. Lincoln viewed that war was the worst scenario while Douglass precisely wanted the end of slavery and peace in the world. Douglass and Lincoln both openly fought for their causes. Later that year, when the secretary of war Simony Cameroon was arming slaves within the borders, Lincoln made him to stop the section. Lincoln tried to avoid making decisions concerning slavery.

In May 1862, General David hunter issued order to emancipate all slaves in south military region which included South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. In 1862 Lincoln announced proclamation revoking general hunter order and he declare that the government of states does not have any knowledge, information and authority to issue such orders. This issue made Lincoln so distressed thus he ended up signing a bill to abolish slavery in district of Colombia. In May, he complied with General Benjamin's policy of contrabands of war which freed thousands of slaves in August to run away to butler position. Lincoln was a good leader who valued legality and was a politician who moved only when time was right for him to do so.

In 1862, it was significant policies of Lincoln administration to start recognizing issues of emancipation and preservation of union which went hand in hand with agendas merged from military and political agendas. Lincoln started acting towards abolition and Douglass grew more militant with Lincoln administration and kept pushing them in direction of liberation. But Lincoln still stuck to preserving union which was the major problem Douglass pressed on to criticism of Lincoln administration's inability to take powerful measure against slavery. In September 1862, Douglass published an article 'Douglass monthly' 'the president his speech' which directly points Lincolns' behavior which made him appear silly, stupid, ridiculous and unacceptable.

In the course of war Douglass consider some old conservative policies which he tried to bring up the union back together .In 1863 Douglass tried to appeal many sides of chaos in the nation but it was not successful. Lincoln left Douglass frustrated and celebrated thinking that he had played cards on Douglass. Things were not working well to bring the nation together so he had to make his own bold way and move. (Marten 2008) During the summer of 1862, Lincoln privately discussed with the cabinet about constitution thinking it was the best to postpone the announcement of the Proclamation until the country was supported by military success.

Ending the Differences and providing leadership

The 10th of August 1863 was the pinnacle of the relationship between Douglass and Lincoln. On this day Douglass went to Washington to meet Lincoln for the first time. While Douglass was there, Lincoln behavior towards Douglass revealed much about how he felt about him and his views towards blacks had changed completely. As the first Black man ever personally invited into white house by the president, Douglass was treated with outmost respect and he was impressed with the one on one contact with the president. Douglass expressed personal identification with Lincoln. As for the growth of Lincoln towards liberation, Douglass felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral conviction towards slavery.

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 Douglass appreciated anything that was written and spoken by Lincoln. Douglass appreciated Lincoln for treating him like equal' which indicated Lincoln gradual attainment and it was a complete turnaround from his blatant outrage expressed publicity through his newspapers. Douglass and Lincoln would meet on different occasions to discuss on issues of ex-slave and future in United States. After release of proclamation, Lincoln still considered colonization as variable option to deal with black presence. But Douglass, black enlistment in military was the strongest opinion and confederacy and to be a part of ennobling and soul enlarger war for black liberation.

Douglass and Lincoln after announcement of liberation proclamation facilitated the growth of respect and admiration of Lincoln. Although Douglass express his new found of praise of Lincoln while he was still alive, Douglass deep respect for his best ally, is expressed years after his assassination in the 21st universe of Lincoln's death. Douglass later declares that honoring Lincoln's memory is important because under his rule there was a confederate state which is based upon the ideas that the race must be slaves. Douglass understanding of Lincoln slowness to deal with slavery issue was a necessary caution to avoid unnecessary resistance from powerful class of Americans.

Douglass and Lincoln had not yet met until summer of 1863 but their relationship was vital to understands how Douglass felt about the political climate and Lincoln emancipation. It is clear that war brought the two parties together into political ideologies and which led to applause and appreciation by people while dignifying the ultimately unity. The fusion of the two political ideologies is not only to indicate that men change greatly in terms of politics, but also to show the moral and courage's people and political ideologies merged because the two have grown to respect each other deeply. (Clayborne 2004)

Lincoln and Douglass were in a position to overcome all difficulties they underwent and misconception about the two partners. When Lincoln died he left Douglass his most favorites walking staff as sign of profound appreciation and gratitude. Douglass commented on Lincoln by changing a portrait of him in his home Washington DC. The relationship between the two has a milestone in American history that would positively influence future of race solutions. (Blight 2002)

In the study of Fredrick Douglass famous 1852 Independence Day speech is far more than examination of single -hour speech. (Guyatt 2007) Guyatt seeks for probe and political social thinking of the most famous American abolitionist and political leader of the 19th century. Douglass was the black leader and symbol of his age, but he was a thinker that many Americans ignored. Douglass lived more than any other given expressed dilemma facing African-Americans which praised independence, constitution which calls for quality to all men. Douglass argument was that Americans were hypocritical by ignoring to extol the meaning of July 4th while ignoring the slavery of black Americans. Douglass employed a normal independent to demonstrate hypocrisy. In most of his speeches Douglass was a provider of piercing critique of slavery itself.

Douglass was a Jeremiah who employ jeremiad as outlined by sac van bercovitch, constantly calling Americans to abandon their sinful way to fulfill Nobel ideals to declare he was the father founder. The argument that Douglass announced to the Americans that they need only to adhere to the ideals of America to achieve the greatness inherent in the institutions. For the reader unversed in the history of abolition movement, the rule of William loud Garrison and battles between the moral suasion, and political abolitionists, co-Lalagos monograph, provides an excellent introduction in a concise well-articulated way that enhances the book without overwhelming the central story of Douglass's thinking about America. Douglass's lasting achievements was to utilize those arguments to construct both a more profound compelling critique of status and more realistic vision of post slaves America.  (Benson 1997)   

Both Douglass and Lincoln were born poor. Douglass was brought up in his grandmother slave shacks in Talbot County, Maryland, while Lincoln was in one-room, cabin in Harding County, Kentucky. Both lost their mothers when they were very young though Douglass lost his mother when he was only seven years old. Lincoln lost his mother due to drink poison in the toxic milk at the age of nine. Lincoln was born in 1809 while Douglass was born in 1818. They were 6 inches taller than most common men in these days. Douglass was a slave under American law but Lincoln was considered as a slave in the beginning of civil war speeches. Douglass urged Lincoln in his public speeches and newspaper to allow blacks their rights and to fight for freedom. Both men married women above their social status and this likely helped them with their success. Douglass married his wife Anna Murray on September 15, 1838. She was a free black woman and they were blessed with a son. Lincoln married Marry Todd on November 1842 she was a daughters of wealthy slave holder from Lexington. (David 2001)

Both men were gifted orators in a day when speakers were regarded on much the way that many regard sports or movies stars today. Speeches were a form of entertainment as well as education. Lincoln used his gift for oratory to win elections and gain public support for his policies. After meeting senator Samuel professor of Kansa, secretary of war Edwin Stanton, Douglass arrived at the soldier home where Lincoln was spending the summer. Lincoln greeted Douglass by saying, "Mr. Douglass I know you, I have read about you", Douglass impressed by the president's candor said, "I was never in any way reminded of humble origin or my unpopular color". Douglass had many meeting with the president in his offices Douglass and Lincoln forged a friendship that would last the rest of Lincoln's brief life. Upon Lincoln death Douglass was implored to speak at a gathering of mourners at the Rochester courthouse of his speech. In 1863 that was the time blacks finally won the right to military services. (Douglass 1862)

Fredrick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln met for the first time in Washington DC hoping to meet president to seek for redress for the constitution. Lincoln's father hired him out for manual labor to earn money for the family while Douglass was hired out for his master's profit and sales. They both had little education where Douglass began learning to read when he was sent to serve Huh Auld in Baltimore. Auld wife began to teach Douglas the alphabet. Lincoln only attended 18 months of formal schooling from itinerate teaching at frontier school. Both share same basic reading skills and they mostly read bibles.


The research has been contacted using both primary and secondary data; the questionnaires were used for data collection externally. The questionnaire had both open-ended and closed-ended questions aimed at expounding the view and prophesied believes and the impacts of Douglass and Lincoln from respondents. Questionnaires were advantageous the researcher while collecting data because less time was spent. The method enabled the researcher to collect data from the large number of respondents quickly. In addition, the respondents had enough time to read and understand the questions before answering them. Desk research has been collected from various books, magazines, social journals, internet to corroborate the findings from the field.


Douglass and Lincoln shared personalities, possessed knowledge and leadership skills of moral dignity. Both shared a philosophy that was meant to triumph over the negative racism in American continent. However, their differences never tarnished their character which brought about transformation and freedom. They fought to end racism and slavery and succeeded.

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