Social grassroots movements are vital drivers for widening scope of opportunities (Defilippis, 2001) and public participation in debates and influence in shaping legislative process for instance civil rights, feminists and labor movements. Grassroots social movements nurture education equity and quality and facilitate citizens have access to information; understand impacts of information and sustainability of proposed legislative processes or political developments (Kriesi et al, 1995). The members ought to act based on social convictions without demonstrating economic or self interests. Social grassroots movement involves collective participation to meet collective demands based on established standards (Danitz & Strobel, 2001). They are exhibited through public protests. This forms basis for changes in law, social policies and political systems and institutions.

Social grassroots movement provides changes in cultural climate and prepares environment for new social environments that result into social change, political change and policy (Danaher & Burbach, 2000). Globalization has fueled social grassroots movement through social movement activism. The rationale of grassroots social movement is influenced by degree of conflict between globalization from below and globalization from above (McCaugher & Ayers, 2003; Melueci, 1985).

This case study provides analysis of Georgia for Democracy with aim of identifying its functionality, achievements, its goals and objectives, issues and interests it addresses and its sustainability as a tool for community development.

Choice for the organization

Georgia for Democracy (GFD) was chosen for study because GFD encourages convergence of social movements and promotes partnership with other grassroots social movements for realization of shared progressive interests. GFD has integrated and adapted social forum model in its framework, mode of service delivery and is recognized as a global movement in the United States of America.

Chapter two: method of study

This study used Ethnographic Content Analysis (ECA). ECA was used in order to identify rationale of Social movement, conceptual construct of the social movement, and future management strategies for issues that form framework for social movement establishment. ECA was adopted as a favorite choice because ECA as a method of study involves documenting, understanding communication of meanings and verification of theoretical relationships on issues that impact on human life. ECA was adopted due to its ability to use reflexive and interactive methods of data collection, and data analysis. ECA involves concept development, concept mapping, sampling, data collection, data coding, data analysis and data interpretation. It focuses of analytical aspects of construct rationale of social movement and systemic concepts that form structural foundation of the social movement. ECA finds application in narrative data analysis which is a function of participant observation.

The study construct

The study was designed to utilize theories of social movement in order to identify framework and structure of the social movement and cause that forms structural framework of the social movement organization. The study construct was designed to use qualitative modeling with aim of identifying system configuration of the organization hence pave way for identification of social movement functionality, content communication and expected outcomes and future expected social cause.

The study respondent

Convenience sampling was used to achieve the study respondent. The study relied on Susan Keith, The Director of Outreach program. Susan Keith was chosen as a favorite study respondent because of her deeper understanding through citizen contact in Georgia and GFD.

Chapter three: results and finding

Address of the social movement

East Decatur Station • 121 New Street, #3-14 • Decatur, GA 30030

The study respondent

Director of outreach program

E-mail address: [email protected].

Georgia for Democracy (GFD) is a non-profit organization that was established in spring 2004. The pioneers of GFD were volunteers from various Democratic Presidential Primary Campaigns.

Problem that contributed into formation of GFD

The volunteers from different Democratic PResdi9ential Primary Campaigns had observed issues that affected residents of Georgia for instance health care and environmental protection were being ignored by democrats. There was deficit of value driven legislation that arose due to political candidates' address of legislative concerns affecting Georgia residents only during election seasons.

Foundation of GFD formation

GFD was established as a "social forum" with primary objective of instituting new methodologies on mechanism through which community could come together and basis for community to come together. The principles that contributed into establishment of GFD were structured on diversity, inclusion, democracy, plurality, transversal integration of issues affecting lives of Georgians 

Framework for Georgia for democracy

The structural framework for GFD was developed around ensuring Georgia voters were able to collectively utilize their voting power in order to revolutionize their lives and "transform the landscape of election" promises for a better life. The functional framework for GFD was to realize and achieve a voting position where Georgian Voters "had capability to control" political impacts on community development and legislative standards. This implies, GFD was constructed and established in order to create community values to legislative participation through improved turnout for voter registration, education, mobilization of community as a resource and empowerment of community towards shaping political destiny of Georgia. GFD was established to manage advocacy issues, progressive campaigns and expected outcomes of progressive campaigns and contribute into creation of a viable Georgian internet home meant to cater issues for Georgia progressives.

Framework for GFD unit of purpose towards achieving set goals and objectives

GFD works in liaison with local communities with primary objective of uniting, educating and activating citizen participation in legislative issues in order to contribute positively towards determination of government and public policy impacts on Georgians and demonstrate support for the Motto viz "Liberty, Justice and Moderation".

Period of GFD service

GFD has been in operations since spring 2004.

The primary goals for GFD

GFD was established to help citizens to regain voice in local government, participate in contributing to legislative processes that influence their lives and promote Georgians progressive issues and values at community level. GFD contributes empowerment of Georgians citizens through enhancement of citizen engagement in democratic processes through provision of voter education and voter registration, progressive issue advocacy and community development.

Core activities for GFD

GFD engages in environmental issues, health care, economic issues, taking part in enhancing value of fiscal responsibility and engaging in election of Georgian progressives.

Achievements of GFD

Environmental achievement

GFD has revolutionized management of natural heritage hence adding value to forest conservation and management of water catchments areas for instance Okefenokee Swamp. This has resulted into election of leaders that put emphasis on environmental protection. GFD has contributed into

GFD has contributed into Georgians officials that are mindful to the environmental conservation and protection. This has resulted into improvement of air quality standards, provision of clean water and healthy landscapes hence organic method for management of resources. This has resulted due to ability of GFD to hold officials accountable for their actions and their impacts on the environment. This has made Georgia to achieve sustainable environmental standards that meet needs of the present and future generations.

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Healthcare achievements

GFD has revolutionized Georgians Healthcare and Medicare systems. It has made health care accessible to all regardless of economic status of the citizen. This has increased access to healthcare resources and financial safety nets and contributed into decrease of healthcare strains that affected Georgia. GFD has contributed into sustainable management of pharmaceutical costs and insurance rates that had affected negatively businesses returns on investment. This implies GFD has economically empowered Georgia community.

GFD has made it possible for access to health care personnel that have Georgians community challenges at heart. This has resulted into emergence of healthcare management personnel that seek feasible healthcare solutions for Georgians.

Economic and fiscal responsibility achievement

GFD has helped to shape economic and fiscal responsibility. This has resulted into management of government spending that had gone out of control following ascension of Bush Administration. GFD intervention has resulted into prioritized spending and management of unemployment benefits. This has revolutionized rationale of fiscal responsibility and prioritized on issues that affect human like health care, environment, legislative policy development and human rights issues. GFD intervention has resulted into managed fiscal budgets and budget deficits that she faced. 

GFD establishment has revolutionized sustainability of legislative framework by ensuring the upcoming generations inherit a sustainable future. This has been achieved due to measures to improve and restore corporate discipline and progressive values. GFD intervention has been fruitful in tax and corporate tax evasion management. this has resulted into manageable spending, creation of job opportunities, conducting of training need analysis and exploration of new opportunities that can benefit the local Georgia community.

Election of progressive achievement

GFD has played a leading role in restoration of progressive principles. This has resulted into development of shared interests and shaping of progressive interests to voting and voter registration and recruiting of candidates that could foster the dream of Georgia and better management standards for public agendas. 

Chapter five: conclusion

This section reports on whether the study achieved it goals and objectives.

Through GFD social grassroots movement, voter education, voter registration and education has increased proportionally. This has resulted into Georgia registering increasing number of voters. This has resulted through promotion of public participation in political systems. The GFD has through education campaigns, has developed and distributed voter rights and rule materials which have helped to improve clarity in legislative matters.

Grassroots social movement plays important towards deployment of online action alert systems that provide online support and inspirations to members. Social movements therefore play an important role in notification of progressive issues that impact on citizens. Grassroots social movement is important elements in setting up events that rewards progressive voice.

Grassroots social movements are important drivers to community development. This is realized through community outreach programs, educational forums and film screening. Grassroots social movement holds rallies and visibility events to promote community cause and enthusiasm.

Through the case study of GFD, it is important to have grassroots social movements. They represent the voice of the community on development and legislative matters. I would become a member of GFD and help facilitate the goals and objectives that form rationale and thematic construct of GFD.

Annex 1: Board of directors of the Georgia for democracy

 Tim Cairl: President
Paula Gaber: Vice President
Juliana Illari: Secretary
Jerry Tyler: Treasurer
Jodi Cobb: Director at Large
Susan Keith: Director of Outreach
Catherine Smith: Director of Fundraising
Page Gleason: Director of Issue Advocacy
Angela Trigg: Director of Web Development & Community Organizing
Melanie Goux: Creative Director

Annex 2: Sister Organizations to Georgia for Democracy

Georgia for Democracy, Inc.: this is a nonprofit corporation exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Georgia for Democracy Action Fund: This is a 527 organization working to educate voters on the positions, records, views, and qualifications of candidates running for public office in Georgia.

Georgia for Democracy PAC: this is a non-affiliated state PAC, working to elect Georgia candidates who reflect core GFD values.

Annex three: methodology of the study

Method of data collection

The data outcomes were collected by using analysis of documents on GFD framework, structure, achievements, policy and activities. These were compared with narrative data collection that was conducted by tape recording.

Data presentation

The data was collected in form of text and presented in form of text for analysis by using respondent's quotations and descriptions and qualitative accounts from documents on GFD. The respondent's accounts were presented in form of a narrative (Jankowicz, 2000).

The study utilized ECA as a preferred method of data analysis. ECA was a favorite choice due to its reflexive analysis of arguments (Cooper & Schindler, 2001). The procedure of data analysis using ECA began with identification of contributing factors to establishment of GFD, foundation of GFD, rationale of GFD, functionality and activities conducted by GFD and achievements and limitations that GFD has faced. data analysis was preceded by looking into approaches and strategies that GFD has used to achieve her goals and framework for sustainability of GFD goals and objectives (Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986). Analysis of continuum of the raw data was carried out and measures of validity of interpretive comments and quotations done through reflections in terms of content applicability. Internal consistency of the data was carried out, followed by contextual analysis and finally the data was compressed using data reduction strategies.

The compressed data outcomes were analyzed by using interpretation and attaching meaning and significance to textual and narrative data, followed by inducing descriptive patterns to the textual data (Butler, 1998). After the data interpretations were carried out, the results were reported as textual findings.

Limitations of the study

The primary limitations of the study lay in incorporation of the ethnographic data obtained after carrying out Ethnographic Content Analysis into work design systems subject to variability of organizational culture. This limitation was addressed through categorical data analysis and making best use of insights that ethnographic qualitative modeling adds into construction design process. The secondary limitation of the study was subject to time of the study. Ethnographic data collection requires a lot of time. The data insights were written in form of narratives. The disadvantage of time was reduced by relying on recorded information on GFD.  

Ethical issues of the study

The study complied with ethical issues that ought to be taken into account when using humans as study subjects. The study satisfied ethical policy of respondent's autonomy, principle of voluntary participation and requirement for informed consent for participation subject to education of the respondent on the rationale of the study and expected outcomes from the ethnographic content analysis (Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1986).

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