Aspects of technology that interact with an urban environment

One of the aspects that have resulted in technology interacting with the environment is on the aspect of goods and services. The use of environmental good and services leads to the generation of several benefits in the society. It is the capacity of human beings to use technology that sets them apart from other creatures. Human interaction with technology has become a common phenomenon where we can be able to use mobile phones, cook using the gas, as well as drive cars to various destinations. It is technology that has enhanced the interactions we enjoy today.

Goods and services: There have been some great and significant achievements in the twentieth century brought by technological changes. Some of these services include cars, computers as well as the mobile phone. For instance, in homes, electricity is being used to light up areas where there has been no source of energy. Furthermore, there have been deep veins of coals as well as reservoirs of oil. On the other hand, the hidden power of atom which had been hidden previously has been turned to effective use through electricity. Transportation of goods from one point to the other has also opened up the world to international trade, where countries can meet each other in the process.

Automobile industries have also been enabled thanks to technology. People can now move from one point to the other as was my case in Denver. As part of an aspect of technology, automobile service has ensured that people are able to move from one point to the other without encountering any difficulty. Travelling in the air has also been achieved through the development of airplane. In traditional days, one could have taken several days before arriving at their destinations. The advent of technology has ensured that people in Denver are able to interact with one another within minutes as compared to hours by road transport. Travelling in the traditional setting was done through donkeys and camels and which were subject to their mental health. The rise today signifies the change and people can change their schedules at will depending on the availability of their means of transport.

Water can now be supplied from one station to the other without the human persona having to hunt for it. Furthermore, the presence of radio and television network has ensured that people can receive news from any corner of the world. The emergence of electronic gadgets likes telephone and computers have also made communication easier. Knowledge acquisition has been enabled through downloading information from the internet as well as accessing our Mobile phones.  House appliances are also the result of technology that has enabled the people to use cooking vessels and other materials such as laser as well as other fiber optics materials.

Air conditioning materials is another form of technological development that falls under goods and services that have been uplifted by the new dawn of development. Other high performance materials that we have today include metals, polymers, synthetic polymers as well as ceramics which are either used as decorations or in construction. The use of Websites in e-commerce has transformed the way people carry out business transactions. People who are worlds apart can interact within a short time and purchase their needs. On the other hand, technology has enabled learning to take place from the comfort on one’s home. This has been made possible by e-learning that has attracted several people.

Technological development in transport and communication has led to improved urban trade on a large scale. Both road and rail transport have eased the movement of people and material goods. In communication, post and telegraph newspapers, magazines radio and television, and wireless communication have greatly developed. This advancement in communication has helped people from different corners of Denver city. This has improved contacts exchange and access of vital information as well.

A lot about technological advancement is evident in Denver city of Iowa. Passengers in both bus and in the train were not just seated and peeping over the window waiting to get to where they were going like it could have been the case back in ages. Majority of them were busy in their mobile phones which are internet enabled, browsing and connecting with members of the society from around the city and around the world as well.

Technology has advanced in different sectors across the city environment. For instance the use of the modern high-speed rail shows how technology has improved the transport sector. This is a development from the former class one rail roads of the 80’s, which is faster means, enabling people to travel faster and save time. The emergence of double deck bases and double cabins has improved passage transport as well by increasing both the number and speed.

Technology has contributed greatly to the industrialization process. This has reflected directly in the agrarian of the modern history, alongside all its circumstances and problems in both economic and social aspects. Industrialization has gone through tremendous growth since the industrial revolution of the 18th century. This growth has a direct association with the factory production system. This has consequently reduced the price of commodities due to automation of many manual operations, which are costly and time consuming.

This has translated into improved quality of products. Traditional skilled labor has declined and a big number of artisans have lost their jobs as well. On the other hand, the   gathered profits have been utilized to expand factories, therefore creating additional employment opportunities. This industrialization process has influenced the nature, character and economy growth.

The major shifts in architecture

The architecture as evident in Denver has undergone major transformations from the traditional setting of building houses to the original form and design. In traditional setting in America, houses were built in European design that was characterized in long houses, wigwams, hogans and tipis. The earliest form of buildings reflected European architecture as well as their construction techniques. In reflecting upon the architecture, some buildings were created so as to resist Russian and British invasion.  The Spanish mission in some cities in the United States influenced how several buildings were being developed.

Some buildings that existed in the era of the British colonial rule were triangular in shape, some of which have now turned into tourist attraction. Furthermore, the earlier settlements reflected the economic status of the early settlers. As a result, their homes were organized in modest village homes as well as small farms. The buildings in this era indicated little composition of the materials used in their construction. For instance, the English influence during the British Colonial rule signified plain buildings that were made of few imported components.

It is easier to distinguish between a modern and a traditional house in Denver since a traditional model that was built by the colonial government had extremely small windows. The small windows that existed, on the other hand, were clearly separated from the Roman clear glass structures. Among those few buildings that held the British masters had window pale that were imported from Britain and which were quite expensive. Most of the buildings were made of white and red cedar which was in plenty for all the settlers who were taking ground into the environment.

All these structures have since changed, and have been replaced by new form of architecture that reflects the modern style of development. The long and triangular houses ceased to exist and paved way for new architecture and design. The olden form of buildings was referred to as the Georgian style and which was slowly eradicated from 1776 when American genre was adapted. Several measures were later taken so as to ensure that buildings inherit a new design in line with the changing climatic conditions. This is the main reason as to why the Greek revival style attracted several American architects.

Banks and several buildings now stand on the Greek revival style which was prompted by Benjamin Latrobe, William Strickland and Robert Mills. The evolution did not end there. But it continued to the present day. For instance, after the Greek revival style, there came the Gothic Revival style which was the brain child of Andrew Downing. Some of the houses in the nation that are characterized with embrasure towers, war head windows, gargoyles as well as stained glass were all components of the Gothic Revival style. These building still draw inspiration from several people who view them.

The next form of architecture that is seen in the evolution is the late Victorian architecture. This form of design resembled much of the British architecture popularly referred to as the Queen Anne Style Architecture. The stick style was characterized with wooden rod truss work. Some of the common areas where the style is used include railway depots, hotels as well as in houses. Furthermore, the buildings were characterized with very high roofs that had steep slopes as well as various decorations.

The latest form of architecture that can now be seen includes the rise of the skyscraper which is highly associated with Elisha Otis. After the exit of skyscraper buildings came the beaux-arts and the American Renaissance. This was the era where the buildings we now refer to as prominent and prolific landscape building arose. The form of architecture did not however thrive and was greatly criticized.

Social Aspects

In the 1870 and 1880, the Vaudeville house was a major source of entertainment for most urbanized American.   Even though at the beginning Vaudeville it did not appeal to majority of urban dwells with time its transformation made it more attractive. Vaudeville offered an array of entertainment that included: comedians, dancers, acrobats, musicians and other entertainers (Chudacoff, 2010). Furthermore; Vaudeville was true reflection of the urban set up at the time. Since shows were in expensive, they were no reserved seats and they were composed to suit the average person.  Therefore, the Vaudeville gave the glimpse of the social aspect of the America urban setting at that time.

Another changing aspect of the 19th Century was the emergence of department stores. With growth in cities these subsequently expanded the retail market. Therefore; urban resident demand a new lifestyle of luxury and comfort.  The growth in their disposable income meant that they could acquire more goods that were not easily available at retail outlets. Therefore, were attracted to stores that had a wide variety of goods, elegant display, impressive buildings and advertising. Furthermore, similarly to the vaudeville departmental stores treated all customers equal and were no segregation in terms of class adding to its appeal.

Since the first publication of the evolution of American urban society in 1975, urban cities in America have undergone consequential metamorphosis. The history of American cities has undergone a complete change. However, these urban cities have maintained a consistent trend in the consistency of these changes. This has been evident in urban life and in the scholarly focus on the way the American urban society has changed. The book have maintained focus on the social history of urban life, paying attention to the unfolding economic and political processes that have helped shape development in these major cities in America to its dwellers. The book also focused on the contribution of these urban dwellers to the current status of these cities. Bothe the powerful and the ordinary, the majority and the minority have both contributed and influenced the course of urban history.

The later editions have been updated as well, with the recent editions having bibliographies on each chapter. These editions pays a special attention to the issues of ethnicity, race, gender, regional differentials, the involved environment, and the emerging trends in arts and music as well, especially in the cultural perspective in music performance, both in rock and in rap music.

The book has added perspective on the environmental impacts of the cities to the suburbs and the surrounding. The post Second World War cities give a good picture of ethical and racial mix. This has been as a result of immigration trends and the re-institutionalization of segregation and ratio discrimination. This has also shown development in public housing and also in the development of highway policies. The book has also elaborated on sensitivity of the concentrated poverty in the inner-city and its neighborhoods, and also to the costs of hardening barriers between the city and the suburbs. The book has also taken to account sensitive issues relating to the former US administration and the consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

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A ride around Denver city in Iowa illustrates an example of what Howard Chudacoff et focused in their analysis of evolution of American urban society. A similar tour taken a century ago would be a completely different story. The ride by bus or by rail bring one into contact with people from across cultures and races, people of different economic status, with different cultural history brought together by modern urban civilization, and can freely interact socially, economically and politically.  Comparing to the past centuries as illustrated in the book, a critical decision is essential, especially on ethical and racial minority issues, African American, women, civil war, boss politics, urban politics and reforms among many other modern urban life aspects.

Roles played by the minority groups in urban society

Denver city comprises of people of different races and ethnic backgrounds. Although the majorities are the non-Hispanic white, other races are represented as well. This is inclusive of the Hispanic, Blacks, American Indian, Asians and other minority groups.

Recognition of the minority groups in America takes its roots back from the slave trade ages. After the civil war which was referred to Reconstruction. After this war, the minority groups were equally recognized through the constitutional amendment of the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments of the US constitution. After these amendments, the minority groups were guaranteed right of freedom, the right of full citizenship, the right to vote, and the right to participate in economic roles and activities. This has improved their economic status significantly. This has increased the number of middle class blacks significantly in the last two to three decades. This has reduced the overall poverty rate by almost 3%, during the Reagan administration.

Different roles are played by the minority in facilitating the ride round Denver city. From bus drivers, policemen by the road side, the train staff personnel among others. The minority groups, especially the blacks and the Indians were evident in many numbers, from east of Calfax, Aurora city line at Calfox, west of Colfax, and in the Colfax North. The minority groups also played an important role in health sector. From nurses to medical doctors and other hospital attendants, the Denver city appears to be in harmony across its population. Denver is a good example of a modern American city. During the ride around Denver, there was no single incident of any form of discrimination towards the minority groups.

Unlike in the traditional American urban city where the minority groups were marginalized and discriminated in bases of their color, the modern city society has recognized and accepted every person as an equal member to its economic and social well-being.

Some of the major shifts in architecture

In recent years Anglo-American world have been associated with urban design that has gained prominence. Across Denver, there are good examples of artworks and buildings that has combined the key aspects of architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, urban planning. These buildings have reached in an important way, an important point beyond each of the mentioned disciplines. Touring around Denver gives an Experiencing of the urban place in an outstanding way.

Buildings have combined both old and new architectural idioms; this shows how urban design can make the most of the way that we experience urban space as we maneuver around. Urban designers have occupied a major role in the redevelopment and development of Denver city. They have provided a set of analytical and descriptive tools for working with the tangibles of the built form, landscape, land use, and hard infrastructure. This has helped city developers come up with magnificent structures that really make sense of how people use space critically, to ensure that there is life in between buildings.

The good designing of the majority of the structures has helped in creating a successful environment in a place where people can live, work and play, while liking the place. The place seems is an appetizer to many people. This has appealed both the dwellers and the visitors who visit the city. The city is inclusive of magnificent open air parks for gathering which are well raid down right in the middle of the city. This is one of the major preoccupations of the urban design.

Denver urban strategy has utilized designs that have allowed multiple modes of transport including automobiles, bicycles, team way, and also the pedestrians to coexist without clogging and having to jockey for road space.

Urban developments in Denver have been accelerated by both economic and political transformation. This city has seen the rise of urban design in the field s of planning, architecture, and landscape architecture. This growing prominence is a good reflection of a general recognition that human environment and surroundings are inherently diverse and complex. Urban developers in Denver have brought design interventions that acknowledge local, historical, social, and environmental contexts.

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