Sydney is the most populous and the largest city in Australia. It's located in the south east coast of Australia. Sydney has got an approximated population of 4.5 million in the area that is metropolitan. The concentrations of ethnic residential concentrations in Sydney are not new. This was caused by the post-war immigrations. The settlement pattern in Sydney is complicated, because the secondary settlement of earlier arrived immigrants later became settlement sites for the following new immigrants of the same ethnic group.  Since early 1980's the housing development in Sydney has followed a critical model of booms where large places of low quality housing structures were erected on unused land. At the same time, there were busts where misery and poverty combined with quickly worsening and subserviced housing to make conventional slum areas (Burnley, 1994).

The first population and economic boom of the 1850's was followed by hopelessness during the 1860s, where there was an emergent of the largest slum dwellings. From 1906, the inhabitant residents started to move to inner-city slum dwellings and some areas were demolished so as to give room for commercially advantageous redevelopments, particularly warehouses and factories. Centre's for secondary employments were constructed in further open lands as the city expanded. The immigration fueled by the post-World War II tripled the population of Sydney's in a span of 50 years. With the help of housing loans, many huge and new expansive single-family houses in inhabited areas were constructed. The loans were at concessional interest rates, and this led to soaring of home ownership up to 70 per cent by year 1960. Development of urban services at the low densities started to expand and their providers found it difficult to keep up with it. By 1970 the whole inner-city area appeared to be entirely redeveloped for trade purposes and that the blue-collar residents would be relocated (Dunn, 2004).

The concentrations of ethnic residential concentrations in Sydney are not new. This is especially in areas such as Sunshine, Footscray, Fitzroy, and Colling- wood. This was caused by the post-war immigrations. The settlement pattern in Sydney is complicated, because the secondary settlement of earlier arrived immigrants later became settlement sites for the following new immigrants of the same ethnic group.

China town is in the CBD of Sydney, little Italy close to it, and Cabramatta is in the west 40 kilometers away. Cabramatta is a suburban Asia town. In 1980's the camps of immigrants in Cabramatta welcomed a large number of indo-Chinese refugees from Vietnam who had mainly fled from the collapse of Saigon. These were first group of immigrants from Asia since the adoption of the white Australia policy at federation in 1901. On moving out of the camps, they settled in an area which had cheap rents for the reason that it was mainly inhabited by conventional white or immigrants from Europe who lived in fibro houses hence they were affordable. The new intake was quite controversial and was criticized with critics dubbing it "Vietnammatta" to highlight the high presence of Vietnamese in the suburb and it was predicted that a social conflict between other group[s and Asians would result. The ancestry groups dominate the businesses of the Cabramatta. Ian Burnley (2001, 252) gives a clear description of the number of businesses in the suburb by 1988 with a wide range of goods and services. The resultant social conflict in the suburb led to a 1980 campaign dubbed "The start-up for Cabramatta campaign" which was set up to "change unfavorable images, to promote the acceptance of the indo-Chinese community and foster multi-cultural activities such as the fan festival, the dragon boat race, an international cabaret and 'good eating'" (Burnley, 2001, 248).

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The inauspicious image was Cabramatta's bad reputation as unsafe in the period 1988-1989. During this period there were 15 murders and Cabramatta was one of the Sydney's heroin centers. Security was increased in the suburb and local authority's initiatives were responded to boost tourism activities in the area.

The overpopulation in these areas has affected both the standard of the inhabitants and the environment. There lacks enough space for farmland and forests. There has been increased pollution due to human wastes that flow into the water systems and habitats of various animals hence polluting the water and killing wild animals. Many people lack drinking or household water due to the status of the water in their land. Forests have been cleared as more land and wood are needed towards support of the ever growing population. The clearance of the forests has led to the extinction of various species of animals and plants; plants which could be used for medicinal purposes will never be found again. Due to the expansion of the urban areas, air systems and water systems have been polluted (Dunn, 2004).

Census data of Sydney is used to evaluate the difference that is there between its various parts and how far such differences can reflect methodical differences in group incorporation. Two more indicators of assimilation have been studied; these two are the degree of work-related attentiveness and the degree of ethnic in marriage. After these two have been analysed, it is vividly clear that even after the differences by far, have been done away with reasonable to strong associations that become to be of the residential concentrations and in marriage. A further indicator of assimilation that is the naturalization rates fails to confirm these earlier findings. The results have for a long time been used to shed some light on the association that is there between the urban collective structure and the social descriptions of the residential areas. Studies carried shows that Sydney which is an urban society composed of people of diverse origins interests and backgrounds, those people with similar cultural origin and positions end up becoming residentially differentiated. It is noted that the proximity of residence leads enhances the probability of various social interactions and individuals with the same social values, expectations and positions have a tendency of relocating to comparatively close proximity so that the various group relations can be maximised and group standards continued. Different areas of Sydney have acquired a social evaluation over time that has revealed an assortment of social characteristics of the inhabitant populations, and the extraordinary distance becomes an indicator of social distance. The emergence of these ethnic concentrations was as a result of the wide-ranging course of action of the suburban differentiation amongst the urban populations, and as a collective effect of the socioeconomic and intellectual differences. The ethnic groups have varied considerably in terms of the degree of their residential concentration. While the residential closeness of people of the same ethnic setting makes available a great way of safeguarding, at least for a time a certain cultural prototype and preferred means of behaviour, discrepancies in ethnic residential attentiveness have often been used a an gauge for differential incorporation (Burnley, 1994).

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