
Airline business is very dynamic and nust be sensitive to the demands of the prospective clients. This earticle analyses the approaches, which are essential to the company and intended to make sure that the consumers get the best services. In order to achieve this success, the company and its management must carry out proper analysis of the problem and design a program that presents the best alternatives.

Jet Blue Airline Company

Having stayed in the airline market for more than 10 years, the company understands and recognizes the continuous shift/trend of consumer demands. The company has many jets, workers, making it gain competitive advantage over the others. This position makes it serve several countries on daily basis. Moreover, Jet Blue airline has a unique/strong brand that appeals to many flight customers across the globe. Theforefore,  this sections entails the analysis of the immediate external environment in which Jet Blue Airlines Company operates. First, the airline market plans, competitive environment, values of its operations, research to improve service delivery and the costs involved indicates the level of complexity in running the airline. Success in this competitive and dynamic business could only be achieved by continuous surveys of the airline competitors’ actions in this market and the ever changing trends. Under the company’s strategic marketing plan/approach, it will continuously monitor potential benefits/opportunities offered by the new line of services/cosmetics to ascertain its financial viability, consumer satisfaction and ways of increasing its profitability.     

Jet Blue company faces competition from the low cost air line companies such as Allegiant Air, AirTran Airwaysand  FrontierAirlines. Each of these companies is stronger because it is cheaper, thus attracting more revenue from flight services. However, their weaknesses are witnesses in the limited carriage capacity. Each of the airline companies has the opportunity of venturing in new markets, but it faces threats of stronger competition from bigger airlines.

Desspite the numerous challenges facing the Blue Jet Airline, which have equally affecticted the workers, it has successfully emerged from the problems and remained one of the most cmpetitive organizations in the market. First, it venture in unique services and satisfactory sevices for its customers, making it retain as many clients as possible. In fact, the company has managed to practice relationship marketing to make sure that the workers become very passionate to the prospective customers. Moreover, it targets a particular clientale and works so hard to retain them as the company entice other potential ones to use its services and enjoy the services. This has given the company comparative advantage over the competitors, making it control a large market share in the airline industry.  

The company employs a unique philosophy in its manaagement and marketing practices, which is all inclusive. It embraces technology in its management strategis through employing customer relationship management (CRM) system to ensure that it satisfies and retains the customers. In order to achieve its mission and objectives, the company vigorously adopts the 7Ps of marketing including, people, product, price, promotion, place, process, and physical evidence. These aspects determine the success of the business if well articulated. In the airline business, the 7ps are called the marketing mix and are available to the authority managing the company affairs. Primarily, the marketing mix combines the product and service aspects, thus making the 7ps. For the case of Jet Blue Airline Company, the marketing mix is considered in the situation of airline services marketing, considering the diversity of its clients’ needs. The various ways, in which the company has used these elements in improving the airline services and marketing plan for the business operations, has contributed heavily to its success and competitiveness.

The company’s continuous struggle to remain relevance in the market has been enhanced through consistent communicaion and offering exemplary servises to its clients, meeting their demands, improving the relationship between the workers and customers, and emulating the changes in the airline industry. In this regard, the company has been able to adopt new marketing communication skills, which are partinent to the industry. The marketing plans and effort has also been coordinated effectively to hel the company realize its goals.


In conclusion, it is  important for the company to adopt the marketing mix and market positioning strategy to maintain its business success and appeal to more audiences/customers. In most business operations, carrying out an analysis of the marketing mix and establishing the market positioning of the company is very significant. As a result of these marketing strategies, Jet Blue Airline should unveil advertising campaigns to revolutionize its  brand’s position across the globe.This helps in determining the marketing program and strategy that the company should develop and adopt.


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