Importance of Animals in Human Life

Animals can be of great importance in the human life. First of all, animals provide humans with food for example cows and chicken. Secondly they can be used for protection for example dogs and also to aid the handicapped. Animals like horses and donkeys are used as a means of transportation and for recreation activities like racing. Lastly, animals can be used as companions to humans. They are known as pets and most people value them so much such that they even end up giving them a respectful burial in a pet cemetery after they die. This forms our discussion for today (Hartsdale Pet Cemetery) which is the final resting place for nearly 70,000 pets including dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and even a lion cub (Waldau, 2011).

Animals play a very important role in the human life. From the early days, animals have been very useful to man. They were mainly as transportation means, for food, hunting and protection. The early man also did farming by use of oxen. Animals also give companionship to humans and this is very important in the human life. Animals like dogs can also be used to guide the physically challenged like the blind and also the old. This is because they take very little time to learn unlike other animals. In the resent years, new bleeds have been developed and this has enhanced the relationship between animals like and cats and human beings (Beck and Katche, 1984).

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The bond between animals and humans is becoming tighter and tighter since the two now can correlate in many ways and as the days are passing by, their understanding of each other is becoming easy thus their relationship is becoming easier. It is therefore the duty of humans to protect animals since man cannot do without them. Institutions like animal orphanages, cemeteries; zoos and animal clinics help ensure that animals are taken care of and they should be increased so that we can protect our animals, either wild or tamed, beasts of burden or pets. Associations to fight for animal rights should also be formed and funded to ensure that there is adequacy in nurturing animals (Waldau, 2011).

Animals play a vital role in various aspects of human life, contributing to our well-being, economy, and environment.

Here are some key points highlighting their importance:

  • Companionship and Emotional Support: Pets like dogs and cats provide companionship, reduce stress, and improve mental health. They can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and anxiety.
  • Economic Contributions: Animals are crucial in agriculture, providing meat, milk, eggs, and other products. They also support industries like ecotourism, which relies on wildlife to attract visitors.
  • Ecosystem Balance: Animals help maintain ecological balance. Predators control the population of herbivores, which in turn helps preserve plant life. Pollinators like bees are essential for plant reproduction.
  • Medical and Scientific Advancements: Animals contribute to medical research, helping scientists understand diseases and develop treatments. They also play a role in testing the safety of new medicines.
  • Cultural Significance: Animals hold cultural and spiritual significance in many societies. They appear in art, literature, and folklore, symbolizing various human values and beliefs.
  • Service and Assistance: Service animals assist people with disabilities, enhancing their independence and quality of life. They perform tasks such as guiding the visually impaired and alerting individuals to medical emergencies.

Animals are integral to our lives, providing numerous benefits that enhance our physical, emotional, and economic well-being. Their presence enriches our world in countless ways.

Animal Testing

Research laboratories uses animals like rats and rabbits to test drugs before giving them to humans. These researches are very important since they can be used to predict any future disease outbreaks and one can be able to protect themselves. Research involving laboratory animals is necessary to ensure and enhance human and animal health and protection of the environment. They are also used by the astronomers in their research; a dog is sent in a rocket and after analyzing the results, they can predict whether is safe to send a human being. By this, animals have helped in the exploration of the world and other risky surveys and research (Beck and Katche, 1984).

Here are some counterarguments against the use of animals in research laboratories:

  • Ethical Concerns: Many argue that it is inherently cruel and inhumane to subject animals to experiments that can cause pain, suffering, and even death. Animals have the right to live free from unnecessary suffering and exploitation.
  • Physiological Differences: The biological differences between humans and animals can lead to inaccurate results. Drugs and treatments that work on animals may not be effective or safe for humans, leading to potential failures in clinical trials.
  • Availability of Alternatives: Advances in technology have provided alternative methods for research, such as in vitro testing, computer modeling, and human cell cultures. These methods can reduce or eliminate the need for animal testing.
  • High Failure Rate: A significant percentage of drugs that pass animal testing fail in human trials. This high failure rate questions the reliability and necessity of using animals for research.
  • Moral Responsibility: Society has a moral responsibility to protect animals from harm. Many believe that the benefits of animal research do not justify the ethical costs, especially when alternatives are available.

These points highlight the ethical, scientific, and practical concerns associated with using animals in research laboratories.

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