Ethics is a necessity in any society if any form of development is to be achieved. Milwaukee, just like any other place has a number of ethical issues that are faced by its people. Most of these ethical issues touch directly on the people’s lives, with some posing a threat to life. One of the most recent ethical issues that are witnessed in Milwaukee is the inability of news reporters to report correctly on scientific materials. Last year, news erupted that there was biased reporting and in accurate presentation of facts about a chemical known as bisphenol A. This compound is used to strengthen plastics when manufacturing different products. However, the toxicology of this compound was not reported, as it should have, given the fact that it affects human health negatively. According to the German Society of Toxicology, this compound is poisonous and distorts human development (Entine). Therefore, this has been one of the current ethical issues where there is inaccurate reporting about products. It is feared that the same could be happening with the public remaining oblivious of the dangers it is exposed to as far as toxicology is concerned.
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Despite that fact that I believe in second chances, it is potentially impossible to agree that responsible people should be given other chances to perpetuate their weaknesses. Such serious ethical issues make me feel insecure in terms of health. This, in turn, affects my personal life since using products that could come from plastics is affected. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has raised its concern over the compound, the continued use of the same is suspicious. In addition, the same fears could possibly spread to other products due to the loss of public trust. This will affect the lives of people further thus making them uncomfortable living in Milwaukee. This means that such malpractices should not be allowed to continue. Otherwise, the health of the people living in Milwaukee will remain at risk because of unscrupulous businesspersons who are after self-satisfaction.