Colonization is the deliberate process of establishing the existence in new areas. Colonization in the world began early in the 17th century with colonization of some big powers like the Americas. Later colonization began spreading to other areas like in Africa. The main powers that were known to colonize nations were British, French, Germans, Portuguese, Italians and other powers in Europe. Therefore, it is clear that colonization began in Europe. The colonies in most areas were not pleased with the rule since the colonizers did not cater for their needs but were only interested in their personal needs. In many of the colonies there resulted revolts and riots, which were aimed at attaining self-independence. In many cases, there was war, either fighting against the rule or the powers fighting for colonies. An example of these wars was the war between French and Indians. After the war, the government of England reasserted her authority to control over the colonies. This happened through some steps that were taken by the government in England in order to reassert her colonies. These steps shall be discussed and the reasons behind them. America was not happy with England’s seven years war, and therefore, she undertook some steps. Finally, after the long war the colonists decided in favor of complete independence due to some reasons. Discussion

Steps taken by England to reassert her authority

After the war caused by the dispute over the ownership of the territory bordering on the Ohio Britain did some changes to reassert its authority. Some of the changes had a positive impact. However, a few of them had a negative impact. Most of the steps that were undertaken were the enactment of acts and delegation of some duties, which were a must and punishable if not attended (Nester, 2000).

The sugar act

The British had not initially supported this act due to Britain’s salutary neglect and also the ingenuity of the Americas, who in most cases smuggled the product. This act was passed in 1764 after the war to cater for the latter problems. Tax was not seen as something new. This act was aimed at remedying some vices in the Americas were those got smuggling goods were tried without a jury. Thus, the courts became stronger to see to it that all this was adhered to the latter. The British also passed this act to create anxiety among the colonies that were economically stubborn (Nester, 2000).

The stamp act

This was imposed in 1965 following the imposition of the sugar act. All printed materials inclusive of books, title deeds, newspapers, journals, magazines and even dice was to be directly taxed. Each of those documents, therefore, had to have an official stamp of the government. The aim of passing this act was mainly to enforce the navigation acts which had been neglected for long. Through empowerment of the navigation acts, all the goods that had to be sailed through water, was to be under the authority of the British government. This was also aimed at strengthening naval security with the aim of reducing the incidents of illegal businesses (Nester, 2000).

Townshend duties

This was taxation of all goods from England to its colonies. This was raised by been Franklin and then the government saw the importance of external tax and imposed it. These duties were aimed at suppressing smuggling of goods and benefiting the commissioners who had settled in the colonial states. This kind of taxation was aimed at raising anxiety among the colonies that were already economically challenged. The Townshend act helped the Britons to increase revenue collection in the colonies in order to get salaries for the governors (Nester, 2000).

Finding rivalry

After the war, Britain began finding common cause with a similar foe. The colonists began been mistreated and isolated from the government strategies. Taxes were raised and the taxes that had been neglected for long began been imposed. The aim of these mistreatments was to keep the colonies frustrated and also disorganized in order to see to it that they remained loyal to the British government (Nester, 2000). (v) Tea act

This was passed in 1773. The aim of this act was not necessarily tax but to save the East India Company which was a big trading monopoly for the British. They aimed at reducing the massive surplus of tea held by the company. This could convince the colonists to buy the company tea to which Townshend duties were imposed. This by inference could be a form of conformity to the parliament right of taxation. The act allowed negative aspect of customs on the tea exportation to other colonies.  Basically, the act was aimed at controlling the risk of economic decline (Nester, 2000). America’s reaction to England’s steps

After the war, most of the steps that were taken by the government of Britain did not favor the Americans both socially, politically and economically. The Americans, therefore, undertook some steps more so due to the new acts that were passed by the colonizer's government. The Americas felt that they were equal to the British, and they had to be treated same. They began resisting British rule through some ways. One is that began rioting. This was highly evident in 1765 after the passing of the stamp act when Ebenezer Mackintosh led an angry mob, and they destroyed a lot of property, including a building that was owned by Andrew Oliver, who had been deployed to enact this act. More riots were also erupted as the Americas were ready to acquire self-government. They finally rejected the king of England and many of the opposed monarchies. They thus set a new move towards a Republican government that would see them free from the oppressing and mistreatment from the colonies (Nester, 2000).

The colonists’ decision

Most of the colonies after the war decided to go for self-independence and governance. This was mainly to get free from operation and mistreatments by the colonizers. Most of the colonies after the war between Indians and the French, noticed that the colonizers were only making decisions and laws to favor themselves and not for the good for all. The cruelty of the leaders also made the colonizers to fight for self-independence (Nester, 2000). Most of the colonies had been economically exploited, and their people were suffering in extreme poverty. To set themselves free of these colonies, they began striving for self-rule so that they could rekindle the hopes of their dying economies. The colonies had also observed the success of other nations, which had attained independence, and so they found it worthy for them to be in the same state. Wars, riots, strikes, boycotts and rebellions sprout up immediately after the war as the colonies wanted to acquire self-rule. When one nation got itself in the fight then it extrinsically motivated other nations to follow suit (Nester 2000). Conclusion

The Britons were only aiming at building their economy back at home by exploiting its colonies. Therefore, there was the need for the colonies to fight for independence and set themselves free from frustrations, exploitations, overworking and also isolation. This was enhanced after the war between the French and the Indians. The steps that the government of Britain took were negatively affecting the colonies, and therefore, began fighting for their rights and equality.

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