I am seeking to redress a societal problem that has been afflicting people for quite sometimes. The problem is the compulsive eating which, at times, leads to obesity and other lifestyle challenges. Many individuals struggle with such eating disorders as compulsive eating. They feel inclined to consume extra quantities of food and drinks. The urge, which is not driven by hunger or thirst, can be a symptom of painful emotions or other deeper issues. These issues enslave individuals to eating disorders, a situation where they find themselves unable to control their eating habits. Consuming large food quantities within short spans of time constitutes what is also referred to as Binge Eating Disorder. Inadequate control of one’s eating pattern leads to food addiction, a situation which can result in weight gain. Compulsive overeaters are perceived to have cravings that are difficult to master.

Studies have established that much of the compulsive eating disorders are provoked by dieting. According to these studies, dieting deprives and depresses people, a situation which heightens the inclination to excessive eating. In addition to cravings and impulsive eating, dieting provokes low mood as well as the inability to halt eating even when satisfied. If dieting is observed for the extended periods of time, some of these symptoms tend to persist even when one begins to eat normally. One of the solutions would, therefore, be to avoid dieting and consume food items that one forbids himself/herself. In this case, the urge to eat would settle down with time. Nevertheless, not all individuals who diet tend to become compulsive eaters and not everyone who ditches dieting regain his/her controlled eating habits. Therefore, there must be other factors that influence one's craving for food. While the impact of prior as well as ongoing observance to diets can never be ignored, there are several personal influences that determine whether an individual ends up developing a compulsive eating disorder.

Food items such as ice creams, biscuits, French fries, and chocolate stimulates the same brain regions that are simulated by alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. As such, attempting to stop consuming them may result in the profound withdrawal symptoms. All the same, addictive and compulsive effects are mainly psychological, and, therefore, one can only overcome them through the change of habit. Eating habits are, mostly, predictable as people are inclined to eat what they like. Much of the eating happens during free time, especially during the holidays and weekends. Since no one alters his/her eating habits with ease, people ought to be helped to halt their indulgences. Redressing compulsive eating ought to involve the treatment of that portion of a disorder which is habitual. All habits develop over time, and having some ways of reminding individuals on what they ought to stop may, in the end, prompt them to improve. In this regard, it has become necessary to utilize those resources at our disposal to prompt behavioral change in the society.

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There are other strategies of addressing the problem, and most of the strategies are based on individuals. Nevertheless, individuals who have unsuccessfully attempted to control their weight end up lacking willpower. They resort to having a wide variety of diets, at times, coupled with slimming pills. After trying several weight control methods, they finally give up the attempts to lose weight, a scenario which strengthens their craving for eating. In this regard, treating compulsive eating habits requires one to rid himself/herself of the intense desire to improve drastically as this would then facilitate the control of food intake as well as weight gain.

There are several other people who eat to alter their emotional states to a certain extent, a habit which is learnt during the early years of life. For instance, individuals may eat to reward themselves for some success, during social occasions, in response to some form of anxiety, or even to reduce boredom. All the same, studies have shown that compulsive eating is triggered by mood swings. Such feelings as anger, sadness, anxiety, and guilt may trigger sequences of overeating. According to a significant number of psychologists, individuals turn to comfort eating as a way of managing or avoiding emotional discomfort such as shame. In this regard, treating overeating requires individuals to learn how to manage such emotions without having to eat. Providing these individuals with a range of skills empowers them to deal with their problems in an assertive and effective manner.

Remedying compulsive eating begins with proper and professional assessment. In this regard, providing a therapist with one’s eating history enables him to identify those challenges and events which predisposed him/her to eating problems. With proper information, a therapist is able to determine why an individual remains stuck in a bad eating habit, and he can, therefore, advice the sufferer accordingly. Remedies are, therefore, directed towards those emotional and physical factors that maintain the unhealthy relationship with certain food items. Treating compulsive eating habits involves more than quitting the non-beneficial eating habits. It involves dealing with an individual’s feelings effectively as this would enable him/her to eat comfortably in various situations. As such, one ends up building his/her self-worth, and thus, he/she is able to avoid overeating.

I write to you believing that your organization can help disseminate a significant portion of those useful tips which would enable the members of the society to improve their eating habit. Specially prepared movie clips would enable individuals to develop coping behaviors as they attempt to manage their emotions. The effectiveness of such clips would be enhanced by having them advocate for other strategies like exercising, doing yoga, talking with friends, as well as other activities that facilitate the positive management of emotions. Since eating disorders are indicants of deeper challenges, movie clips focused on healing the pain that drives people into acquiring such behaviors would be very effective. Proper information would enable people to eliminate the urge to have compulsive eating as individuals gain the ability to focus their thoughts on several other topics apart from food. In fact, studies have indicated that a human mind empowers those things that it constantly thinks about. As such, having thought of other things which bring happiness terminates thoughts that center on food. For this reason, movie clips that facilitate the resonating of information of proper strategies of managing emotions would be very effective in replacing thoughts of food.

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