Voice is a unique and powerful tool with which person exists and manifests himself or herself in society. Methods of tone production may be different, but they all rely on the general principles and the stages in their work: the development and improvement of respiratory acquisition of concepts and skills in the use of resonators, positions (yawn), attack sound, technical mastery of vocal techniques, the work with apparatus of articulation.

Resonance, the word comes from the French resonance that means ‘sound respond’, is a phenomenon of amplification and oscillation of a body or its part under the influence of the exciting variations of the external force, the frequency of exposure coincides with the natural resonant frequency of the body. Resonance theory of singing is a system concept of interconnected acoustic, physiological and psychological patterns of education and perception of singing voice that causes its high aesthetic and vocal and technical quality to maximize the resonance properties of the vocal apparatus.

Thus, the resonant singing or singing resonance technology is the singing with the most efficient use of the resonance properties of the vocal tract in order to maximize the effect of force and aesthetic qualities of the flight voice with minimal physical effort, achieved by the controlled vibration sensitivity as an indicator of the resonance (in cooperation with the hearing and muscle sense) and properly organized singing diaphragmatic breathing (McKinney, 145).

There are three types of resonating spaces.  The pharynx is conditionally divided into three parts: the top - nasal pharynx, the middle - oropharynx and the lower - hypopharynx. The pharynx should be broad and free while person is singing. At a voltage of throat sound is squeezed and becomes throaty tone. The pharynx has no special expanding muscles. Width of the pharynx depends on the position of the tongue and the state of its walls, which must be in rest while person is singing.

Vocal register of the singer's voice is a number of uniformly-sounding sounds, undertaken by single physiological mechanism. A voice is considered to be well-modulated in singing when it is "painted with chest and head resonating "throughout the range. The sensation of sound resonating in head and chest got their names makes voice registers, head and chest. Register structure of male and female voices is different because of the different anatomical and functional features of male and female larynx. Male voice has two main registers (chest, head and falsetto). Women's voices have three registers (chest, middle and head) (Vennard, 114).

Thus, production of the vocal tone is a process of training of correct vocal skills, development and training for professional voice which is different in sonority, beauty of its sound, rich timbre, broad range, breathing definition of word pronunciation, purity of intonation, low fatigue.

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