A. Anti-hero. It is a protagonist of the story whom you can perceive both as a villain and a hero.

C. Climax. It is point of the most tension or drama in the narration.

Complication. These are the difficulties which protagonists must deal with. They form central action in the narration. 

D. Diction. It is the set of words, which the author used in the narration. It can be formal, abstract or concrete, and informal. Some words, which are appropriate in a dialogue would not proper in the essay or the narration. But there are some exclusions, when the narration is written with the help of informal diction.

Denouement. Presents the action which stands between last action and ending of the narration, so it makes the conclusion.

E. Epiphany. It is a moment of a sudden revelation or insight.

Exposition. It is the part of the narration which is prior to the main action of the work and is aimed on the presenting information about time, place and so on.

F. Flat character. It is the secondary character that has not carried out substantial action or growth in a story

Foreshadowing. It is the usage of hints in a narration to help the reader predict the action that is supposed to come.

Flashback. It is an interrupted scene which returns narration back to the origin of  the story from the present point of the story.

I. In medias res  It is the method of the author to start narration form the midpoint or the at the conclusion, establishing the setting, and other information through the flashback or conversation about the past.

Motivation. It is a reason of action of the characters in the literary works. It can be explicit and implicit and hidden through the ending of the story.

Minimalism. It describes itself. It means to tell the most, using as little words as possible.

N. Narrator. It is the fictional or non-fictional entity that tells the story.

O. Omniscient narrator. It is the type of the narrator that has his own personality, point of view and opinion on the actions of the characters.

P. Plot. It is an episode from which the narration starts. Plot can be simple and complex. But all of them create some incidents and events that are interrelated with each other.

Point of view. It is the main point from which author tell a narration.

Protagonist. It is the main hero and character of the story. Primary figure of the narration, who is in the centre of the conflict and he is contrasted to the antagonist, which is through the all narration opposed to the protagonist.

R. Round character. It is fully developed character which is presented as a person of clear integrity of looks, thoughts and intentions.

S. Setting. It is a description of the time and place in a narration, and some other genres. Setting is established in an exposition.

Symbol. It is an object, place or person which can have implicit meaning behind the usual meaning, e.g. Necklace means status and dependence of status. So necklace is the symbol of it.

T. Theme. The main idea or the basic meaning of a literary work.  It is a prevailing idea of a narration or the main meaning.

Tone. It is the attitude that an author take toward the subjects, readers or characters. Through the usage of tone, writer usually shock, anger or amuse the reader.

U. Unreliable narrator. It is the narrator whose fidelity has been significantly compromised. 

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