Good sleep is being able to control all behavior and environmental factors that may interfere with good sleep. This involve following guidelines so that one achieves a more restful, effective sleep that will make one to alert and productive throughout the day. To help one experience a good sleep there are some rules for good sleep hygiene that one should abide to. This will include;

Discipline on bedtime and wakening times. It is important that an individual ensures that he or she sets regular time to sleep and to awaken this help the body to adjust to the sleeping schedule and one cannot experience periods of lack of sleep.

Avoid daytime naps; this will help you in not being awake a lot of time during the night. If one has to nap at the late afternoons which is usually a tempting time for people to feel sleepy do not nap for more than 45 minutes, or else it will be difficult to get sleep at night.

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Avoid alcohol and caffeine about 4 - 6 hours before bedtime. Though alcohol may induce one to fall asleep quickly, after the alcohol level in the body goes down there is a stimulant to awaken one at night. Caffeine inhibits sleep, so always avoid sodas, coffee and some chocolate that have caffeine.

Exercising the body can help one to sleep well. But one should not exercise just before sleeping and also strenuous exercise will make one not to sleep well.

The sleeping environment is also important in the sleep hygiene. One should ensure that the beddings are clean and comfortable. One should also ensure that he or she is sleeping in a surrounding that has no noise or any other disturbance. One should also ensure that the room is well ventilated and has good temperature.

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