Social networks are sites that enable people to communicate over long distance.

It should be considered that social networks carry addictive effects among its regular users. Opponents have always refuted this claim and emphasized that social networks are vital communication tools and should only be known by that. A large percentage of the world is using social networks to communicate; despite the fact that social networks keep people in touch, they have resulted to addiction.

Many people around the globe have developed addictiveness towards social networks. This means that people are always anxious to access the sites and see the unfolding events. People do not create time for other useful things because they cannot do without keenly concentrating on the social networks all the time. In fact, some people sacrifice their resting hours to concentrate on these sites (Pescosolido, 100). Addictiveness is also observed at work places. Some members of the staff spend most of their time accessing the sites instead of executing the set duties.

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In addition, the networks have led to moral decay. People share different contents through the social media. This has led to transfer of undesirable behavior among most of the users. For instance, pornographic materials have been spread through social media. This leads to a society that is polluted and morally deficient (Pescosolido, 125).

On the other hand, opponents hold that social networks are vital communication tools. They argue that only vital information is passed onto the recipients thus no room for addiction. They also claim that people only access social media when they want to pass some information to others and thus no addiction on their part. In addition, they assert that social networks have enabled the reduction of the world into a global village. Opponents hold that the information passed through social networks is regulated and has not potential of decaying peoples’ morals.

In conclusion, social networks bear negative effects. They lead to addiction and moral decadence due to the nature of the information that could be sneaked in. Arguably, people should regulate social network usage. 

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