There have been debates on various societal effects brought about by the recent emergence of new media, in conjunction with new communication technologies. It is a fact that the current generation of communication technologies is very different from the predecessors. However, the new communication technologies have not in any way, completely altered human interaction; the presence of such interaction continues to be in place due to basic human needs. It is important to note that, these new technologies have provided new contexts for the expression of information in addition to their and engagement (Eric, 2007).

There may be a lot of challenges and opportunities associated with technological advances, but the question that can be asked is, has it changed humanity? The answer is yes, it has ushered in a new era of communication. Have the new technologies led to group integration or group polarization? The answer is debatable.

The new technological advances have brought people together. A good example is in the use of intercontinental telephone lines, an individual is able to converse with others who are very far away. In addition to talking, people are now able to text, as well as, send images or videos across the world at fast speeds. The use of letters is on the decline, which means that the art of writing is dying slowly by slowly.

In my opinion, technology is evolving the way people communicate with each other. Some time back, communication was only limited to telephone or letter, in addition to the traditional face-to-face. However, as new technologies emerge each day to make life easier for man, so do new ways of communication. The email and the internet are the most popular mediums of communication that are technologically advanced. The email can be considered to be the biggest revolution in the communication sector, though it was seen to be too impersonal at first. The use of emoticons has gone a long way in improving the use of it. One can now convey emotions as well as other non verbal cues.

Forming romantic relationships online, which used to be controversial and frowned upon, has become a commonplace. Nowadays, it is common for people to meet or also initiate relationships online; a fact which was not common in the past few years. Some time back, it was impossible to believe that new technologies could have such a huge impact on communication (Eric, 2007).

Although the internet can allow individuals to mask their feelings, it also lets those on the other end be whatever they want to be. One of the biggest obstacles being faced in the modern society is meeting new people with whom one can share a dialog. With new innovations as well as technologies each day, it is unimaginable of what is in store for the human population on matters dealing with communication.

The group which could have benefited the most from these technological advances is the shy individuals in the society. Recent studies have pointed to the fact that, individuals who are shy prefer to join or use the internet in their finding of romance, are on the increase. However, in the business cycle, an email is, more often than not, frowned upon due to it being impersonal. It is always thought that the anonymity fact aids shy individuals in overcoming their fears, which prevents them from initiating and facing reality or face-to-face relationships. However, the use of e-mail could be made more personal because it is very convenient.

Electronic communication is different from face-to-face communication in that, it gives room for a sender to say various things without expecting an answer or a reply, immediately. Moreover, the receiver has the opportunity to ignore a message, than respond in an unpleasant manner. The internet has a high level of anonymity; this could be a good thing or bad, depending on how an individual could use it. Moreover, those who use the email could choose the desired level of ambiguity, clarity, logic, emotion or seriousness; it all depends with the individual.

On the other hand, there have been scholars who have suggested that the rapid changes in communication can have weighty historical consequences. They challenge the established values, in addition to economic and power structures. Some have even argued that empires rise and fall due to these kinds of innovations. For example, Gutenberg's invention has set numerous changes in the printing press that had huge impacts on the entire world and especially the Western Civilization. It has changed the human relationship with history.

However, these innovations are the ones responsible for laying the foundation for most of twentieth century living. They were part and parcel of the Industrial Revolution and many others. They were a catalyst in the shift from rural to urban living. They also helped in the transition from traditional to the modern way of thinking. In together, these developments have added up to one of the great divides in human history.

In conclusion, all these technological advancements have not only helps individual users, but also businesses in general (Christensen, 2003). For example, VoIP Wholesalers as well as business owners have made use of the new turnkey calling card platform in their quest of maximizing revenue through volume. This is because this technology has a very high demand. There may be positive and negative effects of these advancements, but, the advantages seem to overwhelm the disadvantages. So, as the human population, we should embrace these and make them to work in our advantages, so long as we use them in the correct manner.

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