Academic Information

The academic information of most institutions of higher learning originates from the office of the registrar (others however have separate office known as the Admissions Office) which is still a unit of the registry department. The academic information is very important as it outlines the available programs in the institution, eligibility, grading policy/system, course content, registration procedure etc.

Some Colleges are limited to Diploma and Bachelor programs while others offer post graduate and doctorate degree programs. All the programs offered and their course codes as well as credit units are all reflected on the academic information. Also, the entry requirements, core courses that a student must complete before graduation is clearly stated. The academic information also contains the grading policy/system of the institution usually A-F and 5-0 as the case may be.

Another major component of the academic information is the registration procedure. Approximately eight weeks into the semester, the Office of the Registrar sends registration materials to enrolled students. Students are issued a registration date based on their cumulative earned hours. Seniors register first to ensure that courses required for graduation are available to them. Registration is handled by the faculty adviser and runs for approximately 22 working days. Students are permitted to register via the adviser on or after their assigned registration date. Successful completion of the registration procedure is what confers a bonafide status to the student. Apart from tuition fees, courses of choice must be dully registered for; and the minimum work load for the semester must be completed.

Student Services

Prominent among student services in institutions of higher learning is the Undergraduate Academic Advising Center. It serves entering first year students, sophomores, and undeclared transfer students. Academic Advisors help students determine courses each semester to complete general education requirements and prepare for a major course of study. They also monitor student progress and connect students with other services on campus. Additionally, the center serves as a resource to other academic and student service units on campus, as well as to faculty advisors in the major programs.

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Other important services offered to student under these auspices include Placement Exams to ensure the most appropriate placement in their beginning classes; the Early Warning System which is an identification and intervention program designed to recognize students experiencing academic difficulties early in the semester and give them the resources to have a successful academic experience; and the Peer Advisor/Peer Mentor Program which provides additional support to help new students' transition into college life through individual and small group interactions with peer leader. 

It is worthy to note that institutions may differ in the quantity and quality of students' services they offer, but it is common to find the following among the long list: Campus Health Services, Campus Police, Career Services, Child Care, Counseling, Disability Services, Food Emporium & LRH Café, Housing and Residential Life (Butler Commons), i-Card (ID Card), International Students, Diversity Center, Parking Decals, Student Accounts, Student Insurance etc.

Student Policies

By signing the institution's application form, students are subject to the academic regulations of the institution through which each course is taken, as well as to overall regulations established by the institution. Every student admitted and accepted for registration will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the regulations and policies of the university and of the program, if applicable, in which that student is enrolled. A student in this case is defined as anyone who requests and receives educational services from an institution. Students at the University/College have the same rights and protections under the Constitutions of the United States as other citizens. These rights include freedom of expression, press, religion, and assembly.

The students have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity regardless of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin or ancestry, race, religion, sex (including gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, or veteran status. Also students have the right to be protected from capricious decision-making by the institution and to have access to institutions' policies which affect them.

Expectedly, along with rights come certain responsibilities. Students of institutions of higher learning are expected to act consistently with the values of the institution and to obey local, state, and federal laws. Any student caught in any of the acts listed below will be sanctioned accordingly: Physically harming another person including acts such as killing, assaulting, or battering; sexually assaulting another person, stalking or harassing another person etc.

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