Describe your organizational culture and its impact on the management of human resources

Royal Virgin Islands Police force (RVIPF) organizational culture is goal oriented. This culture has a lot of influence on the force decision makers and the shaping of the human resource management instruments. Brewster (2000) says that RVIPF organizational culture influences the formal as well as the informal process of human resource strategy formulation and implementation. The organizational culture has similarly shaped RVIPF human resource programs of recruitment, compensations, and reward in the police force.  The culture of  RVIPF police force being providing the required security services to the community revolves around the behavioral patterns and police specific qualification profiles in turn influence the possibilities the police organization has to maneuver in its human resource strategic debate.

RVIPF organizational culture of being goal oriented has influenced how the human resource department formulates its appraisals systems so as to put consideration explicit as well as hidden cues about central norms in the police force hence promoting the officers behavioral aspects and discouraging others. Brewster (2000) says that this brings the phenomenon of organizational culture into focus and thus this culture greatly influences the activities of the human resources department.      

Why it is important to recognize the balance between life, work and stress

The organizational culture influences the force policies of work. Dewe, O'Driscoll & Cooper (2010) says that specific initiatives such as offering flexibility in work schedules have positive outcomes for workers whereas the effects of other are not uniform.  RVIPF culture should influence key work policies per se which are responsible for any reductions in work life conflict. Dewe, O'Driscoll & Cooper (2010) also noted that they RVIPF organizational culture can help in the support of work life balance and thus minimize stress to officers working in the police organization.

 In addition, Dewe, O'Driscoll & Cooper (2010) noted that the balance between work life and stress in influenced by a culture which puts into consideration organizational values which are family friendly or work friendly coupled with supportive supervision. This is fundamental in reducing conflict between work and non-work life and enhancing work life balance.           

The potential impact of changing work patterns on your organization

Organizational culture plays an important role in changing work patterns in the RVIPF police force. Dewe, O'Driscoll & Cooper (2010) says that RVIPF culture assists police officers to adopt changing work patterns with their family commitments and responsibilities. This in turn reduces the negative effects of work life conflict because the working patterns in the police force provides flexibility and enables individuals to take personal control over the nature and timimg of their work. The RVIPF culture designs work patterns that enable the police officers to feel supported both emotionally and instrumentally. The influence of organizational culture to work patterns acts as an important ingredient for reducing work-life conflict enhancing work-life balance.

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The requirement to operate within the legislative HR framework

RVIPF police force culture determines how the policies and practices are analyzed with the human resource legislative frame work. Nunberg (2000) says that the culture of the RVIPF police force forces the human resource department to operate within the framework in terms of attention to the degree to which merit and rule based practices governed basic personnel functions. The culture also determines to human resource legal framework interms of recruitment of the police officers, their promotion, performance evaluation, and police officers dismissal (Nunberg, 2000). 

RVIPF police force organizational culture helps the human resource to focus assessing the effectiveness of delegation, decision making by the police officers and the degree to which timeliness and accessibility of service to the public can be improved (Nunberg, 2000). The human resource legal frameworks should enable RVIPF to support a sustained program of administrative modernization. Nunberg (2000) further indicated that the legal framework of the human resource is influenced by the RVIPF culture in the process of police officers supplemental legislation or regulation to support the implementation of practical reforms in the police organization. The RVIPF organizational culture will influence the requirement to operate within the legislative HR framework because it will champion the passage of government laws and effective supervision and enforcement of new human resource management practices established by law.

Police culture accompanied by conditions which minimize temptations can lessen the power of temptation but police culture cannot be transported or imported from another country (Holm & Eide, 2000). Professional advice for the police force can be obtained from policing scholars who will outline mechanisms that might be useful in bringing about change within the policing culture. The RVIPF organizational culture influences police services so as to change how they do their work, the professions to whom they turn for advice (Beare, 2008).

RVIPF organizational culture encourages police training in that it ensures that there are decisions made to support further police officer education, the tendency which encourages police officers to be paid to take courses from other officers. Beare (2008) further indicated that police officers do gain the approval of professional advice and occasionally the financial support of their organization to take university courses. Professional advice can also be obtained from newly gained knowledge by selecting relevant assignments. RVIPF culture helps the organization to seek for policing conferences that are intended to address issues of professionalization too often on high ranking police officers.  In conclusion, Beare says that RVIPF cultural change will require far reaching organizational change. This will increase the degree of accountability for improving police performance and refusal to accommodate shabby policing.

The variables that shape the organization culture are a variety. An organization culture can be simply identified as the way of doing things in an organization. The culture in an organization will depend in most cases with long term employees of an organization. The employees who determine the corporate culture in most cases are the leader of the business. Other variables which the organizational culture will depend on are the company objectives and goals. An organizational culture will dictated by the organizational goals and objectives. However it should be noted that wrong leadership can create a bad precedence leading to an organizational culture which is not in line with the organization objectives and missions.

It can also be argued that competition can also in some ways affect the corporate culture. Presence stiff competition can make the rival company step its level performance to avoid being pushed out the market. Raising the performance level will automatically groom the corporate culture.          

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On page six the, Lewis talks of the need to make some adaptation after pulsing the floor. She realized that just sitting in her office did not create much difference but instead says that it would only make people who came forth sad. Instead she decided to herself more available. She did this by constantly moving between two floors. The floors were between her office located in the upper floor and the immediate lower floor which hosted the marketing department. In this manner she became more available to people. She become accessible to the employees of the two floors which ensured that they could reach at any time they so wished.

Another strategy used by Lewis was organizing bimonthly staff meeting with her direct reports. This was a new to issue to the organization. During these meetings there could be much interaction between the staff members.

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