Food is part of societal life and cultural identity and it also has an in-depth religious significance in several communities and nations. Therefore, any scientific biotechnology that is used in the production of genetically modified crops or animals is prone to vehement social resistance. People often interact with nature in relation to their religious perspectives and beliefs , therefore, any genetic modifications on plants or animals are met with social and ethical resistance. Nevertheless, biotechnology is widely aimed at modifying the genetic makeup of animals and crops with objective of enhancing food security as well as alleviating the food crisis in America and globally. However, on the actual sense, the genetically modified food has never lessened the food crisis and this is what has led to its continued opposition from different corners of the world.

The opposition to genetically modified food, which is widely witnessed in both the developing and developed countries, is not primarily due to lack of information about the genetically modified foods but Is based on the perception that genetically modified foods contravene the natural forces of reproduction. In addition, the public is not against or for the genetically modified food per se, but are more concerned with the contradictive arguments concerning the GMOs from both the experts, academicians and politicians. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the members of the public who oppose the consumption of genetically modified foods are fully aware of the potential risks and benefits that emanate from the foods. The public is not specifically threatened by the genetic modification as a form of technology, but the manner in which the genetically modified foods are developed and their intended benefits, which have not been realized. In some developing and less developed countries, information about the GM crops is scantily availed to the public and the true picture and effects of these crops are never exposed. Moreover, politicians manipulatively use the information related to genetically modified crops for their personal interest and political gain rather than exposing the real effects of these genetically modified crops to the public. Further, in the United States some politicians also support or oppose the introduction and consumption as well as the laws regulating GMOs in relations to their gains.

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The intense opposition to genetically modified food is widely connected to politics and ethics as opposed to the health benefits or effects that may result from them.Moreover, some countries’ hostility to GMOs symbolized by boarder hostility aims at curbing the encroachment into their markets. In some cases, the regulations of GMOs are more of political interest than science. In the case of the modified fish, the congress opposed the introduction of the genetically modified Solomon fish to because of its potential interfere with the coastal fishery rather than its scientific effects to the ecosystem and to the consumers.

Regardless of all the view, opinions, and arguments, the introduction of the genetically modified food into the market should be regulated. The United States’ food and drug administration’s idea that opposed the labeling of the genetically modified food is largely controversial. Due to its anti-labeling regulations on the GMO foods, it has heightened the public risk toward GMOs consumption. In addition, this acts and decisions have placed American public consumers at risk of being affected by GMOs, plans or animals that are sneaked into the markets. Moreover, this action infringes on the consumers right of choice on what type of food to consume especially with regards to natural or genetically modified food. In fact, the United States government is also undermined the consumer protection laws by not regulating the multinational corporations that engage in the production and packaging of the GM foods.  This should be a concern to the public, and they should therefore use other relevant organizations to push for such regulations concerning the packaging and content labeling of the genetically modified food to avert the possibility of consuming genetically modified foods without their knowledge.

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