The universe has encountered numerous predicaments and discrimination has become one of the major problems with regard to employment. In the current times, discrimination has become so rampant that lots of discussions are being held concerning this issue. In most working environments, there is most likely a single form of discrimination experienced by the working population in that atmosphere. Nowadays, individuals are looking for equal opportunities and a humble environment where there rights would not be interfered with.

Discrimination involves: - disallowing employment of an individual, dismissal of an individual from job, harassment of employees at work and the refutation of rights and opportunities for a particular set of individuals that may be distinguished through matters such as: -religion, gender, skin color or social status, all of which entirely constitute the suspect categorization of discrimination (Friedman 2010). Furthermore, an individual may be discriminated on the fundamental s of prejudice and thus, disability, age and sex also are classified as forms of discrimination. Discrimination occurs when one makes a preference, distinction or exclusion that restricts an individual’s equality of chance in employment as a result of sexual preference, age or race.

For healthy living and execution of duties in the work place, no individual should be exposed to such treatment. However, with human weakness and opportunistic nature, discrimination in employment is something that is in existence.  The universe we dwell in has employed numerous tactics to tackle this issue but still, this predicament haunts the population, especially the employees. The kind of discrimination a person faces varies since it may be direct and intentional while at times, the form of discrimination is indirect. In the case of intentional and direct discrimination, an individual is subjected to unfair treatment due to difference in age, sex or race (Haggard 2009). However, in indirect discrimination, it may result due to failure to contemplate about the consequences of requirements and regulations expected from the employees by the management. For instance, if the company regulates the dressing code, some employees may be inadvertently excluded with regard to their religion or ethnic origin, which may be against such dressing code.

Several Laws have been enlisted and have become popular in numerous Federal levels and states to aid in the fight against discrimination in employment in order to try to curb this predicament. To substantiate the experience of illegal discrimination, an employee affected by the above mentioned forms of discrimination, should lay bare the unequal management with respect to the correspondingly situated persons. Therefore, an assertion of disproportionate treatment by an employee ought to be sustained with tangible evidence that the management resolution was made for prejudiced purposes.

Discrimination in employment with regard to age is a contravention of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Some employers may prefer to not to employ an individual basing on age rather than experience. The law protects against this form of discrimination by forbidding the specification of age preferences in employment advertisements. The employees must obtain equal benefits without considering their age differences with the only exclusion existing when the expenditure of provision of supplement remunerations to young employees is equal as provision of the same services to older workers (Secunda and Hirsch 2010). Furthermore, the enlisting of individuals in internship or apprenticeship programs by considering their age is illegal. Therefore, the specification of age should be for a bona fide work-related prerequisite. This implies that the employer is obliged to make obvious that age is a sensible requirement to the operation and advancement of the stipulated work in that given company or office.

An individual’s religious background can be a source of discrimination in the employment sector. However, this is illegal according to law. The employers are necessitated to reasonably contain an employee’s religious viewpoints and traditions, as long as such tolerance does not impact negatively on the company’s regulations, performance and reputation. On the other hand, discrimination based on gender entails preferences of one sex to another. For instance, male employees may receive a higher salary compared to female employees yet they possess the same qualifications, skills and responsibilities.  Two types of gender discrimination exist and include: - disparate treatment and disparate impact (Haggard 2009). Discrimination involving disparate treatment is a direct one. Here, an employee is treated differently from the rest based on his or her sex affiliation.

 However, discrimination entailing disparate impact is much more complicated. In this case, company policies exclude particular individuals from employment or promotions. These policies were not initially put to exclude these group based on their gender but it just happens as a coincidence.  The law forbids employers from lowering an individual’s gender salary so as to balance pay between male and female employees. Moreover, the discrimination of an employee based on pregnancy is also illegal. Employers are expected to cater for the pregnant in the same manner they would handle a provisional sickness or any other temporary situation that would call for exceptional consideration.

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In the ancient times, most people did not experience or get the opportunity to select the kind of job they intended to do since, equal rights never existed between men and female as was stipulated by the traditions of the society. For example, it was very hard for a woman to be given a job that a man could also do because; women were viewed as weak and inefficient as compared to male workers. However much the modern- time appreciates the changes and developments in the employment sector concerning the equality of employing both men and women, discrimination still thrives and its impacts are far-spread and detrimental to the well-being of the people in the society. The effects of this predicament, employment discrimination, have influenced the lifestyle and even the economy. The crippling results of discrimination at workplace include: - disheartened workforce, deprived working culture, negative societal fallout, reduced gains for the organization and debilitating outcome on the employee (Rutherglen 2001).   

The rate of unemployment has been enhanced due to the consequences of discrimination in the employment sector. Some companies have enlisted the utilization and implementation of policies that alienate individuals based on their sex such as; the employment of women as their staff is prohibited by the stipulations in the policies. As a result, female employees are denied the opportunity to work in such Organizations. The other factor being age, has led to the blocking of youths from the job market yet they have graduated (Secunda and Hirsch 2010). Companies exclude these youths as they think that they have no required experience to handle the specified job or to meet the necessary qualifications and standards outlined by the rules and regulations of that company. Due to such, the problem of unemployment among the youths is increased and this plays a big role in impacting the economy negatively.

Work efficiency is also affected by employment discrimination as it tends to decline. The working sense of balance in a company is lost if such company discriminates against female employees since, women are more patient and vigilant as compared to their male counterparts, who have a weakness in this sector. Moreover, the discrimination of the youths due to their age affects the running of the company. This is so as the youths are more energetic as compared to the seniors in the company. Therefore, a combination of experience, provided by the senior employees, together with the energy of the youth will enhance proficiency and development of the company.

Race, disable inequity and religion reflect the repercussions of engaging in discrimination forms both, in the society and work place.  Violent behavior is mostly associated with discrimination of individuals with regard to their race. This is so detrimental in the work place as it has a debilitating impact on the worker’ psyche. The victim develops the feeling of being at fault and unworthy, and with progression opportunities becoming elusive; the individual may fall into depression (Friedman 2010).  Many of the victims of employment discrimination indulge in non-societal behaviors such as domestic violence as well as murder, which results from the resentment brought about by loss of self-worth. Employers are not expected to discriminate employees due to their disabilities. This may impact negatively on the individual’s self-esteem and life, in general.

 The development of hate among people of different religions also is as a result of discrimination. Another result of workplace discrimination is the loss of concentration and time wasting. This is seen as such discrimination is not only focused on an individual but also on other aspects of the company since it takes precedence in the various meetings held in the organization to discuss about the discrimination issue. The resources and time spent in tackling the issue of discrimination could be best utilized in handling more trivial matters of the organization.

Loss of productivity is a direct consequence of discrimination, which interferes with the morale of an employee. The switching of jobs by the employees due to discrimination forces the organization to look for alternative sources of workforce and in the long, wasting resources and time since the new recruits have to be trained, besides tolerating the low efficiency of a new worker.  The reputation of the organization is hurt by the news of discrimination. The end result may include: - loss of customers who associated with the victim thereby, rejecting the organizations services and products leading to the downfall of the company. A poor working environment is created in the company (Haggard 2009). This leads to a background of resentment, mistrust, hostility, suspicions, formation of groups and rivalry among the employees. All these advances impede the working relations in the company, particularly the liberal flow of, communication, information and teamwork, obstructing the smooth operations of the organization.     

The various forms of discrimination in the employment sector and the society in general, can lead to the escalation of other predicaments. It increases all round negativity and has a devastating impact on individuals, society and organizations. The government should protect the welfare of employees against discrimination by putting up laws that prohibit such issues. Consequently, the society should organize individuals in the community to help in curbing this menace.  Employers may go through adverse repercussions for failing to comply with federal laws outlined against employment discrimination. These implications potentially impinge on their employee’s benefit strategies as well.  In order to avoid the violation of such laws, employers should be engaged in the careful reviewing of company policies and regulations to make certain that they cater for all the participants and employees in a sense that conforms to the laws against employment discrimination. By adhering to the laid down laws against discrimination of employees, legal challenges will be minimized as well as a positive working atmosphere will be fostered among the employer and the employee.

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