The behavior of most of the people responds to changes in the environment. A change that emanates from technological advances forms the lifestyle that most individuals embrace. The onset of TV set as an advancing means of disseminating visual information has led to its presence in almost every homestead. Its fair cost and durability factors constitute some of the reasons why it is inevitable to have one in the twenty first century. For smooth coexistent of communities, information dissemination is necessary. Therefore, there are numerous benefits of using TV as a means of information dissemination especially HIV/AIDs information.

HIV is the leading epidemic that is killing and affecting most people. The use of TV to spread messages about HIV will create awareness, and disseminate knowledge on various ways that people can acquire infections. In addition, educate people on effective ways to prevent infections, educate those infected on ways they can adopt in order to lead a positive and healthy life, points out risks associated with the disease, and finally be an alarm blower for relevant authorities concerning the impact and nature of the epidemic.

Most people are not aware of the existence of the malady, and the way it spreads. The use of TV as a disseminator of information and messages concerning the epidemic will make people aware of the seriousness of the disease. This will reduce the ignorance levels of the populace. People will have first hand information and solutions on how to manage this epidemic so as to avert further infections. Information and knowledge is power this will form the foundation of individuals decision-making process. The actions of the populace presume the guide of up to date information at their disposal. As a result, the effects of the epidemic will reduce significantly.

The various ways in which the epidemic spreads among individuals come out in the shows and programs. The demonstrations enhance people knowledge on specific areas, and behaviors they need to exercise diligent care or even abstain. The demonstrations will help individuals capture the nature of spread and the extent to which it can be dangerous. This will limit the levels of stigmatization of those infected. The relationship between those infected and other members of the community will improve, and those infected will receive more support, love and care. This means that the knowledge on various ways in which the epidemic spreads will eliminate fear among the populace. These will create confidence and understanding on how to deal with those infected.

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Shows and programs on TVs are educative. They involve an in-depth discussion of the main topics that affect the populace. Out of these discussions, the people will experience change of behavior, attitudes and actions. In addition, shows and programs have more value than the commercial ads. Therefore, information emanating from them is taken more seriously and implemented. The shows and programs give real life experiences of individuals undergoing the same challenge, and the correct preventive actions that they can take in order to escape an infection of the deadly disease. A list of different prevention measures emerge in the discussion and even practiced by characters that are known and cared for by the viewer. Those infected will also get information; especially pregnant women get to know how they can safely deliver without infected the unborn child with the virus. The information will reach many people and most of them will retain the information. The use of condom and abstinence as a way of prevention adds up the list.

Information dissemination and accessibility on HIV builds hope to many infected people. The shows and programs will also help the infected on ways to live a positive and healthy life. The indication of characters who have sustained delightful and successful life though they have the virus is an encouragement to many. Ways and measures that available for a better life as used by the characters are available for the infected, as well. The visual representation of such characters having reasonable times with their families and pursuing their careers as normal people will change the attitude of the infected viewer. Relevant information concerning available drugs and healthy eating, avoidance of certain habits like taking alcohol as well as proper physical exercise constitutes a healthy living package.

Moreover, the programs and shows will also point out the risks that go hand in hand with the epidemic. Risks such as mother-child infections, unsafe-sex, as well as blood transfusions will help the viewers watch out while undertaking such procedures. The likely risks can be extinction of families or generations due to infection of the virus, this will ensure that people are responsible, and they understand the severe outcome of the infections. It acts as a warning of its adverse effects (McCall 89).

Finally, relevant authorities can take the messages delivered by the programs and shows and incorporate them in their policy programs that focus on helping the public to understand and manage the epidemic. It will also point out the disastrous nature of the epidemic and how it can negatively affect the economy as a whole. This is in relation to the resources spent as well as the loss of manpower.

In conclusion, the use of TVs as a means of disseminating information should not be undermined. It should be utilized well because a good number of benefits accrue to its use. Individuals should retain and implement any knowledge and information available in TV shows and programs since they are useful.

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