Informal jobs have increased significantly on an international scale since the 1970s. This increase is associated in the context of globalization cross border migration and rural urban migration, which are highly gender processes. In the current economy, most of the Latin American women participate in paid jobs than any other time of history with the labor markets across the regions segregated with women concentrating in low quality informal employment. Due to the increase in the global integration and competition it has fueled has fueled most of the companies to search for the sources of cheap labor, making the women from the poor communities feel as if they are the weakest links to the global value chains. The rates of labor force participation amongst the Latin American women have increased significantly since the 1990s. Although this women represent less than the lab our force in general, there is higher levels of unemployment of these women, and there has been little change on the occupational safety and structure of these employees. Most of the Latin women face disproportion and are not well represented in the informal economy.
Women’s rights across the world are an indicator of the employment trends and stability of women. All the Latin Americans and most of women from the Caribbean countries have governments, which are elected by votes and the consolidation of the institutions. Due to the lessons that they learned from the political violence most of Latin Americans are attached to values, which promote social peace. Since the study was focused mainly on the work experiences among the Latin American women, the best person interviewed for this job was a Latin American waitress because most of them work in the informal employment sector. The main data, which was expected to be collected from the questionnaires, was data on the number of hours, dependants, employee -employer relationship and the percentage with reverence to gender who work as waitresses in the business (Walker, 2009). Furthermore, the data on the work experience and comfort-ability at the job was determined. The waitress was also interview on the work satisfaction and pay and if they work on a part time and go to college and if there is gender influence in the workplace.
During the interview, I felt that the working conditions of these women have to be improved. The respondent was a female worker who was feeling insubordinate at the workplace, and there was strong gender discrimination at the workplace. The respondent had a feeling that there was social discrimination at the workplace. The women in the informal sectors tend to cluster towards the lower end of the informal occupational spectrum. Despite the strong labor markets, which have recorded significantly low unemployment rates, there are still many Americans who work, but remain poor. The fact that the information gathered from this study was collected from a female correspondent it enhances the power of the information. My social category as a female student of color played a significant role as it made it easier for the respondent of the questionnaires to open up.
The Social Influence on the Choices of Employment (family)
There is increasing number s of single parent women, which leads to the elevation in demand and supply of the women participation in the low wage labor force. The women are facing increasing pressures in their households forcing them to look for sources of income to be able to hold their families together. This is related to the demographic and social changes rising rates of non-marriage and separations amongst households. For instance, women head more than 30 percent of the Latin American families. These women are the principle breadwinners and they contribute more of the total household income. The economic distribution of women in the different racial and the ethnic minorities groups are unique. For instance, there exist different number of reasons, which includes the size of the groups under investigation and the circumstances of geographical location and the widespread of prejudice about the suitability of the occupational roles of each of the group members (Smith, & Tickamyer, 2011). The women from the Latin America are over represented in the private sector. Most of the women working in low paying jobs do not access further their education since the income they generate from their employment is limited. The income they generate is enough for them to raise their families since the majority of them are the breadwinners in their families. Furthermore, due to their poor background in education, they do not have the goals of looking for other jobs.
Employee -employer Relationship among the Latin Americans
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The Latin women have been subjected to cultural assaults. This is the systemic attacks at the workplace, which are fundamental to the maintenance of different forms of social organizations. In the workplace, a more dominant group controls these women and they are only allowed to manage only small groups of people (Penyak, & Petry, 2006). Despite these obstacles, these women have shaped their personal live and of their families through the different acts of quiet dignity, leading to their adaptation and accommodation. The influence of gender and race are equal to the organization hierarchies. The social relations in the work because the men and women and the racial minorities and the white forms of barriers and the upward mobility. For instance, most of the women face sexual harassment and exclusion from support. Furthermore, most of the Latin women do not rise because they do not have the necessary qualifications for promotion. They always work as subordinates due to the racial discriminations. However, in the low paying jobs, the occupational segregation in terms of the race is not pronounced as the way in which the occupational segregation by sex is pronounced even though the gender and race affects the distribution of occupations in different employment sectors. The occupational segregation by gender has limited the employment options for women.
Effects of Gender in the Work Place
The female workers hold a greater share of the low-income wages jobs than their male counterparts do. Women account for over 55 percent of the poverty wage jobs compared to their male counterparts. The employed Latinos are less likely to have a college degree than the whites or African Americans (Moreno, 1997). The differences in gender at the work place are persistent. In wage employment, such as the waitress jobs, the women earn lower wages compared to their male counterparts. Women are less educated compared to men. The gap in gender pay is associated with the differences in the pay perceptions and entitlement. These differences in the pay expectations by the men and women play a significant role in driving the non-relatedness in the performance and the differences in pay among men and women. Most men feel more worth of higher payment while on the other hand the women feel depressed, as they believe in relativity of their lower worth in different jobs. Most of the Latin women face disproportion and are not well represented in the informal economy. This makes them more vulnerable to any form of employment.
Work Environment and Its Influence on the Employees
Most of the Latin American women are employed on the informal sector, and most of these jobs are performed outside the social protection. Because of the lack of the social protection, most of these workers suffer from the deficits of having a decent job. Since there workers are hired in the private restaurants they are vulnerable to suffer from verbal and even to a worse extent physical abuse from their employers (Champagne, 2001). Occupation segregation plays an enormous role in the segregation to different jobs. From considerable previous research, it is evident that female occupations are paid less. Women in all the regions in the world suffer from insubordination to men in the economic, social, political and in their homes. The organizations affect the society ideas about the appropriateness of the different groups of workers for the different kinds of jobs. Although the hiring and the promotion of the decisions of the organization are based on the universalistic criteria, they clearly express informal and socially suitability expectations about gender and class best fitted for different positions. The job recruitment strategies, which are used by the different employers, in most of the instances, results in the placement of the women of color in jobs that do not have existing job ladders. Furthermore, due to the competition these employers targets the un- educated groups to be able to give them low pay, compared to the mixed groups of jobs.
In conclusion, the employment and work experiences among the Latin American women are determined by their social, races and gender. The comfort in their workplace is affected by their level of education and other social factors. The family plays a crucial role as most of the families headed by the single mothers are forced to work in lo paying jobs to meet the needs of their family members. The Latin women have been subjected to cultural assaults. This is the systemic attacks at the workplace, which are fundamental to the maintenance of different forms of social organizations. In the workplace, a more dominant group controls these women and they are only allowed to manage only small groups of people. Despite these obstacles, these women have shaped their personal lives and the lives of their families through the different acts of quiet dignity, leading to their adaptation and accommodation. The Latin women have been subjected to cultural assaults. This is the systemic attacks at the workplace, which are fundamental to the maintenance of different forms of social organizations. In the workplace, a more dominant group controls these women and they are only allowed to manage only small groups of people. Despite these obstacles, these women have shaped their personal lives and the lives of their families through the different acts of quiet dignity, leading to their adaptation and accommodation. Although most low-wage jobs are still full-time year-round, employers' wish for a dependent work power that is cheaper and easier to control is creating temporary jobs.