We are pleased to inform you that our client Ms Gwen Jones has agreed to your terms of the contract. In this case, Ms Jones has agreed to your terms and takes up the job as a position of a tutor of your four children a service that will kick off on 1 July. Ms Jones has accepted to be given a room and board. She has also agreed a salary of 42 thousand dollars per year with an insurance benefits. The salary should be payroll practices. She has also come to terms with the three-month probationary period that will lead into a one-year term. Actually, Ms Jones has also agreed your option to renew her contract for an additional year. Ms Jones is also ready for a free renegotiation of the contract, after a renewal year.

In consideration of your terms of service, Miss Jones would like to request the following to be included in the contract:

Any controversy arising relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, would be settled by arbitration, following an attempt to resolve the issue by negotiation in conformity with the American Arbitration Association. This shall only be employed after both mediation and negotiation has failed to yield better results. Ms Jones seems not to prefer litigation method of resolving issues. In such a situation, no action shall be entertained by any court of tough jurisdiction if the complaint is filed more than one year following the date of action no matter the extent of the damages. Using litigation method, disputes will be resolved by employing the laws of this state (Koffman & MacDonald, 2007).

Compensation: Ms Jones would like to include a mechanically get a 10 per cent increase in per compensation after the six month probationary period. She would also like to be assured of the provision of a two-week paid vacation. Ms Jones finally wants to be updated once the requests are meet all demands since she has another offer and needs to make decisions within two weeks. A complete contract comes about in a situation where both parties have come into an agreement of the main terms of the contract. The terms of this contract are still to be negotiated.

Terms of Employment

Duties and Position: The company shall employ you, and you agree to professionally and competently perform as customarily the responsibility of the position as shown in the job description attached are discussed below and as assigned from time to time by your employer.

Activities outside Business: During your time with the company, you shall focus interests, energies and competencies to performance of your duties under our agreement. You shall not, during this term, render services to others in compensation, participate impassively or actively, in any other business activities interfering with your duties, or compete with your employers business, without the employer’s prior written consent (Garret, 2005).

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Employment Classification: You shall be entitled to a three-year probationary period leading to a one-year term after which the contract will be renegotiated.


  • Wage: The Company shall pay you 42 thousand dollars per year.
  • Reimbursement of expenses: You shall be remunerated for all the necessary expenses you incur while carrying out your duties. What you ought to do is provide the company with receipts concerning such expenses.
  • Benefits: You will receive the company’s standard employee benefits, including insurance that will be subject to the company’s policy as such are in effect from time to time. You will also be entitled to a room and board.
  • Withholdings: Compensations paid to you under the agreement, shall be subject to withholdings, including salary and benefits as may be required by company’s general practices.

At-Will employment: Either party may terminate the agreement by writing a notice for any reason or no reason at any time. The agreement shall be thought to be at any will employment agreement and does not guarantee continuity of employment for another term.

Non-disclosure agreement: We wish to inform you that we do not wish to bring with you proprietary material or go against any obligation to your former employers. You will be required to sign the Company’s standard employee Non-disclosure agreement and Rights Assignment as a condition of your employment.

Further Assurances: Each party is expected to perform actions, execute and deliver reasonable documents necessary to carry out the intent of this agreement.

Authorization to Work: You will be required to demonstrate that you have permission to work, because of the federal regulations adopted.

Governing Law: This agreement shall be interpreted and governed according to the law of the state.

Notices: Communications allowed by law shall be in writing served and delivered personally by air courier, facsimiles and fees prepaid to the party and address or other address as may be required.

Assignments: Since the agreement is personal in nature, neither of the parties shall without consent, transfer any rights under this agreement except the company in the event of any assignment under the term of this section, the agreement shall be binding to the benefit of the successor and the successor shall perform all the requirements under the agreement.

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