Dissemination of health information in a healthcare organization requires a proper insight and coverage of the current management and technological issues related. The task of applying effectively the information systems involved in this rapidly changing environment is quite daunting. Investigation has been done on the influential forces or success factors that affect the deliverance services of healthcare institutions in a period of globalization and technological innovativeness.

The success factors are classified according to user characteristics (people), systems design and organizational characteristics. Users have individual differences including learning styles, cognitive behavior, user attitude and their expectations on what the health management information systems can do to them. Direct involvement of personnel and end users with system development acts as a morale booster to them increasing their hope and faith in the system (Tan 67). Systems design attributes include high performance of hardware and software, ease of learning or easing the system and the proper graphical user interface. The organizational features include its hierarchical structure involving management and culture. Support must come from top management to the rest of personnel towards a system to be adopted.

Integration of the practices leads to several implications such as quality information, where accurate and convenient data is provided. There is better management of data from when its collection by the people to the machines involved in its processing due to the interface (Payton 82). Security also assured as access to available data is controlled and only legitimate people gain access to the data. Intelligence is applied to the data stored and it is better utilized to yield more usable information.

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To secure data the information system should have a database that provides data sources from the two major data warehouses (master data and the transaction data warehouse). It can be shared and is accessible to the integrated health management information systems offices. In the implementation of the reviews, billing codes will be changed as per the physicians or the services that are added to the practice or even the new administrative staff that is hired (Tan 97). This maintains full operation of the system. Updating records on internal and external personnel resource who are on hire readily avails data when required in timely fashion.

Use of wireless notepads for the physicians and staff to make direct changes to patient records greatly improves the billing strategy as well as the referral system. Patients are quickly referred to their required physicians and their bills are analyzed easily. This increases effectiveness of treatment leading to more lives being saved as their historical records are brought to attention irrespective of location.

Management of the practice should check on the ability of the internal personnel resource and skill available is able to perform the work entailed. Any internal personnel or staff that is lacking or incompetent should be replaced by external resource through hiring (Payton 122). Trusted friends and colleagues should offer advice on consultants to hire. Additional training is also offered to ensure the practice has its own-trained staff.

End users should be involved in the implementation of the health management information systems so that they are engaged in the process. It promotes their attitude towards acceptance of an information system aimed at improving on health management (Tan 134). It also promotes the ease of learning and increases the machine user interface based o their overall use.

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