The term change is defined as an aspect of difference in the ways matters are carried out with reference to the previous methodologies. It is an undertaking that is usually perceived to be abstract, but has been proved to carry in it some sumptuous outcomes in various realms of life. In many instances, change has been perceived to bring a total difference in the way of life and operation in various institutions and societies. It is a feature of development and growth, though it is always difficult to bring it to existence (Barney & Ben, 2009).

Managers are always faced with the responsibility of ensuring that appropriate changes have taken place in the company or organisation.  To implement change, the managers have a variance of roles and responsibilities. First and foremost, it is the responsibility of the manager and the entire managerial team to show visible commitment to the changes that have to be embraced. This relates to the vision and the mission of the company. Every change comes with a new and clear vision and mission. These are the guiding principles of every particular change in the society. The manager must make sure that there are clearly set vision and missions of the company. The vision and the mission will foresee then outcomes and resultant effect of the implementation of the particular change in the company. The various departments in the company should be well equipped with vision and mission statements that should be adhered to in every aspect of life.  These mission and vision statements must be taken as the guiding principles in the adherences of the goals and objectives of the various departments in the company (Business & Legal Reports Inc, 2006).

Communication is one of the key factors that hold the future of any department or company. It is the responsibility and duty of the manager to make sure that he or she has communicated the particular change among all the members of the department. The employees have to be informed of the nature of the change and specifically the importance of the change to the company and to them. Communication in this perspective will involve the transfer of ideas from the managerial desk to all the workers of the department and the company as a whole. They need to understand the way in which the change will impact on them, and also the effects it will have on their way of working. This involves collecting of ideas of the members before implementing any change in the department (Corkery & International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 1998).

The manager has to take into consideration the empowerment of the members in the department so that they will contribute to the implementation of change in the department. As much as the members have to be respectful of the demands of the change itself, the manager has to listen to their demands and also respond to them accordingly with an aim of reaching a consensus over the right path to be undertaken by the new change.

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Change may be a good strategy for embracing increased production in a company or even department. However, some changes have not always assumed this premise, and thus the workers have always resisted them. In this case, the manager has a variance of responsibilities to undertake. Resistance to change is inevitable. The manager should develop a plan or a strategy, in the first place that will be used to manage any resistance. The plan should be centred on the particular issues that the workers will dispute with the change (Barney & Ben, 2009).

Secondly, the manager should understand that people resist change because of the perceived threats that may coma upon their lives as a result of the implementation of the change. The manager should strike efforts and also solicit supports that will make sure that these threats are identified among all the workers of the department and also of the entire company. This will further involve the manager's social effort of interacting with the workers in the right way possible in order to solicit for the threats. Having done this, the manager should dwell on communicating these threats to the workers in order to come up with an agreed plan that will safeguard the interests of both the workers and the managerial team as well as the interests of the department and the company as a whole( Hatry, 1993).

Assessment: this involves examination of the fulfilment of the set goals and objectives with regard to the implemented strategies of establishing these goals. It is the examination of the extent to which the goals and objectives of the change process have been achieved.

Planning: this refers to a process of establishing the appropriate pathways and strategies to arrive at the desired change within a company or department.

Implementation: implementation is the laying out of the established plan or strategy of change in the field. It involves involving the people and letting them embrace the nature and the outlook of the change process.

Evaluation: evaluation is the establishment of or a measure of the extent to which the strategies involved in the change process have resulted in the desired objectives. It involves the inquiry into the successes or the failures of the strategies that have involved in the implementation of the process of change in then department or the company.

In conclusion, change is a tool that has been used by many companies and departments to instil a level of good performance among the workers and even the facilities of the company. Though change is always hard to implement, it is inevitable to any developing company or department.

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