The current healthcare environment demands a fast pace of activities and high performance levels. This is so as to deal with the big number of patients who require immediate medical attention. Problems affecting the medical sector include: Lack of enough resources and staff call for an integration plan so that the activities in that healthcare facility will not crumble down. This is where the intervention plan comes in. Most intervention programs in hospitals usually target patients who are ailing from a particular disease. For instance, there are various intervention plans for the HIV patients. However, hospital management needs an intervention plan too so as to better the services.

The intervention plan should be inclusive of all aspects that affect the patients, doctors and nurses, as well as other members of staff. Medical intervention refers to activities that are in place to improve the health of a patient. It may also refer to initiatives aimed at changing the conditions that have negative impact on the well being of the patients. The intervention plan will ensure accountability from the medical practitioners, easy management, provide solutions to problems and beef up commitment of all people.

The intervention plan should address the following issues:

Management commitment

First of all the management is in charge of coming up with the intervention plan. Not everyone in the management comes up with the intervention plan, but a few selected individuals. However, the plan should reflect the needs of all stakeholders. So they have to check themselves first to ensure they are not just intervening on their subordinates only. The management should be committed to their responsibilities of controlling and coordinating all the activities in the hospital. Once the other employees sense that their managers are dedicated to their duties, they get the inspiration to work hard. Others will work hard out of fear of the management.

The management should inform all stakeholders about the intervention plan and what it holds for them. They should offer a variety of training and training aids, they should facilitate regular assessment of both the patients and the medical staff and offer coaching if needed. The management should also check the working environment, and make more friendly so as make it easy for the staff to work in accordance to the plan.

The management needs to come up with an intervention plan that goes in line with the vision and the mission of the hospital. It should not have any selfish interests, but encourage accountability, openness, credibility and better service delivery.

Medical partnership

Medical partnership is a core part of the plan in improving service delivery. Many medical institutions particularly the public ones do not have adequate facilities and personnel, so partnership is a way of aiding the situation. It enables resources to be pulled together for purposes of service delivery to all clients. In this case, it is easier since each partner contributes towards the kitty.

Secondly the intervention plan should entail Medical Legal Partnership (MLP) whereby the hospital partners with the office of the attorney or NGOs so that they can offer comprehensive medical attention to the needy. The hospital will treat the needy patients and refers them to the attorney so that they can be provided with the basic needs to help in the healing process. This is a way of giving back to the society.

 The intervention plan should encourage partnership with other medical institutions, especially the bigger ones. This is so that when they cannot handle a case they will refer a patient to that institution or even borrow a specialized doctor.

Ergonomic assessment committee

CDC defines ergonomic as the scientific study of people at work. The main objective of ergonomic is to ensure people adopt the right working culture and behavior in order to reduce stress and to eliminate work related injuries associated with overworking, poor posture and repeated tasks. Ergonomic is achieved by tasks and healthful work spaces which with the right tools furnishing the tasks. Such include proper lighting with regard to the employee’s capabilities.

The intervention plan should address the ergonomic issues, because employees are motivated to work when they work in a conducive environment. There should be a committee that deals with the physical, working environment. The committee should ensure all concerns with regard to the hospital’s physical working environment are dealt with. It should assess them to make sure they are done in the proper way. They should be designed with regard to the department a person is in. For instance, the facilities in the children’s ward should be different from those of the adults, same for the ICU and the regular wards. Different departments should be considered because they deal with different patients.

Job rotation

Job rotation is pre-planned management approaches where employees are shifted between two or more assignments at regular intervals. This is done to expose them to all sectors of an organization. Rotation also helps in reducing work monotony.

Hospitals have perfected the art of job rotation especially with regard to the nurses and general physicians.  Most nurses are trained to work in almost all sectors of the hospital, which is why rotation exists. It gives them experience in various departments within the hospital and thus equips them with a lot of skills.

The intervention plan should come up with ways of effectively managing Job rotation. Identifying the divisions that require job rotations and the specific tasks that should be done is necessary. Secondly specify employees which will be allowed in the job rotation, these should be disciplined employees and clarify whether the rotation is optional or mandatory in order to avoid confusions. Since it is a hospital environment the rotations should be made mandatory. Lastly a job-rotation policy should be written down to inform all the employees involved of what is required from them as 

Documentation and record-keeping

The hospital is an environment that is keen with statistics such as the mortality rate, birth rates etcetera. Documentation simply means the writing down of writing down of events whereas record keeping is the compiling of information and storing them in file or folders for administrative purposes. Records are usually kept for purposes of evidence in case of anything and for purposes of future reference too.

Hospital documentation and record keeping should be well organized to facilitate easy retrieval of information. The record keeping should follow the required Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, for instance records for patients with HIV should be only for patients with HIV and should not be mixed up with other records. The OSHA standards for record keep should be followed because it makes work more easy and neat. The standards have classified the hospital records into many different parts that can be easily documented and stored. The intervention plan should incorporate the use of technology in the storage of information. The technology ensures that information is safe for purposes of records and future reference. In addition, it protects information from unauthorized access. The use of computers especially is recommended. Not only do they provide storage for bulky data and hence help to avoid too much manual but they also provide for access of the information quickly whenever its required.

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